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  • File : 1312713685.jpg-(47 KB, 800x531, 800px-Rms_at_pitt.jpg)
    47 KB Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:41 No.19265513  
    >my face when Richard stallman have jewish background and people will stop using GNU now because they are racist
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:41 No.19265516
    I already gnu that
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:43 No.19265541
    >implying that matters, and they haven't already stopped using it because he's a fat annoying communist faggot
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:43 No.19265543

    he claims to be an atheist but i bet his wife is a non-gentile
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:44 No.19265547
    gnu sounds a lot like jew

    >mother of god.png
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:45 No.19265565
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    >with ganoo's you lose
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:47 No.19265577
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    >mfw i hate zionists.
    >mfw stallman is atheist.
    >mfw he is one of the few cool jews.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:49 No.19265593
    do you even know what a zionist is?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:51 No.19265612
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:54 No.19265626
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:54 No.19265628
    the creator of gentoo is also a jew

    intel is made by jews

    welcome to the israeli botnet faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:54 No.19265634
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:55 No.19265640
    Support IBM's PowerPC in the War on Kikes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:55 No.19265644
    no intel inside
    no gentoo inside
    >> Amateur Tech Support !94iDVhTiiQ 08/07/11(Sun)06:57 No.19265665
    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:58 No.19265669
    >Implying I would care even if he was Jewish.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:59 No.19265675
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:59 No.19265680
    pick two
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:00 No.19265683
    If I was actually bothered I'd just use *BSD.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:01 No.19265692
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:01 No.19265695
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    >my face when I found out I had a Jewish background and will never have kids because I'm racist

    Well, I actually won't have kids because I'm terrified of overpopulation. But the Jew thing kinda pissed me off just because you spend you're whole life thinking you have this really cool German sounding last name only to find out when you get to college that it's Jewish and gramps converted to Christ for some pussy.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:02 No.19265705
    >you are whole life
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:05 No.19265722
    if I found out I was Jewish I'd do the right thing.
    build an oven and jump the fuck in. *I'm half Polish and good with my hands.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:06 No.19265726
         File1312715186.jpg-(350 KB, 2700x1800, the-hangover1.jpg)
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    >Well, I actually won't have kids because I'm terrified of overpopulation
    Really? That's why you won't have kids?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:08 No.19265740
    my ancestors were russian jews that imigrated to poland.

    that feel.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:08 No.19265741
    Kind of a retarded design, seeing as you're not allowed to tear things (including toilet paper) on the Shabbat.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:09 No.19265751
    >if I found out I was Jewish
    >I'm half Polish
    I have some bad news for you...
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:10 No.19265758
    overpopulation is fear mongering propaganda, go get a hot sexy girl make some kids right now
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:12 No.19265775
    >having kids
    there's nothing more self-centered than having kids, it's our basest instinct in prosperous times. if you really want to have miniature people ruining your day, at least adopt. it's the only responsible choice. no need to bring more suffering to this world.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:12 No.19265777
    Faster than exponential growth.
    My only source of relief is that most of the developed world is in population decline save for immigration.
    But those darn Africans...
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:14 No.19265795
    geeks are generally less racist so i don't think anyone will stop using linux because stallman is a jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:20 No.19265846
    >Not racist
    Ha ha ha, funny one.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:22 No.19265876
    Hello summerfriend. Only /b/tards are racist. No one else really gives a shit. We might say racist stuff, but that's only because it's funny. We never mean anything by it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:24 No.19265896
    I stopped caring about everything. So sue me.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:26 No.19265910
         File1312716396.png-(146 KB, 396x307, bernstein.png)
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    >threaten litigation
    >Jew thread
    I'll see you in court!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:27 No.19265915
    Have you been to /k/?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:34 No.19265994
    Yeah, but it's /k/.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:35 No.19265998
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    Not everyone is a libtard
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)07:37 No.19266014
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    >Still hating jooz
    woah sure is dark n edgy in here
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:38 No.19266021
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    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)07:39 No.19266032
    I hope that doesn't actually exist
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:39 No.19266035
    >someone has a different opinion
    >durr dark n edgy XD
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:40 No.19266046
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:40 No.19266052
    Everyone in this thread is a faggot, including me for even bothering to post this.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:41 No.19266054
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    It really does
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)07:42 No.19266066
    wow thats lame
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:42 No.19266069
    you are a fag
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:42 No.19266070
    You don't have to be a libtard to not be racist braha.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:43 No.19266073

