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  • File : 1315807637.jpg-(141 KB, 1024x717, Hard_disk_dismantled.jpg)
    141 KB Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:07 No.19969700  
    Hi there,

    I'm looking at buying an external hard drive. I just don't have enough room on my computer for my movies and music.

    Problem is: I have zero experience at buying hardware: so far I've always been good with my father's discarded computers, so I've never bought a computer or anything.

    So basically, before I blindly go to the nearest Best Buy to buy the best value of GB/$, do you guys have any protips to give me? Brands to avoid, websites for cheap hardware, suggestions.

    I'm realyl starting from nothing, so I'm open to any help.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:14 No.19969776
    Companies with Bad rep
    -Western Digital (their "green drives" which you will find in many externals)

    Go to , register , signup for deal alerts, configure to monitor from OfficeMax, and hard drive. Office max/staples you can buy coupons from when their HDD prices decrease like the 25/75 coupon.

    If you can't wait, then consider this. If it's a desktop, well why not buy another internal? You won't trip over it inside the chassy. 2 if it's a laptop, buy what standards you're capable of, or think you will be later on.

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:15 No.19969792
    if you have a desktop you should just buy a regular harddrive and stick it in your computer (very easy) and use it for storage. You'll not only pay less money for the same storage but you'll also be using sata instead of usb so its faster
    >> OP 09/12/11(Mon)02:26 No.19969903

    I've never even opened a computer. I don't if I could do this.

    If I was to buy an internal hard drive, wheere would I shop?
    >> DCT !!YQib+kzU4tW 09/12/11(Mon)02:34 No.19969996
    Sounds like you have a desktop then. Really there isn't anything difficult about it. It sounds like you have 1 HDD already, and if you're on IDE drives you can add 1 other to the slave of the cable your Primary HDD is on. (jumpers set properly ofc).

    If sata, much easier. Unpackage, screw in/mount. find the similar cables to HDD 1, attatch power.attatch Sata from the HDD to the mobo on the appending Sata port (ie Sata 1, sata 2, sata 3, etc).

    There's literally nothing to it. Reference your board's manual/ HDD manual for support (if you need it)
    if you're US domestic
    >office depot/max/w/e ; staples ; stores like this
    >best buy (if you gouge prices, PM, and have credit already , srlsy dnt go to best buy and expect g8 savings)
    >cheif value

    Deal lurking
    >fat wallet
    >slick deals
    >tech bargains
    >> Griff 09/12/11(Mon)02:34 No.19970007
    Hey Op.

    Personally I buy all of my hardware from They usually have some great prices on drives.

    Anyways, almost ALL desktop computers use 3.5" hard drives.

    Desktop hard drives usually use either an IDE connection, or a SATA connection. IDE is the slower older version, while SATA is the newer faster one. You'll have to check which one your computer supports before you buy.

    Since you're using the drive for storage, don't buy a solid state drive. Going for a spinning drive gives you a LOT more storage for your money.

    If your nervous about installing a new drive, you can always just buy a little external enclosure that you plug in via USB. Not as fast mind you, but easy to set up.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:36 No.19970022
    Don't forget, only one power connector, not two.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:39 No.19970062
    You forgot the Drives with good rep. And the last time I checked WD produces the best drives. Just avoid the Green Drives WD produces. However, the Caviar ones are good.
    >> OP 09/12/11(Mon)02:41 No.19970097
    Yes, I have a desktop.

    >If your nervous about installing a new drive, you can always just buy a little external enclosure that you plug in via USB. Not as fast mind you, but easy to set up.

    That's really what I had in mind at first, but I don't mind a challenge if it's cheaper and faster to buy internal

    The sticker on the front of the computer tells me it's a Sata hard disk, so there's that.

    If I buy an internal hard drive, does it mean I have to remove the current one or buy some sort of doubler or shoudl there be room for it?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:42 No.19970109
         File1315809768.jpg-(7 KB, 300x300, Western-Digital-Elements-1_5TB(...).jpg)
    7 KB
    Western Digital Elements. Easy as pie, just plug into USB and it's good to go.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:44 No.19970129
    Also, don't ever buy shit from Best Buy. Much much higher prices than places like Amazon or Newegg.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:47 No.19970162
    >enclosed WD Green

    Green is Caviar, dumass
    1. WD Caviar Green
    though I know what you mean, the "Black" and the "Blue" series of those drives
    >> OP 09/12/11(Mon)02:54 No.19970232

    This looks good on Newegg, although for some reason their 1.5 TB is the same price as their 1 TB, with the only difference being that the former comes with free shipping...
    >> DCT !!/5/XvuJ/1aC 09/12/11(Mon)03:02 No.19970332
    1.5 is the half stepping experiment between 1tb and 2tb FYI

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