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    File : 1317677341.jpg-(74 KB, 505x758, lady-gaga-01.jpg)
    74 KB Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:29 No.20359885  
    ITT we summarize our Linux experience.

    I'll start.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:30 No.20359913
    Ubuntu works.
    >> ❀.•❤•.✿Scott Steiner Number One Fan❀.•❤•.✿ !Aot.PknZ.M 10/03/11(Mon)17:31 No.20359929
    no drivers
    >> Dan the [Beast] Man !!JDM0wWHDld8 10/03/11(Mon)17:32 No.20359937
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:32 No.20359946
    Difficult at first, as everything is. Great for the long midway. Saddening towards the end.

    Uninstalled for VS10, Skype, and a handful of games.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:32 No.20359947
    Today I learned that Windows has symlinks.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:33 No.20359949
    This shit's like Super DOS!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:33 No.20359950
         File1317677590.jpg-(89 KB, 512x368, spongebobbu.jpg)
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    >Install Fedora, feels like windows and I don't see the big deal about loonix

    >Two years later install gentoo and learn while building a system

    And I had fun while doing it.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:33 No.20359955
    fucking permissions, how do they work?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:33 No.20359958

    >had to download wireless drivers on windows
    >ubuntu, mint, debian and crunchbang had them straight away.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:34 No.20359959
    Forever a wasted partition.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:34 No.20359965
    >spend an entire evening compiling and ricing out Gentoo
    >1 day later I get bored of no vidya so I switch back to Windows 7
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:34 No.20359970
    Modules... similar shit but harder.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:35 No.20359983
    Buggy, unstable, no software.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:35 No.20359987
    >install ubuntu for "system administration class"
    >make servers on it
    >make VoIP server on CentOS for the same class
    >move away from windows to debian forever
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:36 No.20360001
    >ubuntu is working
    >install arch
    >nothing is working
    >back to ubuntu then...
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:37 No.20360024
         File1317677865.jpg-(37 KB, 367x512, 1276730776854.jpg)
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    >Try to download software to install it
    >Oh god wtf
    >learn what a package manager is
    >OH MY GOD
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:38 No.20360032
    as unresponsive as windows, but with more problems and left alone.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:39 No.20360055
    >day 1
    >day 7
    >gettin' used to this, pretty good
    >day 30
    >ugh, this is stupid. Windows time.
    >reinstall Windows
    >one month later
    >have strong urge to reinstall Linux
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:41 No.20360080
    >install ubuntu
    >hate it
    >uninstall it
    >GRUB remains
    >fucks up my computer
    >requires the Windows repair disc an command prompt to fix
    Windows saves the day again.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:41 No.20360082
    Finally god-tier OS
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:42 No.20360099
    >install Ubuntu for dual boot
    >NIC isn't working
    >spend hours trying to find a driver, no luck
    >fuck it

    I guess if I ever lock myself out of Windows, I can get in through Ubuntu...
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:44 No.20360131
    I did not know that, thanks! Too bad it doesn't seem to work by default in XP (which I am forced to use at work...), seems like there is a way to set it up though. Thanks for sharing!

    >Use ubuntu
    >It's ok, too bad ati doesn't have any drivers so everything lags all the time
    >Back to windows
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:44 No.20360136
    If you had compiled your own kernel this would have never happened.

    I got my standard NIC and wiimax card both set up properly the first time I installed linux. Because I actually read up on the shit before installing.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:44 No.20360141
         File1317678268.jpg-(26 KB, 289x400, stallman.jpg)
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    I feel like a magician on his path to become a wizard.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:45 No.20360160
         File1317678322.png-(20 KB, 493x466, 1315816646254.png)
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    A good live-CD tool for moving and resizing Windows partitions. 20 years of development sure have payed off. Otherwise... not so useful, cuz no programs.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:45 No.20360167
    >install Ubuntu
    Damn, this is fine. Everybody always says that Linux is a buggy piece of shit with no drivers or software, this is a very well-designed piece of work. Why do...
    >migrate from Ubuntu
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:45 No.20360175
    >install mandrake, try forcing myself to use it for a couple of weeks, it totally sucks
    >forget about it and use windows
    >my computer dies and I get a new one
    >use windows for a while, then install ubuntu
    >it's good
    >stop using windows at all after a month, use ubuntu for two years, then switch to debian
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:47 No.20360202
    The only use for Linux I have are bootable antivirus scanners. They are Linux based, I guess because it's free for that and Windows isn't.

