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  • File : 1315750789.jpg-(9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)
    9 KB 2011 Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:19 No.19955193  
    >The United States of America
    >Land of the Free and home of the Brave.

    If you are so brave and you are so free then why do you still have caps on your bandwidth in 2011? Explain yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:21 No.19955208
    Because land of the free also applies to entities that one is unable to be brave against, such as monopolies.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:21 No.19955209
    Enjoy higher taxes, Europe
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:21 No.19955214
    *envisions George Costanza sitting at his PC getting pissed for going over his bandwidth cap and then complaining to Jerry about it who in turn does a witty monologue about it that makes the audience laugh*

    Why isn't that show still running?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:22 No.19955222
    Not even American but the internet protocol is founded in America, we Europeans can't say that
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:23 No.19955231
    Higher taxes, no bandwidth caps, free schooling, free health care, guaranteed jobs, etc.

    Yeah, higher taxes must be dreadful.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:23 No.19955242
    >implying I have bandwidth caps
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:24 No.19955244
    Ignoring the truth value of this statement, what has this got to do with the matter at hand?

    Only the one being attacked would say "Oh yeah? Well we're better with <something completely unrelated>". You're not a Eurofag.
    >> Amateur Tech Support !94iDVhTiiQ 09/11/11(Sun)10:24 No.19955245
    Because the majority of us don't into research before choosing an ISP. North Carolina bro here, enjoying my unlimited data transfers.
    >> !zyjAmERicA 09/11/11(Sun)10:24 No.19955260
         File1315751083.png-(243 KB, 420x420, Really.png)
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    >implying i've ever even gotten anywhere near my download limit, even when I reformated and re downloaded every game I have on steam
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:25 No.19955269

    American's never realise what they're missing out on.

    Also everyone in America is allowed a gun, that's not safe.

    Just thinking about the fact that every person I walk past in America could be carrying a concealed pistol scares me and blows me away.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:25 No.19955272
    But my free healthcare is bad because Americans say so.

    And Stephen Hawking wouldn't be alive if he was British.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:25 No.19955286
    No, most people don't have a choice what they can use because of monopolies. You don't have a choice where I live.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:26 No.19955294
    >Land of the free
    >No choice in ISP
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:26 No.19955295
    >Amerifags are jealous.

    As an Amerifag, yes, yes I'm fucking jealous, you limey bastard.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:26 No.19955305
    Casual. Shaves. Has a life.

    You need to leave /g/.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.19955311
    because we're not free or brave.

    in a free market, businesses would give everyone unlimited bandwidth.
    >> Amateur Tech Support !94iDVhTiiQ 09/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.19955312
    I'll definitely do my research on that before moving to any other area.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.19955313
    > And Stephen Hawking wouldn't be alive if he was British.

    Am I being trolled here?
    >> !zyjAmERicA 09/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.19955318
    No you're fucking retarded
    our crime rates are lower because the people can protect themselves.
    California, and Massachusetts have the worst gun laws so the people don't protect themselves, and the highest crime rates because the people CAN'T FUCKING PROTECT THEMSELVES.

    Fuck you euro faggot. I mad
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:27 No.19955319
    The gun thing is not a problem really. Only during hunting season do you have problems, but that's just people with grudges killing people they don't like while out hunting. So, it evens out in the end.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:28 No.19955327
    >Low crime rate

    What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:28 No.19955334
    It ties in with the first statement. It's a joke.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:28 No.19955336
    > America
    > low crime rates

    Do you live in some kind of parallel universe? Or are you simply retarded?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:28 No.19955337
    No, it's a joke. I'm referring to some American news company who actually made that mistake.

    They also then backpedaled trying to say Hawking only got treated as such because he was an impressive physicist...except he wasn't when he first got the help.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:29 No.19955343
    >our crime rates are lower
    Oh god, my sides!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:29 No.19955344
    >needing to base your life style and where you live by the ISP available in that area
    >sure is land of the free, home of the brave
    >> !zyjAmERicA 09/11/11(Sun)10:31 No.19955366
    our crime rates are lower because the people can protect themselves.
    crime rates are lower because
    rates are lower
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:31 No.19955368
    >our crime rates are lower

    American here. Ha, no. Only in very rural areas like mine are crime rates lower. This is simply because there are fewer people.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:31 No.19955369
    >needing to breathe
    >sure is land of the free, home of the brave
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:31 No.19955377
    >high crime rate
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:31 No.19955378
    Don't believe the alarmist media. American streets are safer than ever. Crime in general has been on a steady decline for decades.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:32 No.19955381
    Lower than super high is nothing to be proud of you stupid fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:32 No.19955384
    >damn, I got called out. better find some small flaw in what he said

    He meant relatively low and you know it anon.

