Hi /g/, Could you link me to that aspergers test? The one with like 150 questions you rate from 0-5 and gives you a nice graph.Thanks
You don't need a test I can tell you that you're aspie
http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.htmlMaybe.Though I'd take any Internet quizzes (even from Wired) with a grain of salt.
>>20354365Nice google search first result.
>>20354361Having been diagnosed (positively) by a professional, I can say that self diagnosis is quite likely to be more accurate in this particular case.
150 questions? Fuck that.I think completing the test is proof of aspergers by itself.
>>20354401It doesn't take THAT long.
It wasn't one of these. It was a whole site dedicated to this test, they had multiple versions (I believe I once took v2). I'm making a friend take it so I want him to make the same one as I made. Also, graph. It made a graph of you in the spectrum. One of those graphs with a center and multiple labels around it and then values for that.
>>20354420THATS IT!
>>20354469http://www.rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.phpI think it's this one, though I'm not sure.
>>20354365well fuck I scored 28, what does it mean?
>>20354481Awesome, thanks
>>20354365>See thread>Take this>Get 33>32~ and above are like 'sperged.Just as expect.
>>20354528>'spergedI laughed.
>>20354528Wow, I buggered this post up.Expected*Likely*
I'm only on question 38 and I'm bored as fuck.
>>20354564Looks like someone is autistic.
>>20354573Actually he would be the opposite.
>>20354586Then he must have ADD.
this thread is making me feel autistic
>>20354603You ARE autistic.
>>20354611but i like working in groups :(
>>20354624>ponyfag>not severe mental retardation
Quite a lot of the generally perceived 'autistic' acts revolving around social situation etc seem to fit me.However the ones that are about having difficulty learning etc don't seem to fit me at all.
I couldn't find the original images I saved, but I have the scores.128/200non-autistic score: 54/200you are very likely an aspie
>>20354624surrounded by ponies is not working in groups.
I'll test you OP. Done. You don't have it. You know how I know? because your post is coherent. True aspies (not these internet wannabie, "social anxiety" cunts) communicate (and type) very poorly.Example:"link me to the aspergers test. the one with the 150 questions. that you score 1-5 for each thing about you. it makes a graph".Generally they fail very hard at joining sentences together or organizing thoughts into proper sentences and paragraphs. They also fail to use the words "please" and "thank you" so either they don't - and everything sounds like they are demanding you work for them, or they do - and they sound like a douche.
You might be an aspie if...You received all of your vaccinations as a babby.
Im not an aspie, Im just not very good with people.I hate how every fucktard neckbeard on the internet thinks they have some mental problem. I understand that there are people who actually have this problem, but most of you are just making excuses for your failure in life.First it as ADD now its Assburgers.I blame your parents.
I'm not a self-diagnosed aspie, I don't believe i am mentally unstable, just that sometimes i do lose concentration. Not ADD, just a normal human.I'll let the pic do the talking.
>>20354749I'm also socially awkward as fuckAnd tbh, even if you have something to blame it on, you still have no excuses for not having it worked on by now.-I just don't like people that much anyway, so I don't see a point in trying.
>>20354749>I hate how every fucktard neckbeard on the internet thinks they have some mental problem. I understand that there are people who actually have this problem, but most of you are just making excuses for your failure in life.This.Remember when it was simply called "being a pussy", rather than some long ass mentally handicapped hurr durr give me your pity name?
>>20354769Theres nothing to socialisation, you just have to open up to people. But i guess its something that you have, and can't be taught or learn. Just try to talk to strangers, or your friends' friends.
>>20354564Finished. At long last.How did I do /g/?
>>20354799If you are a smart person, you are too modest and this is probably hurting your social standing and your self conciousness. If you are a stupid dick, carry on.