    But Linux as a desktop OS? Not ready (yet).
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:48 No.20360214
    If I needed to use Linux, then I would compile my own kernel, but I don't, so I didn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:50 No.20360242
    I need a better image viewer and media player for Ubuntu. The default plays videos pretty badly.

    And a viewer for .cbr, .cbz, .pdf, etc

    I didn't find any so fuck the earth
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:52 No.20360278
    Start using Yggdrasil live CD. Can't get ProAudio Spectrum 16 to work without massive effort. Fiddle with it Linux for years, give up, use Windows XP. No more updates and Windows 7 comes out, don't want to buy. Try various Linuxes--mint, SuSE, RedHat--they suck for a variety of reasons. Use Ubuntu. Hey, this is nice. Ubuntu goes to Unity. The fuck did they do that for? Buy a copy of Win 7.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:52 No.20360280
    I find funny people who say linux is 'not ready for desktop user' have never used linux for more than an hour and did it using a live CD. The only reasons I can think for not using linux would be: Essential windows-only program that don't have a alternative, run on wine or not feasible to run on a vm, gaymes and compatibility problems with current hardware.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:52 No.20360286
    Why not Gentoo?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:53 No.20360295

    Dude, it's not the '90s anymore. You don't need to compile a kernel unless your shit is way weird.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:53 No.20360307
    Ubuntu -> Linux Mint -> Arch (for 1 week) -> Debian -> Gentoo -> Debian

    Been sticking with Debian for more than a year now.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:53 No.20360308

    From wikipedia:
    "The last release of Yggdrasil was in 1995."

    How fucking old are you?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:54 No.20360316
    Aren't those reasons enough? They're my reasons, anyway.
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)17:54 No.20360318
    I am a genius.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:54 No.20360322
    A number of Ubuntu's default applications are batshit retarded and inferior to the de facto standards, like Totem and whatever shitty photo program they have now. It's mind boggling.
    For a video player, use SMPlayer, and Ristretto is a good image viewer; also, DeaDBeeF is similar to foobar2000 as far as end use goes.
    Not sure what to do about a viewer for those other files, though; most I ever need to deal with regarding documents is MS Office stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:55 No.20360326
    dude get your hipster ass out of here, us neckbreads refer to others as warlocks and mages

    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:55 No.20360330
    I ❤ ricing.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:55 No.20360332
    Hated the experience because the ubuntu community is filled with high horse individuals. Not only that but my GPU was rnot running at its finest s
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:55 No.20360338
    Yggdrasil was the first Linux distro I've heard of.

    Probably older than me. First distro I used was redhat linux in '99. Back before it was enterprise server distribution.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:56 No.20360343
    Needing a program to use another program is a bit more work than the average computer user wants to do. You're not the average computer user.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:56 No.20360349
    Agreed. It comes down to compatibility of a few essential programs. For me (>>20359946) it was VS10, Skype, and some games (Starcraft 1, Diablo 1/2, League of Legends). The latter of the three could of worked, but I was too damned lazy.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:56 No.20360354
    >use SMPlayer
    If he's using Gnome he should use Gnome Mplayer to avoid all those QT dependencies
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:57 No.20360367
    this. same shit all year
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:57 No.20360369
    Thank you guys
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:58 No.20360374
    Yes, but many people go the extra mile to say they MIGHT need to use those programs, or are thieving cunts that pirated them and aren't willing to use free alternatives. Also, many of them don't even *try* to use Wine or a VM before judging.
    Not to mention the thousands of people that have come into ONE little issue and just quit immediately.
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)17:58 No.20360381
    Okay - further elaboration
    >lol all these arch linux screenshots in /g/ desktop threads look cool!
    >install linux mint
    >linux mint doesn't make me feel like a cool hacker
    >run a bunch of "hardcore" distros for a while
    >wait, why am I making my life harder than it should be?
    >settle with ubuntu and debian
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:59 No.20360401
    automatic package updating makes computer go boom
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)17:59 No.20360408
    use ubuntu for a few months
    try to use as much command line as possible
    switch to arch+xmonad
    everything works beautifully
    i have never gotten so much utility out of my computer
    i have never knew computers could be so powerful
    i was a physics major but the experience was so beautiful that i started learning programming
    read sicp and worked with haskell
    i have an internship that pays me 45 dollars an hour to work on interesting problems in a great environment with cool peoples

