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    File : 1317235636.jpg-(125 KB, 800x717, gingerboard.jpg)
    125 KB Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)14:47 No.20275295  
    >go to copy backup folder to external HDD
    >33 GB
    >takes almost an hour
    >check task manager, only using at most 15% CPU and > 60MB of RAM to copy
    >USB is supposed to be like 60MB/s, SATA is 3Gb/s
    So why the hell does it take so long? Guess I'm a dumbass, so can any of you /g/eniuses explain?
    >> A & S K !IceOgK7xQA 09/28/11(Wed)14:49 No.20275322
    your HDD is failing
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)14:49 No.20275339
    Check your bios and USB settings. Whether it's FullSpeed or HISpeed.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)15:23 No.20275810
         File1317237826.jpg-(179 KB, 753x765, speccyhd.jpg)
    179 KB
    I tried that, apparently I have a shitty bios because it doesn't even give any options to change USB settings, except being able to enable/disable support for legacy usb devices.

    I've not noticed any sign of HD problems. No crashes, temps stay in the low 40s, basically no signs of trouble. my laptop IS 5 years old, but runs smooth as hell.

    Posting a Speccy screencap of my HD in case it helps anyone figure out wtf my problem is.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)15:25 No.20275827
    How many files are you copying?
    If it's in the ten-thousandth range, it's normal. Doesn't matter if the combined size is 10MB or 100GB. It's going to take time.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)15:28 No.20275847
    This pretty much, I transfered my 5GB-ish collection of images to an external USB hard drive, it took hours to complete.

    While the same amount, 5GB, in video files worth takes a minute or two.
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)15:35 No.20275925
    33.5GB 28,984 files.

    OK, that's a lot of files, but I guess what I don't understand is why it takes so long. Seems all the hardware has the capacity to read/write much faster, the CPU is not stressed at all & there's plenty of free RAM. What is the limiting factor here?
    >> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)15:38 No.20275966

    When I transfer over pictures or folders with lots of picture in them, they will take forever. I'm guessing it's just how the Operating System handles transfering over images. I know if you transfer over videos it takes almost no time at all. Very good question though, I don't have any idea as to why pictures do that.

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