    Being stupid on purpose doesn't help your argument mate
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:33 No.19955392
    how about using over 10TB bandwith from your ISP on home contract every month for like 1 year now. And guess what my ISP did. They called and asked if I want to upgrade my speeds from 250/200 to 500/500 for only fucking 20€ month. I host my website, ventrilo server, FTP server, XDCC bot and seed box. They don't give a fucking shit over here.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:33 No.19955399
    Where do you live? Sweden?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:34 No.19955405
    Alarmist media is a 2 edged sword. They try to scare you with everything. They will say other countries have higher crime then turn around and say America has higher crime then turn around and say that America has lower crime because our government is better than every other country all to keep their slave population from leaving the USA.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:34 No.19955412

    so when comparing two nations, only find averages for certain races.

    average american IQ is 98. if you only measure whites, the average is is 100-103.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:35 No.19955417
    >Low crime rate
    >Compared to Libia

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:35 No.19955419
    >so when comparing two nations, only find averages for certain races.


    What the flying fuck
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:35 No.19955422
    Unfortunately no. I live in the eastern Europe it's a shit hole but we have fast and cheap internet.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:35 No.19955425
    Now here's some logic. This anon basically is trying to say, "remove the people committing the crimes and it makes my argument valid that there is lower crime rate in the USA.

    American Logic.

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:36 No.19955433
    In America half the population has below average IQ.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:37 No.19955440
    America is born on proof-by-spouting-tautologies.

    How many times have you heard "If owning guns is made criminal then only criminals will have guns" ?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:37 No.19955445
    That's how IQ works.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:37 No.19955448

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:38 No.19955454
    makes more sense. because then you don't blame america's low averages in some areas on policies, but on niggers.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:38 No.19955456
    Libya has no crime right now because it has no government and therefore no laws. No laws = no crime. Libya has the lowest crime rate when compared to America.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:38 No.19955461
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:38 No.19955463
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:39 No.19955471
    500/500 mb? Why in the name of all the flying fucks do you have those speeds on home contract? Either you're lying or your ISP is managed by pants-on-head wings-on-legs retards
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:39 No.19955472
    well, yea. because the difference between the people that cause our low crime rates, and whites in other countries that cause their low crime rates, is that our people are niggers.

    and no amount of subsidization is going to fix that.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:39 No.19955477
    I'm proud of you. /sci/ goes apeshit over that troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:40 No.19955492
         File1315752046.jpg-(137 KB, 640x480, FreeSpeech.jpg)
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    Uh no cap here eurotrash. Don't know what retarded insecurity led you to develop a psychology need to convince yourself there are caps on everyone internet here but either way reality remains we're superior and you are butthurt insecure bitches who do what we say when we say.

    Now excuse me while I don't get arrested for saying what I want. Enjoy being poor and subservient to us.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:41 No.19955498
    Not him, but is it that hard to understand that ISPs in non-shit countries simply have bandwidth to dish out?

    And I say that as someone who lives in a shit country for Internet (although not as bad as the USA)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:41 No.19955499
    Sweden is getting 1000/1000Mb for general public soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:41 No.19955505
    high crime rates*
    >> !zyjAmERicA 09/11/11(Sun)10:42 No.19955511
         File1315752154.gif-(61 KB, 300x432, crime rates.gif)
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    >i'm a yorop and i'm a retarded
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:42 No.19955515
    Nope I don't lie. It's a "high end" home contract 250/200 with extra speeds as I'm in their "heavy internet user" We have fiber everywhere here so we can afford cheap and fast internet becuase of our great infrastructure.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:44 No.19955536

    Dude, that's fucking 12 years ago when the world thought it was ending because of the turn of the century.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:45 No.19955549
         File1315752332.png-(97 KB, 890x487, state religion.png)
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    People in Europe actually believed that crap?


    Do you also believe computers are magical boxes powered by Jesus?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:46 No.19955557
    Also I don't know how it's in your country, but here our goverment lend money to ISPs so they can build infrastructure in exchange for some % profit.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:47 No.19955563
         File1315752450.png-(93 KB, 1095x626, List of countries by intention(...).png)
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    >> !zyjAmERicA 09/11/11(Sun)10:48 No.19955577
    the gun laws have only gotten better since then
    crime rate has decreased in the US, and increased in yorop

    Status of yoroupfags
    [] Told
    [] Fucking told
    [x] knights of the told republic
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:49 No.19955592
    >Implying the EU is more religious that "Jesusland" aka Ammerikuh

    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:50 No.19955595
    >basing one country's crime rate on an entire group of countries' crime rates

    Sure is American logic again.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:51 No.19955602

    and shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:51 No.19955606

    At least America is a secular state.