    im very happy
    thank you linux
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:00 No.20360417
    >switch back to windows because I like being productive
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:00 No.20360424
    >tried it out, seemed interesting
    >after a week got tired of compiling everything and using wine
    >tried Ubuntu, child's play compared to Gentoo
    >set Ubuntu as my primary OS
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:01 No.20360431
    >posted on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:01 No.20360432
    There is Skype for linux, starcraft and diablo (don't know about LoL) run right out of the box with wine. Even if VS10 works in wine it is probably better to not do it, so for you VS makes linux not an option unless you can deal with it on a VM.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:02 No.20360440
    That's the world of computers for you.

    I was at my friend's place yesterday and his girlfriend couldn't figure out why she couldn't log on to her computer. It turns out she had checked "use dial-up connection" and they have broadband.

    People are idiots with computers. They don't read things on the screen.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:02 No.20360453
    If you have problem with all of 3 then really don't use windows. But most people don't have a problem with neither.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:03 No.20360462
    >If you have problem with all of 3 then really don't use windows.

    But.. windows is the only thing that solves all three?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:05 No.20360483

    he probably meant "don't use linux"
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:05 No.20360489
    Thanks about Skype. Not so sure about Starcraft and Diablo, they were still silver/bronze rated Q1 this year. If that changed, that is great!

    About VS10. Yeah for sure. My computer isn't that brilliant, and I don't want to risk something bugging out while in the middle of something (as to the virtual machine I mean.)
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:05 No.20360494
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:07 No.20360527
    Encounter 1:
    >learn 'bout linux and multibooting
    >install Mint on laptop
    >mysteriously halves battery life
    >nobody on any of the IRC channels I tried could figure out why
    >go back to win 7

    Encounter 2:
    >decide to force myself to learn CLI
    >buy old (1997) laptop off ebay
    >try over a dozen different distributions, both modern and contemporary to the laptop
    >not one of them supports the video hardware properly
    >install windows 98
    >laptop closed on my desk
    >haven't touched it in weeks

    Dammit I want to use linux but every time it makes me feel like I'm bleeding from my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:08 No.20360538
    I see. Still, I'd really like to use an open OS, and hate that Windows is so bloody ubiquitous. Those things just make it so hard to change over though.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:09 No.20360555
         File1317679768.jpg-(109 KB, 784x439, idiocracy-tv-dvd111[1].jpg)
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    Pretty much. Ever closer we come to completely idiot-geared computers.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:10 No.20360567
    My college kids at work love this place. I love annoying them by knowing about it and tending to know more about Windows then they do.

    1996 - see it at someone's place. Seems nicer then the really old & cranky BSD system they used to have when I was still in school

    1998 - try it on an old system. Nice enough but the ISP I had hated Macs with a passion; they wouldn't support anything but Windows 95/98

    1999 - switch ISPs since old one was fucking up my billing. Try Linux again, get it online. Set up a dual boot on my old DOS box.
    2000 - Switch to RedHat after hearing it was nicer & easier. Drop it by year's end after it completely destroys an upgrade, compiling anything non-trivial from source tends to break the system (you never want to see a broken libc upgrade), and doing any admin stuff outside of linuxconf tends to be erased by linuxconf even when it doesn't control that something.

