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  • File : 1316255713.jpg-(103 KB, 619x692, 1312790628230.jpg)
    103 KB Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:35 No.20061931  
    Imagine an Imageboard in which the images and posts 404'd within a minute, no matter what.

    It was an idea, and I think it has some potential, what you see is what you get and it eliminates any discussions.

    The only issue is that it would have to have a relatively high amount of traffic all the time, otherwise it would be just a blank page.

    /b/ didn't care much. So I'd thought I'd ask here, and I know you hate /b/
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:35 No.20061939
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:36 No.20061948
    >eliminates any discussions.
    its shit
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:38 No.20061970
    All websites these days are discussion. I just wanted to have a site purely about images. And images only.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:38 No.20061977
    >> !E1BeU18f2c 09/17/11(Sat)06:40 No.20061988
    That's retarded.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:40 No.20061997
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:41 No.20062000
    So it's basically IRC with pictures.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:41 No.20062001
    we already have that OP

    it's called /b/
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:41 No.20062002
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    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:42 No.20062016
    How's that site going? I didn't realise it's open now.

    Too web 2.0 for my liking though.
    >> 64 09/17/11(Sat)06:43 No.20062035
    just make a site identical to 4chan only have a severe text limit, like 16 char or something
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:43 No.20062039
    Nah, but that's where you're wrong. People are too busy having greentext threads.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:44 No.20062048
    That would just piss people off?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:44 No.20062049
    Sounds like Campfire / Talker to me
    >> 64 09/17/11(Sat)06:46 No.20062078
    1min limits would be beyond pissing people off to begin with
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:46 No.20062080
    its shit. Worse than reddit
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:47 No.20062090
    At least it's better than ohinternet.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:52 No.20062147
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    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:53 No.20062164
    >The only issue is that it would have to have a relatively high amount of traffic all the time, otherwise it would be just a blank page.
    In which case rather than having threads purge within a minute, you could have them scale to the current activity level of the site. Rather, you could create a stack of a certain number of posts, and once it has hit the limit, old threads are killed off!

    Oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:56 No.20062193
    pretty much this
    >> Enter the !psYphy/ZSk 09/17/11(Sat)06:56 No.20062195
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:56 No.20062197
    Why the one minute mark?
    whats the issue here?
    Are you trying to force replies as fast as possible? I dont get it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:57 No.20062205
    This is my replying to my own post I sure hope I manage to do so within the 1 minute mark.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)06:58 No.20062227
    so whats the whole point of the site? i dont think you can buid a community with that minutes limit
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:00 No.20062238
    The same way that 4chan is better than any other chan because it's quicker. Well, this would be the quickest site in the world. If you blinked, it's gone. Fufufufufufufcucucjfgjc. It would be more like a game.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:00 No.20062246
    Implying an Anonymous site has a community.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:02 No.20062260
    So, an annoying version of a chat? Don't sign me up!
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:04 No.20062288
    >The same way that 4chan is better than any other chan because it's quicker.
    Correlation =/= Causation.
    4chan is quicker because it is more popular.
    It is more popular because the userbase is pretty good and reliable returns.
    Look at /b/ it is the fastest of all the boards because that is newfag langing point #1
    But is the content any good? No. There has been pretty much nothing of note there for 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:04 No.20062301
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    The only way I can see we can improve on your business model is to add captcha's that take a minute and a half to type in.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:05 No.20062307
    > "Oh look a nice thread on the 1-min-board"
    > look for picture on hard drive to post
    > "FFUUU only 20 seconds left"
    > type captcha
    > mistyped
    > 2 seconds left
    > type captcha again
    > thread 404
    yeah seems to be a nice idea.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:06 No.20062317
    >There has been pretty much nothing of note there for 2 years.
    Seriously. I hear that all the time.

    What do you mean by good? OP delivering? Lots of CP?

    Please explain.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:07 No.20062326
    As I said earlier. It's more of a game.
    >> Enter the !psYphy/ZSk 09/17/11(Sat)07:10 No.20062367
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    I've got a better (or at least more interesting) idea.

    An image board where threads NEVER 404 or reach a post limit (unless CP). But you can only see one page at a time, with 10 threads on it. Instead of threads being ordered by most recent posts, the threads you see are randomly selected from the entire archive. Also, you can only update the front page once an hour (or whatever arbitrary time value), until time's up you just see the same threads when you F5.

    Would be kind of boring for the first few months(/years if it's really slow) though.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:12 No.20062385
    This. I actually prefer slower boards because at least people are going to put _some_ effort into their posts. world4ch, 4-ch, iichan, etc > 4chan. 4chan is just a good way to kill time.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:13 No.20062400
    Going to get flamed to all hell for this, but doesn't Reddit do that? I know you can switch between the 'hottest' posts, latest posts etc. Surely there's some way to display random posts?
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:15 No.20062427
    It just seems too common and probably already has already been done. I was thinking of a seriously fast passed site, with no rules, no whiners, no trolling, no faggotry.
    >> Enter the !psYphy/ZSk 09/17/11(Sat)07:16 No.20062435
    Not sure because I don't use Reddit, but if it's like that there, I guess it would just be like Reddit but in imageboard form and not shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:18 No.20062462
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    An example of a nice thread was in 2009 i think.
    It was the fashion to make threads about things you know other posters do.
    Kind of like

    >I know you piss on the back of the toilet to hide the sound

    Something like that, the first 4/6 replies were people posting "oh shit you caught me" etc.
    Then people started talking about other wierd shit they do on the toilet.

    People started posting wierd games and scenarios they see in their mind while taking a shit or whatever.

    Then people just straight up started talking about turds, consistency/weight/sloppyness etc.

    Then moot posts and is like "I've been waiting for a thread like this for years"

    Then the thread turned to shit.
    But before then it was some eye opening shit to find out the stuff other people around the world do that you though only you did.

    And then some fucker in reddit steals all your content :(
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:23 No.20062507
    Those threads happen now...

    However I know what you mean. It was almost like people actually WANTED to help others and not just call them a faggot.

    I also remember a thread quite recently, at the start of this year when some Anon actually pushed over the card stand on times square, and it gave me a warm feeling inside.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:26 No.20062527
    Yes, around christmas there was alot of people saying they'd do it and people would watch for hours and it never happened.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:37 No.20062655
    So I guess the whole mood is that I don't make it.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)07:50 No.20062808
    by all means make it. the idea of redit sounds retarded but theyre rolling in cash.
    >> Anonymous 09/17/11(Sat)08:16 No.20063113
    Not to mention the sucess of 4chan, however I hear it's worth nothing.

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