    Can't say the same about England, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:51 No.19955612
    >Country pissing contests
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:52 No.19955618
    >basing one state's crime rate on an entire group of states' crime rates

    Sure is European logic again.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:53 No.19955631
    America is secular on paper but your money says "in God we trust" and someone who's not a member of a Christian church has no hope of ever being president.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:54 No.19955637
    Because it wasn't funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:54 No.19955639
    Didn't your last president say that he didn't think atheists could be real Americans? You guys really do take your religion stuff too seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:57 No.19955674
    >Torrented every star trek episode ever
    >Re-downloaded several movies
    >2 private minecraft servers
    >Still under Comcast's 250gb limit

    Seriously, I understand it can get annoying, but just take it easy.....
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:57 No.19955686
    Dualoplies with ISPs in most regions. You either get DSL from who owns the telephone lines or cable from who owns that. Satellite.... I wouldn't consider an option.

    I know Britain and Australia have them as well, so does Canada, and at even lower caps.

    Some ISPs do not enforce the caps as well. Our cable company I am fairly sure does not enforce it, as my friend torrents like crazy and they have yet to bother him. I have AT&T and they have yet to implement it on our line even though it went into effect in March.

    If all else fails, we can purchase business class service and have NO caps if needed.

    Europe just has a different approach and attitude, as you can get DSL from like 6 different providers using the same telephone line. We used to have this "line sharing", but it was killed in the 90s. Plus your telecom is more subsidized. I must admit the end result is better for Europe, but I don't see how it make you more FREE.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:58 No.19955693
    USA crime rates are lower in areas with fewer roody-poos.

    Sorry Europe, didn't mean to cause that mass exodus of sand roody-poos to England.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:59 No.19955708
    >Imperial System
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)10:59 No.19955714
    >americunts still defending bandwith cap
    >can't do a shit when isp threatens them for pirating
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:00 No.19955722

    That was his dad. Surprisingly, the old man didn't seem to be such a dick about things in making actual policy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:01 No.19955737
    >americans still says "uehueh but i never exceeded the limit"
    jeez those americans are really dumb
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:02 No.19955742
    We don't have caps

    >> !zyjAmERicA 09/11/11(Sun)11:04 No.19955763
    Meh, I've never gotten near my bandwidth limit, and i've only been kind of notified about pirating
    >frum camcast
    >Ya dun bun stealing the internet, dat's illegal yo"
    and I never heard from them since..
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:09 No.19955831
    If Europe is so good, how come America had to win both world wars almost by themselves?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:10 No.19955836
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:12 No.19955861
    I forget, which side was Europe on during ww2?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:13 No.19955873
    The evil side? Can't remember, not a history nerd.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:15 No.19955890
    no that was the Japanese, Europe were the good guys.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:15 No.19955893
    Doesn't Europe include Germany?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:15 No.19955894
    because nobody lieks them
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:15 No.19955896
    >not technology related
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:16 No.19955904
    No, they're separate countries.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:16 No.19955905
         File1315754182.jpg-(22 KB, 407x428, 10101.jpg)
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    ITT: buttmad britfags angry because they lost two wars to a bunch of farmers
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:19 No.19955955
         File1315754389.jpg-(35 KB, 300x451, Viet-Cong-image.jpg)
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    were they rice or goat farmers?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:20 No.19955969
    >implying we lost Vietnam
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:23 No.19955996
         File1315754638.gif-(193 KB, 145x170, 1315752894955.gif)
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    >Americans contribute mildly, do a half-decent job

    >Americans do fuck all for the majority of the war, join in late, then take the beach
    >ALL they do is take the beach, the USSR does 80+% of the work and practically wins the war solo and gets no credit

    >American gets their shit stomped, royally fucked over, complete failure of tactics and planning