    2001 - switch to Debian. Also try Slackware & a few others. From the start of the year I'm running Linux full time on one box, and the other is for games and the occasional thing I can't do.

    2002 - Linux is primary machine. Windows box only booted for games and since I hate the growing push to multplayer/MMORPG I decide I probably won' need a gaming box much longer.

    2004 - Decide to cold turkey WINE. No more Windows box for games.

    2009 - build current i7 box. Share build experience w/ co-worker. His windows install + drivers + software took 2 evenings. Mine took 1 hour, including the time to compile a new kernel (NIC wasn't supported in one on cd) and importing package list from old system.

    2011 - Play w/ Windows 7 at work. Realize that I haven't tried to rely on Windows on a daily basis at home for 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:11 No.20360572
    Encounter 3:
    >install mint 9 XFCE on grandmother's 3 year old laptop
    >works fine for a month
    >somehow loses the wireless card
    >wireless switch does nothing
    >pirate XP for her, freeware security software on limited user account, never have to fuck with it again
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:11 No.20360576
    ...Windows 8?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:12 No.20360588
    I'm using a old version of wine (the current one in debian official repos) and have both installed, both work flawlessly (diablo 2 and starcraft).

    With a VM it wouldn't act weird, the problem with a VM is it is inconvenient. If I used VS I probably would run it on a VM, unless I worked fulltime on it.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:13 No.20360608
    Oh cool. I'll give GNU/Linux a try again then!
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:14 No.20360620
    Ding ding.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:14 No.20360625

    thanks for this, awesome player.
    >> lol_Intel !wRSkxWsuVs 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.20360637
         File1317680171.jpg-(28 KB, 500x333, 1286218977564.jpg)
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    >install Arch Linux
    >nothing works
    >go back to Windows
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.20360647
         File1317680179.jpg-(54 KB, 562x437, 1315098070557..jpg)
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    >"install gentoo" "install gentoo"
    >why the hell not
    >boot up gentoo live
    >mfw I even had to load my own ethernet drivers
    >init 6
    >eject disc drive
    >boot up windows
    >remove the iso
    >with 10 passes of random data
    And stay dead.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.20360665
    no drivers
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:16 No.20360667
    >laptop boot menu full of OSs, memory tests, grub etc
    >brother turns on the PC and immediately press enter
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:17 No.20360678
    i'm laughing pretty hard at these posts
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:17 No.20360681
    >Install Ubuntu from CD
    >Everything works
    >Learn about APT
    >It gets better
    >Things break
    >Free and effective online support
    >Things are fixed very quickly through terminal commands
    >Never look back
    >Toy around with different distros
    >It's a bit more effort and would be good in dedicated environments
    >Retain Windows for games
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:18 No.20360690
         File1317680294.jpg-(79 KB, 331x319, cool.jpg)
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    >implying im not on arch linux
    >everything works
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:18 No.20360706
         File1317680338.jpg-(34 KB, 350x401, 1317185058582.jpg)
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    >Install Ubunto 11.04
    >Use it for 45 minutes
    >Doesn't like it

    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:20 No.20360730
    >install Ubuntu
    Cool shit
    >use for a few months
    >want games
    Windows tiem
    >windows takes fucking forever to boot
    >realise how annoying windows updates are
    >realise simple shit like the firefox opens slower
    >realise how much I miss bash
    >realise how shitty windows UI is
    back to Ubuntu.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:20 No.20360731
         File1317680420.png-(118 KB, 1032x1023, 1316426110866.png)
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    >install latest Ubuntu in VirtualBox to build some code
    >get tortured by the unity gui
    >unity gui mysteriously vanishes when i login as another user
    >try sharing the folder with my code in
    >doesn't mount anywhere
    >find out the only way i can see it is by using nautilus, can't actually mount it in the filesystem
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:21 No.20360746
    >>try sharing the folder with my code in
    >>doesn't mount anywhere
    >>find out the only way i can see it is by using nautilus, can't actually mount it in the filesystem

    wait what? why?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:22 No.20360769
    There's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:22 No.20360771
         File1317680573.jpg-(21 KB, 800x526, facepalm_picard.jpg)
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    Install Ubuntu after a terrible experience with it years ago on a laptop.
    Internet works. Mouse works.
    Hmm, this seems better. They must have fixed that driver bingo shit I had to play last time.