>>20354796>But i guess its something that you have, and can't be taught or learn.Wrong socialization is indeed a learned skill. If someone has lived in reclusion all their life, their going to start out coming of as someone with autism when they begin socializing for the very first time. That's because their brain has to adjust by to learning all the non-verbal cues and socially acceptable norms and patterns to conform to in order to "socialize". People that are better at socializing are just like somebody is better at guitar, they simply practice more with the goal of being good at it. It's just a skill like any other. You aren't born with it.>Souce:Used to be shy and introverted from being bullied. Terrible social skills and zero ability to make small talk. Then practiced talking to people and being more outgoing. A year later: perfectly fine social skills.
>>20354806Thanks, I was expecting a lot less from /g/.
>>20354624Fun fact: 80% of all ponyfags has some form of autism.
Your Aspie score: 26 of 200Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 178 of 200You are very likely neurotypicalsux2buguys
>>20354840I guess I would agree that you can learn it the hard way, but some people will always be naturally social and be good at it. However, this is usually tied in with a lack of social context-awareness, and hence, the most social people are usually the most short-term driven. I barely go out because of laziness, but whenever I go gym/uni i tend to talk to everyone that will talk back. This sounds a bit wierd but it just feels natural. Dunno if its a "act" from my inner sub-concious, but i do like interacting with people and developing patterns and gauging different people. Far from an intellect or a smart person though, by my standards at least.
>>20354851Fun fact: 90% of internet diagnosed autism is projection from people who are autistic themselves.
I feel like the test is better at finding people who are stoned 24/7 than aspie's. Seriously, every question I had to think "well when I'm ripped sure I get distracted by sounds in conversation" and shit.luckily i'm not an aspie though!
>>20354923>projectionYou keep using that word...
>>20354749Do you even get any good drugs for being an aspie? At least ADHD get's you speed.
>>20355115>Do you even get any good drugs for being an aspie?>using OTC medication>2011Nigger, while there may be a couple of good OTC drugs the best are not.
Help me /g/...
>>20354923>fun fact: rainbow dash loves fun things
>>20355174hey ponyfag, we don't really like ponyfags here. Please leave in the interest of love and friendship, okay?
Not quite sociopath-tier, but I do have extremely good perception.Agree: 2,12,23,42: 1 pointDisagree: 14,30,32: 1 pointScore: 7Your Aspie score: 25 of 200Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 183 of 200You are very likely neurotypical
>>20354365I got 37...
more of was-i-raised-with-video-games and am-i-insecure-about-my-intelligence/creativity test
>>20355189Apparently you don't like technology either, which is why you're posting in this thread, right?
Question 9: I am fascinated by dates. WHAT DO YOU MEAN? THE TIME THE FRUIT OR THE SOCIAL ACTIVITY???BRB squeezebox.
>>20355394The fruit obviously.
>You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traitsNow what?
>>20355441No marvel at how your graph looks kind of like texas if you squint.
>>20354365score: 19..Ok.. I'm off to shop..
I'm hungry for assburgers
>>20354365Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen... yes.. yes.. brother of (pic related).. also.. JEWS
Agree: 2,4,5,6,12,16,19,22,23,26,41,42,43: 1 pointDisagree: 11,17,24,28,29,30,49: 1 pointScore: 20Return to testIs this good or bad?
>Your Aspie score: 150 of 200>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 53 of 200>You are very likely an Aspiefuck...
Ehh, nothing new, people and social events bore me.
>only aspies dislike social eventsHere we go again.
Your Aspie score: 117 of 200Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 79 of 200You are very likely an AspieWell, fuck.
>>20354365 Score: 22I'm more schizophrenic than aspergers any day.
Your Aspie score: 139 of 200Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 87 of 200You are very likely an AspieI always knew /g/... Always...
Maby it has to do with me being an Anarchist and not agreeing with the norm in the society.. i.e. salute the queen on your knees kind of thing..Fuck this test..Also, question 100.. the fuck does that have to do with Aspergers (I answered No, for the record)
>>20356047I also did it in Spanish, becouse I'm a Spartan..
