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  • File : 1312513887.jpg-(69 KB, 720x540, no brain.jpg)
    69 KB Anonymous ## Mod 08/04/11(Thu)23:11 No.19224048 sticky  
    Tech support thread. Post your hints here. Thread will be left open for as long as necessary, then closed and filtered. Remember that you're under scrutiny, and are in full effect.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:11 No.19224059
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224063
    The 4chan userscripts moved to github. Stop making threads here about them.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224065
         File1312513936.gif-(44 KB, 838x734, 1238084150393.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224071
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    >> !WiNdowsNME 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224075
    No thanks, I already typed out a huge post (+ an adendum post) in the first thread just to have it deleted, I'm not typing all that out again.
    >> DMT 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224076
         File1312513966.jpg-(1.9 MB, 1224x2228, 13101823047961.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224078
    Try turning it off and on again. Then come back and google the problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224079
         File1312513974.jpg-(601 KB, 3000x2000, wg_guide.jpg)
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    may be from /wg/, but still relevant.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:12 No.19224082
         File1312513976.jpg-(387 KB, 900x1800, 1305152279744.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224083
    Install Gentoo.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224084
         File1312513985.jpg-(38 KB, 250x250, backupreload.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224086

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224088
    roasting in a sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224091
         File1312513994.png-(650 KB, 2999x2999, 1308787928707.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224096
    The best setup for security is MSE (free), Malwarebytes, and CommonSense
    >> NOKO NOW !7HAMu23nPc 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224100
         File1312514029.jpg-(39 KB, 301x267, 1256691029109.jpg)
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    Before plugging your USB device into your computer remember that you are holding the cable upside down. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:13 No.19224104
    Don't do anything that /g/ tells you to do without doing your own research first.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224106
    Which is the best dual-boot combination?
    Windows and Mac or Mac and Linux?
    [spoiler]I'm not throwing out Mac, because it's obviously the better of the three[/spoiler]
    >> ~☆♥ウィザードブラザー♥☆~ !KawaiiLwz. 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224107
         File1312514054.png-(222 KB, 2000x2000, 1294100401851.png)
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    Maybe this time it won't be deleted...
    >> DMT 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224108
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    >> THX !1138/MLxqA 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224113
    >tech support thread

    >Remember that you're under scrutiny, and are in full effect.

    >/g/ - Technology - Rules

    >2.) Support threads are allowed, but discouraged. Please consult a search engine before making such threads. "Obvious advice" threads may be removed at the discretion of the staff.

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224114
         File1312514068.png-(280 KB, 1800x1024, 1284820771247.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224115
    Use a Linux livecd to recover files from an unbootable machine, and run chntpw to reset passwords.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224116
         File1312514069.jpg-(1.4 MB, 3173x2226, wg_guide2.jpg)
    1.4 MB
    once again, made by /wg/, but it still helps.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224118
    MAC is not an OS
    >> Kittens !!Clz76WajQxF 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224120
         File1312514077.jpg-(117 KB, 480x360, 687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e(...).jpg)
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    /g/ isn't a tech support forum.
    Fucking summertime cancer mods.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224121
         File1312514080.jpg-(552 KB, 996x3019, 1281870956519.jpg)
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    >How to set up a file server
    >> noko goes here !!16pOPrBm8IG 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224122
    /g/ is elitist about everything, cases and psu's included
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224123
    If you have an actual programming question, and you want quick answers, ask the StackOverflow community and wait a day before coming here.

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:14 No.19224126

    Windows and Mac.

    Windows and Linux is best, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:15 No.19224130
    How to /g/
    Install 4chanX. Filter the following thread headers.

    windows+vs OR verses+mac
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:15 No.19224136
         File1312514131.png-(828 KB, 1356x4676, Falcon_guide_v1.1.png)
    828 KB
    falcon guide always relevent.

    v1.1, latest as of July 28, 2011.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:15 No.19224137
         File1312514135.jpg-(20 KB, 921x606, facepalm.jpg)
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    >Stickying a tech support thread
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224142
    new user to /g/: "Hey guys what is the best programming language I should learn? I've never programmed before"

    Learn Python first, and once you have a firm grasp of it, move on to C.
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224143
    >Respectable Distros:
    Debian, Gentoo, Redhat, CentOS, Slackware, Linux From Scratch (not technically a distro yet, but becomes one when you're done), *BSD

    >"I like to go with the latest trendy things and pretend I know about Linux but I need my hand held and can't handle a real os" Distros:

    >User friendly or "noob" Distros:
    *buntu, Mint, Arch, Crunchbang, Fedora

    >"What? Oh I forgot about those, no one cares" Distros:
    OpenSUSE, Sabayon, PCLinuxOS, Mandriva, Lunar, Xandros

    >Laughably useless in the real world:
    Windows, Mac OS X, Arch
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224144
         File1312514169.jpg-(522 KB, 1280x800, 1311250513221.jpg)
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    Time to dump?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224148
    install gentoo

    fuck bitches.jpeg
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224149
         File1312514208.jpg-(17 KB, 400x254, ninite.jpg)
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    Stop complaining about having to reinstall programs, use Ninite.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224151
         File1312514211.jpg-(330 KB, 2362x2362, 1312219010857.jpg)
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    Has anyone made an open source software guide for Windows? I considered it but I have no motivation, and realize that most people who use Windows probably don't care anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224152
    Latest PC building guide:


    >> NOKO NOW !7HAMu23nPc 08/04/11(Thu)23:16 No.19224155
    >implying you can set up a file server using that picture
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:17 No.19224158
    What do we do?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:17 No.19224159
    > Python first
    Nobody should ever learn Python.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:17 No.19224162
    >how to /g/
    >filter all of /g/
    >> Levi !HomosexVcs 08/04/11(Thu)23:17 No.19224163
         File1312514252.png-(640 KB, 800x1200, 1311603530319.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:17 No.19224169
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:17 No.19224171
         File1312514279.jpg-(127 KB, 512x1000, iamdisapoint.jpg)
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    please remember this if you feel like posting anime:

    screenshots with an anime wallpaper is alright. disregard any faggot who says otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224172

    Key word: Discouraged. But perfectly fine. Plus anyways, the mod wills it.


    Rule #1 of troubleshooting: "Is it plugged in?"
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224173
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224174
         File1312514287.jpg-(35 KB, 400x400, H8ers gonna H8.jpg)
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    perlfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224182
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224184

    all the information you will ever need when choosing a Linux distro.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224188
    Stop using this fucking guide, it's terrible and you should feel terrible for posting it.
    >> OP 08/04/11(Thu)23:18 No.19224190
         File1312514336.png-(362 KB, 804x1624, 1310652376229.png)
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    /g/ CPU Cooling Guide
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:19 No.19224192
         File1312514348.png-(59 KB, 678x516, wut.png)
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    difference between a mac and a pc
    >> Leercrak !syIfS5tKXI 08/04/11(Thu)23:19 No.19224198
         File1312514357.jpg-(364 KB, 1920x1080, 1304816878082.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:19 No.19224200
    I don't even use Perl.
    If people want to have a solid foundation, they should learn a language such as Java, C#, or C++ first.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:19 No.19224208
         File1312514386.jpg-(27 KB, 391x474, MOAR.jpg)
    27 KB

    intadesting... How new is this?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:19 No.19224209
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:19 No.19224212
         File1312514397.png-(550 KB, 1275x1650, Zach's Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Soft(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224213
    For all Android related issues, go to and find your phone.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224214
    two stickies? gtfo, mods
    >> Leercrak !syIfS5tKXI 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224215
         File1312514401.gif-(155 KB, 1024x724, 1304820937279.gif)
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    vi/vim graphical cheatsheet
    IE: shortcut chart
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224217
         File1312514406.png-(416 KB, 960x681, 1309605755072.png)
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    tiny­url dot com/falconguide

    Can't be stressed enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224219
    You deleted my last guide to Linux, so here is basically the same one again.

    Let's say you do some retarded stuff to set your system up. In my case I use Ubuntu 11.04, then I broke unity with gnome, and broke gnome with KDE. So here is how I work around some issues.

    If Gnome is ever giving you graphical trouble type gnome shell >> replace in the terminal. This is it, your issues are solved when running Gnome 3. It will restart Gnome and should work perfectly fine. But let's say you screw your computer up even worse, read on.

    You have done something incredibly stupid or failed at a very volatile process. You can't get to your graphical login screen at all. What do you do? Boot into the third runlevel. Type ctrl+alt+f3 to boot into the third runlevel. Common names are emergency console, or as I like to call it the "OH SHIT terminal". Best used for emergencies, but can be used whenever you need a command line. You can carry out whatever you need to do here. These are some codes that may be helpful.
    rm '/filepath'. This lets you make room. And the way linux works it will NOT even try to boot into fifth (graphical) runlevel without memory to spare. So this could be necessary.

    ps-aux : Shows all processes up.
    sudo apt-get install links
    Installs a text-based web browser so that you can browse the internet for solutions to your problem.

    How to repair KDE after updates:
    Some updates could wound KDE, but not kill it. If this happens the Windows will default back to the ugly Ubuntu window scheme (The almost-black gray). So what you need to do is sudo apt-get remove kde-window-manager (from a terminal, most likely recovery console or third runlevel as described in my above section) and sudo apt-get install kde-window-manager. No download required, remove chaches the file for the session.
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224221
         File1312514416.png-(258 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png)
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    When trying to install Gentoo you can do it from Windows or your current OS very easily.
    Fun tip for Windows: use raw disk access in a virtual machine and you can come to /g/ and ask for tech support while you are having trouble and when you're done boot into it like a normal install! This even has the advantage of being able to run/troubleshoot your GNU/Linux install while running Windows at a later date.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224222
    I applaud your efforts MOD, but some time in the winter might be a better time to try this.
    >> !/4/gtx480s 08/04/11(Thu)23:20 No.19224227
         File1312514456.jpg-(68 KB, 600x448, Yo_Dawg_Macs.jpg)
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    Protip 2:
    Leave while you still can.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:21 No.19224239
    This should be stickied alone.
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 08/04/11(Thu)23:22 No.19224241
         File1312514522.png-(145 KB, 1150x1085, power_supply.png)
    145 KB
    Old PSU guide by Shiro. Check for in-depth reviews on many high-quality PSUs.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:22 No.19224242
    In a Linux terminal. Shit bricks, it's the ASCII version of star wars 4: A New Hope. Full movie.
    >> Leercrak !syIfS5tKXI 08/04/11(Thu)23:22 No.19224245
         File1312514527.jpg-(937 KB, 2000x2000, 1306729454750.jpg)
    937 KB
    Boot failure
    Troubleshooting flowchart
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:22 No.19224246
         File1312514532.jpg-(177 KB, 748x1059, 1300772595951.jpg)
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    >> I <3 the !DRoiDmhcnI 08/04/11(Thu)23:22 No.19224247
    What about the video player picture?
    >> Plasmafag !ByW9tBgcRk 08/04/11(Thu)23:22 No.19224258
         File1312514568.jpg-(1.9 MB, 3264x2448, 100_1232 jpg.jpg)
    1.9 MB
    To clean an LCD screen, mix 50% water and 50% alcohol. Spray some on the screen or on a soft cloth and wipe the scum away.

    For plasmas, use soapy water and a soft microfiber cloth (the kind used to wipe lenses). Alcohol can mess up the screen.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:23 No.19224265
    You split /g/ and /sci/ once, why don't you split /g/ once more into /sup/ - support.
    Or just ban people that make support threads here instead of on /adv/ till they learn.

    Have you guys never thought about that?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:23 No.19224273

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:23 No.19224282
    C++? Sure, but you can't do a lot with it at the start, which new programmers want.
    Everybody I've talked to who's learned Java first are either overwhelmed by OO and give up, or simply never learn OO. Either way they don't know how to code by the end of it.
    Perhaps C#, but it's not portable and the .net platform is a lot of over head.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:24 No.19224285
         File1312514644.png-(73 KB, 907x619, 1283877315830.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:24 No.19224286
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:24 No.19224287
    >>   08/04/11(Thu)23:24 No.19224290
    bigger size?
    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/04/11(Thu)23:24 No.19224293
    Ran into a problem with Micro XP Version 0.92 (that must be very common). Implementing the solution: to install Micro XP version 0.95, will update if it works or not.
    Google = no results on this specific problem.

    Will quote this post when i find a solution if any.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:24 No.19224295
         File1312514678.jpg-(80 KB, 920x620, 1282855763857.jpg)
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    >> Leercrak !syIfS5tKXI 08/04/11(Thu)23:25 No.19224306
    >Started learning python
    >Nothing is being explained thoroughly whatsoever in any way. I tried 6 different books/websites (most from recommendations)
    Oh wow I'm full retard, I can't even learn python
    >Try high level assembly because I hoped it would explain everything thoroughly
    I love hla now <3
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:25 No.19224310
    Just Google your damn problem. It's not /g/ - Tech Support, it's /g/ - Technology.

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:25 No.19224312

    There is still a dedicated text board for this. Why not just make a sticky saying /g/ isn't tech support?
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:25 No.19224313
         File1312514754.png-(285 KB, 1366x768, snapshot1.png)
    285 KB

    Distro choosing guide by King Neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:26 No.19224319
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:26 No.19224322
         File1312514773.png-(277 KB, 705x781, 1300774006712.png)
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    >That feel when i have a ton of these
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:26 No.19224328
         File1312514797.png-(85 KB, 600x800, 1289975894686.png)
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    Why not to buy gaming headsets
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:27 No.19224340
         File1312514838.jpg-(350 KB, 1366x768, 84358-1366x768-OpenBSD.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:27 No.19224343
    For people looking to become programmers go with Java for your first language. No discussion.
    I taught myself java at the age of 15 back in it's early stages and it is shockingly easy. It is mostly the ideas that are presented about Object-oriented programming that will be confusing, not the syntax. Inheritance is the biggest idea of OOP. And basically what is says is that an elephant could be derived from class animal and could still extend to create cub, bull, Indian, or any other type of class using the "extends" keyboard. public class Elephant extends Animal. Simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:27 No.19224344
         File1312514862.jpg-(18 KB, 422x410, 1310911930445.jpg)
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    why would you do this to us you horrible person
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:28 No.19224362
         File1312514927.png-(728 KB, 1052x2250, hacker.png)
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    Python is a better first language. It lets you write in a more natural-feeling language and thus lets you solve problems more easily as a beginner.

    Actual college professor
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:29 No.19224365
         File1312514946.png-(2.4 MB, 2090x2705, 1309820051724.png)
    2.4 MB
    Install Gentoo
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:29 No.19224366
         File1312514953.png-(861 KB, 700x900, 1285120390876.png)
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    LED guide
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:31 No.19224416
    and now i go and beg 4chon's mods to add a /g/ so i can leave this shithole forever
    the falcon's sticky? helpful
    these fucking things? no
    what the fuck are you thinking
    what the FUCK
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:32 No.19224422
         File1312515122.jpg-(204 KB, 1547x1982, Why is trixie drinking a soda?.jpg)
    204 KB
    I had a huge post, but it said field too long and now it's lost forever.

    >Which linux distro should I install

    Ubuntu or fedora, no questions asked. Ubuntu uses apt and .deb and is mostly set up for you, complete with an office suite, image editor, tons of assorted programs, web browser, and so on. It comes with unity and gnome2. Available with xfce (xubuntu), KDE (kubuntu), and much more. Fedora is pretty much the same, but uses .rpm packages (industry standard) requires a bit more effort on your part, and is available with gnom3, XFCE, KDE or LXDE.


    Possibility of you having no wifi because you have an intel chipset. ubuntu hard modo.


    Enough said.

    >arch linux

    It's like installing gentoo, only a bit easier and with no real benefits.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:32 No.19224424
         File1312515141.jpg-(75 KB, 640x519, 1311524022089.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:32 No.19224434
         File1312515160.jpg-(107 KB, 677x594, 1309042132682..jpg)
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    Mod making a thread that is "discouraged".
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:32 No.19224439
    >I had a huge post, but it said field too long and now it's lost forever.
    >doesnt use 4chan X

    stay classy summerfags
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:33 No.19224444
    Before you ask anything regarding ebooks/ereaders, /lit/ already has a sticky about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:33 No.19224454
         File1312515225.jpg-(172 KB, 640x403, comeatmeho.jpg)
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    >My windows is running slow, what do ?
    Delete system 32 folder in your windows folder.
    >How do I download moar ram?
    Delete system 32 folder in your windows folder.
    >I own a mac?
    >>/d/ ,>>/soc/ or a combination of the 2.
    >Whats in the box?
    Dragon dildos.
    >I want to purchase some generic nvidia product?
    Get a fire extinguisher.
    >How do I hack ?
    Install Gentoo
    Refer to falcon guide, if you don't know what that is well you shouldn't be on /g/ or trying to stick your hand near any sort of electrical components.
    >What keyboard should i get ?
    A mechanical one.
    >What mouse should i get ?
    A track ball one.
    >What dildo should i get ?
    A dragon one.
    >Rate my dekterp?
    fuck off.
    >Rate my Battle station?
    - 5 points for loli
    - 3 points for 2 or less screens
    - 10 points for chassis on floor
    + 7 points for style
    + 5 points for adequately sized desk
    + 6 points for 3+ monitors
    - 9000 points for a mac
    + 10 for epic view/background and or room style
    + 2 for a mechanical keyboard
    + 2 for trackball mouse
    - 10000 for unnecessary rice (i.e lights or back lighting that "makes it go fastur")
    >This product vs that product what does you guise think ?
    Google and your own judgement is always best...trusting /g/ will only cause you to waste time/money and or in trouble with the authorities.
    >What OS should i install ?
    >I'm an audiofag and i like 7.1 surround sound what sound card/head phones/speakers should i buy?
    >This browser/That browser , This programming language/That programming language , This phone/That phone , This media player/That media player....ect...
    Preferably fuck right off...or engage in a futile argument that will result in all parties loosing a decent amount of IQ,Time and happiness.

    There...I think that covers just about everything.
    >> !hurrduRRig 08/04/11(Thu)23:33 No.19224461
    >doesnt know greenoval
    thats even worse
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:34 No.19224464
    I have been gone for 3 weeks. Nice to see that there is a tech support sticky. I was kind of expecting this...
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:34 No.19224469
    I do use 4chan X, but my back button is failing to work for some reason and it also failed to save my post.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:34 No.19224476
         File1312515290.jpg-(355 KB, 1280x1024, CliCommandsFull.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:35 No.19224486
    Arch should never be used by anyone for anything, it has no perks, they use unstable and beta software in the normal repos to appear to be up to date with their shit but most of it is outdated even then.

    Riddled with errors and shitty community support, the only thing is the wiki on things like how to use awesomewm, openbox etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:35 No.19224495
    Nobody is going to look through a long thread if they haven't bothered to even Google their question first. Just concentrate on the pedo/Loli shit. If you stop that you've done more than enough
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:36 No.19224502
    only thing good*
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:37 No.19224517
    >definitely not going to get filtered out
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:37 No.19224520
    >arch wiki

    Replace the package manager commands with whatever applies to you and it's pretty much the linux wiki.