    . . . keyboard doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:23 No.20360774
    whats the arrow supposed to mean? i mean you could be giving each the other one value but the arrow would have to be <- that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:23 No.20360778
    Back in 09 I think it was I had Ubuntu 9.04. It was simple and worked. Then last year in 2010 I tried Xubuntu(whatever the latest version was in November/December 2011) on an old Dell Dimension 2400. It was light weight and was very akin to Ubuntu 9.04.

    This year I tried Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04. Bloated, ugly, fucking garbage. Nothing works, everything lags. Multiple reboot requests just from installing programs.

    Tried Kubuntu and it's alright. Like it more than I don't and could see it as my main OS if I didn't game.

    Last night I download Xubuntu because I needed to whip out the old Dell since my PSU in my gaming rig is dead. Jesus Christ what the fuck happened? It's a "light weight" operating system THAT HAS A FUCKING DOCK?! Who was in charge of this? It lagged like a piece of shit and I said fuck it and uninstalled it.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.20360795
         File1317680662.jpg-(243 KB, 600x482, 1314055882318..jpg)
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    >he can't deduct the meaning of the arrow from the context
    Take your shit and leave.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.20360800
    >install babbys firs- ubuntu
    >Pretty cool, get the hang of compileing from source, terminal etc.
    >Use it when I just want interwebs/failbook etc.
    >Don't want to lose my gaymes in winblows, wine is a pile of shit for anything more modern than monkey island 1

    Few months later

    >Delete ubuntu to install kubuntu
    >OMG even better
    >oh and fglrx sucks, install it and lag everywhere. open source ftw (assumeing I don't need 3d much)

    Planning to ditch winblows fullstop once I get a new gaymin desktop
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.20360805

    Fuck I hate Unity. And the whole Ubuntu One crap. Why can't there be one easy to use, not shitty linux distro that doesn't try to set standards.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.20360806
    If you have a solution that doesn't require opening the terminal, i'm all ears.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.20360807
    >keyboard doesn't work

    what fucking keyboard....


    >This year I tried Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04. Bloated, ugly, fucking garbage. Nothing works, everything lags. Multiple reboot requests just from installing programs.
    >tried Kubuntu and liked it more
    You can't bitch about bloat and say you like kubuntu
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:24 No.20360813
    He means that's the order in which he's tried different GNU+Linux distributions.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:25 No.20360816
         File1317680718.gif-(462 KB, 250x188, 1303390964983.gif)
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    >If you have a solution that doesn't require opening the terminal
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:25 No.20360822
    then why don't you simply fucking remove the things you dislike?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:25 No.20360830
    Ubuntu has officially gone from being Linux's saving grace to its greatest enemy. It's disturbing how badly the developers annihilate the default DEs of the various Ubuntu versions when the default DE is just fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:25 No.20360831
    Idk, was/were he/you implying that once have a bigger value? like >?

    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:25 No.20360832
    >Use windows for years
    >play with ubuntu every so often
    >doesn't work yet
    >but a prebuilt nas device
    >linux is on that
    >install ubuntu 9
    >it works better but still not ready for linux as a main os
    >continue to mess about with linux distros as they are upraded
    >install fedora 15
    >install virtual box with xp
    >not to bad
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:26 No.20360843
    I don't even know what you were trying to do. I'm assuming share the folder between users? In that case, as the user who owns the files, right click and fuck with the permissions
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:26 No.20360849
         File1317680812.jpg-(22 KB, 216x500, then999.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:26 No.20360851
    Use linux.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:27 No.20360853

    I did. It left all kinds of shit behind and still sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:27 No.20360855
    >using GNU+Linux
    >afraid of the terminal
    what is this i dont even
    If GNU+Linux is a hobbyist OS, maybe it should be left to the hobbyists.
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:27 No.20360859
    > GNU+Linux
    lol is stallman your girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:27 No.20360865
         File1317680869.jpg-(60 KB, 468x316, 1273734764215.jpg)
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    The interface sucks but the insides are top notch.

