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!Moltar71EU 10/05/11(Wed)16:42 No.20399082>>20398717 I already fully explained both of the things you seem to be confused about in my original post.
>>20398734 >Why
is this a bad thing? Why is it bad to post and have your post judged on
it's own actual merit, rather than having it dismissed or ignored
because of identity baggage? I'm saying that tripcode
identified posting is better than anonymous posting. Anonymous posting
is not without its merits, namely what you have just noted right here.
Since you are respectfully civil in your response I'll reiterate my
original argument. Tripcode posting is better for two reasons.
1: Accepting personal responsibility for what it is you are posting 2: Alienating the vast majority of underaged shitposting retards who post anonymously
being afraid to take responsibility for your posts does not
automatically make any greater consideration spent on your identity
worth it. This sentence is somewhat confusing. Are you saying
that even if people aren't afraid to take responsibility for their
posts, they may have other aversions to being identified through a
tripcode? If so, yes there are going to be, for some people, personally
subjective variables to factor into this decision along with pure
>Any tripfag could be giving
glorious advice, but because they are a tripfag who may have a poor
relationship with another poster, their posts could get flamed,
filtered, trolled, and covered in shit-posts because their identity was
taken into consideration. Appeasing the masses of shit posting
retards who cry and complain about tripcode users is not an acceptable
reason for sacrificing mature and responsible discussion. |