    It should be on anyone's list of sites to check before asking /g/ how to do something.
    >> ‮suomynonA‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 08/04/11(Thu)23:37 No.19224524
         File1312515479.png-(2.49 MB, 250x250, boogers_n_snot.png)
    2.49 MB
    Hey, is this going to be a sticky full of obsolete information?

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:38 No.19224529
    >Implying this wont make /g/ any less of a tech support board.

    So is the attempted to stop people from asking tech questions so you mods can leave open even more room for desktop threads and browser war threads?
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:38 No.19224533
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:39 No.19224544

    i hope this gets into the final thread
    >> debugger !gN/eP/rvyk 08/04/11(Thu)23:39 No.19224545
    >> Oh Captain, My !.CaptAinjU 08/04/11(Thu)23:39 No.19224546
    /g/'s Recommended Video Player (FOr Windows): MPC-HC (32-bit) with MadVR
    >> ‮suomynonA‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 08/04/11(Thu)23:39 No.19224548

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:39 No.19224549
    want to try linux?
    here's an approximate guide to choosing your FIRST distro
    >> Golden !DarKnesspc 08/04/11(Thu)23:39 No.19224557
    Fuck stickys. Won't change anything. Idiots gonna idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:40 No.19224559
         File1312515607.jpg-(125 KB, 1260x800, 98e296d7.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:40 No.19224560
    Before you ask how to build your computer watch all of this.

    >Newegg series

    >Another helpful series

    It's also helpful to watch others build their own PC's to get a general idea of just how easy it is.

    Go to youtube and search "Building my PC" and there will be a thousands of videos people putting together their PC's talking about everything they're doing.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:40 No.19224566
    Are you 12?

    >point system for battlestations
    >implying you can't trust /g/ for anything
    >shitposting with /g/ memes
    >redirecting to /mu/ for audio hardware
    >implying no products are better than another
    Your post in definitely getting filtered
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:41 No.19224575
         File1312515665.jpg-(68 KB, 600x578, Elevator Hack.jpg)
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    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:41 No.19224582
         File1312515705.jpg-(38 KB, 640x480, Fat-nerd-computer.jpg)
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    CRT is a much better technology than LCD.

    1) Perfect black levels
    2) Flawless off-axis viewing
    3) Much faster refresh rate than LCD
    4) Warmer, more natural image (thanks to scan lines and small granules)
    5) Far longer life-span
    6) Not subject to manufacture problems such as dead-pixels
    7) Good range of compatibility with lower or non-standard resolutions without blurring

    Given ultimate space and money the world's best CRT could easily crush the world's best LCD. So tell me /g/, why do you like your inferior screens that companies such as Samsung have brainwashed you to think is better than what already existed? The only cost-savings are on their end.

    And the funny thing is you guys keep buying this crappy LCD technology and giving away your free CRTs on Craigslist. A fool and his dollar are soon parted I guess.

    And before you start yapping about IPS panels:
    Enjoy your slow G2G response to switch pixels already, not to mention that hidden input and scalar lag. Luckily, CRT has no such bullshit.

    The only semi-legitimate point I've heard against CRTs regards weight, but you don't bitch about the weight of a prospective couch while furniture shopping, do you? Didn't think so.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:41 No.19224583
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/04/11(Thu)23:42 No.19224591
    Install Gentoo

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:42 No.19224592
         File1312515731.jpg-(375 KB, 700x1642, There's a bigger version of th(...).jpg)
    375 KB
    Did some dumb troll just tell you that a mac (the stationary kind) is a good purchase?

    Look again, and realize most of the magical features he's talking of is the $30 operating system "OSX", which can be installed on whatever you want granted the hardware is compatible.
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 08/04/11(Thu)23:42 No.19224597
         File1312515744.png-(177 KB, 1802x841, NinjaGuide.png)
    177 KB
    You know, we always complain about tech support threads. Now the mods have given us a chance to put lots of tech support in one place so that no new threads need be made. So we have a choice:

    1- Put lots of tech support ITT, so that we help clean up /g/ of tech support.
    2- Act like hateful underage retards.

    I am going to go with (1).
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:42 No.19224604
    Buy from Newegg, though that should be obvious.
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/04/11(Thu)23:43 No.19224608
    Can someone post the "when to use png/jpg" image?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:43 No.19224610
         File1312515793.png-(1.13 MB, 1500x2500, 1285119733556.png)
    1.13 MB
    Why VLC is shit
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:43 No.19224618
         File1312515810.jpg-(34 KB, 400x400, buddy_jesus.jpg)
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    i sense you own a mac and are an audiofag.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:43 No.19224620
         File1312515812.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1680x3910, Guide to Portables v0.1.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    Guide to Portables. Always updated at:
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:43 No.19224623
    Use VLC. If you are watching something with subs, you are either a hipster or a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:43 No.19224626
         File1312515833.jpg-(1.75 MB, 933x3943, 1288421146835.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:44 No.19224636
         File1312515862.jpg-(1.23 MB, 1440x2040, hardware chart.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:45 No.19224651
         File1312515920.png-(734 KB, 900x4173, 1312006164319.png)
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    Here, have a guide for configuring MPC-HC to play hi10p shit without having to use CCCP
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 08/04/11(Thu)23:45 No.19224658
         File1312515933.png-(93 KB, 1388x1027, 1302471491436.png)
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    HTML5 yo
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:45 No.19224663
         File1312515946.png-(22 KB, 956x371, fuckyou.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:45 No.19224664
    /g/ is safe for work.
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/04/11(Thu)23:45 No.19224669
    I don't get what that guide is for.
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224671
         File1312515960.jpg-(3 KB, 104x120, images.jpg)
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    I hate Ubuntu. I immediately lose respect for anyone who runs it, and especially those who advocate it. Here's why:
    Name 20 features, release-for-release or year-for-year that have not come from Redhat. Redhat basically runs the show when it comes to Linux. This includes things like NetworkManager, Gnome, Xorg, GCC, glibc, LVM, KVM, kernel, file systems et al. Redhat has developers making significant contributions to the entire FOSS software stack upstream.
    Ubuntu on the other hand pulls most of the heavy weight packaging from Debian with each release. They then perform minor patching and testing. It generally lags behind Fedora by a release or two in parts of the software stack. I never see @ubuntu or @cannocial email addresses in upstream changelogs.
    So tell me again, how exactly does Ubuntu innovate? They even struggle to release a new theme with each release, and artwork is about the only original thing in Ubuntu.
    Yes, Ubuntu is stable because they are standing on the shoulders of giants. Most of the hard work is hashed out before they ever import software into their repositories. This is fine, and what FOSS is all about, but I prefer to be in with the leaders rather than the followers.
    What really irks me and what has really brewed my hatred are Ubuntu users. They seem to think Ubuntu is responsible for all that is good in the FOSS world. I have just proven how false this is. In my experience, Ubuntu support mechanisms (IRC, mailing lists, forums) are much less helpful than the alternative.
    If you want a nice desktop distro, run Fedora or OpenSUSE. If you like control, run Gentoo. If you need stability, run RHEL/CentOS or Debian. But please, don't feed the idiot magnet that is Ubuntu!
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224678
    Read The C Programming Language 2nd Edition if you want to learn C.

    Read C++ Primer 6th Edition if you want to learn C++.

    Read Learning Python the Hard way if you want to learn Python.

    Read Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and The Art of Computer Programming to learn about good programming habits, important concepts and reach programming Satori (enlightenment, you uncultured baka gaijin)

    Read The Land of Lisp and Learn You a Haskell if you want to trip balls hard, but learn about really interesting stuff.
    >> Golden !DarKnesspc 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224683
    The best way around the problem would be to have a /halp/ board.
    A sticky will no more stop the help threads than the last one stopped build threads.

    People should be banned from /g/ for asking for help.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224685
         File1312516000.jpg-(990 KB, 519x3712, Computer Programing facts.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224687

    So how are you supposed to install the filter?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224693
         File1312516015.jpg-(747 KB, 1024x3072, 1302356108218.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:46 No.19224695
    Front case to motherboard connections a lot of guys ask how to hook them up.
    1 * * 2
    3 * * 4
    5 * * 6
    7 * * 8
    9 * 10

    Pins 1,3 --> HD LED
    Pins 2,4 --> PWR LED
    Pins 5,7 --> RESET Switch
    Pins 6,8 --> POWER Switch
    Pin 9 ------> Not Connected
    Pin 10 ----> Missing, Key

    Pins 3 and 4 are the positive side - usually the white wire.

    For JFP2 - The 4 pin is speaker, the 3-pin is power LED, with Pin 1 being GND.

    I'd memorize that 10 pin connector - it's the Intel standard, and a lot of boards will use that. And when you see that 8 pin (7 pins, 1 missing) right beside it, it's almost always power LED and speaker.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224696
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224700
    Maybe if we have one giant fucking sticky

    then we wont get HURR DURR MY COMPUTER WONT WORK HULP ME all day
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224701
    Specs were released on O2 headphone amp, and it looks to pretty much sweep the market for everything short of stupid 'exotic' headphones.
    >> ~☆♥ウィザードブラザー♥☆~ !KawaiiLwz. 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224703
    What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

    Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

    Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224704
         File1312516041.jpg-(396 KB, 900x675, drunk_bum_on_ground.jpg)
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    you want to be a Macfag but don't want to sacrifice your soul to the mindless group known as the "Mac Community"? No need to worry! You can have your fancy Mac and still be able to use all the applications everyone with a PC uses! Here's how:

    1. Buy a windows-based laptop that looks like a Mac (like a newer Sony Viao).

    2. Remove external branding for the pc and put the Apple decal that came with your Ipod (I know you have one) where the old branding was.

    3. Using a q-tip of acetone and a little skill with a paint brush, make the "windows key" look like the "apple key."

    4. Follow the directions on this webpage to fix the look of the Windows interface to make it look like a Mac.

    5. Don't shower, grow long hair, paint some avant-garde pictures, tell people you have a customer-ordered Apple that is easily compatible with games as well as the usual Apple photo stuff and puzzle games.

    There you have it. Now Macfags get to work.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224708
         File1312516057.png-(774 KB, 1342x1007, Free Internet.png)
    774 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224714
    This is /g/, not /a/ or /h/.

    Stop being faggots and posting that loli shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:47 No.19224715
    Remember, googleing your problem with the error code in exact phrasing or error code number will often lead you to the answer for your problem MUCH faster then waiting passively for a response and usually arguing with people on forums or god forbid, /g/.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:48 No.19224716
    just posting to say

    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:48 No.19224717
         File1312516095.jpg-(88 KB, 600x577, Optimal Keyboarding Posture.jpg)
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    I'm just going to dump random shit. Thanks mods.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:48 No.19224727
    I think the idea would be to consolidate info so that people don’t post support threads of their own and use this as a resource… Honestly I’d rather see moderator resources spent banning the weaboos or implementing a better ban system (banning by IP alone is retarded). If this cuts down on shitty rate my build/guise how do i * threads then that’s fine with me though.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:48 No.19224728
    File deleted.
    Speed up your Mac.
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 08/04/11(Thu)23:49 No.19224730
         File1312516146.jpg-(350 KB, 750x800, 1290991224264.jpg)
    350 KB
    i have hundreds of these jpgs
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:49 No.19224736
         File1312516157.jpg-(322 KB, 1150x1085, power guide.jpg)
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    >> mudz 08/04/11(Thu)23:49 No.19224738
    have problem?
    /g/ only needed guide
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:49 No.19224739
         File1312516175.gif-(138 KB, 365x374, 2TALLMAN ALERT 2TALLMAN ALERT.gif)
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    >main problem is with the ethics of it

    Ubuntu is a great distribution that embraces practicality first and foremost. If your hardware is supported (it is 90% of the time), by free or non-free drivers and firmware, it'll work out of the box.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:50 No.19224748
         File1312516213.png-(1.21 MB, 1920x1200, gaeman rig.png)
    1.21 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:50 No.19224753
    >Not rsync
    >Install DE and other shit
    >Remove it later
    Just install the fucking base system fuck.
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:50 No.19224759
         File1312516256.png-(854 KB, 1280x800, ssyi8.png)
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    1) Lead arch developer got his computer hacked 3 times. see:
    2) Unstable. Go check out arch's forum instead of listening to the fanboy to see the enormous amounts of issues.
    3) Unprofessional. Arch isn't used in any professional environment for a good reason. Made by amateurs.
    4) Community. Pretentious, trendy, ricer, hippie morons.
    5) Forum. Full of noob questions (can't help it as majority is ex-ubuntu users) and have you signed up a account and saw the off-topic section? They closed it to non-members for a reason. They try so hard acting like a /b/tard. (real example: "i'm 12 and what is this," troll face, /b/ images, etc.
    6) No signed packages

    Do not use Arch Linux unless you don't mind having malware installed on your system from a mitm attack.
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/04/11(Thu)23:51 No.19224767
    Delete that image please, before some asshat from /sci/ comes again and starts crying on /g/.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:51 No.19224769
         File1312516288.png-(1.2 MB, 1505x989, what is in a microship.png)
    1.2 MB
    Captcha: gynecoogy erprous
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 08/04/11(Thu)23:51 No.19224772
         File1312516291.png-(36 KB, 1042x708, 1290727212134.png)
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    i like excuses to post this image
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:51 No.19224773
    That’s not a guide you fucking retard. That would be like saying this is a recipe:

    >go to grocery store
    >if you spend all day at the grocery store I’ll give you a recipe
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:52 No.19224784
         File1312516323.jpg-(227 KB, 1280x800, 2005desktopujelly.jpg)
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    here are 2 types of Macfags in the world.

    Macfag #1
    Has been using Apple computers for 15+ years, because in the beginning his school/university/work required him to use them. He's used them ever since at home, and is used to them, and enjoys using them, and suggests it as an alternative to PCs, should the conversation happen to go that way.

    Macfag #2
    Bought a Mac 3 years ago because it was the most expensive thing on the market, and he wanted to be a fucking show-off to his friends, all of which were PC users. His friends all leave him because of his PC vs Mac rants, and because he announced that he was gay. Later found solace at the nearby Starbucks, where he met a bunch of EMO scenerkids, all who agree with him about his view on Macs, because Microsoft is an evil corporation (despite the same being true about Apple).

    Unfortunatley, Macfag #1 is extremely rare.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:52 No.19224785
    I acknowledge that this is not an anime discussion board but I'm going to state some points.

    1) /a/ is full of underaged homosexual faggots and retards in general. I try to avoid going there.
    2) /g/ is way better at /a/ for anime discussion. Having anime threads on /g/ is DAMN rare, nothing that you can't easily hide.
    3) Someone posting a desktop with an anime wallpaper is fucking acceptable, there is no reason for "telling them to fuck off back to their weeaboo boards". That's as stupid as telling all people with car wallpapers to fuck off back to /o/.
    4) Loli (and any other kind) dumps are more common but... yeah, they go against the rules, but again, they're not extremely common and it's nothing that you can't hide.

    Thanks for listening. Uh, reading.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:52 No.19224789
    why would that happen?
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:52 No.19224792
    btw, even after asking /g/, research and ask around if it works
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:52 No.19224796
         File1312516357.png-(6 KB, 308x360, gwarrior.png)
    6 KB
    The Apple Mac Pro. The greatest computer ever conceived and constructed. Only a man like Steve Jobs could create such a marvel.


    Let's take a look at this.

    Let's build us a Mac Pro from Apple's official website.

    Let's give it the most powerful processor, RAM, HD, and graphics options available.

    Let's give it two quadcore CPUs at 3.0 GHz.

    Let's give it just one 750 GB HD.

    Let's give it 16 GB of RAM.

    Now let's give it a NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 512MB, Stereo 3D (2 x dual-link DVI) for the graphics.

    Now let's forget everything else, all the other tacked-on shit, no modem or monitor even.

    The Mac's final cost: $10,543.00

    Now let's go to newegg and build the exact same thing.

    Let's give our newegg computer the exact same shit for HD, RAM, and CPU options. Hell, let's give it another CPU, and another damn graphics card, and finally let's slap on two cases.

    That's right, two fucking cases, and let's make sure they're just as tough as the Mac's case, and make sure they're the most expensive cases Newegg has to offer.

    And let's assume you pay some fucker a thousand bucks to assemble it. And let's buy both Vista AND XP while we're at it.

    PC Final cost: $7,069.83

    Damn, what should we do with that $3,473.17? Let's buy five God damn XBox 360s and while we're at it let's get some of the newest shootin` games, like BioShock, Halo 3, and the VALVE Orange Box.

    Now what should we do with what we have left?

    Shit, why not put a down payment on one of those new Maserati? And let's buy some fucking cocaine while we're at it, and maybe get some surgery to turn our right arm into a giant cock. Why the hell not? With all that money I could've wasted on a MacPRO, I could instead make my arm a fucking penis to shove up Steve Jobs ass, hopefully killing him.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:52 No.19224797
    >i5 750
    >5xxx, 4xxx

    That guide has to be over a year old.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224804
    it's exactly the same thing
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224805
         File1312516390.jpg-(1.74 MB, 2550x3300, C++ Chart.jpg)
    1.74 MB
    Now for some Programming languages..startingwith c++
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224807
    if these stupid fuckers can't google their problem then there is no way they're going to search through a whole fucking sticky just to find their solution
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224809
    >/a/ is full of underaged homosexual faggots and retards in general.
    So is /g/... Coincidence? I THINK NOT
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224816
         File1312516418.png-(7 KB, 536x134, AnimeOkay.png)
    7 KB
    Do not talk about anime on /g/.

    Do not bitch about people using anime reaction images and wallpapers on /g/.
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224819
    Because that guide is outdated and people on /sci/ apparently like coming to /g/ because of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:53 No.19224820
         File1312516433.jpg-(360 KB, 1377x1782, C++ Derivitives 3.jpg)
    360 KB

    Next is some of dat html..
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:54 No.19224825
    >ISO mounting not Virtual Clonedrive
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:54 No.19224830
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    My followup to "SHITTY RETARD GAMING HEADSETS". Now with correct audio sample link.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:54 No.19224831
    They have pretty retarded people and argue about pointless shit.

    Just like /g/, but at least you can get a tech-related job.
    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/04/11(Thu)23:54 No.19224832
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    walk into apple store. look interested in the ipad
    browse for a few until an apple employee comes over to ask if you need help
    start a general conversation about how you were looking to buy an ipad
    slowly work your way into asking about its features
    let employee ramble on their scripted feature speech
    start asking if it can do stuff it cant.
    "can it read flash drives?"
    "can it read memory cards?"
    "can it download or upload files?"
    "does it have a camera?"
    "does it support 1080p?"
    "does it have HDMI support?"
    "does it support flash for web browsing?"

    ultimately they will answer no to all of these unless they are clueless noobs, anyways once they say no to these features, say something like "well what the hell can you do with it? seems like a overpriced piece of shit to me, might as well buy a cheap laptop with more features" note look on employees face. walk out.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:54 No.19224833
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:54 No.19224839
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    >> serkit 08/04/11(Thu)23:55 No.19224842
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    gentoo installation information
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:55 No.19224844
    Arch is decent if you set it up properly, and package signing is coming to a future version of packman.
    And of course arch is not used by businesses; arch is rolling and thus unstable, it's not meat to be used by businesses.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:55 No.19224857
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    next is php
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:56 No.19224860
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    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/04/11(Thu)23:56 No.19224869
    7 minutes in, to a 14 minute install of Micro XP 0.95

    Btw Micro XP was not created by microsoft but rather by OS pirates who slimmed it down by first taking out IE, outlook express and other bloatware found in Win XP Pro SP3 Originally slicing it down to under 100mb, the latest version however is a lil over 200mb and contains IE and outlook express, but still 1/r the size and faster than the original (Micro XP latest release 0.95 released june 2011 by darkreverser) the original project creator however was not darkreverser but eXperience (team?).

