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    Portland, OR folks: THANKS FOR COMING OUT EVERYONE!!!!! And thanks for the cake, cakeguy! It was delicious.

    File : 1317836882.jpg-(71 KB, 357x325, killallnerds.exe.jpg)
    71 KB US and friends sign the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:48 No.20396176
    Guess what happened you guys?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:49 No.20396194
    And nothing of value was lost.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:51 No.20396218
    they're broke why does this not come as a surprise?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:51 No.20396225
    Hasn't this been in the UK a while? Because me and my friends pirate the fuck out of everything and nothing has happened, yet.
    >> BluX !c7ejyr/RUk 10/05/11(Wed)13:51 No.20396226
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:52 No.20396232
    Seriously, the Internet was a _much_ better place when no-one was bothering with violating copyright all day every day.
    >> uglytrucklet !wYfZdfYgSs 10/05/11(Wed)13:56 No.20396279
         File1317837396.jpg-(10 KB, 202x30, should get more.jpg)
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    >$160,000 per song
    let me check my HDD
    statute of limitations all up in this bitch
    >not according to rules
    shit, i can be sued for the GDP of a medium sized country?

    like they could even get a penny out of me.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:59 No.20396314
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)13:59 No.20396322
    slavery is coming back to the USA
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:00 No.20396326
    Time to start being actual pirates. We should march ourselves down to a big studio and plunder all their shit. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:01 No.20396343
    >i can be sued for the GDP of a medium sized country
    That's what filthy terrorist like you get.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:06 No.20396408
    fuck yes cut out their tongues and sell them for billions of dollars
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:08 No.20396427
    What exactly does that change?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:08 No.20396433
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    >Only thing I ever download besides images and open-source software is random video game tracks on YouTube
    Nah I think I'm safe.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:10 No.20396461
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:10 No.20396471
    20051 songs
    $3,208,160,000 owed.

    I'd like to see them actually charge me for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:11 No.20396487
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:13 No.20396511
         File1317838388.jpg-(60 KB, 583x600, 1317825382678.jpg)
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    >DD: Up: 286.45 GB Down: 0 Ratio: INF
    >LFM: Upload: 113.61 GB Download: 6.41 GB Ratio: 17.721
    >IPT: Uploaded:27.95 GB Downloaded: 0 kB Ratio: INF
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:13 No.20396520
    They don't need to. They work by slavery through debt. They can legally own you until you pay it off.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:13 No.20396524
         File1317838424.jpg-(79 KB, 1008x358, 1311829643658.jpg)
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    I could only be sued for $437,440,000

    I feel like less of a man.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:15 No.20396555
    The ACTA will never be approved by the EU under that name after the giant PR flop of last year.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:17 No.20396565
    wonder if they'll be selling off their slaves to sweatshops, are slaves transferable?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:18 No.20396589
    They won't sell you in that manner. They don't care what you work at, but whatever you earn will be theirs. It's no different from student loans today, only this is another way to achieve the same result of slavery.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:19 No.20396596
    Among other things, the accord demands governments make it unlawful to market devices that circumvent copyright, such as devices that copy encrypted DVDs without authorization

    Neeto, I was tired of have control over media that I obtained legally. Freedom, freedom, freedom, Oy!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:20 No.20396603
    oh I see I was thinking of sweatshops, guess they can just take 99% of your paycheck too
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:20 No.20396613
    What changes for pirates?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:23 No.20396654
    Nothing, but those who obey the law get fucked again
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:25 No.20396684
    So you mean this entire fiasco will do absolutely nothing but encourage pirating?
    I still don't completely understand what all this means for anyone or what it will ultimately do.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:27 No.20396697
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:27 No.20396714
    >implying everyone isn't a debt slave
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:28 No.20396715
    its meant to discourage piracy by increasing the penalties for piracy, in reality the smarter pirates will find a way around it and so the only people that are affected are the low level pirates such as children and old people
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:28 No.20396721
    oh come on man tl;dr, someone summarize that for me
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:30 No.20396759
    So about GDN... Where is this thing being organized?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:31 No.20396770
    no he means that:

    >pirates already have to do a bit of work to pirate. By this changes nothing in that they still have to do work while they pirate

    >law abiding citizens will now have to jump through more hoops and DRM shit which will be a pain in the ass to use.