I'm actually somewhat surprised>Your Aspie score: 39 of 200>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 154 of 200>You are very likely neurotypical
I'm only half an Aspie.Phew. Thank God for that
>>20356047>i'm a 12yo edgy guy xdFuck off
wtf is neurotypical?
someone knows the same kind of online self-tests for schizophrenia, social anxiety etc... ?
mfw this test says I have the burgers and each of the three times I've taken it I have received a similar score
>>2035632220...Edgy?. Why?.does "having a different sexual preference in heterosexual sex" something important in aspergers?.What?.. if someone likes getting mauled by 5 niggers in the pooper is... aspergers..Also.. what would be normal for this test on the question 100.. sex in missionary for the sole puropse of procreation?.And anarchism is a nonpolitical stance accepted in society.. you should fuck off..
>>20356432The word autists use for "normal"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotypical
>>20356432A normal brain..
>>20356470>And anarchism is a nonpolitical stance accepted in society
>>20356464oh also here's the results from another disorder test I took once.These tests are such bullshit - they just want you to believe you have a disorder so you go to a doctor and buy medicine.
>>20354365>Score 6>32 and above is AspergersBut I thought everyone in Raildex general had autism. How can I post in Raildex general without being autistic? My life is ruined.Well my brother is actually diagnosed with severe autism, so I could have him post in my place.
Agree: 2,4,5,6,12,13,16,19,22,23,26,41,43,45,46: 1 pointDisagree: 11,14,24,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,36,37,38,40,44,47,48,49,50: 1 pointScore: 35Spheal with it.
you can't test your self for aspeger's syndrome on the internet, go take some neuro-psychological tests
>>20356585While I want to agree with you, I must say that no test is very good. There is no scientific way of diagnosing these "disorders" and it's all just subjective bullshit.These type of "illnesses" are made up by drug companies so they can peddle you more pills.
>>20356485That your result?Looks accurate.
>>20356613nah that was me fucking around with the testActual result is here >>20356464
>>20356497And you are... Murican'..Fuck off I said.. Be an European, then talk..>>20356496Nice test..
Well, I have no idea how to read the chart. Someone give me a rundown.
>>20356496>Low in everything except OCD, which I am moderate in.Fuck you /g/ why am I so healthy mentally?
>>20356624Woah, I don't think anyone wanted you to go full assblasters. Chill out, son.
>>20356624He's... probably... just confused because... you're ...not ma...king any sense...... ...... .... .... ......
>>20356636The PDF that is generated at the results has all the explanations you need.
>>20356636You're a moron if you can't read the chart.The right half of the graph shows how many ass burgers you have for each category. Further from center on right = more ass burgersFurther from center on left = less ass burgersYou seem to be an ass burger when it comes to obsessing over shit and being a social loser, but you have mild social skills.
>>20356636You got assburgers.
>>20356496Paranoid: ModerateNarcissistic: HighAntisocial: ModerateSchizoid: HighHistrionic: Moderate>Paranoid: ModerateNope.. a fail on that tests part.. >Schizoid: HighPossible.. due to having close family wich is diagnosed a Schizofrenic.. but I doubt it..>Narcissistic: HighFuck Yeah..Basicly that test proves my distrust towards people (wich have stabbed me in the back numerous times)
>>20356655I wouldn't call me a moron, Jaden, and that chart is confusing at best.I think I have my results saved somewhere on Google Docs. I'll be right back.Edit: Found it.https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=17Kh0H6-3R6ES3vWDaVpH4312lp8Nx8T-HbkTKN91AkCb7fxFjXbaVqEGFKvb&authkey=CNeQ8J8K&hl=en_US&authkey=CNeQ8J8K
>>20356636you have server asburger, you gonna die from your ass and burger
>>20356696schizoid and schizofrenic are not the same thing>>20356701You wouldn't call yourself a moron because you are a moron. Any non-moron ca tell you are in fact a moron if you are unable to read a simple graph.
>>20356646no.. he belives that anarchism is something "special" whilst not understanding that Europe has long ties to it.Basicaly.. an American.. retarded and uninformed..Remember Greece?.Yes.. those that were throwing molotovs were black blocs..anarchists..