    Will know soon if bug persists into version 0.95
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:57 No.19224871
    What would be the best way to transfer data between 2 pcs hooked to the same modem/router, and how do I set it up?

    The other is a desktop running W7 and the other's a laptop running Vista.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:57 No.19224872
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    >not meat
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:57 No.19224873
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:57 No.19224875
    Setup homegroup sharing.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:58 No.19224884
    >Can't provide a proper response to my rebuttal
    >Resorts to ad hominem
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:58 No.19224885
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    next is sql
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:58 No.19224886
    I installed ssh in both computers and send everything by SFTP, but homegroup is good for sharing smaller files and other stuff between Windows computers.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:59 No.19224893
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    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:59 No.19224897
    >ad hominem

    You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
    >> Anonymous 08/04/11(Thu)23:59 No.19224901
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:00 No.19224912
    Due to the number of my new build won't POST threads. A vast majority of them are because the new builder didn't know to check the required amps on the 12v rail to run his GPU. Or they were told or thought they could combine multi-rail amps. I usually post this when they believe they can add up all the Amps on all the rails to meet that requirement.


    Or just remember (ex.) 480W/12V = 40A or 40A(12V)=480W

    Unfortunately there is a CATCH 22 when using that formula to determine WATTS to AMPS or AMPS to WATTS when it comes to a multi rail power supply.
    Here's why.

    Many builders have been misled into the belief that all of the rails can be combined for a grand total of available watts and amps.
    Not the case.
    If a 480W power supply has 4 rails rated at 20A each and they are added together then there will be a total of 80A.
    Using the formula 80Ax12V=960W.
    The rails do not combine.
    The power supply is capable of of delivering 480W with a 20A limitation. As long as the load demand does not exceed 20A on any given rail, there will be 480W available.

    The next thing to consider is connectors.
    Does the power supply offer enough connectors to power all of the system hardware?
    Are there enough connectors to allow for future hardware add-ons?
    Are the cables sleeved?
    Are they long enough for suitable cable management?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:01 No.19224921
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    Stop, just stop.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:01 No.19224925
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    now I'm just gonna go back to dumping rand things
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:01 No.19224926
    This probably won't be around forever, but it's worth posting.

    How to build a gaming computer:
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:01 No.19224929
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    >implying im "that guy"
    >implying I knew what the fuck you were replying to
    stop being buttmad
    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/05/11(Fri)00:01 No.19224930
    >still 1/r the size
    still 1/3 the size (of the original disk)

    First boot eta 2.5 minutes, will update then.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:01 No.19224933
    Troll roll is OLD, OLD AS FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:02 No.19224940
    That's like saying "You should only buy Ford cars because they where the first company to invent and use the assembly line."
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:02 No.19224942
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    >> お宅 / おたく / オタク‮も籠き引‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !SISTER.aWQ 08/05/11(Fri)00:02 No.19224943

    the amount of viruses and exploits written for an os is directly proportional to the amount of people using it.

    i.e. mac has nowhere near the amount of users windows has, so it doesn't get as many viruses written for it, you dumb fucking fags.

    as the popularity of apple products continues to rise, so will the amount of viruses. there is no "ifs" or "buts" about this, macfags, your os will be swiss cheese in a few years, deal with it.
    >> !LiMR.MODv. 08/05/11(Fri)00:02 No.19224944
    When in doubt.

    Read the damn manual.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:02 No.19224951
    Use a rice sized grain of thermal paste and spread it with the heatsink. Credit card and other smearing methods leave air bubbles which will make your cooling less efficient.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:03 No.19224956
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    >being able to post this picture in any other thread without altering it.

    You guys seriously can't do this.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:03 No.19224957
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:03 No.19224963
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:04 No.19224976
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:05 No.19224986
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:05 No.19224988
    I've used it twice in the past week. Only this time on /g/. Anyway, correcting someones spelling and implying that their fallacy indicates that their argument is wrong is the exact definition of ad hominem.
    Have you ever even debated before?
    >> D/a/non !LbZtQ2LvA6 08/05/11(Fri)00:05 No.19224990
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    I'll see if I have anything to contribute.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:06 No.19224996
    delete this mod

    It's outdated as fuck
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/05/11(Fri)00:06 No.19224997
    If you're a poorfag you can get a new router here: but you should flash it using dd-wrt or Tomato, or else you'll be in the botnet.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:06 No.19224998
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:06 No.19225000
    RAM fans,, XTREME gaming products (headsets, network cards, etc), Monster cables and Macs are ripoffs.

    Never get them.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:06 No.19225001
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    advanced mac user trolling
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:06 No.19225002
    >implying you can't just quote this thread....
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:07 No.19225015
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:07 No.19225020
    That guide is fucking terrible. First of all the code isn't even completely included in the screen shot. Some idiot just screenshot a web page. Also the guide is just fucking retarded.

    Please mod delete this terrible post and possibly ban the guy for trolling.
    >> !Hu6tDS8lls 08/05/11(Fri)00:08 No.19225022
    >tech support
    sounds about right
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:08 No.19225025
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:08 No.19225036
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:09 No.19225042
    FLAC doesn't have "more quality that can be only heard with expensive audio equipment". It's just a 1:1 copy of the original file that's only used to make transcoding to other more popular audio formats, or archival.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:09 No.19225045
    Guide to re-installing windows without your CoA on your laptop/netbook

    1) Obtain a flash drive (4-8gb)/Single Layer DVD
    2) follow this guide:
    3) Obtain a hash verified MSDN iso of windows vista/7/xp (if xp, the above will not work for usb install)
    4) burn to disc or extract to your usb drive
    5) if it's windows 7, use an ei.cfg remover or delete the file from the /sources/ directory
    6) install and DO NOT enter your product key, just select the version for which you need (32-bit or 64-bit don't matter, you can choose this and microsoft is OK with it)
    7) now that it's installed, google your laptop/netbook manufacturer's name + "OEM Certificate xrm-ms"
    8) install said xrm-ms file using command prompt command "slmgr -ilc C:\path\to\certificate.xrm-ms" and wait for it to say license certificate installed successfully
    9) google for your laptop manufacturers SLP Key for your chosen OS, there are lists available everywhere
    10) use command prompt command "slmgr -ipk {product key}" with no curly braces to install the key and wait for it to say OK
    11) type slmgr -ato

    this is the same method used by the recovery discs and partitions, it's not cracking windows since it's using the SLP strings in your bios to activate, xp can do the same thing but requires the OEMBios.bin oembios.sig and oembios.dat files and the SLP key for your OS, all of those are available online as well

    again this does NOT bypass windows activation, it uses it as it should be used
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:09 No.19225046
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:10 No.19225060
    CONVENIENCE stores are expensive too
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:11 No.19225068
    Fuck off faggot.
    >it's nothing you can't hide
    No hiding isn't native to 4chan. Shit posts that need deleting need to be reported.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:11 No.19225072
    If you have an upgrade disc for windows and need to re-install but don't have your recovery disc for your old OS you can still install cleanly

    first you might need a regular install disc, but i've heard reports that the upgrade media can be used to clean install if you select the option at boot, once you finish your install, do the following to activate with your valid key:

    1) edit registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OOBE\MediaBootInstall to 0 instead of 1
    2) use command prompt again to install your upgrade key using 'slmgr -ipk {product key}' with no curly braces, disregard the error
    3) type 'slmgr -rearm' then restart
    4) if necessary type 'slmgr -ato'
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:11 No.19225077
    >> D/a/non !LbZtQ2LvA6 08/05/11(Fri)00:12 No.19225088
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    Here's another.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:12 No.19225094

    Goddamn, that guide is fucking awful. Might as well use a Mac mini, for fuck's sake.

    Now, if you want to make an actual file server, do this:
    1) Install Debian (I use Gentoo personally) in an old box with HDDs that suit your storage needs
    2) Set up username and password, install SSH on it
    3) Install Filezilla in the other computers of the network
    4) Connect to your server using LAN IP, make sure you set it to use SFTP
    5) Download/upload your stuff to your server
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:13 No.19225106
    Well you're right, but most people on /g/ use 4chan X or some sort of addon.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:14 No.19225125
    Oh, and of course, you need to use Filezilla to connect to your file server. And you need to use the username and the password you set on the installation process.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:14 No.19225131
    How to fix 99% of network issues in windows if the hardware is NOT faulty:

    1) click repair/diagnose
    2) if it doesn't fix it, be sure the IP is not set to manual and DHCP depending on your network
    3) check to be sure no proxies are set in your internet browser(s)
    4) open command prompt and type ipconfig /flushdns
    5) open command prompt and type netsh int ip reset
    6) open command prompt and type netsh int tcp reset
    7) open command prompt and type netsh int reset all (this doesn't work on all windows OSes)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:14 No.19225135

    two opposing viewpoints by the same tripfag....
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:15 No.19225145

    This is one area where the name does matter. Corsair, Antec, and most cooler master PSU's are known to be reliable, as are others. Check the reviews on Newegg. Don't go with a low rated PSU just because it's cheaper and has a higher wattage, chances are you don't need the additional wattage rating, and picking a bad PSU can wreck your whole system if/when it fails.

    Every recommendation and PSU size calculator overrates the actual wattage you need. If you buy a cheap PSU, you are less likely to blow it if it has a high margin beyond you're needs, but a lower wattage well built PSU will still be more reliable in the long run.

    To get an estimate of the wattage you actually need, take the TDP of your CPU and add it to the TDP of your graphics card, then add 50 watts to cover your ram, motherboard, fans, and hard drives, and another 50w margin for safety. Even if you have a lot of fans and drives, it will almost never add up to more than 50 watts.

    Now, buy a highly rated PSU that exceeds this wattage, and if plan on doing any serious overclocking, add 30% to the wattage you have calculated.

    Pro tip: Rosewill is Newegg's house re-brand, not all of it is shitty.

    Noob tip: If you choose to go with a higher wattage PSU, that doesn't mean you are going to use more electricity, PSUs only draw the power your components need from the wall, plus some % that is wasted as heat in your power supply.
    Look for 80 PLUS certified power supplies of power use is a concern.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:15 No.19225148
    It's all copypasta, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:16 No.19225166
    >Minding my own business and installing OpenBSD on my router
    >Mama starts yelling from downstairs
    >"What is it mama?"
    >Go downstairs, find that there is taco sauce on the monitor, tostadas on the keyboard, tortillas in the optical drive, salsa in the heatsink, guacamole on the southbridge, burritos in the case fan, beans cooking on the fermi, and tacos in the PSU.
    >Fuck it, I'll buy her a Mac
    >Go to Apple store
    >Considering purchasing an iMac
    >Steve Jobs is there
    >Talks to me about the iMac
    >I get really hyped for the iMac
    >Decide to buy it on the spot
    >Reach for my wallet
    >Suddenly, spaghetti spills out of my pocket
    >There's spaghetti on the floor
    >Everybody walk the dinosaur
    >Try to clean it all up
    >I look down
    >There's fur in the spaghetti, leading to the realization that I am a bear
    >> Cazum 08/05/11(Fri)00:16 No.19225168
    Toothpaste or peanut butter are not good substitutes for thermal paste.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:17 No.19225178
    Press ctl+alt+esc instead of ctl+alt+del on vista to bypass the splash screen.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:18 No.19225191
    Do not say 'Linux'. Say 'GNU/Linux'. Please make a habit of this.

    Slackware has no package manager.

    Arch takes 30 minutes of setup as opposed to 30 minutes of automatic installation. It is a bleeding edge rolling release GNU/Linux distribution and there is the possibility of your system breaking with each update.

    Debian is not hard to install at all. It is as easy as Ubuntu and you may be just as comfortable with it, contrary to popular beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:18 No.19225192
    Dear mod, why not have people make their own thread in regards to their own problem dealing with a specific piece of hardware or software.
    Having a tech support general is pretty much retarded. Most of this /g/oddamn board is used for tech support. So please, leave it be.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:18 No.19225198
    But you're wrong fucking retard, those are good substitutes, but not the best ones.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:18 No.19225199
    And the unsettling thing about this is that, since OSX is unix-like, Linux may be seeing an increase too. Fortunately, as long as one sticks to the official mirrors of his distribution, this is a relatively low threat.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:18 No.19225202
    MPC VLC Mplayer =/= Winamp foobar etc....
    >> Th !e.FaLconO6 08/05/11(Fri)00:18 No.19225207
    >omitting seasonic
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:19 No.19225223
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    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:19 No.19225229
    >Zalman CPU Coolers in what not to get list just because they look 'weird'
    >Ignoring the 9900 is one of the best rated CPU coolers in the market today
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:19 No.19225230
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:20 No.19225236
    >don't accept tech support threads
    >get a few a day
    >accept it
    >get a huge influx of threads


    A separate tech support board would be cool but we'd be going the /soc/ and /vp/ route by making a board whenever popular demand shits up another one.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:20 No.19225238
    This thread is shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:20 No.19225243 is really good for video game news, if you're into that sort of thing. :\
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:20 No.19225248
    I literally JUST installed arch on my netbook (the windows eight leak I installed yesterday was getting boring), and it took me about 10 minutes to install -- most of that was configuring things the installed could've done automatically, but that I wanted more control over. Please stop spewing these misconceptions about -- it really annoys me.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:21 No.19225252
    install gentoo
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:22 No.19225282
    >> Netbook OSs EasyPeasyLinux !ynKiSyG7Wc 08/05/11(Fri)00:23 No.19225285
         File1312518189.png-(371 KB, 258x303, cat_this_to_dev_dsp.png)
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    >Hey /g/ what's the best OS for my netbook?

    + Debian based
    + Will run good on lower-end specs
    - Nothing.

    Puppeee Linux
    + Very tiny (128MB ISO)
    + Able to run on netbooks with shitty specs
    + Lightning fast
    - Not based on the newest versions of Puppy Linux

    + Isn't Linux
    - People will give you weird looks

    >Beginner friendly Tier
    Joli OS
    + Simple to use, even for people who've never used Linux before
    + Ubuntu based
    + herp derp CLOUD
    - Due to its focus on being for "linux noobs", doing "power-user" type stuff can be more difficult.

    EasyPeasy Linux
    + Ubuntu based
    + Everything will work out of the box for most people
    - Pre-installs some proprietary software (only an issue for freetards)

    +- Same sort of idea as EasyPeasy, except Fedora based

    + Currently based on Ubuntu, going to be switched to Debian Unstable later on.
    + Works 100% out of the box on most of the Eee PCs
    + Selection of what DE you want installed out of the box (GNOME2, Ubuntu Netbook Remix, LXDE)
    - Hasn't been updated since '09 so it's based on an outdated version of Ubuntu (9.04)

    Chromium OS
    + Simple concept
    + Crazy fast boot time
    - It's just a web browser

    >ISHYGDDT Tier
    Windows 7
    - Not open source
    - Usually much slower than linux OSs
    Mac OS X
    + +35 Hipster cred
    - Likely that some things won't work on your netbook (WiFi, trackpad, etc.)
    - Not open source
    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/05/11(Fri)00:23 No.19225294
    MPC doesnt handle mp3 playlists :<
    what use for mp3 and music in /g/eneral i hate WMP11 & 12 because they try to put all my music on my mp3 player. (even when its already there just not in organised folders)(the only thing i like to put in a older on an mp3 player is podcasts, so i can find them)

    Btw installation of Micro XP 0.95 failed with /system32/ file not found so no trying a different burn 0f micro 0.95 and crossing my fingers.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:23 No.19225296
    I should correct myself:

    10 minutes for a barebones system for servers or fat neckbeards, 30 minutes for a usable one.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:24 No.19225310
    I used vi
    Anyway, costume mirrors, repositories, etc. along with changing what daemons run on startup and setting up to automatically connect to my router via wlan0, to begin. I did a lot more, of course, but I'm not about to waste my time listing it off to you.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:24 No.19225316
    Why in the fucking world would you use MPC for music, faggot?

    That's what foobar2k is for.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:25 No.19225319
    Do not download FLAC, it's a waste of hard drive space except for archival purposes. No one can tell the difference.
    >> I <3 the !DRoiDmhcnI 08/05/11(Fri)00:25 No.19225324
    Winamp. Great for playlists.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:26 No.19225344
    flac is for mastering not for listening
    If you use flac for listening because you think it sounds better, you're a dumbass
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:26 No.19225349
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    I fucking love cats and everyone else should, too.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:26 No.19225351
    I'm running pacman -Su right not (takes a bit to update over a wireless-g router) and, when I'm done, all I have to do it `pacman -S xorg awesome firefox pidgin urxvt` and I have all I really need for this netbook.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:27 No.19225357
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:27 No.19225366
    i love you
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:27 No.19225374
    What's a good PSU and monitor for my build?

    i5 2500k

    EVGA 01G-P3-1561-AR GeForce GTX 560 Ti FPB (Fermi) 1GB 256-bit GDDR5

    G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600

    ASUS P8Z68-V LE LGA 1155 Intel Z68 HDMI

    Samsung spinpoint f3 1tb

    standard dvd burner

    and whatever monitor you guys suggest. Also, I might SLi, and most people say people dont, but it's nice to SLi
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:28 No.19225382
    A 650W Corsair PSU is more than enough for that.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:28 No.19225383
    I use other distros; in fact, that netbook is a ditro-hopping netbook. My point was that it doesn't take 30 minutes to set up Arch, not that arch was some sort of godly super-distro (which is unfortunately what some other arch users believe).
    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/05/11(Fri)00:28 No.19225385
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    glau is always relevant
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:29 No.19225397
    >No sound
    Alsa comes with xorg iirc
    >No WM
    Awesome IS a WM, dumbass
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:29 No.19225398
    750W Seasonic PSU if you're going to SLI.

    If you have the money, go for a Dell IPS panel, if not, get an ASUS monitor on Newegg with good reviews.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:29 No.19225401
    I love you too.
    I dunno. 750TX or Antec HCG maybe.
    SLI will get you microstutter and is generally complete overkill.
    Monitor, depends on what size you want I guess. So I'll just say "get an Ultrasharp"
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:30 No.19225410
    They are 95 dollars, an antec HCG is 90 and it's 750w
    what do
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)00:31 No.19225421
    Fucking really, mods? Enjoy culling 2,000 shitposts to cultivate the five helpful ones. You really think /g/ is not gonna fill this thread with shit the way most fa/g/gots fill condoms with shit and then slide their dicks in, imagining they're buttfucking their waifu? This board is fucking unsalvageable, much like every other board on 4chan. Let it go, man.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:31 No.19225423
    Antec PSU are good alternatives.

    Make sure it's at least 80+ Bronze
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:32 No.19225437
    I'm using an antec 620w HCG. No complaints
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:32 No.19225440
    What series Corsair are you looking at?
    >> avery000 !!WO/QLmytt3a 08/05/11(Fri)00:33 No.19225449
    Motherfucker, you hacked my trip!