    Pic kinda related.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:28 No.20360872
    >can't into Gnome Classic
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:28 No.20360873
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:28 No.20360877
    >ditch winblows fullstop
    >with gaming desktop
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:28 No.20360879

    It's a server OS that hobbyists have hacked to sort of but not quite make work on the desktop.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:29 No.20360889
    I meant ditch it on my laptop... sorry.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:29 No.20360892
    He's mai waifu.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:29 No.20360896
    >Wipe HDD
    >Put Ubuntu USB -> Instal l->Additional drivers and non free etc etc YES
    >1 hour later, Ready.
    >get rid of Unity, use ubuntu classic
    >Install Minecraft
    >runs like crap
    >Turn off
    >Insert Windows 7 DVD
    >ubuntu comes with more drivers and works more out-of-the-box that Windowsw
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:29 No.20360898

    Yes, I can. Don't be stupid. It doesn't change the fact that Unity sucks and the rest of Ubuntu is following, kiddo.
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:30 No.20360912
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:30 No.20360916
    >>Install Minecraft
    >>runs like crap
    I get almost double the FPS for minecraft in Ubuntu, and thats while running compiz and unity
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:30 No.20360918
    I keep trying linux and giving up when I get sick of certain aspects.

    -Pretending hardware is some abstract the user has no business dealing with. Hardware is the core of the computer, not the file system. Linux treats the file system as if it were just floating in hyperspace while the hard drives are Lovecraftian machinations whose nature is unknowable. When you plug in a usb wifi adapter, you shouldn't have to open bash and type commands just to find out that the usb port is in fact not broken, and the OS does know something is plugged in, but didn't have the right driver so it completely ignored it.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:30 No.20360919



    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:30 No.20360924
    I tried Kubuntu on a modern system. Xubuntu is supposed to be light weight. The Xubuntu from last year ran on a P4 and 700mb of ram like a boss. I could have an IM client open, Firefox open, and music playing and not lag. I couldn't do a single fucking thing without lagging last night. All for what? A fucking dock and a menuless top bar? Fucking morons.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:31 No.20360932

    >doesn't know the history of Unix/Minix/Linux
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:31 No.20360940
    I know this is off topic but which version of Ubuntu is the best for a slow computer? I tried the latest but it ran slower then windows xp
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:31 No.20360945
    try lubuntu.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:32 No.20360957
    >what you should use

    LXDE is TOO liteweight IMO
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:32 No.20360965
    what do you think it's missing?
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:32 No.20360967
    I don't think you know the history of linux. And distros that use the linux kernel
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:32 No.20360969
    >can change to a better DE
    >still bitches about the others
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:33 No.20360978
    I don't know I just pulled that out of my ass.

    I just like XFCE
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:33 No.20360980
    le full retard
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:34 No.20360995
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    linux users in a nutshell
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:34 No.20361003
    xfce is nice. i prefer openbox over xfwm though.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:34 No.20361005
    thanks, I'll try both
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:35 No.20361032
    If you don't want to use tinycore
    do a net install with the fbdrv for xorg and i3 or flwm
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:36 No.20361046
    I dislike OpenBox and WMs in general. Mainly because I hate right click menus. I need a full DE. Even on #! I went with the XFCE edition.

    I also like Unity though so my opinion is moot to the rest of /g/

    myths myths myths. You will NEVER need terminal in Ubuntu and if you do you'll be copy and pasting the commands anyway
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:36 No.20361048
    Official Canonical support.