>>20356717Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness and sometimes (sexual) apathy, with a simultaneous rich, elaborate and exclusively internal fantasy world.[1] SPD is not the same as schizophrenia, although they share some similar characteristics such as detachment or blunted affect; there is increased prevalence of the disorder in families with schizophrenia.>there is increased prevalence of the disorder in families with schizophrenia.that..
>>20356730Go be a retard somewhere else, kid.
>>20356730Is.. that.. so..? I.. don't.. have.. any.. idea.. what.. you're.. talking.. about.. Frenchie..It.. might.. be.. because.. of.. the.. unnecessary.. two-thirds elipses.. every.. fucking.. word..
>>20356744I'd argue that having "schizoid personality disorder" is not a disorder at all.You don't give a shit about people? Big fucking deal
>>20356730Oh, so throwing molotovs and pointless rioting is considered a "stance accepted in society" where you live?Glad I don't live there.
>>20356754No.. you do it.. fag.>>20356755America... land of the free... .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . I use those dots to mask my lack of knowlage of english.. any problem with them?.I speak +3 languages.. whan you have that burden there is a need to improvise.Also, go be an aspergers retard somewere else..
>>20356804Here's a hint, it makes you look dumb.
>>20356769Somewere, where, I don't get tazed by the cops for not doing anything and just minding my own business, and somewere where I'm allowed to get out of my car without having the fear that I will get shot by a copper due to that.You don't like throwing molotovs?.You will, when america turns into a police state, oh, wait, that happened allready..
>>20356834Here's another.. I don't care..
Paranoid: HighSchizoid: HighSchizotypal: Very HighAntisocial: High Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Very High Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: HighI think they are right. whatever, even though I have this problems I try my best to go ahead, been taking lot of pills since I was 13 and I am studying with very good grades. also I participate in lot of open source projects.I don't have any friends IRL, but I have some online buddies.sage for not technology
>>20356804No wonder you talk like a fag and your shit is all tarded - you aren't even American
>>20356804>I speak +3 languagesLost count somewhere after that third one, huh? Is this apart of your secret plan to make anarchists look retarded?
>>20356804It just makes it more obvious. Stop doing it.Also, when did using poor grammar ever have anything to do with nationality? I have to doubt whether you're even old enough to post on this board; you can't seem to grasp simple concepts and blame everything on "MURIKAN." And then you go full assburgers whenever someone points out you're being retarded.
>>20356847NO, YOU!>>20356850No, that's where the definition of Polyglot starts.Writing +3 is easier that, Polyglot, wich most of you tards can't even pronounce.>>20356858I lol'd. Most retarded statement ever.And yes, I am old enough.But if I were in America it would still not be old enough to drink, fucking police nation fags.
>>20356838>Thinks America is a Police State>Edgy Teenager DetectedHey, our legal system is very messed up, but it doesn't even come close to a Police State. Try living in China, Russia, or Saudi Arabia; THOSE are Police States.
>mfw 137
>>20356923lol, nope.USA has the highest rates of imprissionment, while in Europe you get fined for smoking weed, in America you get V&.. get it?.Also Russia is in the same boat, you get fined, also.
>>20356957>USA has the highest rates of imprissionment, while in Europe you get fined for smoking weed, in America you get V&.. get it?.>..>? and the a .>Entire post reeks of ignorance.I'd rather have a 'police state' then life in a world ruled by retards such as you.
>>20356923While it's nothing like full blown Fascism, America is getting increasingly authoritarian as time goes on. Quite sad.
>Your Aspie score: 108 of 200>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 104 of 200>You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
>>20356957Things like drug law and imprisonment rates have no bearing on whether a country is a Police State or not, the fact you can go out and protest said policies confirms that.Try protesting the death penalty or drug law in Saudi Arabia, which you will be PUBLICLY BEHEADED for.>>20357001I never denied that, and it is indeed sad, but we are still nowhere near Police State status.