    >Don't pay for software
    >Instead donate all your money to me so I can have a comfortable living and travel the world without having a job.

    I always knew he had some Jewish blood in him.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:44 No.19266085
    racism is a natural defense mechanism to protect your kind from an alien species. there is nothing wrong with being a racist in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:45 No.19266092
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:45 No.19266097
    It's true that being racist is natural, but so is rape. You're intelligent enough to understand that rape is wrong even though you have sexual urges. You can also reason that racism is wrong and try to fight your natural instinct to be racist.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:46 No.19266102
    This is kind of a shitty example but I'm tired so deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:48 No.19266121
    racism does not mean killing/raping or whatever the heck you are making it out to be. Not everyone is some KKK member out to kill you.

    I just think the only people that should be in my country, are my native people.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:49 No.19266126

    Hating Jews because your racist = bad

    Hating Jews because they kill innocent children and think their "God's chosen genes" entitles them to other peoples possessions = fine.
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)07:51 No.19266146
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    >Hating Jews because they kill innocent children and think their "God's chosen genes" entitles them to other peoples possessions = fine.

    Watch this

    >Hating WOMEN because they kill innocent children and think their "God's chosen genes" entitles them to other peoples possessions = fine.

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:52 No.19266152
    more like a natural defense mechanism to act stupid when you run out of arguments.

    Babies arent racist, only grown up are. You must be thought to hate other people, its not just something that comes naturally in by itself.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:52 No.19266155
    >I just think the only people that should be in my country, are my native people.
    Right so we should all pack our bags and go back to Africa then, after all it's the cradle of man.

    Otherwise define "native".
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:52 No.19266163
    Ashkenazi Jews have a high Genius level

    I'm against Israel but not Jews in general
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)07:53 No.19266171
    >against israel
    I love israel, who else will troll the middle east?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:54 No.19266179
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:54 No.19266183
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    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)07:55 No.19266193
    God tier
    Iran pre-revolution
    Shit tier
    Iran post revolution

    >MFW no more great persian empire being a beacon of 'fuck everyone we democracy now' in the middle east
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:57 No.19266213
    No need to pull out your 1000000000BC genetics man. You know what native means, I don't need to explain this to you. Look at halogroups, look at history, my people built my country, we were the first ones their, we are native.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:57 No.19266214
    Which country do you live in? I'll tell you how wrong you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:58 No.19266223
    Turks > Persians

    And I say that as a Jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)07:58 No.19266228
    >Iran pre-revolution

    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)08:00 No.19266247
    >Being jewish somehow makes it so you know who is betters
    Turks=Shitty arab knockoffs at best (They are hardly arab)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:00 No.19266248
    I live in Africa, shouldn't need to tell you the country.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:01 No.19266260
    I don't like your American ideas and opinions

    Lol downgraded bitch slapped by China

    The British Empire will be more respected by China when China #1
    >> Cameron 08/07/11(Sun)08:02 No.19266271
    >implying judism is a race
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)08:03 No.19266280
    nice try
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:03 No.19266284
    Hebrews man, Hebrews.
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:04 No.19266289
    That's a really xenophobic view you have. Diversity makes you stronger. Remember that.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:04 No.19266290

    Ah, you mean pre USA's "operation AJAX"

    That's what killed democracy in Iran, not the Islamic revolution.
    Islamic revolution was just to get rid of the US backed murderous tyrant.