    Wait 20 or so days for 11.10.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:36 No.20361056
    Not afraid of using the terminal, i'm just a bit confused why a consumer-grade linux distro doesn't seem to have any automation for mounting network shares from the file browser in the local filesystem.

    on OSX when i locate a share in Finder, it automagically mounts in /Volumes/[sharename].
    on Windows i can access network share contents from any app and map them to a drive all from the file browser.
    on Ubuntu i can open a share but it only seems to be accessible from gnome apps. WTF.
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:37 No.20361065
    You're not forced to use the right click menu. You can still have a panel, desktop icons, launchers etc. if you wish.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:37 No.20361069
    >/g/ recommends #!
    >try live usb and decide to install it alongside win7.
    >boot is now fucked up and won't install either os
    >finish installing #! on whole drive, have no idea how to recover files.

    What now /g/?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:37 No.20361073
    >learning = difficult
    How do you feed yourself?
    >> 愛してるさわこ !BE/4wes0mE 10/03/11(Mon)18:40 No.20361107
    >15 years old aquire barebones celeron extra computer.
    >Ask my girlfriends mom's boyfriend to install redhat on it.
    >Run a phpnuke webpage on it but basically nothing else for a few years.
    >2000 ish dick around and install mandrake suze slackware and a few others but never actually use them.
    >2004 Search for a linux distro to Install and choose Gentoo. 48 hours later I am in gnome.
    >2010 Decide to try out Ubuntu. Can't figure out how to do anything, xorg.conf doesn't work. Fuck this.
    >2010 Try Arch, no fucking packages, have to use AUR. Full of shit built by morons and half of it not updated.
    I have never spent more than 2-3 days on any other distro before I end up going back to Gentoo.
    Nothing comes even close in ease of customization.
    >> ubuntu !Friend.GOw!!lj4JliksmUP 10/03/11(Mon)18:41 No.20361125
    Not even Funtoo?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:42 No.20361147
    I personally think the problem with stand-alone WMs is they lack integration between programs (expected, of course). While you can make everything integrate well I don't find it worth it, using gnome2 and configuring it a little is enough.
    >> 愛してるさわこ !BE/4wes0mE 10/03/11(Mon)18:42 No.20361171
    Oh yeah I am on Funtoo as well, have been since I found out Daniel Robbins started it.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:45 No.20361205
    lubuntu 11.04 is faster than the same ver xubuntu (no dock, just another panel made to look like one) They really fucked up somewhere with xfce 4.8
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:48 No.20361248
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:48 No.20361254
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    >have no idea how to recover files
    By restoring from the backup you neglected to make
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:48 No.20361256
    >They really fucked up somewhere with xfce 4.8
    if their aim was to use as much resources as lxde then yeah they did.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:50 No.20361279
    Can anyone recommend a good program to use MSN on linux (debian)? There are plenty (aMSN, Emesene, Empathy with plugins, Pidgin, etc) and I feel too lazy to install them all and find out which one is better.
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:50 No.20361287
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:51 No.20361298
    I used pidgin for awhile. I only stopped because I don't really IM. Empathy I hear is good too.
    >> 愛してるさわこ !BE/4wes0mE 10/03/11(Mon)18:52 No.20361309
    Bitlbee and an irc client.
    Emesene is probably the best if you just want an msn gui though.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:52 No.20361311
    Yes, yes, I know.
    I had 50 gigs unpartitioned space and didn't think it would cause any harm.
    Then when I rebooted >no os found
    got that grldr file; no readme.
    still have no idea how to setup a dual boot between the two.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:52 No.20361317
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:53 No.20361337
    Windows recovery should find it but then I read
    >finished installing #! over everything
    and I decided you don't deserve your files anyway.

    Why would your first COA be to overwrite everything
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:53 No.20361339
    Second this, fantastic program.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:54 No.20361348
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    I get frustrated and go back to windows every time. Little things or major things, it's always something. Mostly it's just feats of sheer illogic that leave me staring slack-jawed at my computer. I'll give a couple of examples.