    >Every war game ever is Amurrka relieving their 'glory days' in the wars
    >mfw the only war they were actually useful and winning was the Civil War, when they were fighting themselves
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:25 No.19956004
    Why America is the Best:
    -Brits started the colony but Americans were all "Fuck Eurofags!" America proceeds to own the Brits and reject their tea in favor
    of liquor.
    -War of 1812: Brits try again. Result: FAILURE!
    -America then expands to the Pacific, owning Native Americans and Mexico along the way. MANIFEST DESTINY, BITCH!
    -America has a civil war, pretty much because the rest of the world was made up of pussies, so we fought ourselves because we're so METAL!
    -WWI: Eurofags try and reenact the American civil war, they fail miserably, we bail their asses out
    -The Great Depression was so great, the rest of the world suffered for it
    -WWII: Eurofags try again at the whole civil war reenactment, fail again, America develops nuclear weapons
    -Post-WWII: America rules the world through different means; We fuck over the Commies hard because they are Commie bastards and they suck, like Nazis
    -Present Day: Team America: World Police; Team Europe: World Faggots
    -The Future: America remains on the forefront of technological breakthroughs, leading to a cure for all diseases, lasers, and other things that are awesome. Europe is consumed by the Zombie Apocalypse because they are too busy sucking to fight back.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:26 No.19956023
         File1315754795.png-(466 KB, 640x359, 17z.png)
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    >yfw when we still beat you
    u mad
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:27 No.19956034
    Beat who?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:27 No.19956038
    I notice you didn't mention our war for independence. Any particular reason why?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:28 No.19956050
    > Americans were all "Fuck Eurofags!"
    while chocking on all the French cocks.
    >War of 1812: Brits try again.
    invade Canada get stomped by force 1/10 the size then have all your major cities burned down before tea time.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:28 No.19956053
         File1315754918.jpg-(40 KB, 604x453, 1312861963364.jpg)
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    >MFW Brits still butthurt that we kicked their asses in WW2
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:28 No.19956056
    You mean that was bertween the UK and the French?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:28 No.19956059
    Because America is still not independent.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:28 No.19956062
    >American history taught in European schools
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:30 No.19956084
    >Burn everything durr hurr
    Then the 'Mericans beat the shit out of the brits.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:30 No.19956086
         File1315755036.jpg-(158 KB, 617x486, 1311384489102.jpg)
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    >American history taught in American sch...

    Wait a second, does America even have schools?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:31 No.19956097
    hmmm... Interesting that you forgot to mention that America singlehandedly took Japan out of the war.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:32 No.19956107
    >european history isn't taught in American schools.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:32 No.19956110
    >Knows entire history of the United States
    >Doesn't know that they have schools there
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:32 No.19956111

    The future? Enjoy your AA+.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:33 No.19956122
    The Russian winter did more to win the war than Russia did. Also, don't forget the Lend-Lease program *and* the Marshall Plan.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:34 No.19956123
    >had to use nukes because they didn't want to get owned like in Vietnam
    >> AQMCWHBF !!oBeU4KWpo/I 09/11/11(Sun)11:34 No.19956126
    I don't have bandwith caps.
    You're thinking of Canada, where pretty much everyone has them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:34 No.19956128
    I didn't have European history in high school.
    We had World History and we spent a day on you.
    We spent more time on Africa.
    LOL u mad
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:34 No.19956136
    >Implying you know what AA+ means
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:35 No.19956142
    because we learned that no one in yurop can illegally obtain firearms and massacres on yuropean islands which could have been prevented if one person had a gun never happen
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:36 No.19956143
         File1315755360.jpg-(58 KB, 332x499, 1308391188280.jpg)
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    I think it's time I remind you Brits just who it was that ended your empire.

    We laughed as you died in trenches during WW1, and only rolled in on your side when we decided the Germans were going to lose. Throughout WW2, we made enormous profits and flew to the top while your cities were bombed, your industries folded, your glorious navy was shattered and your people starved.

    At the war's close we took the crumbling ruins of Britain and stole your military bases while having you foot the bill for everything that happened. And at Suez, we at last had the pleasure of personally killing off what was left of your sick little empire.

    Britfags, protip: while you shouted at the French about how you will always choose us over them, we were chumming it up with the Soviets and doing everything to neuter your influence. Today you're still clinging to our leg. You've decided you hate Europe because of us, so now Europe hates you, too. Thanks for that: now you've got no friend but us. We're the ones who are killing off your soldiers in the Middle East, and the oil rigs that are being set up are all American owned, but you're pumping more money into the effort anyway.

