>2011 >not looking like thisNo wonder you all a bunch of foreveralone perma virgins.
who's the hot girl?
Is that Rose?
I don't think I'd want to fuck hipster bitches
is that charles
>>19891783yes, before the hormones
>2011>not looking like a two-bit hipster faggotI see no problem here
>not wearing an SS uniform
This is disgusting.
nice belly
The only thing wrong with this is the shoes
i'm all for androgyny but no, that is not acceptablehere, have some perfection
>High heels >Girl pantsWell now thats just plain homosexual, OP. What sane being with a vagina would actually fuck that?
>>19892321>implying beings with a vagina are sane
>the boots
>Scene fags>Not perma virginsHahaha, oh wow.
>>19891851I don't have an SS uniform...I only have a Wehrmacht one...
Not feeling the clothesOr the hairOr the face that makes him look like a middle schooler.
Why would I want to look like a homosexual?
guy in OP pic is why white girls all fuck niggers now
If I have a choice between being a virgin and looking like a fucking scrawny pansy in high heels, I choose being a virgin.
>Triggers my pedo side for some reasonHuh, how old is that boy/girl/whatever?
Can someone explain to me why any male would wear fucking tight jeans? Why the fuck? It's not comfortable and you look like a faggot.Aside from everything else fucking wrong with OP's pic.
>>19892395Yup, it when come to black male models, this is what they feed to women in their magazines.
>2011>not doing thisNo wonder you all a bunch of foreveralone perma virgins.
>>19892461>Yup, it when come toWhat?
>mfw dat skinnyfat and girl thighsdo you even lift?
>>19892469I'm surprised you caught that.
But I can't look like that, seriously my mom has wider shoulders than it. Not exactly sure on the size there but I think my shoulders are twice as wide as it's shoulders.
>>19892480That's called being a man.
>>19891763>>19891763fuck a duck. what the hell has happened to you kids these days? is it any wonder our armies cant win simple wars? is it any wonder people cant have fun like they used because now they run the risk of hurting someones feelingsYa pack of lightweight cunts - disgraceful!
i can finally wear this retarded hat without feeling like the worst dressed person int he thread
>>19891763this does not happen in Friesland.
>>19892490>lightweightthere's nothing lightweight about that out of shape chode in the op's picI don't even know how you get your body to look like that>>19892508That hat is fucking goofy, and you fucking look like silent bobI want to hang with you
>>19892513ohboyherewego.tiff>>19892520>I don't even know how you get your body to look like thatIsn't anorexia amazing?
>>19892447It makes me feel like a ballerina and I like the way the jeans hug my balls.
>>19892541It's not really even anorexia though, the dude has a belly like no other>>19892544you are now going on my list of favored tripfriendswelcome, good sirand i'm digging the trechcoat thing
>>19892544On second thoughts
>>19892569i think my dick is over here>>19892479
>>19892490George Carlin would have a field day with these faggots
>2011>Not looking lie thisno wonder you're all unsatisfied with your lives, feeling you have done nothing of value.
>>19891763honestly if he grew his hair our more like a girl's i'd totally fuck her in the ass
>>19892520To hell with the dude in the coat - i like the way your write.** I ** want to hang with **you**
>>19892592IndeedI wish to hang with you as well>>19892579What is the snickers for?Did you end up eating it?
>you now realize that looking like a faggot will be a trend that progressively continues with each generation. soon we won't tell the difference between boys and girls, further advancing the gay agenda
>>19892569You know. That reminds me of what people look like when they try really hard to suck their stomach in to look thinner than they really are.
>>19892605Oooh, yah, i can see that nowso it's basically a glorified shemale trying too hard to be /fit/
>>19892603I for one welcome our new lgbt overlords.
>>19892603mmm femboys
>>19892603For white people, you mean.I dont think blacks or hispanics would do this bullshit..Maybe those faggot japanese would join you.
The only problem with that outfit is the shoes. A pair of black oxfords would fit the bill well.Also;>women get attracted to gay guys due to no chance of anything happening; that whole security aspect of the attraction>dress in a /fa/ way; but be straight (or preferrably bi :3)>get women to lust after your cock>obtain currency
>>19892618That's actually a cool little outfit
>>19892603imokwiththis.pngI can't wait for the day I can finally fuck a hot shota crossdresser in the ass.
>>19892617Oh but some blacks are! Also Japan has a lead on us.
>>19892650I don't know if you guys have noticed, but it is ridiculously easy for most blacks to trap/dress as femalesasians don't even have to try
>>19892668you appear to be an expert on faggots. how does this make you feel?
>>19892618> :3I'm going to bed, this shit is getting way to fucking gay even for /g/
>>19892677Actually, that's a common misconception among TG people
>>19892699Um sir might I inform you that your reply made little sense. So I fixed it for you.>Actually, that's a common misconception about TG people.Or unlikely but possible>Actually, that's a common misconception about me among TG people.
>>19891763i thought this thumbnail was steve jobs
>>19892697wanna fuck :3
>>19892717>implying I'm a TG person
>>19892717Sorry, typo
Go back to your shithole, /fa/g.
>>19892582Forgot to type this earlieryou look like fucking aphex twinI like that
>>19892618Too bad you're Asian and no man or woman will ever want you.
>>19892803and fat
>>19892803That isn't me. Just my favourite guy on /fa/ :3
>>19892582Do I see fucking pancershreck on wall ?
this is the best thread on /g/ since this summer started. looks like those fucking summer fags are gone now