    1. First day using linux. I'm running mint off a live usb. Starts up, little tab appears on the upper left warning me about drivers. I go to click the tab...and it disappears. Move mouse, it comes back. What the fuck? Eventually locate the drivers icon on the bottom panel, open it up, install the drivers. Why didn't the bigass colorful sign open that menu up? Later find the same "proprietary drivers" button on the menu. I click it thinking I can see which graphics driver it has installed, maybe check to make sure I have the latest one, and..."no proprietary drivers are in use on this system." What the fuck? I installed them five minutes ago. My screen's at its native resolution now so they're obviously installed and working, so why the hell would it tell me they aren't?

    2. If you've been clicking or scrolling in one window/panel/interface area and click in a small text entry box, it should select all the text presently in the box, allowing you to type over it. Why not on linux? A user should not have to click in the browser's address bar and then hit ctrl-A in order to start typing in a new URL. No, I would not like to insert a few characters into the middle of this page-long google images URL. It is in fact NOT my intention to fine-tune the keywords I used in the search bar four hours ago. This is either a mind-numbingly large lack of foresight, or a "fuck the mainstream approach" attitude fit to rival a particularly ignorant Canadian.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:55 No.20361357
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    I'll just be here enjoying my on site AND off site backup. HAHAHAHA.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:55 No.20361360
    Bitlbee sounds interesting but I want something more simple.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:55 No.20361371
    >> ⁂WorldHatesWinFags® !!7inMwWXmj9C 10/03/11(Mon)18:55 No.20361372
    The confirmation I was looking for that 85% of you are illiterate and the remaining 14% worthless.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:55 No.20361375
    Made contributions to the kernel.

    I guess that counts as Linux experience?
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:56 No.20361389
    You should have came here right when you fucked up
    and you could have sorted your boot menu
    now you've deleated everything you've overrighted some files and the rest will be hard to get back and a task you are not up to
    next time make a backup or know what you're doing
    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:57 No.20361397
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:57 No.20361406
    >next time make a backup or know what you're doing

    >> rozeismyroze !lzIoZtnfJk 10/03/11(Mon)18:58 No.20361422
    windows would fail harder if it was the secondary os being installed
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:58 No.20361429
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    What are you doing? /g/ is not tech support.
    I'd probably have trolled him into overwriting everything all the same... Also, always make a backup of your files, ALWAYS.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:59 No.20361432
    What, you mean the gvfs deps when hal was tossed?
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:59 No.20361436
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)18:59 No.20361447
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    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:01 No.20361474
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:06 No.20361545
    Well, thanks for listening, I only lost some bookmarks.
    As long as someone's being nice, I'm plugging it into my router at work, which sends you to a webpage to login before you can browse the internet, and chromium won't load that login page. wtf? login page works on other computers.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:10 No.20361620
    >1998 on crappy 333mhz Emachine
    >somehow discover BeOS
    >figure out how to partition and install the shit
    >"oh wow there is something other that Windows 98?"
    >spend a few hours figuring out how to get my modem to dial out.
    >realize BeOS is a lost cause (it's now Haiku)
    >search for other alternative OSs
    >find Debian, struggle to get it working with my hardware (dat X server) but works great
    >try all the major distros of the time
    >eventually this nicer than Debian version of Debian comes out and it's called Ubuntu.
    >switch around a bunch still on VMs and shit but and have Debian on laptop but still use Ubuntu as main OS.
    In the mean time I'm using and switching from Windows 98 to XP.
    Vista comes out, WTF is this baby shit? This is my computer assholes.
    Only reason I boot Windows is to play Microsoft Flight Simulator.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)19:12 No.20361644
    >talk to a certain friend quite a lot
    >he tells me a bit about GNU/Linux
    >I get interested a little, install Ubuntu on a spare HP laptop
    >stay on Ubuntu for a while, with GNOME and all that
    >decide to go with a Debian netinst
    >get thrown into the command line, I familiarized myself with it somewhat in Ubuntu, but I was still GUI ridden
    >spend all day trying to configure Debian from the command line
    >get it down, know a lot more about how to actually use GNU/Linux now
    >stick with that
    >Debian HP laptop dies
    >gets a Thinkpad
    >puts Debian on it, finally formats my desktop and turns into a Debian home server
    >tries a few other distros out, always comes back to Debian as my "tried and true" default

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