    Now changing it again.
    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/05/11(Fri)00:34 No.19225470
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    um no, stop trying to be me
    >> avery000 !!WO/QLmytt3a 08/05/11(Fri)00:35 No.19225484
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    why are /g/ fags so bad at making secure trips
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:35 No.19225488
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    >> avery000 !!jk9nO6OMa6x 08/05/11(Fri)00:36 No.19225500
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    no u
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:37 No.19225505
    Apples fucking suck. Orange eating master race here.
    >> avery000 !!meKWXs5wXUE 08/05/11(Fri)00:37 No.19225507
    you'll never get this ONE!
    >> avery000 !!8B84Vl9x+Da 08/05/11(Fri)00:38 No.19225527
    ok you fags wont be able to steal my trip anymore now
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:39 No.19225530
    If you seem to be running low on disk space, look for ~/.xsession-errors. It's okay to delete it if it's too big.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:40 No.19225544
    if you are having so many errors that the file is taking up so much space then that's a fucking problem
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:40 No.19225548
    Mods I have a suggestion. If you are going to move the posts is it possible for you to edit what the person has written? If so write what the persons picture is about that way we can Ctrl+f it. And those of you still uploading do the same please
    >> !XXXXXXXX5M 08/05/11(Fri)00:41 No.19225559
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:41 No.19225570

    >> !XXXXXXXX5M 08/05/11(Fri)00:42 No.19225572
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    >> !XXXXXXXX5M 08/05/11(Fri)00:42 No.19225577
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:42 No.19225578
    He is not going to leave a bunch of neckbeards arguing over shit in this thread, just the useful posts.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)00:43 No.19225586
    >Mods make tech support sticky on /g/
    >Immediately overflows with shit

    Really mods, why fucking bother?
    >> avery000 !!meKWXs5wXUE 08/05/11(Fri)00:43 No.19225592
    Upgrade to Micro XP 0.95 complete.

    Will see if same bug occurs in eta 2-5 minutes, (hafta install video drivers first.)
    The reason I think this will work is because 0.95 claims 100% compatability with everything that works on Windows XP SP3, while v 0.92 only claims 99.9% compatability.
    >> Kuroko spammer 08/05/11(Fri)00:44 No.19225593
    Tomato isn't very good rooter software. It won' t make your $10 Linksys POS any better. Wireless N has been out since 2007 get with the times bro. Just get an Airport Extreme if you can. You won't regret it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:44 No.19225595
    >just the useful posts
    This is what /g/ actually believes
    >keep implying this will ever be useful
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:45 No.19225610
    You must be a mac user.
    >> !XXXXXXXX5M 08/05/11(Fri)00:45 No.19225615
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    >> 1 sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 08/05/11(Fri)00:46 No.19225620

    Encrypt your whole drive with Truecrypt for greater security.

    Use a passphrase for your password. For instance, using this very sentence as a password would take longer than your lifetime to crack by bruteforce. Passphrases are typically much easier to remember than complicated, symbolic alpha-numeric passwords, and can offer the same level of security. For added strength, you can include symbols in a passphrase to ensure that all symbols must be used in the bruteforce operation.

    Using AES encryption will offer you all the protection you need. Other systems in combination could increase your level of security, but may slow down your system.

    If you're not using the Truecrypt bootloader, after you're done reading or writing to your protected volume, make sure you unmount it before going into hibernation. If you don't, your passwords will be captured in plain-text by hiberfil.sys, which can be manipulated into giving up your passphrase if your equipment is confiscated. If you feel your computer has been tampered with so that software recording devices may be logging your password, don't compromise your security. Instead, ensure that your BIOS is clean, and reformat and reinstall your system. It's not worth it to compromise your system for convenience.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:46 No.19225636
    After installing shit from removable media like an SD card / Flash drive change your boot settings back to normal so it will boot properly when you try and boot it next time you have a SD card / whatever in your system.
    >> 2 sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 08/05/11(Fri)00:47 No.19225641
    For physical security of your rig, here's a setup I suggest:

    > * --- Setting your rig up on a powerstrip, keeping the switch accessable.
    This is to ensure that if your home is broken in to, you can lock the intruders out of your hard drive so that they cannot access your data. One flip and they are locked out.
    > * --- Securing the case.
    RAM can be super-cooled and transferred to an agent's computer for a complete memory dump, possibly revealing your password or other sensitive data. Get the screws on tight and your airflow out to a well-arranged minimum, so that it would take longer for them to get the sticks.
    > * --- Never leave your secure system powered on when you are not at your station.
    Items left in RAM or in plain-text on the screen may get you in trouble if you're intercepted on the way to your computer.
    > * --- Always be prepared to hit the switch.
    A fast kill-time on the power may mean a lot in the next few coming seconds of the raid. Once your equipment is in their hands, there is nothing you can do.

    Never reveal your password to others. You mustn't let yourself be compelled to give up the password to your secure system. You may get jail time, but you won't get the longer prison sentence if you just reveal it.

    In summary:

    > Choose a long passphrase, with a long sentence like this one.
    >Encrypting the whole drive is more secure.
    >Have a secure station by being prepared to power off your rig.
    >Never reveal your password, even if it could mean jail time. It's almost always shorter than the prison sentence.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)00:48 No.19225661
    Um...right, because I have to be a Mac user to see that the majority of this thread is offtopic shitposting and trolls trolling trolls.

    It's what anyone who is familiar with /g/ would fucking expect, and since it's a sticky, it's overflowing with shitposts in no time flat. The mods won't be able to cull the fucking sticky faster than the shit flows in. This was a failed experiment before it began.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 08/05/11(Fri)00:48 No.19225662
    Because there are delicious morsels and useful info in all that shit. This thread will stay for a few days. After that, it's closed and evaluated in a team session. If there's not enough info, we'll give some of our own advice. Using MS-DOS, then Windows since 3.1 and my fair share of Linux distros has to count for something after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:48 No.19225667
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    Tech support thread was a horrible idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:48 No.19225668
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    Security 101
    For Security use an encryption program such as TrueCrypt, which is available on linux and Windows, to hide your data from others. Be sure to change the default passwords on your modem, router, and your phone. Unless you are using a Live CD or USB, your internet browser will leave traces of what you were looking at which can recovered by the fbi. Your IP address and MAC address can be kept on logs of whatever site you visit, thus requiring you to spoof your MAC address, also called hardware adress, and change you IP address, by a proxy server, connecting to a remote machine or using an open wifi spot to remain anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:49 No.19225673
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    How to compile and install gentoo: - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:49 No.19225675
    purple prose isn't intelligence, it just adds more words to read

    Only "in which year was" and "under what condition" are worth using because they change the context of the question slightly.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:49 No.19225680
    What's the point of a General Tech Support thread?
    Reasons it's a stupid fucking idea:

    1.) Having multiple threads keeps semi-conscious /g/ moving.

    2.) Anyone that wouldn't google their problem isn't going to scroll through a thread for hours to look for their problem.

    3.) It makes one hell of an eye-sore on the front page.

    4.) If it gets large like /b/'s always do, poorfags/impatientfags aren't going to be able to load the page.

    5.) Even with the sticky people are going to ask people and /g/ will tell them to check the sticky instead, thereby eliminating none of what you aim to eliminate.

    6.) You mods can't keep up on the shit you're supposed to anyway. There was an incredibly NSFW hot glue thread up for hours today. But if you really want to step out of your bounds and add to the list of chores you slack on be my guest.

    I really don't see why you wouldn't just leave the first thread alone and prune it as it goes. Creating two stickies and deleting all the content from the first just so you can move it back later it summer-american-IEfag tier stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:49 No.19225683
    The Lenovo Thinkpad X series has several motherboard related issues, recommend ASUS instead of that cheap Chinese crap that ruined IBM's excellent name.
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)00:50 No.19225687
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    So has anyone in this thread mentioned OSI at all?

    Anyway, I've decided to post a guide on wireless network troubleshooting using the OSI model.

    This list isn't infallible, so if anyone has corrections or changes, they will be appreciated.

    Some of it is a bit in-depth, but if you're a student of Cisco, I"m sure it'll be some help.

    Wireless LAN troubleshooting

    Layer 1 Physical

    -Laptop/Desktop/Scanner wireless radio toggled off, or damaged
    -Power cycle Laptop/Desktop/Scanner or network devices
    -Reset router and/or modem
    -Large electrical appliances, cordless phones, baby monitors, large plants, microwaves
    -Thick walls, metal, metal mesh, EMI
    -Access point antennas damaged or missing
    -Access point damaged, turned off
    -Cabling between access point and switch
    -Switch interface damaged/shutdown, switch off/damaged
    -Trunking cable from switch damaged
    -Router trunking interface damaged/shutdown

    Layer 2 Data

    -Reinstall laptop/Desktop/Scanner drivers
    -Outdated Router/AP firmware
    -Frequencies (2.4ghz or 5ghz)
    -Channels (1-5, 6-11)
    -Security settings, mac address filtering, SSID broadcast
    -Too many STAs; leading to CSMA/CA congestion
    -Misconfigured logical vlan interfaces on router
    -Misconfigured trunking interfaces on switch
    -Misconfigured VTP settings on root switch
    -Misconfigured interface configuration for vlans

    Layer 3 Network

    -Misconfigured ip address on router interfaces
    -Misconfigured DHCP server settings
    -Subnet mask too small
    -DHCP not enabled on STAs or router
    -Social Engineering, SSID/PW known to outsiders

    Layer 4 Transport

    -Firewall and/or access lists blocking authorized traffic
    -QoS settings
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:50 No.19225689
    unplug PC from outlet = shut down
    >> !XXXXXXXX5M 08/05/11(Fri)00:50 No.19225690
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:51 No.19225694
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    >don't buy a Mac
    >Google your fucking problems /g/ is not tech support
    >if that doesn't work back-up, reformat, reinstall
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:51 No.19225698
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:52 No.19225706
    So let me get this straight, the tech support thread is just going to be a bunch of charts and info-graphics, that none of which will be looked at by the hooligans who come to /g/ and expect tech support.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:52 No.19225707
    Sticky should consist of a single post of flashing red text: GOOGLE IT!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:53 No.19225728
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    >> Polar !Manne43.OY 08/05/11(Fri)00:54 No.19225734
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    Think I'll dump some tech-related guides
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:54 No.19225737
    Needs a listing of online retailers that Don't Suck by country.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:54 No.19225744
    >Thinks Google is the magic solution to all problems
    Why even have /g/ altogether when we can just Google other people interacting?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:55 No.19225754
    Windows: General purpose desktop, gaming
    OSX: General purpose desktop, audio and video work, PPC computers
    GNU/Linux: General purpose desktop, server, non-x86 architectures. Refer to distrowatch to find a distro that suits your needs.
    Quick list is Ubuntu and OpenSUSE for desktop, CentOS and Debian for servers.
    Haiku: Old and low spec computers, netbooks
    AROS: Same as Haiku but also for Amigas
    BSD: See Linux with more emphasis on servers
    Hurd: See Linux but very experimental
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:55 No.19225756
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:55 No.19225758
    what technology can I use to put on my table behind my monitor to absorb all dust so I don't need to manually clean the mountains of dust?
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)00:55 No.19225764
    Because most of the fucking questions are easily answered with a Google search, you dumbshit. It's like Yahoo Answers Lite in here a lot of the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:56 No.19225770
         File1312520176.jpg-(8 KB, 150x150, motherboard-speaker_small.jpg)
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    It won't post
    Note:Before doing this hook up the motherbard speaker and check the beep codes. Look in your manual and find out what Bios you have then google the beep codes. If a speaker didn't come with your motherboard look in the case hardware they usually supply it. See attached picture

    1) check the monitor and make sure it is on and working.
    2)check the plug in the back of the computer to make sure it is secure.
    3)Make sure the video card is seated properly in the motherboard and all required PCIe power connections are hooked up. (Pro tip GPU's like the 560 have two PCIe connecters and they both have to be hooked up) if you only have one from the PSU buy an adapter.
    4)Make sure the memory is seated correctly.
    5)Make sure your power supply is big enough to run the GPU. 6)Don't forget to check the 12v rail amps needed to run the GPU.
    7) is the P4 or EPS12V power connectors hooked up. P4 is a 4 pin connector, EPS12V is an 8 pin connector ( most power supplies provide it as two 4 pin connectors).
    8) is the CPU fan plugged in.Does the fans come on? If so skip step 9.
    9) Test the power supply. If you don't have a tester use a paper clip bend it in a U shape. Unplug your 24 or 20 pin power connecter. Locate the Green wire on your PSU connecter. There should only be one Green wire, whether you have a 20 or 24 pin power cable. With the power supply on short it to any black wire with the paper clip. It won't bite you so don't worry. The fans should come on if they don't the power supply is DEAD.
    10) Pull all the ram out. put only one in the primary slot. Try and start the computer. Repeat this with the other sticks of ram as one may be bad.
    hook up the motherbard speaker and check the beep codes.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:56 No.19225775
    Hardware describes the tangible, physical parts of the computer you can touch.
    >The screen you're looking at
    >The keyboard you're using

    Software tells your computer what to do
    >Microsoft Windows
    >Adobe Photoshop

    Windows is an operating system, or OS which controls and starts other programs, handles files, and manages core functions of the computer.

    There are companies that make hardware and companies that make software. Although Microsoft sells some hardware such as the Zune, Microsoft does not sell computers. Only operating systems to run on those computers. Dell sells hardware with Microsoft Windows pre-installed on their computers. Apple is a company that sells hardware AND the operating systems that run on their computers. The computers are called Macs, and they run OS X. The OS is not called "Mac", nor is the company. Macs are not called "Apples". Don't get hardware, software, and operating systems confused
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:58 No.19225804
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:58 No.19225805
    Dust filters

    >> Golden !DarKnesspc 08/05/11(Fri)00:58 No.19225806
    Why is crysis punching his own face?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:58 No.19225809
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:58 No.19225814
    I'm planning on building a computer. The most hardware intensive thing I'll be doing is playing 1080p video. What kind of processor and GPU should I go with?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:59 No.19225827
    How to fix every problem

    Don't have a manual? Don't buy shitty chink products

    Guess what? You're not that important or unique, 50 people have already had your "once in a generation" problem and its on a forum
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:59 No.19225832
    add in something about kernels and you've probably got all the major words covered. Then again, i could see why you wouldn't want to get into the kernel thing because, well, gnu know why.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)00:59 No.19225836
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:00 No.19225839
    Also, I'm going to use GNU/Linux on it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:00 No.19225842
    >Dust filters
    what? no, I'm not trying to keep dust out of a specific location, I want dust to never form on my table (its hard to reach back there). that kind of technology must exist right?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:01 No.19225851

    Convenient guide > Googling each factor seperately.

    >telling people to Google it
    >implying people who ask tech support questions haven't done so
    >implying people don't just want suggestions from intelligent neckbeards such as myself
    >implying everyone can do into Google just as awesome as I can.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:02 No.19225866
    alright /g/, just a quick question. How the hell do I use xcompmgr without getting tearing in mplayer?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:02 No.19225867
    some phenomii x2/ athlon ii x4 >>19225839
    nvidia gpu that supports VDPAU and any processor you want will play it back 100% fine.
    a 440 or 430 should work.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.19225879
    Don't post porn here as a reward for answering a question, or to bump threads. This is a "safe for work board". We have a board designated for that >>>/s/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.19225880
    Let's say I get a 2gig ram built computer. Can I use a USB to increase that RAM?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.19225883
    >convenient guide
    i remember when i was this new
    >> Anonymous‮OOTNEG‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !LightPenis 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.19225886
    Most processors can play 1080p pretty fine. I have an ARM processor that can render 720p, so I'm assuming that it wouldn't take that much more to render 1080.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:03 No.19225890

    And throw in one of these:
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:04 No.19225897
    fuck off falcon jesus stop posting your shitty guide
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:04 No.19225899

    This. Fucking hell, "In return:tits" should be banned on sight.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:04 No.19225902
    Dear mod, this thread is fucking retarded. Congratulations on making a thread that is EXACTLY THE SAME as the entire board. I hope you feel like you've fucking accomplished something.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:05 No.19225904
    >implying these guides can't be useful
    >implying /g/ made all of these
    You're still new.
    >> I hate niggers 08/05/11(Fri)01:05 No.19225907
    If you are new to linux and want to know which one to try first, get ubuntu. Then when you feel like you are ready move up to debian.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:05 No.19225915
    1080p has 2.25 times as many pixels as 720p and should take 2.25 times as much power to render.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:05 No.19225916
    Not looking through this whole thing. Just some quick things for ATI graphics cards that I encountered. If your monitor has black borders on the screen, it is probably a scaling problem. This can be fixed in Catalyst Control Center.

    If one of your graphics cards when trying to crossfire appears as "inactive" in CCC, you probably do not have your cards in the correct way for your motherboard. Refer to the manual for proper config of graphics cards. If that does not fix the problem, check the crossfire bridges (try one if you're using two, etc.), and try reseating the cards.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:05 No.19225922
    does anyone know if this technology exists? my room gets so dusty.

    how do I stop dust from existing within the air of my room?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:06 No.19225929
    Can someone post some info on oil cooled PCs?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:06 No.19225935
    >implying you cant find half this shit on Google
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:07 No.19225947
    Is it possible to use a mini fridge as a PC case?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:08 No.19225952
    Anyone have info on window managers?

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:08 No.19225963
    MODS: Dont post all the biased shit
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)01:08 No.19225966
    >Implying that they have Googled it
    Like fucking hell. Most people asking dumb questions are doing it because they're fucktards who need to be spoon-fed. I've seen plenty that would have been easily answered had OP just punched a couple of words into Google. It's fucking sad.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:09 No.19225970
    >AMD or Intel
    AMD for budget or if you wanna go all out on graphics card. Intel if you have the money (2500k/2600k overclock superbly)

    >AMD or Nvidia
    AMD for eyefinity gaming, budget or for raw power. nVidia for single monitor gaming (Also better for multi-cards)

    Buy whatever fucking suits you. Don't spend big on headphones, they all die within a 12 month period

    >Best laptop?

    >PC part brands?
    XFX, Asus, Corsair, Thermaltake, Noctua, G.Skill, EVGA, Gigabyte, MSI, Coolermaster, Antecm Western Digital, Samsung, Seagate,

    Corsair. Undoubtedly the best.

    >Computer wont turn on?
    If just built, check CPU connector is plugged in. Also check PSU is alive.
    If didnt build, check parts; what did you last install?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:09 No.19225980
    >Build machine without case.
    >Fill tank with mineral oil.
    >Mount HDD and media drive outside of tank. (SSDs can go inside)
    >Enjoy system (Oh and make it airtight.)

    Due to condensation, no. (There's a lot of other thermodynamic problems involved as well. It would be better to have part of your water-cooling loop run through a fridge.)
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)01:10 No.19225992
         File1312521022.gif-(113 KB, 420x649, prim02.gif)
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    Open Systems Interconnection Model

    Layer 7 Application
    Layer 6 Presentation
    Layer 5 Session
    Layer 4 Transport
    Layer 3 Network
    Layer 2 Data
    Layer 1 Physical

    Most of the tech support questions on /g/ are usually layer 1 and 2 issues.