    Basically, pirates continue to pirate, law abiding citizens have to suffer.

    P.S. Do you want you want cus a pirate is free.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:32 No.20396801
    pirating rage right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:34 No.20396821
         File1317839640.jpg-(62 KB, 403x396, 1316999066129.jpg)
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    That's what I fucking thought
    Jews are so hilariously pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:36 No.20396853
         File1317839783.jpg-(32 KB, 288x345, king_obama_tut.jpg)
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    >Until European Union authorities began leaking the document’s text, the Obama administration was claiming the accord was a "national security" secret.

    Cool story nigger.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:37 No.20396867
    What I was taught in school:
    >US government is a system of three branches and no branch is more important than the other to prevent out of control government

    What I learned outside of school
    >The executive branch is the most important branch and has the ability to bypass checks and balances when it feels its necessary for "national security"
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:45 No.20396990
    What does this mean for private trackers?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:47 No.20397027
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:49 No.20397041
    You forgot to put a trademark at the end of that.
    Afraid we're going to have to put you down.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:51 No.20397061
    It wasn't like that before the 80s, and it wasn't a problem until Bush II.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:52 No.20397075
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:54 No.20397129
    I would like to know this as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:55 No.20397141
    That is implying that a Republican (hint: obama is a republican) wouldn't do the same thing. They would do this and ten more laws benefiting their campaign contributes.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:57 No.20397163

    Obama is the exact opposite of a Republican.

    He's the reason our country is in shambles.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:58 No.20397179
    You have no idea what you're talking about. Today's republicans are just socially conservative liberals.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:58 No.20397181
    You don't know shit. Things would be better if he were an actual Liberal, instead of a 1980s Republican that keeps going further to the right to convince you utter fucking idiots that he isn't a Communistic Mao Mao.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:58 No.20397186
    how about you look up what has passed, and not passed under his administration.
    Look up what he has veto'd and not.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:59 No.20397202
    >Today's republicans are just socially conservative liberals.
    No, today's Democrats are just socially conservative republicans.

    Republicans today are insane, off the cliff and spectrum conservacunts.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)14:59 No.20397206
         File1317841176.png-(37 KB, 399x788, gdp.png)
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    >shit, i can be sued for the GDP of a medium sized country?

    >thinks the GDP of a medium sized country is in the one billion dollar

    pic related: antigua and barbuda is a medium sized country
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:00 No.20397221
         File1317841238.gif-(47 KB, 600x491, gwb_torch_pass.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:01 No.20397242
    socially liberal*
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:02 No.20397263
    Ah, now it makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:04 No.20397291
         File1317841488.jpg-(130 KB, 500x394, 1299801683278.jpg)
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    Are you kidding me?

    Obama is extremely left wing.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:05 No.20397307
         File1317841530.jpg-(60 KB, 600x474, 1317354519753.jpg)
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    does it matter? Anyone calling themselves a 'career politician' is death to our country.
    The problem really is the fault of the citizen. We don't stand up for ourselves we let big government rape us daily and ask for me. blah blah rant rant.

    pic related we got ourselves into this mess
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:05 No.20397309
    You really aren't paying attention or are genuinely politically retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:06 No.20397319
    >implying this changes anything
    >implying they will enforce this
    >implying anyone actually gives a flying fuck
    >> lol_Intel !wRSkxWsuVs 10/05/11(Wed)15:06 No.20397324

    Lol'd at the fact that you actually wasted time to look that up. He was probably just intentionally exaggerating with that comment anyhow.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:06 No.20397328
    No he's not, look at what he does, not what he says.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:06 No.20397335
    And this won't mean shit as long as you don't get caught in the first place. I've never gotten a single letter/email because I don't download like a retard and use secure methods.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:08 No.20397354
    So I only got to pay 240 million dollars.
    Sure thing, I'll get right on that mr RIAA.