    And sure they could have gone back to democracy but then the USA would probably invade and kill their elected leader again, so they needed something stronger.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:05 No.19266292
    That is a stupid implication.

    There are no more Hebrews.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:05 No.19266294
    >lying the internet

    nice try
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:05 No.19266295
    >Diversity makes you stronger.
    I respectfully disagree. So does the Roman empire.
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)08:05 No.19266299
    >thinking the islamic shitvolutoin didn't weaken them
    >thinking iranians don't hate the islamic fagolution
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:06 No.19266305
    >implying judism is a race

    Well, that's what most Jews themselves claim whenever it suits them best.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:06 No.19266306
    >implying all Jews don't have big ears and noses
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:06 No.19266307
    You mean until you couped their democratically elected leader? Nice work you retarded fuckasses.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:07 No.19266315
    >thinking the islamic shitvolutoin didn't weaken them

    They kept America out so far, that's what I meant.

    Democracy just isn't an option with America around.
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)08:07 No.19266318
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/07/11(Sun)08:08 No.19266327
    I have no idea why america didn't support the right-wing christian democrats in lebanon during the war, israel even supported them
    THE americans even supported arafat!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:08 No.19266329
    Judaism is a ethnic cult where they believe God told their great, great, great, etc grandpa that He only likes them and that they are able to kill anyone who isn't them.
    Jesus and Mohammed toned it down because they wanted to assimilate other people, but you can't really convert to Judaism because your mother has to be Jewish too.
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:09 No.19266332
    I only have one thing to say to that. Third reich.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:11 No.19266343
    I don't understand how this is any different from any other religion. You should hate everyone, not the Jews.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:12 No.19266353
    Yes, bad example. One idiot starts a war on two fronts. Also they were pretty diversified.
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:16 No.19266386
         File1312719365.jpg-(21 KB, 355x355, 1311701591108.jpg)
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    >A handful of battalions
    >The whole Nazi military was diversified
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:17 No.19266399
    >by the end of the war ethnic non-Germans made up approximately 60 per cent of the Waffen-SS.[5]
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:18 No.19266404
    >The whole Nazi military was diversified
    >Also they were pretty diversified.
    >The whole Nazi military was diversified
    >Also they were pretty diversified.
    Also don't ignore the point that he started a war on two fronts like an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:18 No.19266409
    Christians just think you should worship Christ.
    Muslims just think you should worship Allah and Mohammed as his prophet.
    Both are easy to convert to and active seek out converts.
    Jews require you to be born a Jew. You can convert, but it takes years and is very difficult. Even so, you'll never be considered a real Jew.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:19 No.19266415
    So.. You're jelly?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:19 No.19266423
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:22 No.19266451
    >By the end of the war

    At the start of the war they were 100% aryan and they still got stomped into the ground. You're trying to make the argument that having uniformity is better than having diversity and you're using the biggest fucking example of why that's not true.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:23 No.19266458
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    ITT: Mad gentiles being mad.

    Suck it, goyim.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:25 No.19266477
    Are you implying that germany lost because it was a one race nation? are you an idiot?.

    Hitler is the person that caused them to lose. Starting a 2 front war, going against his generals advice then losing in Stalingrad, not letting the army retreat. Sher numbers and a 2 front war made them lose, it doesn't matter if they were 100% diversified.

    Your argument is a joke. learn2 history. learn2 warfare
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:25 No.19266479
    Not the same guy you originally replied to, just refuted your retarded statement.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:27 No.19266496

    >but it takes years and is very difficult. Even so, you'll never be considered a real Jew.

    False on all accounts.

    Conversion to Judaism takes one year exactly, so that the convert can learn the meaning of all of the holidays as the occur.

    What's more, the Tanakh explicitly states that converts are equal to "born" Jews.