    You were selfish imperialist scum, and you still wish you were. And that's why we've always worked against you and why we will always work against you. It just so happens it's much easier to do it when you're our "special" (i.e most subservient) ally.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:36 No.19956144
    So the US isn't a country?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:36 No.19956152
    Those weapons were legally owned because that fucker passed all psychological tests required to own weapons.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:38 No.19956161
    >We still don't bother to learn about your sand-roody-poo infested cock-smoke of a country.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:38 No.19956165
    Of course, it was actually the British, Chinese, Americans Fillipinos and Australians, but don't let details get in the way. :3
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:41 No.19956166
    >has no grasp on time
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:41 No.19956171
    If I recall correctly, the British were getting their asses handed to them in Indochina, the Chinese were losing land by the day, the Filipinos all but lost their independence and the Australians did diddly squat in the Pacific theater.
    >> AQMCWHBF !!oBeU4KWpo/I 09/11/11(Sun)11:41 No.19956173
    The Australians, Chinese, and Filipinos were all conquered and had their people literally raped by the Japanese. Americas major point in World War 2 was on the Japanese front, which was keeping them from fighting intensively in Europe because fighting a 2 sided war is a very stupid thing, and, besides invading Russia, was one of the reasons that Adolf Hitler failed. Why do you think the Japanese didn't fight in Europe?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:42 No.19956177
    lets not forget the Indians and some Burmese, and some Russia at the very end. But apart from all those hes absolutely right.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:43 No.19956189
         File1315755821.jpg-(25 KB, 400x416, 1314449465456.jpg)
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    Our crime rates are still 5 times lower. Checkmate, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:43 No.19956193
    retards actually think the Japanese military consisted of the few thousand men scattered on remote islands, not the millions in china and south east Asia.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:44 No.19956199
         File1315755861.jpg-(14 KB, 400x400, citation needed2.jpg)
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    I failed to include this image with my previous post thanks to a recaptcha failure so I'll try with this one.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:45 No.19956212
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:45 No.19956215
    I can't be bothered to list off the battles and offensives that prove you wrong, so just have a read of wikipedia at some point. I'm not mad that you're so obstinate about this, but I do think less of Americans as a result. Why are you guys so dumb?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:45 No.19956218
    Never claimed such. I pointed out how the various forces listed were *losing*. And do not overlook the effects of the Japanese navy or air force.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:46 No.19956226
    I almost composed a serious answer, but I can't answer logical fallacies seriously.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:47 No.19956230
    In case you missed it:
    >the Japanese invasion which led to the expulsion of British, Indian and Chinese forces in 1942
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:47 No.19956233
    Where would they put them all? Short of storing them in pokeballs.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:47 No.19956238
    >land of the freedom
    >can't drink alcohol until you are 21
    Cool story, retards.
    >> AQMCWHBF !!oBeU4KWpo/I 09/11/11(Sun)11:47 No.19956240
    I'm sorry, what? You do realize that the Japanese military was much more than several thousand men fighting against the Americans, and that there were entire bases filled with soldiers that were fighting under religious intent?
    If they had invaded Tokyo, then the citizens would have been taught and would have gone through with suicide attacks to kill American soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:47 No.19956242
    >Following the Guadalcanal Campaign, the Allies initiated several operations against Japan in the Pacific. In May 1943
    I note how the "allies gained momentum" *after* the US joined the war.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:48 No.19956254
    Sugar Ray Leonard and Muhammad Ali were boxing, i came along and punch the guy who was winning in the back of the head in the 10th round. I am the greatest boxer to have ever lived.
    >> AQMCWHBF !!oBeU4KWpo/I 09/11/11(Sun)11:49 No.19956276
    >land of the freedom
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:50 No.19956287
    In case you missed it:
    >Result: Decisive Allied victory
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:51 No.19956307
    So you're whining because you were getting your ass handed to you and when I come help you out and take credit for *making the critical difference*.

    Oh, and don't forget that your boots, shorts and tape and gloves were almost exclusively provided by me.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:52 No.19956317
    AFTER the US got involved. The Chinese, British, etc. were all losing until then.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:52 No.19956323
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    allied is pig disgusting
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:53 No.19956338
    The US could have done it by themselves but because you guys rode our coattails you think you claim it's your victory. Pah!
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:54 No.19956351
    The US pretty much *did* do it by themselves. The rest of the allies just happened to be there at the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:55 No.19956366
    So what your saying is America helped China and Britain win the pacific war. that sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:58 No.19956406
    More like America won the war and China and Britain happened be there at the time. But nice try saying that everyone in the area with a navy in the PACIFIC won the PACIFIC campaign.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:58 No.19956410
    you could have won a camping you had zero troops in?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)11:59 No.19956425
    America : 5.0/100 000 inhabitants
    Libya : 2.9/100 000
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)12:00 No.19956437
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)12:01 No.19956452

    >Implying the US didn't provide support and equipment for the soviet army.
    >Implying that if the US didn't threaten Western Europe the Soviets would have had a chance against the full German army.
    >Implying all the BEST panzer divisions weren't on the Western Front.

    Why don't you go learn some history, Eurofag.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)12:01 No.19956456
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    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)12:04 No.19956485
    Because the US had zero troops in the Philippines? Good lords you're a retard who's well past the "trying too hard" stage.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)12:04 No.19956487

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