    I think its cute just how desperate the MPAA/RIAA are try and keep control on the market. Not to mention how easy it is to sway the US government if you got a big enough lobby working at it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:10 No.20397398
    and what are these secure methods?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:14 No.20397479
    I'm calling it he won't give a good answer.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:16 No.20397524

    >4chan - /g/
    >say other people waste time

    and i didn't "look it up". i already knew the range of gdp countries have. I just needed an image to go with it instead of just posting a url. also i don't buy the covering up ignorance as exaggeration.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:17 No.20397537
    if you arn't using private trackers/pay to pirate or are just a plain torrent newfag don't go and download an entire season of house right after it airs, try and use old torrents with good reviews and don't torrent like a maniac 24/7
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:18 No.20397565
    Most worthless post I've read all day.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:22 No.20397631
    Mediafire/Demonoid. Occasionally TPB if it's something I can't find anywhere and no one would give a shit about.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:29 No.20397769
    Are the private trackers safe? If so then I have nothing to worry about. If not.... I'm fucked.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:30 No.20397786
    they called ACTA a treaty. don't need congressional approval to sign a treaty.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:31 No.20397804
    Might want to get that autism checked.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:33 No.20397838
    ...... yes you do, at least the senate. 2/3s of the senate has to "consent", giving the president the power to ratify it.

    Remember the Republican senators threatening to not allow the START treaty to go through?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:37 No.20397906
    >implying i have 6.400.000.000 worth of songs son
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:39 No.20397932

    You don't need approval to SIGN it, but it won't come into effect until the Senate ratifies it
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:39 No.20397936
    >song for sale on most websites at $.99
    >charging $16,000 per son
    No, really. Isn't it against the law to charge this much? Shouldn't it be the same as it is with shoplifting? Where you have to pay 10x the cost of the item you were stealing? Shouldn't it only be $9.90 per son MAX? What in the actual FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397965
    If you deny to pay you spend time in prison. Or file for bankruptcy so all debts owed are negligible
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397966
    This is where piracy != stealing bites you in the ass. You're infringing copyright.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397968
    Corporations make the laws.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397969
    I'd like a son for only 10 bucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397970
    Good thing I have, ipt, tl, btn, bitgamer.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:41 No.20397976

    It's unconstitutional of course. The treaty is pointless.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:42 No.20397988
    the scary part about this is that they can fabricate it and abuse it any way they want. now replace "they" with any corporation of government politician. scary huh?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:43 No.20398002
    The constitution doesn't matter if the right people want this to go through.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:44 No.20398027
    >hurrr what is the supreme court
    go be alarmist on reddit
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:45 No.20398032
    If any of you took American history you would know America has been doing this since the 1765 stamp tax want into effect. Except America were the dirty pirates. Everything shifted after the 1861 then copyrights came into effect. And we should of never taken Texas from mexico
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:46 No.20398049
    And you never "should of" graduated high school
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:49 No.20398104
         File1317844144.png-(22 KB, 381x498, justmylaptop.png)
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    This is just my laptop...
    Those fuckers should see my desktop...
    There are no .txt files in here, just music in Artist>Album>Song folder format...

    10,828 Individual songs
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:55 No.20398211
    So does that technically make you a billionaire? If you steal 1.6 billion dollars, that makes you a billionaire right?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:56 No.20398241
    I've got 8 terabyte hard drives full of Xbox 360 games.

    Im a trillionaire
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:57 No.20398242

    You might be onto something here.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:57 No.20398243
    He's right. We're all sitting on fucking treasure here you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:57 No.20398253
    does this go for people who torrent or just people who make money off of pirated goods?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)15:58 No.20398272
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:02 No.20398327
    We should all email the RIAA and tell them we've got a deal for them.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:06 No.20398391
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    Who else is part of the $7,298,100,000 club?
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:15 No.20398562
    Okay so
    wait a second
    WHAT IF we make a file-sharing protocol under a license that preempts copyright holders and their agents/investigators?
    Then you could sue them for exorbitant amounts of money simply for violating the user-agreement.
    >> !/Ab.HaEROE 10/05/11(Wed)16:28 No.20398802
         File1317846505.jpg-(20 KB, 288x467, what.jpg)
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    >Obama anywhere near the center, let alone left
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:45 No.20399108
    $1,040,000,000 just for my music.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:48 No.20399158
    I like the way you're thinking.
    Other than that let's see:
    1414 songs on my music + about 5000outside on random archives and 150.000 per infringement:

    962.100 moniz.
    Now if we add the movies i have on my desktop...
    Oh praise the heavens i'm living in the EU.
    I have a few more years before they sign it and I get sued for a couple billions...
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)16:50 No.20399198
    About a million and a half here.
    I don't even care.
    My country will be bankrupt by the end of the year anyway.
    >> And I'm !ObamaSWSkk 10/05/11(Wed)16:51 No.20399218
    Well nope.
    Goodbye 4chon. You've been missed.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:00 No.20399375
         File1317848443.jpg-(69 KB, 720x406, imgthe big lebowski4.jpg)
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    This shit will not stand man

    I wonder when the first 100 song perp will be caught and a good amount of people will riot.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:03 No.20399421
    May I say something.
    I really don't know how things are (legally speaking) oin the US. but at least in Europe something like that would be impractical.
    for two reasons. One political and one legal.
    In a lot of European countries parties that support the legalisation of piracy have entered the parliaments (like i think sweden, and in berlin with a 9% percentage)

    Legally, in the european countries that have the principle of proportionaloty in their constitutions
    (like as far as i know Germany, France, Italy, Greece and others) every civil compensation action with a punitive character would be considered unconstitutional.
    That means that only compensating the company for the exact amount of money you cost it would stand legally.

    Then again it wouldn't be the first time we forgot about our constitutions.

    Either way this stuff is potentially very dangerous for a the vast majority of people who couldn't possibly have that much money.

    Though the european convention for the human rights allows imprisoning someone only for debts he CAN but WON'T pay, and certainly not for when he can't repay even if he wanted, there is tha danger of billing someone with enough money that he and his offspring will need to continue repaying it pretty much indefinitely (effectively creating a modern rendition of the Roman Nexus).

    Lawfag out.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:06 No.20399470
    Who cares? I mean it's not like if I didn't have the money to buy software/Media...

    I just hope that they lower the prices of Media/Software, some software is too overpriced and that they make new ways to distribute (like steam etc).
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:07 No.20399497
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:08 No.20399514
         File1317848925.jpg-(21 KB, 450x319, mexicofan.jpg)
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    I was about to leave this horrible country, but they ended up boycotting ACTA.

    Lol amerifags
    Enjoy your thought police and internet censoring while I have access to unlimited piracy.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:10 No.20399542
         File1317849049.png-(2.77 MB, 1920x1040, vlcsnap-2011-10-05-22h09m02s44.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:17 No.20399636
    >Mexico will sign it in the future.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:19 No.20399673
    Like the government even gives a single fuck what you download or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:20 No.20399681
    No they won't, there was an article in the local newspaper yesterday about how the treaty was unanimously criticized in the congress and they even said that no further discussion is necessary because they won't accept it.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:23 No.20399709
    >only half a billion dollars

    I need to get downloading clearly.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:24 No.20399719
    Just try and get my $796 billion dollars worth of music!
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:27 No.20399750
    What a shit hole, your country is so uncivilised that won't even protect intellectual property.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:31 No.20399809
         File1317850317.jpg-(79 KB, 560x560, 1251328597055.jpg)
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    It has always been a shithole, but it's a paradise for a NEET like me.
    >> ‮knuJ ro ecilA____‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‭⋆Suigintou⋆‬‬‬‬ !c/Alice/AE!!8/hha0Bj6cM 10/05/11(Wed)17:35 No.20399858
         File1317850553.jpg-(49 KB, 848x480, snapshot20091005203120.jpg)
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    Madness. Although it's to be expected when Jews run the world.

    Thankfully they don't care about the important things in life.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/11(Wed)17:36 No.20399863
    >paradise for a NEET
    The only people who have a decent standard of living are the upper middle class.

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