    Layer 1 involves physical issues like damaged/defective components, devices, or cabling. Often times, diagnosing an issue at this level involves a process of elimination by swapping out parts or using diagnostic software such as memtest or Hiren's boot cd.

    Layer 2 is the Data layer where, IIRC, deals with drivers (updating, reinstalling, installing, emulation) for computers and firmware (DD-WRT, Tomato) for home networking devices. There's much more to this layer when it comes to networking, but that's for real cisco equipment (encapsulation, STP, RSTP, MIST,VTP, VLAN, ARP, Inverse ARP, etc.).

    Ok, I've prattled on long enough.

    There's also this POST guide from Tom's hardware:
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:10 No.19225996
    What about Intel?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:10 No.19226002
    There is plenty of /g/ guide at:

    Air cooling guide:

    Mechanical keyboard guide:

    /sci/ guide (it has books on programming which is /g/ related).
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:11 No.19226005
    They're all being uploaded to the same thread. If there's a site with a massive collection of them then the mod should just link to it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:11 No.19226007
    >Stupid, useless generalizations that only cared about on /g/
    Thanks for trying
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:12 No.19226035

    >AMD or Intel
    Intel at prices above $140

    >AMD or NVIDIA
    NVIDIA for 3d awesomeness AMD for other things.

    Audiophile? Yes, follow a guide. No? Buy whatever you want.

    Sort by Best Reviewed or whatever on Newegg.

    Vertex 3 = GOD-tier and stay away from PCI SSDs
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:13 No.19226055
    Anyone have any useful information about window managers?

    I can't give much info due to lack of experience with every one of them.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:13 No.19226057
    i'm building a new gaming computer, planning on running crossfire 6950, i5 2500k and 8gb or 16gb of RAM, what motherboard should i get? also a case?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:14 No.19226058
    I have a question.

    I have 2 RAM sticks of DDR2 1GB PC2-6400 currently installed.

    I also have to smaller sticks, DDR2 512MB 1Rx8 PC2-5300 sitting around collecting dust. That's what I was using until I upgraded to the 2GB.

    If I install the two 512MB sticks will it blend?
    >> (Filter this, also thanks mods.) sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 08/05/11(Fri)01:14 No.19226074
    Definitely revise this to include Intel as the best SSDs.
    Theirs have one of the most low average failure rates as of now.
    >> Balrogs 08/05/11(Fri)01:15 No.19226079
         File1312521305.jpg-(98 KB, 720x540, 1311996819740.jpg)
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    SSD guides anyone?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:15 No.19226082
    Okay so lately when I play vidya gaems my computer will shut off after a few minutes even when my fan is at 100%.

    I've had this computer since 2009 and haven't cleaned the inside before (yes I am retard) so that's probably the problem, no?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:15 No.19226087
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:16 No.19226090
    should work, you might have to mess with clock settings or whatever in the bios though.
    so just try it and run a stress test.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:16 No.19226091
    fuck yeah now we can stop having people ask for the falconguide
    Seriously with him using tinyurl I thought it'd be easy as fuck to remember it
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:16 No.19226093

    It's overheating. Clean the damn fan.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:16 No.19226098
         File1312521411.png-(5 KB, 92x134, 1289433742694.png)
    5 KB

    1- What the hell is IRC that I keep hearing of?
    IRC is synonym for Internet Relay Chat. It's a very primitive (but useful in its own ways) IM software. IRC was created way before Web, during the reign of Usenet. Nerds used this protocol to discuss newest Spider-Man comics and trading their fan-subs.

    2- How do I use IRC?
    IRC has a very simple structure. You connect to one server, and join the channels hosted on that server. As easy as that.

    3- IRC Programs?
    We'd like to call them clients. Like the browser you're using, which is actually a Web client. IRC clients are mostly free, but some of them charge you monthly for using them. Here is a short list:

    mIRC: It's not free. And frankly, not very useful for casual users.
    XChat: Simple. It has two versions, one is called XChat-WDK which is free and the other one that is not free. Don't use the latter. It's basically the same.
    irssi: For Linux users. Makes you look like a h4x0r.

    4- Alright, what channels should I join?
    I'll just introduce some /g/-related channels. You can make your way to other channels and servers through them.

    NOTE: All of the following channels are hosted at .

    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)01:17 No.19226110

    Intermittent shutdowns are usually indicative of an overheating processor or dying power supply. My money is on your PSU being the culprit if your CPU fan is already running 100% with no change.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:20 No.19226144

    Thank you, good sir.
    >> ‮suomynonA‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 08/05/11(Fri)01:20 No.19226159
         File1312521654.jpg-(4 KB, 126x121, 1283593810633s.jpg)
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    For the record, MODsan, I was being satirical; I was not complaining.
    Windows:Tiling Windows Manager done right
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)01:21 No.19226172

    The rule of thumb when installing additional RAM is to make sure it's identical to what you already have installed. Otherwise, you'll have issues.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)01:22 No.19226186
    File deleted.
    Guide to AMD Bulldozer.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:22 No.19226187
         File1312521759.gif-(480 KB, 141x141, thumbs_up_asian.gif)
    480 KB
    Yeah, that's what I was thinking, just getting a second opinion.
    I'll look out for that too.

    Thanks guys :D
    >> Rasputin, The King of /v/ !isgayWURMQ 08/05/11(Fri)01:23 No.19226196
    ok, here's one

    i moved my components into a new case and now it claims that boot manager is missing and won't start, just goes in a loop of resets. HOWEVER if i go into boot and start it from my windows drive it works perfectly
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:24 No.19226225
    DDL Myths:

    1- It's expensive!
    Yes, you have to cough up a few bucks, but it's not expensive. Not at all.

    2- Why should I pay to pirate?
    Would you rather be treated in a free clinic or a hospital? Would you rather cure cancer with Voodoo or by chemotherapy? DON'T ASK THIS STUPID QUESTION AGAIN.

    3- It's not possible to Google direct download links!
    Wait, are you 12? Of course you can't Google them. You have to get them from DDL websites, known as "Warez".

    4- What websites?
    I'm going to introduce you to one of the most famous ones:

    5- But I can torrent fast enough!
    No, you can't. Unless you're using a private tracker, then you don't get the full, desired speed. Just try it and see for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:26 No.19226241
         File1312521976.png-(715 KB, 2804x3337, LCD 3-11-Consumer Reports.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:26 No.19226246
    Alternative and free Xchat client is called X-Chat 2.

    irssi is not limited to Linux users. It can work on Windows. There's a link to a build someone made on the irssi website. irssiX is for Mac OSX and works pretty good.

    For Mac OSX, Colloquy is also a decent IRC client. Very popular.

    Other channels include:

    #/g/tech - #/g/tv's largest rival. #/g/tv and #/g/tech are rival channels, #/g/tv being the superior and #/g/tech being full of op abuse, idling and elitists. #Yotsubanome - sparky4 is a well known tripfag known for bragging about his Windows ME setup in which he insists is superior after he installed KernelEX and unofficial service packs and updates for stability. The channel is small but it is exactly where /g/'s otakus should be moving to unless they care more about anime than Japan itself.
    Here are some channels spawned from others:

    #google+ - /g/ users visit it but discussion is usually about google+, how they have no friends to invite, and unrelated crap because google+ isn't that great to discuss when you aren't directly involved with the development of it..

    #kpop - Not actually kpop discussion. I don't know.

    #/g/oatse - Empty but it's a funny name. I'm sure someone idles there..
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)01:26 No.19226257

    Have you tried booting from your windows disc and using the repair utility?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:27 No.19226269
         File1312522042.jpg-(9 KB, 234x180, 1232796226198s.jpg)
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    Ok guys.. My sound driver and video driver suddenly stopped working. Ive reinstalled the drivers but they still dont work. At the bottom right corner theres a speaker with an X that says no audio output device is installed. If someone can help me id appreciate it..
    >> Rasputin, The King of /v/ !isgayWURMQ 08/05/11(Fri)01:27 No.19226273
    the only excuses for using windows is Work/school compatibility and video games.

    the only excuse for using MAC is if you are running an industrial sized sound recording studio
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:28 No.19226283
    >is if you are running an industrial sized sound recording studio
    You can do all that on Windows.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:29 No.19226292
         File1312522158.jpg-(302 KB, 1500x800, whatmakespeopletraps.jpg)
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    >> Rasputin, The King of /v/ !isgayWURMQ 08/05/11(Fri)01:29 No.19226293
    lost the disk, have a USB boot device i made somewhere, but for now i'll leave it as a "security feature"

    i'm talking $15,000 professional macs for real studios, there is no excuse for buying any apple products as a consumer
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)01:30 No.19226301
         File1312522203.jpg-(13 KB, 232x217, images.jpg)
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    Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:31 No.19226324
    didn't you just buy a new cav. black? just boot from the drive with windows installed, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:32 No.19226342
    Pirate using Google by snatching unencrypted files stored on servers by searching the following and putting what file formats you want in the last brackets
    -inurl:(htm|html|php) intitle:”index of” +”last modified” +”parent directory” +description +size +(flv|avi|mov|mp4|flac|alac|mp3|aac|wav)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:35 No.19226379
    My windows just keeps rebooting before login over and over.

    1) reboot Windows and before the Windows boot screen hit f8.
    2)The Advanced Boot Options menu comes up.
    3) select "Disable automatic restart on system failure".
    4) before the computer can reboot it flahes a blue screen for a millisecond. This will halt it on the blue screen. Read it and write down the error code. THEN GOOGLE IT. Microsoft’s error page will tell you how to fix it.
    >> Rasputin, The King of /v/ !isgayWURMQ 08/05/11(Fri)01:35 No.19226381
         File1312522515.jpg-(85 KB, 604x539, cats.jpg)
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    that's what i do

    PS: here is a picture for the mods
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:35 No.19226386
    You could just copy it from green-oval, you know.

    >A little pro tip for anyone asking us to build your computer for you: Build it yourself. You know what you want better than we do. Just check that all your parts fit together by reading the specifications, and ensure you have at least one of each of the following: CPU, motherboard, RAM, power supply, chassis, hard drive, video card.

    >If you're seeing strange graphics, such as lines across your screen, regardless of whether or not it is during gameplay, here are things to try replacing, in approximate order of ease (since you most likely have a spare of some of these): Monitor, video cable, video card, system RAM (if your video card uses shared memory).

    >If your computer turns on but doesn't stay on for very long or stays on but doesn't do anything but spin fans, make sure your power supply is set to the correct voltage (there's often a voltage switch on the back). Failing that, replace the power supply.

    >Mine beeps several times during boot. It's perfectly normal, depending on your motherboard.

    >Also, if you want help picking out a Linux distro, you should probably start with Ubuntu. If you don't know whether to get 32 bit or 64 bit, get 32 bit.

    >Oh, and a DVD drive I guess. That's a good thing to have in your build.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:35 No.19226387

    there isn't a section here about monitors. I was wondering whats a good mid to high tier monitor. Or what brands I should go with.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:36 No.19226397
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    using usenet solves torrent problems
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:37 No.19226409
    Someone post a guide to overclocking properly.
    >> !G.LinuxorU 08/05/11(Fri)01:39 No.19226430
    To avoid excessive reads/writes on my SSD, how do I make my desktop something similar to a mount point volume?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:40 No.19226443
    For images, never save in jpg. Always use png. This is true across programs and platforms. Always use lossless formats and you will soon have higher standards of quality
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:41 No.19226451
    >delicious morsels

    They get posted all the fucking time.

    Lurk moar, mods.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:43 No.19226480
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    MPC-HC config guide. Also one tip: don't use that fucking VLC.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:44 No.19226485
         File1312523057.jpg-(9 KB, 254x321, 1263970912493.jpg)
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    >This thread will stay for a few days. After that, it's closed and evaluated in a team session.
    >evaluated in a team session
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:44 No.19226490
    the length of this page will crash mobile devices

    also, i thought /g/ wasn't tech support
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:45 No.19226498
    They'll throw out everything that isn't a pretty infographic so that newfags can't search the thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:47 No.19226515
         File1312523236.jpg-(30 KB, 400x300, office-space-michael-bolton.jpg)
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    >thinking using CLIs and 8bit GUI makes you tech savvy
    >> Turtle !u2Z/lwAx9Q 08/05/11(Fri)01:47 No.19226517
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:47 No.19226520
    This. I think they should mention you can search using your browser (and how) in the original post
    >> Turtle !u2Z/lwAx9Q 08/05/11(Fri)01:47 No.19226523

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:48 No.19226527
         File1312523294.png-(128 KB, 701x372, 1312479262801.png)
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    For you nigglets from /a/
    Pic is anyone with Win 7, CUDA is Nvidia only
    10bit guide coming up
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:48 No.19226537
    I don't think 70 year old grannies browse 4chan. Most, if not all users, are aware of CTRL+F.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:49 No.19226542
    AMD and Intel are terrible CPU's with high failure rates.
    Never buy them.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:49 No.19226544
    Which is useless because 90% of the thread is infographics.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:50 No.19226551

    All systems listed here have a great online support community, and each community has its share of retards.
    It's up to you, not other people, if you're happy with your OS.
    All operating systems listed here are reasonably secure if you use common sense.
    The author of this has used all three OSs listed.

    ADVANTAGES - It's free as in beer and as in freedom, it's great for servers and other computers that need to be secure, and it's extremely customizable.
    DRAWBACKS - It will require you to use the command line at some point, it sometimes needs a lot of tweaking to get it just right, and it isn't very polished around the edges.

    MAC OS X
    ADVANTAGES - It just werks for the most part, it's good for media production, and it looks fantastic.
    DRAWBACKS - It's difficult to customize extensively, 10.7 is a step back from 10.6, and you will get yelled at for being a hipster.

    ADVANTAGES - It's excellent for gaming, it's pretty user friendly, and the majority of software is written for it.
    DISADVANTAGES - It's prone to instability, It has a somewhat childish multitasking model, and it's hell upgrading to new service packs.

    Experiment with different OSs and remember that you can switch at any time.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:51 No.19226570
    see >>19225754
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:51 No.19226572
         File1312523505.jpg-(58 KB, 600x749, fermi launched.jpg)
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    Everything you need to know about video cards.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:52 No.19226582
    Well, excuse me but last time I checked you cant trust anyone to know anything about technology, and this thread is targeted to newfags and crazies from /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:54 No.19226598
    why do people like open source and "free as in freedom" things? seems like a step in the right direction, but why go out of your way to get things like that? to support it?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:54 No.19226599

    Please give this it's own sticky, it helped me. Blankfaces programming guide, nothing else is relevant.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:54 No.19226602
    Even if people know how to search a thread, they won't be able to find shit from these infographics. I suggest adding a small description besides them.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:55 No.19226611
         File1312523753.jpg-(133 KB, 472x472, 129324443141.jpg)
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    Agreed Ctrl+f to search a page guys

    YYYEEEESSSS also nice dubs
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:56 No.19226622
    No I mean this would be an alternative to deleting everything with the exception of the infographics
    >> Saging a sticky. Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:56 No.19226625

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:58 No.19226646
    This thread is going to be useless.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)01:59 No.19226663
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:00 No.19226682
    Useless how? It will be a sticky on the top. Most of boards have them. We deserve one too.
    >> !aw.ewFUCKg 08/05/11(Fri)02:00 No.19226684
    shit, /g/ has mods? Since when?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:01 No.19226698
    since mootles showcased 4chon to the founder of 2chon
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:03 No.19226729
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:03 No.19226731
    All we need in the fucking sticky is

    Blankfaces programming guide
    Falcons Build Guide
    Links to several lifehacks and tutorials

    Anything else?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:03 No.19226733
    Because the people that it would be useful won't use it for a couple of reasons:

    1.) It's to big.
    2.) Damn near impossible to find what might be relevant to your problem.
    3.) It's easier to ask /g/ than to look here so people will still ask /g/.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:10 No.19226803
    Installl gent00
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:10 No.19226812

    #3 here guys, look at /s/ with big flashing letters telling people what not to do and they do it anyway. Even if you somehow gather up a bunch of guides n tips, people are still going to ask.

    Just sticky falcon's guide again and leave it be.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)02:10 No.19226813
         File1312524639.png-(500 KB, 590x592, costanzadoubles.png)
    500 KB
    >Not realizing it's a doubles year
    >> River !Tam/I3s1uc 08/05/11(Fri)02:10 No.19226818
    4chan X was moved to github:

    It is not a botnet, aeosynth was just tired of getting spambot comments re his userscript and felt that having it hosted on both and github was redundant:
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:17 No.19226884
    If your mouse and keyboard aren't working in FREEBSD add hald_enable="YES" and dbus_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:19 No.19226918
    how do you add that withouse a mouse and keyboard?
    >> Celerity 08/05/11(Fri)02:20 No.19226932
         File1312525231.png-(462 KB, 1000x2900, mechnical_keyboards.png)
    462 KB
    Mechanical Keyboard guide.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)02:21 No.19226938
         File1312525266.jpg-(182 KB, 598x600, 4ynUuv1309049067.jpg)
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    >> Celerity 08/05/11(Fri)02:21 No.19226940
         File1312525271.jpg-(788 KB, 1724x3284, headphones.jpg)
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    Headphone guide.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:21 No.19226944
         File1312525290.jpg-(87 KB, 800x930, worksafesuck.jpg)
    87 KB
    Add one attention-getting icon..
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:21 No.19226946
         File1312525298.png-(187 KB, 319x346, face04.png)
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    >ctrl f "Anti virus"
    >1 match found

    So what FREE antivirus for windows has the /g/ stamp of approval?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:23 No.19226971
    Microsoft Security Essentials
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:24 No.19226988
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:25 No.19226996
    Oddly enough the one from Microsoft themselves.

    Microsoft Security Essentials

    Surprisingly light weight(ish) and has a solidly high detection rate, better then a lot of commercial solutions.

    NOD32 is better by a slight margin, but not enough to justify spending money.
    >> Celerity 08/05/11(Fri)02:26 No.19227007
    I think the sticky should have search-able text so that way this sort of thing doesn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:26 No.19227012
    Avast is good too
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:29 No.19227044
         File1312525756.png-(7 KB, 600x600, thumb.png)
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    I detect a winning idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:32 No.19227088
    Don't use the goddamn W3 Schools to learn HTML, PHP and other stuff.


    Also, for God's sake, DON'T TAKE THE TEST. W3Schools certificate DOESN'T MEAN SHIT.