>>20356983of course.. atack something so trivial such as that>... ... ... ... ... ... .... u mad?. Fag.>Entire post reeks of ignorance.Eighter USA is a police state, or, you are the most criminal motherfuckers on the planet.Choose one... .... ... ... ... ... or both
I'm a diagnosed aspie, might be interesting to see what this test thinks of me.
>>20357001The entire west is.And the funny thing is that people who rule the world now were the ones who screamed for freedom and democracy 30/40 years ago proving that ideologies don't mean shit if personal profit is at stake.
>>20356594There's no pills for AS.
>>20357032Shouldn't you try and lick your elbow or something ? It would be more productive then being being an ignorant fuck.
>>20357032>or, you are the most criminal motherfuckers on the planet.I blame the minorities
>>20355441I know that feel bro.
>>20357052It's one made up by psychiatrists to take advantage of people. People who fit the description of Ass Burgers are easy to take advantage of.
>>20357019>Things like drug law and imprisonment rates have no bearing on whether a country is a Police State.Like generating cheap labour for national institutions, like making numberplates in prision for 10cents/hour. Shure.>Try protesting the death penalty or drug law in Saudi Arabia, which you will be PUBLICLY BEHEADED for.Try doing the same in America..Now in Europe, oh, wait, we abolished that a few hundreds of years ago. (most of us)
Statistically, one of you has assburgers.Stop thinking of shitty excuses for your manchild shutin lives.
>>20356923Not quite.Mainland China is a police state. They monitor you constantly, arrest you for political speech, etc.Russia is a corrupt "gangster" state. They use the army internally and take lots of bribes. people go missing all the time.Saudi Arabia is a religious feudalism. However the police are pretty intrusive. It's just their legal system that's fucked up.
>>20357063I'm smoking weed, it's more productive.
Why take some stupid test when you can just get a full neuropsychological evaluation?
>>20357094>Like generating cheap labour for national institutions, like making numberplates in prision for 10cents/hour. Shure.What?>Try doing the same in America..Which people do, and everything is fine with no one getting hurt or arrested. Until anarchist chuck-fucks like you show up and start breaking things.>Now in Europe, oh, wait, we abolished that a few hundreds of years ago.More like 20-40 years ago
>>20356730No one understands what you're saying.I don't think you even know what you're talking about.>..Does not substitute for a comma.The more you know.
>>20357162*What? You would rather they just sit there and waste everyone's tax money?*
>>20357090It's not a psychiatric disorder you fucking retard.
>Debating politics with childrenISHYDDT
>>20357190Get out of here psychologist/psychiatrist fag
>>20357209I'm not a psychologist/psychiatrist fag, I'm just an aspie fag.
>>20357094>prision>ShureGo.. back.. to.. school.. kid..
>>20357162>What?Prisioners work with dirt money, simple, you put someone in a prision, and he works some shit that in a company would mean 7$/hour and in prision it's 10cents/hour. we call that, slavery, paid slavery, that is. >Which people do, and everything is fine with no one getting hurt or arrested. Until anarchist chuck-fucks like you show up and start breaking things.>Until anarchist chuck-fucks like you show up and start breaking things.>Until anarchist chuck-fucks like you >like youI'm not a black bloc. Black blocs only come when the police try to dismember the protest with tear gas and when they arrest people that protest in the interest of the "common good", wich is the corrupt state and the corporations that support it. Something wich is unfair.>More like 20-40 years ago.Correct, but the capital punishment was only applied to treason, wich is a lot different to what the US does.
>>20357252FUCK YOU!.I finished my "school" a long time ago.
>>20357378Me too Now I earn £10000000000 in accounting XD
24I really seriously thought it was gonna diagnose me an aspie with those questions>I find social situations easy. >Strongly disagreeBut with the numbers and all that, nah. I obviously have some other social disorder
>>20357378>FUCK YOU!.>YOU!.>!.>Finished school
So back to the test, this was expected for me
>>20357413greentext.. go back to sticking your dick in the sand, NEWFAG.