    Hell, the founders of Judaism (Abraham and Sarah) were converts, as was the mother of King David. If what you suggested were even remotely true, there would be no Judaism.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:29 No.19266521
    >babies aren't racist

    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:30 No.19266542
    The argument isn't about military logistics here.
    >Rule for over 400 years

    >Nazi Germany
    >Get beaten to shit in just 6 years
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:31 No.19266553
    >implying Abraham converted to Judaism
    He founded it, dumb shit.
    >implying I'd ever listen to your obviously Jewish lies
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:33 No.19266583
    >Nazi Germany
    >Get beaten to shit in just 6 years

    Well guess what idiot. You can't use them as examples and leave out the facts to make your point look better.

    If Germany was fully diversified, they still would have lost.

    Same numbers, same course of events, they still would have lost. Enemy had millions more soldiers, 2 front war, almost the whole world against them, it doesn't fucking matter if they were diversified or not, Germany was doomed because Hitler was an idiot and did not know anything about warfare.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:34 No.19266589
    >Han chinese
    >Han chinese everywhere
    >Convert minorities to Han
    >Rule for four thousand years
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:37 No.19266629
    They wouldn't have even had the war if Nazi Germany was fully diversified you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:37 No.19266630
    >stagnate for four thousand years
    >get beaten up by island of pasty inbreeds with bad teeth
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:39 No.19266648

    Rule China yes. Rule the entire Western world? No.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:39 No.19266649

    >He founded it

    Correct, but he wasn't born a Jew, ergo he was a 'ger tzedeq', a was his wife, as was King David's mother, all of whom were considered equal to born Jews, just as it is today.

    And conversion is neither a lengthy or difficult process, I can assure you of that from my own personal experience.

    But, if you choose to continue to wallow in the pit of your own ignorance, so be it. Surely, that has nothing to do with why Jews are so successful and you are not.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:40 No.19266659
    Yeah, no. War will eventually happen, no matter what. history has proven it.
    Yeah and nice trying to change your original point.

    This guy uses your own logic and defeats your point anyway >>19266589

    Unfortunately I'm heading off, maybe we can argue tomorrow if I seen you posting.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:42 No.19266682
    >pretending to be a Jew
    Why would anyone convert to any religion?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:44 No.19266722

    I'm not pretending, I am a 'ger tzedeq', a gentile who converted to Judaism.


    Because of all the religions I have studied, Reform Judaism actually makes a lot of sense to me.
    >> Oolong☃Tea !Reeeeeeeeg 08/07/11(Sun)08:45 No.19266729
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    So even if Nazi Germany never existed WWII was still going to happen? I'm real interested how you came up with that theory.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:49 No.19266765
    You just wanted to be edgy, different and elitist.
    It oozes from your posts. Your fanboyism towards the Jewish race and their accomplishments, and you wanted to illegitimately claim some of it for yourself.
    No religion makes sense, if you were truly intelligent you would know this.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)08:54 No.19266836

    >You just wanted to be edgy, different and elitist.

    Umm...nope. I studied it in Comparative Religions, in college. It interested me, so I studied more. The more I read, the more I agreed, so I decided to convert.

    >It oozes from your posts.

    LOL...ok, you've ascertained this from two brief posts?

    Cool story, bro.

    >No religion makes sense

    Tell that to the disproportionate number of Jewish scientists who have won Noble prizes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:01 No.19266911
    >Tell that to the disproportionate number of atheist scientists who have won Noble prizes.
    They're ethnically Jewish, not usually religious. You didn't convert your genes, you just follow the religion most of them abandoned.
    I have Jewish ancestry. It's small, and I don't care to know much about the religion, but I have a better claim to Ashkenazi having slightly higher average IQ than what you've got.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)09:07 No.19267001

    >not usually religious

    [Citation needed]

    >I have Jewish ancestry.

    You and every other anti-Jewish bigot on the Internet. Funny how that works, isn't it?

    >I have a better claim to Ashkenazi having slightly higher average IQ than what you've got.

    The mere fact that you actually wrote that bit of linguistic butchery seems to indicate otherwise, that your IQ (as flawed a metric as it is) is somewhere south of 90.

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