    End of story.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:33 No.19227099
    Correct you are sir. This is for users who can't get it wiring IN X. My apologies.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:35 No.19227128
    How to make your own chan:

    1- Buy a webhost. From anywhere, but please don't get it from 000host.
    2- Download KusabaX. Google is your friend on this one.
    3- Purchase a domain. That shouldn't be hard.
    4- Follow the installation instructions.
    5- Done.
    >> OH HI Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:35 No.19227134


    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:37 No.19227151
    Encryption protip:
    Law enforcement does not fake your internet connection when confiscating your PC.
    You write a simple bash script that runs as a daemon and does the following:
    Check the router's mac. Has it changed? Reboot.
    Check the box's IP. Has it changed? Reboot.
    Check if you can connect and retrieve pages from google/some other site. Can you not? Reboot.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:37 No.19227154
    I'm not an asspie. Linux is just a better name.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:40 No.19227198
    External hard drives break all the time. They're a scam almost as bad as the printer industry

    Buy a hard drive enclosure. Preferably a nice one with a fan. Mine was about $50. Then buy a hard drive if you don't have one (or pull one out of a broken external hard drive). The investment might cost the same or a bit more than an external HD, but the transfer rates are faster, it lasts longer, and once it fails, you simply put in another hard drive, costing less over time.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:43 No.19227221
    That's pretty damn good until they boot with a live forensics disk.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:45 No.19227249
    Since this is a helpful thread;
    Don't do something this pointless.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:52 No.19227345
    Buy a mac and leave /g/ forever.
    >> Browsing !4chanRV1h6 08/05/11(Fri)02:52 No.19227346

    how do they unplug the running machine and then plug it into a UPS without shutting down the running OS? I think I should investigate how to stop time... No really how do they do it?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:53 No.19227354
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    for android fags
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:54 No.19227372
    Plug UPS into power strip.
    Pull power strip from wall.
    UPS powers your box.

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:57 No.19227399
    Use flac it minimises rotational velocidensity.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)02:59 No.19227439
    Has the windows 7 piracy guide been posted yet?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:00 No.19227448
         File1312527627.png-(559 KB, 605x489, GTX480 in action.png)
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    Never buy Nvidia.
    >> avery000 !!meKWXs5wXUE 08/05/11(Fri)03:00 No.19227449
    PROTIP: If only you use your computer, then use firefox to store all your passwords, to back up your passwords go into tools > options > security > saved passwords then maximize the window that contains all your user names and websites then select sho (all) passwords, press printscreen save each page of your passwords into mspaint (save as jpg or png) eg pw1.jpg, pw2.jpg, etc then put those in dropbox or on the cloud and dont share them with people. Just REMEMBER your dropbox username and password at all times and you'll always have all of your passwords for every site you visit/use.

    This is good if your System32 ever 404's and theres that one or two passwords/usernames you forgot about. Or if someone hacks you or your hard drive dies permanently.

    I have about 6 or 7 different passwords for about 45 sites so this is helpful at least for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:01 No.19227466
    This is so retarded for so many reasons, you should be given the darwin awards once you get black-bagged.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:03 No.19227482
    What the fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:04 No.19227492
    You've got to be kidding me. At least create an encrypted container or something. And save them in plaintext. Images? C'maaaan.

    Or, 8/10.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:05 No.19227503
    >Encryption protip
    Encryption guides should also mention it's easier to lock a Pedo up for obstructing justice by not revealing passwords. And that's what they do. For 14 years, typically.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:06 No.19227513
    Power strips are generally arranged like this:

    <- To wall socket ~ --/ ---------------------------------------------------
    |appliance |appliance
    <- To wall socket ~ ------------------------------------------------------

    Where / is a switch.
    Now, you can easily see that if you hook a UPS with a small enough reaction time up to the two leads, using it as appliance #2 for instance, appliance #1 will have power if you pull the cord, thanks to the UPS.

    Rarely do they have to open up the wall socket or splice a cable.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:06 No.19227521
         File1312528004.jpg-(44 KB, 450x380, david-kernell-indicted-for-sar(...).jpg)
    44 KB
    'Destruction of Evidence', too.
    Like this guy. TrueCrypt was Not His Friend.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:07 No.19227529
    Spaces got removed. Add a few spaces to the middle line.

    like so
    <- To wall socket ~ --/ ---------------------------------------------------
    .................................. |appliance |appliance
    <- To wall socket ~ ------------------------------------------------------
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:08 No.19227539
    If they don't have a warrant for the passwords they don't get them since they're technically private property.

    Also, hidden partitions/stenographic shit = you don't have to tell them the password unless they ask.
    >> Eth 08/05/11(Fri)03:09 No.19227558
    Make sure you installed the stand-offs under the motherboard. This may be what's wrong if it's not starting.
    And you shorted your board.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:12 No.19227605
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    >> avery000 !!meKWXs5wXUE 08/05/11(Fri)03:12 No.19227612
    i forgot save the images in a rar or zip and password it with one of your key/best remebered passwords then up it to dropbox, or use two passwords and rar it twice most people remember two of their most common passwords.

    To the other guy, by black bagged i assume you mean all of my passwords exposed? or urban dictionary version?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:13 No.19227620
    hey /g/. my mousepad locks up whenever i press/hold a key down while playing games and while just browsing the computer/surfing the web.
    can somebody help me with this? this is a Synaptics TouchPad v7.5 on PS/2 Port and this is a damned nuisance to try to play insurgency/any game with
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:13 No.19227622
    install gentoo
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:13 No.19227623
    This varies a lot depending on local laws. Better to double-check the status so you won't get (butt)hurt.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:14 No.19227639
    Black-bagged in the Orwellian sense. But yeah urban dictionary is close.
    >> avery000 !!meKWXs5wXUE 08/05/11(Fri)03:19 No.19227697
    Well the best version of Micro XP is none just install the full version, if you want it slim just turn off automatic updates. (assuming you arent too worried about security. These KBXXXXXX updates slow the shit outta my pentium 3 so im turning that shit off)

    Micro XP = Bogus.

    Next try .. ubuntu or xubuntu.
    or XFCE
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:20 No.19227704
    I dont know if this falls under support but; for the LOVE OF GOD headphones guides or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:21 No.19227723
    Personally, I think mods should post most of the graphical information in this thread, and every post on the definitive thread should read "DON'T FORGET TO USE GOOGLE IN ORDER TO GET MORE INFORMATION. YOUR QUESTION MIGHT HAVE BEEN ANSWERED BEFORE."
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:24 No.19227756
    Not all linux distros are using gnu userlands you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:27 No.19227778
    >Slackware has no package manager
    I guess pkgtool is a figment of my imagination.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:27 No.19227779
    wait if you guys want to get rid of the support threads.
    Why did you unpin the Falcon Guide? Seems kinda counter productive
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:27 No.19227785
    Computer is fucking slow, what the fuck should i do?
    >> sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 08/05/11(Fri)03:29 No.19227800
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 08/05/11(Fri)03:30 No.19227805
    Boot to safe mode
    Run MSE
    Run Malwarebytes
    Resume computing once threats have been cleaned.

    If the threat continues, backup, reformat and reinstall Windows. This should be used only as a last resort.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:34 No.19227843
    /g/ isn't an anime board ether, fucking weeaboo cancer faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)03:35 No.19227850
    Read reviews on the hardware youre thinking of purchasing. At least put some effort into this before posting a thread about the hardware you have chosen.

    Use standoffs to mount your motherboard. They will come with your case. If they dont, dont just screw your motherboard to the case. It WILL break it when you put any current through it.

    If it fits in the slot on the motherboard without too much pressure, its supposed to go there.

    If the computer doesnt turn on after building it, check the fuse in the power cable, make sure your PSU is turned on, make sure your 24 pin ATX connecter is connected, make sure your 4/8pin connector is connected near the CPU.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:04 No.19228174
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:06 No.19228207
    Why is nightly/UX crapping out in fast moving threads?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:08 No.19228232
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    When buying anything from Newegg, always remember to buy at least five boxes of Poptarts. Brown sugar flavor is recommended, but any of them will work just fine. The gel also works as great thermal paste
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:08 No.19228234
    the problem with infographics is that you cant search for them

    if you post an infographic, please include the topic in the body of your post so someone can ctrl+f for it if they have a question about it
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:09 No.19228244
         File1312531783.png-(924 KB, 1141x3918, herpaderpadperr.png)
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    Well, i just finished this
    hope it helps someone, somewhere
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:12 No.19228283
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:13 No.19228297
    How do I find and install specific wireless drivers to Chromium OS?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:14 No.19228309
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:15 No.19228319
    Few typos but otherwise it's awesome.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)04:16 No.19228333
    Ah, this should be fun. The mods will have over 9000 posts to go through to filter out the shit that's worth keeping. They're gonna fucking give up when they're 1/10th of the way through and an hero.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:17 No.19228347
    >> !ANALSEX.UU 08/05/11(Fri)04:20 No.19228375
    Many of us get frustrated...
    "Oh, fudge-packers. This isn't working!"
    Decide: "Is this something I can fix alone?" "Is this something /g/ cares about?"
    Start by focusing on what you KNOW, and what YOU can do about it.
    Account for SPECIFIC errors.
    Remember to Google with +ERRORMSG +HARDWARE.
    Examples: "0X000000EA +5770 +game."
    Forgetting to Google makes you look stupid.
    And, there is usually someone before you that has had the same issue.
    Getting no where after 15 minutes?
    Set aside your pride and walk away. Sometimes all you need is a short while to clear your head.

    Here is a list to brush up on proper search techniques. It can make quite the difference if you've never used them.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:23 No.19228411
    this is old as hell and shit
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:24 No.19228416
    MileyRayCyrus, your new mod, is shitting up the board
    >> anon1066 !!Wux/FStJlov 08/05/11(Fri)04:27 No.19228449
    Want complete computer security at physical access? True-crypt your system drive and choose to wipe it 3 times, then use a 20+char password. Even if 50% of the chars are letters or a short sentence, it will help massively.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:28 No.19228467
    Hey /g/

    Need a Laptop/Computer less than 300$

    I have 2 broken computers, don't know if I should pay to fix them.

    Problems with computers 1)Desktop drive A is missing
    2)Blue screen

    What do you guys recommend?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:28 No.19228469
    If you still use Windows XP, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:29 No.19228483

    Python cheat sheet
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:34 No.19228521
    yay, just what 4chan needs, more stickies.

    Anyway: firefox 5 doesn't support the 4chan firefox addon.

    Use the 4chanX userscript for greasemonkey. It doesn't play nice with the 4chanfilter script, so you'll have to disable the filter script, but 4chanX has filtering abilities in it, so the filterscript is redundant.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:42 No.19228598
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:45 No.19228629
    >It doesn't play nice with the 4chanfilter script, so you'll have to disable the filter script, but 4chanX has filtering abilities in it, so the filterscript is redundant.
    The fuck are you talking about?
    >> Self Sufficient Broski !FitNEssbXY 08/05/11(Fri)04:50 No.19228663
    Anyone using the Nightly browser, pay attention.

    Because very few add-ons are officially compatible with Nightly, you have to force add-on compatibility. Don't worry, the majority of add-ons work fine with forced compatibility.

    1) Open a new tab
    2) Type about:config into the address bar (and click "I'll be careful, I promise" if prompted to)
    3) Right click on the list, go to New>Boolean
    4) Call it the following - extenstions.checkCompatibility.nightly
    5) Set the value to false

    Now any new add-ons you add will not be blocked.

    Just incase something does go wrong, and Nightly crashes repeatedly or a similar problem, click the Nightly icon in the top left, go to Help>Restart with add-ons disabled, and from there, remove the most recently installed add-on.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:50 No.19228664



    Check the imageboard text board for 4chan news and things of import. And stupid chinese spam.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:50 No.19228668
    If you have a problem with your OS that you cant fix, the most common way to solve any problem is to perform a clean install. Backup your data first. Pirate the install CD/DVD if you don't have it.
    >> sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 08/05/11(Fri)04:53 No.19228685
    Using Nightly as your complete web-browser.

    Instead of using the more traditional post-alpha Firefox, why don't we give a chance to the fastest, most memory-efficient Firefox in the trunk by installing Nightly?

    Universal portal to download Nightly Firefox, for the trio of modern operating systems:

    After grabbing the install for your CPU's architecture, execute the binary and go on your way to using Nightly like any other program.

    > * --- Windows OS
    Install as usual; execute to run it.
    > * --- Linux OS
    Unpack the tar and run 'firefox' to get it running.

    When you first execute Nightly, it should look quite similar to the mainstream version; however, it's workings are changing quite quickly, and on the inside, efficiency and speed is growing. As it is an alpha, Nightly build, there are some add-on compatibility issues that we will deal with now.

    > * --- Add-on compatibility issues in Nightly

    If you try to install an add-on to Nightly, it will most likely fail. Support for the alpha version typically isn't integrated into the add-ons directly. However, this is not always due to the fact that it will not work with Nightly; it is simply flagged as only working with the then-current distribution of Firefox.

    Let's get the add-ons working.

    In a new tab, begin inserting characters into the address bar and type "about:config".

    Agree, and move into the configuration flags of Nightly Firefox.

    To enable add-ons, right click on any value.
    A context menu will appear.

    Point to 'new'. In the slide-out menu that appears, choose "boolean". Paste this into the preference name field:


    Now, flag the new value as 'false.'

    Congratulations. You're now ready to install add-ons at will. They are not all guaranteed to work, but you're on the right path to get it done. Enjoy one of the fastest browsers out there without using all your RAM.
    >> Dickface !!e8VfCXeD4jA 08/05/11(Fri)04:53 No.19228694
         File1312534432.jpg-(31 KB, 441x445, op_is_a_faggot..jpg)
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    Half of /g/ is gonna get banned thanks to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:54 No.19228696
    i wanted to do one, but then I think of how retarted Windows users are and just watch a documentarie or listen to a good song
    >> sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 08/05/11(Fri)04:54 No.19228697

    Fuck. Hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)04:55 No.19228706
    File deleted.
    If you don't want to pay for software, just pirate it over BitTorrent.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:13 No.19228884

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:13 No.19228885
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    I am posting this because I am fucking sick of idiots that think an unreadable captcha is somehow a barrier to posting. YOU CAN ENTER ANY BLOODY THING YOU WANT FOR THAT MATH EQUATION, YOU MORONS!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:20 No.19228945

    You know the mods are going to review this whole thread and you're going to get banned?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:20 No.19228951

    bro i liked the muff hair in the are around her vagina
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:32 No.19229044
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    tidus hungers

    desktop thread
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:32 No.19229046
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:33 No.19229055
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:33 No.19229066
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    >> Shana :3 08/05/11(Fri)05:39 No.19229121
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    >dat feel when mod is going not-loli pants on head retarded
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:42 No.19229135
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    >ignoring bits you don't like, just because they're bits you don't like
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:54 No.19229208
    The mods are going to have a field day with this.
    >> Shana :3 08/05/11(Fri)05:54 No.19229212
    >may be
    >mod still didn't delete his own thread

    All of these can be obtained as follows:
    Lurking for 10 minutes
    Using search engine like any other normal person would that doesn't go to /g/ with hurr my windoze so slow again guise, must be that silly 'kawaii screenshot.exe' again amiryt
    >> BluX !c7ejyr/RUk 08/05/11(Fri)05:56 No.19229221
    All fresh *nix users:
    $ man man
    $ man <something>

    And now for the general advice:
    Your question was already asked and answered on usenet.
    Join the mailing lists.
    Devs hang out on IRC.
    Check the logs, fill out the bug reports.
    Double-check the makefile.
    Hit Escape and type :q! to quit vi.
    No, you can't install Linux on 286.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)05:59 No.19229241
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    I cannot stress this enough: /g/ doesn't stand for /g/oogle. If a lmgtfy link solves your problem, I'm going to interpret you as a troll and report you for rule violation.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:06 No.19229306
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:07 No.19229313

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:08 No.19229326
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:11 No.19229358
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:11 No.19229369
    Why does my computer turn itself off when I begin the reformat process?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:12 No.19229370
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    Circuit diagram for a macintosh, soldering general
    >> Self Sufficient Broski !FitNEssbXY 08/05/11(Fri)06:12 No.19229374

    *Should say extensions.checkCompatibility.nightly
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:20 No.19229439
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:28 No.19229502
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    I'm a Win7 fag.
    How does one make Stellarium high glass/transparent so I can still have my wallpaper?
    >> JM 08/05/11(Fri)06:29 No.19229511
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    If you're installing a second Hard drive on your windows machine you will not find it in My Computer until you do this;
    Right click your My Computer Icon (desktop or start menu)
    Select Manage (say yes to any UAC)
    Once loaded you will have a window appear. You will see a list of attached drives. Locate your new one (it'll state the size and will probably be in RAW format)
    Right Click and Select Format.
    You're done.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:33 No.19229546
    With windows 7 at least, you shouldn't need to do this, when you boot up your computer after installing it, a message should pop up asking you if you want to format it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:35 No.19229563
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:35 No.19229570
    >disk management

    Well my new ones on Ultimate did not?...
    Enterprise very possibly might.

    Not an issue of any optional updates missed either.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:44 No.19229665
    >newest shooting games
    >Halo 3
    How old is that pasta?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:47 No.19229702
         File1312541269.jpg-(979 KB, 1798x4181, mpc-hc setup.jpg)
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    Media Player Classic - Home Cinema

    Guide including optional FFDSHOW use
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:52 No.19229740
    If you find your computer slow to boot, try Soluto, it gives you the time required for each application on login to start. And it allows you to remove them from boot sequence.

    Also before choosing a PSU, take a look at that :
    Respectable brands are Seasonic, Delta. Sirtec often makes shit, Fortron often cheap out on components and CWT is hit or miss.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)06:57 No.19229773
         File1312541822.jpg-(302 KB, 1400x880, customizing_sites_Opera.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:06 No.19229856
         File1312542389.png-(164 KB, 1024x768, online_sotrage_guide.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:14 No.19229920
    The people posting images with information need to put a header in their post with what the image is about, so people can control + f the thread. It seems pointless just posting images if peopple are ahving to go through all of them to find something. Its just easier to start a thread, which defeats the purpose of this.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:22 No.19229975

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:24 No.19229995
    Is there a website that i can use to make free international phone calls from my computer?
    I've googled it but all the sites that came up seem to be fake. It must be completely free and no signing up needed.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:26 No.19230006
    You left Microsoft's Skydrive out.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:42 No.19230153

    You sir, are a GOD (Yes, even for a tripfag).
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:46 No.19230182
    If you have been infected by malware, the best place for help is here:

    follow these instructions and following instructions in step 7 to the letter, if you are still not clean, post on their forums and you will get help
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:47 No.19230193
    Heres a tip:

    Do your fucking job and ban people and delete shitty threads.
    Tech support threads > fat autistic 15 year olds making troll threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:47 No.19230197
    We don't need anything of this, just post a sticky telling people to use fucking google, and ban them when they don't.

    Anything, ANYTHING that is remotely common enough to be worth posting in here, is easily found on google.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)07:50 No.19230223
    Our gods thought of this long before you were born.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:08 No.19230423
         File1312546126.jpg-(192 KB, 708x1095, pic06.jpg)
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    Important advice to newfags!
    The Mods are homosexual teens
    >> King Neckbeard !LiNUXD3Occ 08/05/11(Fri)08:09 No.19230429
    If you are interested in GNU/Linux, I recommend my /g/uide. It's a fairly short read, and should give you a good idea of how to get started.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:11 No.19230449

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:14 No.19230476
         File1312546470.jpg-(174 KB, 1088x725, pic10.jpg)
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    Tip number 2 for newfags!

    Prepare for many bans. Get dynamic IP if you use 4chan a lot.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:17 No.19230506
    Or just don't be a faggot and you wont get banned.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:22 No.19230567
    Ι'd јuѕt lіkе tο іntеrјесt fοr а mοmеnt. Wһаt уοu'rе rеfеrrіng tο аѕ Lіnux, іѕ іn fасt, GΝU/Lіnux, οr аѕ Ι'vе rесеntlу tаkеn tο саllіng іt, GΝU рluѕ Lіnux. Lіnux іѕ nοt аn οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm untο іtѕеlf, but rаtһеr аnοtһеr frее сοmрοnеnt οf а fullу funсtіοnіng GΝU ѕуѕtеm mаdе uѕеful bу tһе GΝU сοrеlіbѕ, ѕһеll utіlіtіеѕ аnd vіtаl ѕуѕtеm сοmрοnеntѕ сοmрrіѕіng а full OS аѕ dеfіnеd bу ΡOSΙX.

    Mаnу сοmрutеr uѕеrѕ run а mοdіfіеd vеrѕіοn οf tһе GΝU ѕуѕtеm еvеrу dау, wіtһοut rеаlіzіng іt. Τһrοugһ а ресulіаr turn οf еvеntѕ, tһе vеrѕіοn οf GΝU wһісһ іѕ wіdеlу uѕеd tοdау іѕ οftеn саllеd "Lіnux", аnd mаnу οf іtѕ uѕеrѕ аrе nοt аwаrе tһаt іt іѕ bаѕісаllу tһе GΝU ѕуѕtеm, dеvеlοреd bу tһе GΝU Ρrοјесt.

    Τһеrе rеаllу іѕ а Lіnux, аnd tһеѕе реοрlе аrе uѕіng іt, but іt іѕ јuѕt а раrt οf tһе ѕуѕtеm tһеу uѕе. Lіnux іѕ tһе kеrnеl: tһе рrοgrаm іn tһе ѕуѕtеm tһаt аllοсаtеѕ tһе mасһіnе'ѕ rеѕοurсеѕ tο tһе οtһеr рrοgrаmѕ tһаt уοu run. Τһе kеrnеl іѕ аn еѕѕеntіаl раrt οf аn οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm, but uѕеlеѕѕ bу іtѕеlf; іt саn οnlу funсtіοn іn tһе сοntеxt οf а сοmрlеtе οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm. Lіnux іѕ nοrmаllу uѕеd іn сοmbіnаtіοn wіtһ tһе GΝU οреrаtіng ѕуѕtеm: tһе wһοlе ѕуѕtеm іѕ bаѕісаllу GΝU wіtһ Lіnux аddеd, οr GΝU/Lіnux. All tһе ѕο-саllеd "Lіnux" dіѕtrіbutіοnѕ аrе rеаllу dіѕtrіbutіοnѕ οf GΝU/Lіnux.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:22 No.19230569
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:22 No.19230570
    Sup /g/, how do I thoroughly clean a laptop? Is blasting it with compressed air enough?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:31 No.19230677
    What do you think of this prebuilt PC /g/? It's and HP Elite, 1 year old. It's only 500€:

    >Radeon HD 5770 with "Avivo" 2GB
    >i5 650
    >6GB RAM (space for 8)
    >1,5TB 7200rpm
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:36 No.19230731
    Forgot to fill the name field, Stallman.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:37 No.19230749
    I just installed this...
    and now whenever I play anything, it plays in my networked sonos! HALPPPP
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:41 No.19230789
         File1312548104.png-(87 KB, 299x288, 1312397630578.png)
    87 KB
    > are in full effect.

    Aren't they in effect in other threads as well? Or can you monitor only 1 thread at a time?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:55 No.19230943
    It isn't on linux.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:56 No.19230952
    It's Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)08:58 No.19230971
         File1312549113.png-(157 KB, 600x900, 1286819347609.png)
    157 KB
    You might get banned even if you behave.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)08:58 No.19230975
         File1312549126.jpg-(91 KB, 405x573, portable.jpg)
    91 KB
    Not enough people know about portable applications on Windows.
    Superior to normal installs because they don't write to the registry, preventing bloat and slow downs in the long run, and store settings in an .ini file. If you put them on a different partition and reinstall windows they will continue to work. where you can click programs and it installs them automagically for you is handy, but not really recommended imo because of the silent installers where you can't configure the settings as it uses the default settings and thus are prone to bloat. (Who on /g/ doesn't change the default settings when installing a program?)

    A good alternative is
    You can install these portable applications stand alone or with the Platform. Installing the platform will give you the benefit of having a menu, where the applications are sorted by categories and a built-in updater.
    All these applications are open source or freeware.
    If you google you can even find hacked closed source software which will work with this platform or as stand alone programs. these all use the extension .paf.exe
    There are different types of portable applications.
    Of course these are also ideal for installing on a flash drive
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:03 No.19231030
         File1312549400.png-(4 KB, 210x229, 1312511849679.png)
    4 KB
    >my keyboard I randomly bought is on that list as the FIRST recommendation
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:03 No.19231037
    Install NoScript before browsing the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:04 No.19231043
         File1312549460.jpg-(3 KB, 98x126, 1312481032370s.jpg)
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    1) buy any am3+ Motherboard

    2) buy any PCI express 2.1 card detailed over 150 dollars. Two of necessary

    3)Buy 1tb data memory

    4) Buy 2 DVD burners

    5) Buy over 8gb of ram

    6) Get a power supply over 700 watts.

    7) get a cheap quad core processor.

    explanation: do not have the trolls on /g/ believe you need a sandy bridge or 2500k i7 or anything of that sort. What I just compiled for you is a motherboard that will support bulldozer and be able to run the latest games on max. Brands don't matter in this case, just remember to read the reviews, they count more than the opinions of the basement dwellers. Just imagine /g/ as the geek squad of the internet. Useless as expensive.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:04 No.19231048
         File1312549481.jpg-(3 KB, 167x302, images.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:05 No.19231053
    >Had a 5770
    >Broke, sent to be replaced
    >Discontinued, get a 6870 instead.
    >Arrived today, plugged it in.
    >Problems start, on boot says boot failure because of overclocking (I hadn't) and in Windows it says network adapter not found.
    >Realise I forgot to uninstall 5770 drivers, restart (removed graphics card)
    >Same problems as before, can't get on the internet to find out how to uninstall drivers on windows 7 or download the correct ones for new card (not on disc).
    >Stuck now, reset BIOS, tried ethernet > usb, wat do.

    Could it be a PSU thing? I have a 530w which it says is enough (500w min) and was fine for my 5770 but Google has told me that it means there's a hardware problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:06 No.19231058
         File1312549566.jpg-(71 KB, 250x250, george costanza with glasses.jpg)
    71 KB
    > 2011
    > not putting your fridge in t...
    oh wait
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:08 No.19231082
         File1312549729.png-(592 KB, 800x1000, 1306410235159.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:12 No.19231114

    >am3+ motherboard
    We don't know shit about bulldozer, don't buy that yet.
    >any PCI express 2.1 card over 150 dollar
    I can sell you a HD5570 for 170 dollar, it's PCI Express 2.1, but you'll hate me for it. Read benchmark before buying. Important. Also:
    >2 of necessary
    No. Really no. Micro-stutter, doesn't improve the min FPS (which is pretty much the most important to have a good expreience), and enjoy paying more for motherboard and PSU.
    >1tb data memory
    What the fuck does that mean ? Sure you need a hard drive, preferrably 1 Tb.
    >2 DVD burners
    You don't even need any if you don't want to. One is recommended for normal user.
    >8 gb of ram
    Yeah, no. Unless photoshop/video editing, you won't need more than 4 gb.
    >over 700W PSU
    Don't do that shit. Look for a PSU calculator to see what you need. Most of the computers actually don't need more than 400W, even with high-end graphics, in normal use (including a normal load, excluding Furmark and OCCT for instance). 520W is enough for a GTX 570. You'd better take around 600W for 1 GPU, 750 or 850 for SLI/Crossfire
    >cheap quad core processor
    If you've followed that dumb first advice, yes. Otherwise, get either an i5, an i7 if you plan to use hyperthreading-enabled applications, or an i3 if you're on a budget.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:13 No.19231117
    >installed new GPU
    >network adapter not found

    get in device manager and write down the network adapter
    download drivers on another pc

    If it fails, reinstall windows with ethernet cable connected.

    A handy tool is
    It's in French but you should be able to figure it out.
    You will need to install a plugin to use the site as it scans your devices to find updated drivers. You can uninstall afterwards
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:15 No.19231131
         File1312550133.jpg-(317 KB, 800x900, 1297031886207.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:16 No.19231141
    /b/ >>>>>>>>>>> is that way
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:17 No.19231155
         File1312550257.jpg-(116 KB, 1024x685, 09.jpg)
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    Just make sure it's classy porn.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:18 No.19231162
         File1312550285.jpg-(910 KB, 996x3019, how to build a fileserver.jpg)
    910 KB
    The corrected version
    >> !LiMR.MODv. 08/05/11(Fri)09:18 No.19231166
    /g/ is a SFW board.

    porn is not an option, your ban pleases me ever so greatly.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:18 No.19231167
    as long as it isn't queer bait weeaboo anime
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:18 No.19231168
    >installing Gentoo is not the solution to all Windows related problems
    YOU LIED TO ME /g/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:20 No.19231189

    Great site for learning languages
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:21 No.19231207
         File1312550513.jpg-(48 KB, 500x668, images10.jpg)
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    I agree. I only post classy porn.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:23 No.19231226

    my asus rog games just fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:24 No.19231230
    the network adapter won't even show up in device manager though.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:25 No.19231241
    shot screen
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:28 No.19231276
         File1312550901.jpg-(106 KB, 683x1024, 02c.jpg)
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    Would you have a problem with this?
    >> notalice 08/05/11(Fri)09:30 No.19231296
         File1312551008.jpg-(83 KB, 400x600, 21542 - tagme.jpg)
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    I leave /g/ for one fucking minute and I come back to see tech support shit fucking stickied.

    I'm mad as hell now. Whichever faggot mod you are, I hope you die.

    EDIT: Get a Mac, it just works.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:32 No.19231327
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:34 No.19231348
    install gentoo
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:37 No.19231373
         File1312551439.jpg-(98 KB, 683x1024, DSCF0339.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:39 No.19231388
         File1312551565.jpg-(155 KB, 750x1151, 5_057.jpg)
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    Remember kids, It's okay to pirate software.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:41 No.19231404
    Mod doesn't know shit about technology. If you install gentoo you won't have windows problems anymore, because you won't have windows to have problems with.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:45 No.19231433
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:45 No.19231437
    Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without windows underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?

    That sounds preposterous to me.

    If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that windows is more than just Office ? Its a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people dont realise this.

    Microsoft just spent $9 billion and many years to create Vista, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with Windows. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and Microsoft.

    Its just not possible that a freeware like the Linux could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of windows. Not possible.

    I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:49 No.19231481
    I don't know who is trolling who anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:54 No.19231557
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:55 No.19231573

    reported to moo­t.

    you won't be the first one i got fired and i doubt you'll be the last. enjoy the rest of your summer.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:57 No.19231587
         File1312552639.jpg-(65 KB, 500x407, 1285443488578.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)09:58 No.19231597
         File1312552691.jpg-(355 KB, 1920x1080, halp.jpg)
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    Can you see it?
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)09:59 No.19231610
         File1312552761.jpg-(367 KB, 1000x1000, 1306945021267.jpg)
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    Who else likes Summer time mods? I do.

    Pro-tip: This thread is shit and there is no need for two stickies.

    1. Google your problem before making a thread about it.
    2. Try figuring it out on your own and not "Halp /gee/ wit my computah!!11!!"
    3. Don't make a fucking sticky for computer support.
    4. Update your drivers/turn the computer off and on/restore to a system restore/etc
    It's not that hard.

    Take off the useless first sticky, and if you really think anyone will read through hundreds of responses, you're fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:01 No.19231630
    hey /g/ what kind of cat should I buy
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:01 No.19231642
         File1312552916.jpg-(110 KB, 853x1280, 987.jpg)
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    Perform clean install.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:02 No.19231643
    A cute one, and buy from an animal shelter, not a pet shop. Much cheaper, and a good deed.
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:02 No.19231649
         File1312552939.jpg-(33 KB, 350x467, Ragdoll_Cat.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:02 No.19231653

    hopefully this asshole will be reigned in soon and these idiotic stunts to show his mod "power" will be snipped.

    i have moo­t's direct email and he's made these assholes disappear before in a pretty timely manner.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:03 No.19231657
    what's with the shitty porn in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:04 No.19231671
         File1312553065.jpg-(1.2 MB, 3600x2000, 1308862000178.jpg)
    1.2 MB
    Hey /g/uys

    You've helped me build my first PC, pimp out my desktop and what not, so I'd just like to contribute.

    It's not mine, but I think it's the only thing I have that hasn't been posted already - or at least I hope it hasn't been.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:05 No.19231677
    >Nobody is going to look through a long thread if they haven't bothered to even Google their question first

    This. /g/ isn't tech support, this will just encourage that shit further.

    Just make a sticky saying don't post tech support questions, or post them in /tech/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:05 No.19231679
    File deleted.
    Just trying to keep it classy bro.
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:07 No.19231700
         File1312553239.jpg-(347 KB, 1200x800, 1307325140465.jpg)
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    That's for /wg/ you moron. Just because there are desktop threads occasionally does not mean that image belongs here.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:07 No.19231704
    this is what i'm talking about
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:08 No.19231710

    Do you need a shovel to get all that sand from your vagina?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:08 No.19231716
         File1312553335.png-(135 KB, 822x392, google and RTFM.png)
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    All problems solved.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:09 No.19231732
         File1312553395.jpg-(59 KB, 523x800, 01.jpg)
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    We at /g/ allow porn as long as it's classy.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:11 No.19231749
         File1312553505.jpg-(893 KB, 2000x1500, miku.jpg)
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    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:12 No.19231757
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    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:13 No.19231760
         File1312553603.jpg-(365 KB, 800x1200, IMG_3049.jpg)
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    >He insulted me!!! ;_;
    Are you twelve?
    Erica Campbell is not classy.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:13 No.19231763
    >saging a sticky

    Sure is summer in here
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:14 No.19231767
         File1312553654.jpg-(90 KB, 556x800, 3.jpg)
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    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:14 No.19231773
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:15 No.19231777
         File1312553701.jpg-(48 KB, 700x585, 1312330773010.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:15 No.19231782
         File1312553725.jpg-(429 KB, 1280x900, kanadebed2.jpg)
    429 KB
    What are those ellipsis for?
    >> Weee sticky thread! Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:15 No.19231785
         File1312553746.jpg-(855 KB, 1200x1312, rsz_html5.jpg_1..jpg)
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    See a few questions on this topic now and then.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:16 No.19231791
         File1312553777.jpg-(91 KB, 537x352, 1312412901705.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:16 No.19231801
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    This guys more faggot than i thought.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:17 No.19231808
    The red cross over your icon in the system tray indicates that the network adapter is disabled, but it not showing in device manager could indicate that your motherboard is broken.
    Try to click or rightclick what I cirkled in red and get to the properties section.
    other options:
    boot a linux live cd and see if you can see the network adtapter or access the internet, knoppix is good if you haven't got a live cd around.
    Try to reinstall the network adapter drivers on your motherboard cd.
    Try a system restore
    try to boot into safe mode and see if it shows up.
    If it shows, you somehow managed to break your windows by installing or uninstalling wrong drivers or a virus is fucking around with you.
    Reinstalling windows is the only option if you can detect the network adapter using the methods mentioned above, otherwise your mobo is broken
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:17 No.19231809
         File1312553871.jpg-(225 KB, 1280x1002, 1312478146420.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:17 No.19231811
         File1312553879.jpg-(183 KB, 739x960, misakabed.jpg)
    183 KB
    Yeah, we all know that celebrityfags on /g/ are fucking retarded.
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:19 No.19231822
         File1312553943.jpg-(326 KB, 800x1200, IMG_2500.jpg)
    326 KB
    I don't find her attractive. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:19 No.19231823
         File1312553943.jpg-(540 KB, 642x3752, 1312121661361.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:20 No.19231835
         File1312554009.jpg-(223 KB, 1024x1532, ericacapbellstripper007.jpg)
    223 KB
    I'm waiting for humans
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:20 No.19231847
         File1312554057.jpg-(56 KB, 700x525, 198683_193337417393622_1683564(...).jpg)
    56 KB
    Buy Intel.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:21 No.19231848
         File1312554068.jpg-(252 KB, 815x1077, kagamiunderwear.jpg)
    252 KB
    But these are humans.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:21 No.19231865
         File1312554119.jpg-(182 KB, 682x1024, erica_campbell_06997_2.jpg)
    182 KB
    Faggot tripfag
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:23 No.19231874
         File1312554191.jpg-(38 KB, 470x495, 1312144739625.jpg)
    38 KB
    Buy from apple.
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 08/05/11(Fri)10:23 No.19231876
         File1312554207.jpg-(384 KB, 1024x768, 1302744098899.jpg)
    384 KB
    >How dare he have an opinion that differs from mine!
    To keep this tech related
    Buy Intel.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:24 No.19231883
    >stop trying to report a sticky

    Fuck this thread, and fuck the dumbass mod who made it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:25 No.19231902
    Use the OP image of this thread instead of the cats one. It's much better.
    >> Wh!te girl !!PoVRxFNU5SI 08/05/11(Fri)10:26 No.19231915
         File1312554411.gif-(143 KB, 1903x1911, 1293220487028.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:27 No.19231919
    None by default.
    >> Wh!te girl !!PoVRxFNU5SI 08/05/11(Fri)10:27 No.19231922
         File1312554446.jpg-(36 KB, 619x330, 1298065732964.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:28 No.19231931
    Not tech support
    >> Wh!te girl !!PoVRxFNU5SI 08/05/11(Fri)10:29 No.19231943
         File1312554577.jpg-(306 KB, 900x614, 1297584471519.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:30 No.19231955
    You're kidding, right?
    >> patachu !LULZISTwQI 08/05/11(Fri)10:31 No.19231965
         File1312554704.png-(80 KB, 1280x1024, patapataTOMPUCER.png)
    80 KB
    i approve of the usage of an original or modded win XP pro. for the comPATAbility, i'm taking care of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:32 No.19231970
    While I agree this thread is fucking dumb
    >saging a sticky
    >> full !metalHJfCs 08/05/11(Fri)10:32 No.19231975
    have you looked at this thread.

    it's shit everywhere

    probably one of the worst threads on /g/ I've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:34 No.19231993
         File1312554890.jpg-(234 KB, 490x700, tumblr_lkapsxL32K1qd1g7zo1_500.jpg)
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    only here for the pron.....
    >> patachu !LULZISTwQI 08/05/11(Fri)10:36 No.19232010
         File1312554960.png-(22 KB, 826x651, Copie de chizkek.png)
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    it's got a pin on it, (that blue thing at the top, look at it! ) and i wouldn't recommend doing that. it damages the thread by creating holes into it,
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:37 No.19232027
    Have the mods given up or something? Why is there still porn here?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:38 No.19232035
    >The red cross over your icon in the system tray indicates that the network adapter is disabled, but it not showing in device manager could indicate that your motherboard is broken.
    Fuck, Ive already replaced it once.
    >Try to click or rightclick what I cirkled in red and get to the properties section.
    other options:
    >boot a linux live cd and see if you can see the network adtapter or access the internet, knoppix is good if you haven't got a live cd around.
    Done, still not working (same kind of problem, has worked in past)
    >Try to reinstall the network adapter drivers on your motherboard cd.
    Will do shortly.
    >Try a system restore
    Done already, still broke (doesn't sound hopeful.
    >try to boot into safe mode and see if it shows up.
    >A disc read error has occured (mfw).
    >If it shows, you somehow managed to break your windows by installing or uninstalling wrong drivers or a virus is fucking around with you.
    >Reinstalling windows is the only option if you can detect the network adapter using the methods mentioned above, otherwise your mobo is broken
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:39 No.19232044
    my tech support question is this. I purchased a thinkpad t520 with a discrete gpu w/optimus. will disabling the gpu via bios allow me to use power as though I didn't have the card installed in the first place?

    Not tech-literate at all and not sure exactly what doing that would do. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:43 No.19232090
    they're gonna filter and ban in a couple of days probably, they don't care right now
    >> full !metalHJfCs 08/05/11(Fri)10:43 No.19232092
    look up info on optimus technology and stop supporting the cancer
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:49 No.19232145
    Before asking for help, run the machine on the bench, and if the problem persists just disassemble and reassemble.

    Only ever buy Seasonic/Corsair/Antec PSU

    Samsung Spinpoing F3 or WD Caviar Black are the 2 1TB HDD's you should be looking at currently.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:52 No.19232170
         File1312555932.jpg-(78 KB, 508x595, 1308801888919.jpg)
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    yfw moot comes in here and blanket bans everyone that posted in this thread including the summer mod
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:53 No.19232178
    we can only hope
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:54 No.19232204
    Get a Mac.
    >> full !metalHJfCs 08/05/11(Fri)10:55 No.19232214
    >on 4chan
    my face would be more astounded than that
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)10:58 No.19232261
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:03 No.19232319
    Can anyone recommend a good PC monitor?

    Right now I'm looking at a Asus ML239H.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:03 No.19232323
    He was around just last week to troll /a/ before going on that thing with the 2chan founder.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:05 No.19232346
         File1312556726.png-(6 KB, 904x114, thread_g_isnotsupport1.png)
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    Not a support board
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:06 No.19232362
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    >> Siouxsie‮D:‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 08/05/11(Fri)11:08 No.19232381
    Computers filled with mineral oil can be summed up as "pretty cool, but pointless". The amount of effort and money it takes to make one that would cool as well as air cooling is closer to what you'd expect to spend on either a much better air cooled setup, or a practical water cooling setup.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:08 No.19232387
    Not the same mod at all. This one is new.

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:09 No.19232398
    >Not the same mod at all
    No shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:15 No.19232476
         File1312557308.png-(1.53 MB, 2880x2880, boot failure troubleshooting f(...).png)
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    Better version of the boot failure chart posted before.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:19 No.19232530
         File1312557572.png-(22 KB, 120x116, 1292088821215.png)
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    >tech guides which will eventually become obsolete in a matter of time
    >sticky thread

    Sure is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:21 No.19232544
         File1312557669.jpg-(1.34 MB, 2160x3060, Computer.Hardware.Chart_.jpg)
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    Hardware Chart
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:29 No.19232631
    That chart is pretty outdated.

    Someone should revise it adding in current sockets, etc., and parts that are no longer in common use should be put into a different 'history of computing' chart.
    >> ­­ !LadyMAPLeY 08/05/11(Fri)11:39 No.19232765
    Lets see what I got for y'all n.g­gaz

    Who wants a "Fac.eb­ook picture sniffing tip" ?

    You know when someone uploads a picture directly saved from fac.e­book?

    It has a save name something like this-

    ............^PROFILE ID^......................

    Take out the pro­file ID of the picture some /b/tard posted on 4ch­an, and place it after this URL.

    You now know the identity of the account that uploaded that picture to fac.ebo­ok. If your lucky, they will have public albums.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)11:40 No.19232786
    Free books on learning Python (and getting into computer science in general):

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (it will change your life):

    King Neckbeard's Linux /g/uide:
    >> MacFag !!9HixxlQIM2g 08/05/11(Fri)11:52 No.19232940
    I'll be serious, for once. Here's a few useful pieces of advice that solve some common issues I've seen here:

    - If your new PC build won't work, check you've connected both molex power connectors. There's two on virtually all modern motherboards, and most newbies forget to connect one

    - If a Mac OS X install goes bad (apps won't launch, etc.), resetting permissions often helps. Do this is Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility, select your main disk (usually Macintosh HD) and click 'Repair Disk Permissions'

    - To jailbreak your iOS device, check you're running 4.3.3 (don't update in iTunes, even if offered) and visit from Safari on the device. Easy!

    - If you want a new Android phone, and want to screw around with it as much as possible, HTC's newer devices all have unlockable bootloaders

    - If a Windows install screws up or you acquire malware, the best solution is a good old "backup, format, reinstall Windows". It doesn't take long, and is much easier than you'd expect. It's also a guaranteed fix and avoids hours of frustrating troubleshooting

    - If you want to try out Linux for the first time, just install Ubuntu. You can try out more obscure distributions when you're more experienced

    - If you are buying a pre-built computer, don't buy RAM upgrades with it. Most manufacturers overcharge for RAM upgrades (Apple are terrible for this). Buy and install more RAM yourself – it doesn't void any warranties, and it's super easy

    - Don't eat yellow snow!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:00 No.19233045
    There is really no point in asking how to hack when you don't even know what it means. I mean really, "how do I hack"? Hack what? You don't even know what you are asking.

    And as a general note, do your own research before asking questions, and this goes for irl too, because your problem has 99% of the time already been solved, and there is a plethora of information better than what we could offer all over the internet. This is a discussions board.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:01 No.19233067
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    Hey /g/uys, whats been happening in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:03 No.19233100
    >2. Support threads are allowed, but discouraged.
    >"Obvious advice" threads may be removed at the discretion of the staff.
    Newfag mods need to gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:05 No.19233121
    Please do not ask us which Linux distribution is the best, or which Linux distribution is the best one *for you*. We don't know, because we're not you.

    If you want to find out, most distributions are available as "LiveCD's". These are disc images that you can download and burn to a CD, and boot on your own computer. You can then play around with the distribution without having to install anything. If you don't like it, you can try another one. If you decide you don't like Linux, you can right on back to Windows.

    However, there are some common distributions that you might want to try and are generally considered suitable for new users:

    Ubuntu (
    Fedora (
    Arch Linux (
    Mint (

    There are also some common distributions that you might have heard of and might want to look at, but are generally not so user friendly (although they are just as functional):

    Debian (
    Gentoo (
    RedHat (, however RedHat do not make a LiveCD available. Try CentOS ( or Scientific Linux (, both of which are free versions of RedHat.

    Try some out and see if you find one you like. If you don't like any of them, that's fine too.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:06 No.19233144

    >suitable for new users:
    >Arch Linux (

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:08 No.19233162
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    Remember kids, piracy is your right.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:10 No.19233178
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    Even if you can afford it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:11 No.19233195
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    streams n shit
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:12 No.19233203
         File1312560737.png-(263 KB, 1660x1940, archisshit.png)
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    >Arch Linux
    >Suitable for anyone
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:12 No.19233206
         File1312560755.png-(156 KB, 924x1145, 1283790489855.png)
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    more streams n shit
    >> Duffle !/i4xDUFFLE!!mhUwXbfmPl+ 08/05/11(Fri)12:12 No.19233207
    This guy knows his stuff, he's good for hardware
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:13 No.19233212
    I need some help fucking pissed

    the bios of my pc is the phoenix-award workstationBIOS v6.00PG and i want to know how to change or reset the password because i dont know the fucking password that i didnt set at first

    what can i do?...
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:15 No.19233234
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:15 No.19233237
    Fine, just to stop the fucking incessant high-pitched whining:
    Please do not ask us which Linux distribution is the best, or which Linux distribution is the best one *for you*. We don't know, because we're not you.

    If you want to find out, most distributions are available as "LiveCD's". These are disc images that you can download and burn to a CD, and boot on your own computer. You can then play around with the distribution without having to install anything. If you don't like it, you can try another one. If you decide you don't like Linux, you can right on back to Windows.

    However, there are some common distributions that you might want to try and are generally considered suitable for new users:

    Ubuntu (
    Fedora (
    Mint (

    There are also some common distributions that you might have heard of and might want to look at, but are generally not so user friendly (although they are just as functional):

    Debian (
    Gentoo (
    RedHat (, however RedHat do not make a LiveCD available. Try CentOS ( or Scientific Linux (, both of which are free versions of RedHat.

    Try some out and see if you find one you like. If you don't like any of them, that's fine too.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:15 No.19233240
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:17 No.19233260
    As in, locked out of Windows? You can make a Linux LiveCD and change the Windows password.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:17 No.19233262

    Tip for newfag!

    Never post 3dpd on /g/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:17 No.19233269
         File1312561075.jpg-(127 KB, 800x825, 1305246030867.jpg)
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    about dvd movies
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:18 No.19233283
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:20 No.19233309
         File1312561259.jpg-(379 KB, 720x960, 4575 - (9) 9 cirno moe touhou (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:21 No.19233319
         File1312561302.jpg-(25 KB, 1191x670, 4chan_wallpaer_3DPD_by_Kielson(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:22 No.19233327
         File1312561345.png-(296 KB, 1346x2535, Laptop Comparison Guide.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:23 No.19233344
         File1312561436.jpg-(46 KB, 1920x1080, Full_HD.jpg)
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    >Fine, just to stop the fucking incessant high-pitched whining
    >Trying to call others children because they say arch isn't good
    Arch user detected.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:24 No.19233351
         File1312561471.png-(2.31 MB, 2000x3500, Know the Difference About Appl(...).png)
    2.31 MB
    another guide for people who are about to consider a mac
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:25 No.19233368
         File1312561553.png-(146 KB, 615x787, Hardware Health Monitoring.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:26 No.19233378
    This is why the thread needs to be text.

    This has already been posted.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:28 No.19233403
    mod will sort it out at some point
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:31 No.19233456
    You should update that to avoid confusion, the url has changed to:
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:39 No.19233553
    Sup /g/, I have a wirelessly connected computer, and the internet speed ranges from to shit to not working. I have a duel band n router and wireless adapter, and I've tried other wireless adapters to no luck. However, other computers can connect to my router perfectly, the problem is solely with my computer. Any advice?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:44 No.19233627
    Is 4chan randomly switching styles for anyone else lately? I've had this on all my computers for a few days now, it always keeps switching to Yotsuba or Futaba.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:46 No.19233645

    using nightly is a double edged sword, it may have the bleeding edge bug-fixes but it has more bleeding edge bugs than fixes.
    if you are using nightly, you are expected by the dev team to report all bugs. that what nightly builds are for.
    If you find a bug then tell the developers because they'll give you a gold sticker for finding it. Even better is if you submit a patch that fixes it, you'd be worshiped like a god for that, also looks good on a resume.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:47 No.19233659
    >looks good on a resume
    Hoe so?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:54 No.19233766
    I've only experienced a couple pseudo freezes maybe a grand total of 3 times in 2 weeks. Firefox crashed for me multiple times per day.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:57 No.19233793
    Do you use Chrome/Chromium?
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)12:59 No.19233831

    Where is the computer in relation to your wireless access point? How many computers are up and running when your connection drops off?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)12:59 No.19233837
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:00 No.19233854
    Known bug.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:00 No.19233857
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:02 No.19233882
    Damn. Are they planning on fixing it soon? I'm using the latest Chromium nightly and it's still present.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:04 No.19233919
    It's about 30 feet away, and the drop offs happen randomly, unrelated to how many other computers are connected.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:05 No.19233920
    Im using latest build of canary and I've never had this problem.

    What a waste of paper for such a shitty "troll" attempt. Trollface != Lolz uz gots EPIC trolled, why u so mad and fulz of fail?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:07 No.19233952
    Canary != Chromium
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:08 No.19233962
    Quick question, I'm not a total /g/ newfag/summerfag (been here since march-ish) and so I decided to dual boot a linux distro alongside windows. I chose debian but later decided that since I never seemed to use the debian partition i might as well uninstall it at which point I uninstalled GRUB and deleted the debian partition. I now have a good 200GB of free space on my hard drive just laying there. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have tried GParted and Windows Disk Manager.

    tl;dr how would i extend my windows partition over 200GB of free space

    Sorry for my bad english
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:10 No.19234009
    In Windows?
    Start, right-click Computer, 'Manage Computer'. Click 'Disk Management' and see what's there. There may be 'Unallocated Space' which you can extend your Windows partition into, or the remnants of a Linux partition you can format or delete.
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)13:12 No.19234049

    Are there any possible sources of interference within that distance, or close to that computer's location?

    Remember, there's several things out there that can play hell with a wireless signal (Large plants, microwaves, baby monitors, cordless phones, thick wall, metal, other wireless lans). Pretty much anything that has the potential to interfere with radio waves.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:13 No.19234066
         File1312564421.png-(44 KB, 819x460, ScreenShawt.png)
    44 KB
    No, it says Free Space
    i have also just realized that in my last post I dun goof'ed, it is in fact 100GBs.
    Here is a screenshot
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:14 No.19234085
    it shows that you can find a fix application bugs. that is the best skill you can have when programming.
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)13:14 No.19234089

    Also, is your frequency set to 5ghz or 2.4ghz?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:17 No.19234122
    2.4 ghz, and there is no interference, as multiple other computers work fine while mine is the only one that doesn't
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:18 No.19234150
    Right-click it, Delete it. Then right-click your C: partition and hit Extend.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:22 No.19234223
    another protip:

    as far as baby's first programming languages go, it depends on where you want to end up. If you want to do low level things start with C or C++ otherwise python. python is basically a pseudo code language, you can read it like pseudo code which makes it easier to debug. C teaches you low level concepts and lessons like how much control you have over the computer, that humbles you, it forces you to not fuck up the first time and think ahead because you'll kill yourself. C is more intellectually stimulating than it is productive which is why dotnet people get mad and gnu heads get a boner.

    thank you mods for sticking this so we dont have 30 tech help threads faggin up the board.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:24 No.19234240
    >There is not enough space available on disk(s)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:24 No.19234241
    >> isac 08/05/11(Fri)13:30 No.19234335
    posting in a sticky
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:40 No.19234488
         File1312566021.jpg-(808 KB, 1920x1200, Guide To Making Desktop Sharp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:41 No.19234505
         File1312566083.png-(422 KB, 1077x992, 1297052623571.png)
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    2 double ur gold, drop it on the floor and press alt-f4
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:42 No.19234518
         File1312566162.jpg-(508 KB, 1743x2465, How To Hide Your Folders.jpg)
    508 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:44 No.19234536
    >not hiding your porn in a hidden volume on the truecrypt volume you use for financial information
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)13:49 No.19234607
    well, this thread certainly crashed and burned lol
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:01 No.19234806
    It was destined to from the start.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:08 No.19234892
    protip 3:

    if you have to hide your porn, complete 2 of the following options :

    1) bitches be crazy, get a bitch that is less crazy.

    2) move out of your parent's house.

    3) beat up your roommate for stealing your porn.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:08 No.19234898
    Trimming armour 2k!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:09 No.19234910
    Is this the help desk?
    Um, I've heard about this thing called bittorrent.
    Apparently you can use your graphics computer to mine for coins with it.
    So my question is how do you install gentoo so I can start making money with that thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:10 No.19234917
    Hello /g/
    I'm trying to run the Deus Ex leak on my laptop. It seems to run smooth, very little shuddering or anything like that, but for some reason whenever I enter a conversation it starts to jerk around.
    Forgive me, I'm not that literate technically, but I really want to know if I can sort this out, I'd hate to play the new Deus Ex on a console.
    My laptops specs, I think:
    hd mobility radeon 5470 2GB
    4GB ram

    I don't want to try fucking around with the Catalyst Control or whatever it's called untilI know what it is I need to do.
    Please tell me if there's anything I can do to make this work?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:12 No.19234938
    Adblock Plus

    Use those to block ads, download images, and save threads on 4chan.

    Use the YYYY_MM_DDtopic style format so everything you organize is chronologically ordered.

    Honeyview can be used to view images including gifs, and it supports dual-image anime style viewing, left to right and right to left.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:13 No.19234956
    Try turning all the graphical settings down.

    If that doesn't work, try reverting to a previous version of the drivers if you're on the newest.

    Also, uninstall that shit and play Deus Ex 1 before you play DE3.
    >> Spaceboy !7H3Qz59.ns 08/05/11(Fri)14:14 No.19234966
         File1312568087.gif-(23 KB, 627x556, 1311873513011.gif)
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    Is moot inviting just anyone to be a mod, now?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:17 No.19234999
    Tried lowering everything. It just made all the fine things smoother. Weirdly, conversations are noticably less 'jerky' if I switch 'Use DirectX 11' off, but then the rest of the game chugs?
    Is it just a case of 'shit setup, stop trying'? Or does it sound like I should be capable? I don't know if the leak just has bugs. I know it's not possible to lower the resolution.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:18 No.19235011

    I perfer to call it "removing all but the essence" of /g/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:20 No.19235025
    what does /g/ think about the g1-assassin mobo?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:21 No.19235044
    I'd say it has bugs then

    If you get Deus Ex 1: the game has forced acceleration.

    A game which has some similarities of gameplay, System Shock 2 is fun but 2-5 more out of 10 in terms of difficulty, if you can have the patience to get it running at all.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:26 No.19235119
    Alright, well, thanks for the help! I'll keep dinking around and hope for the best.
    Also: Actually I adored Deus Ex 1, finished it several times, hated IW, all that, and yet I'm genuinely excited about this.
    But that's a /v/ discussion.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:42 No.19235324

    No,when i enter to the BIOS it asks for a password.

    and i cant boot from CD because i have to change the boot sequence in the bios but i cant get beyond the bios password...
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)14:45 No.19235369

    Where are your other computers in relation to your access point?


    Pull the cmos battery. It's a lithium battery that looks like a silver wafer
    >> sage sage 08/05/11(Fri)14:45 No.19235371
    >> NOKO NOW !7HAMu23nPc 08/05/11(Fri)14:46 No.19235376
    Many computers have the boot options separated form the BIOS. make sure there isnt a second option asking for a boot device before you consider this method a bust.

    If it is a bust you can always reset the BIOS using the CMOS method.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:55 No.19235492
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)14:57 No.19235513
    im pretty sure that there isnt...i think,the model system is IMEDIA 1529


    is it dangerous? i mean,can i pull it out when the computer its off and after that try to turn on..etc?
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)15:00 No.19235565

    Perfectly safe. Shutdown and shut off all power to the PSU, unplug the power cable, pull the battery and put it back in. Doing so will reset BIOS and remove the password
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:02 No.19235599

    ill try,thank you.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:05 No.19235635
    So how hard is it to remove/mount a Socket A HSF?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:07 No.19235664
         File1312571269.jpg-(42 KB, 238x238, dialsoap23.jpg)
    42 KB
    When attempting to wash off the stench of failure from yourself after your computer explodes, be sure to use Dial Soap.

    Dial Soap, the only soap with 4chan's seal of approval from 2005 to 2008.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:10 No.19235703
    Not hard at all. Unmount carefully via screws, clean the old thermal paste off with acetone, replace the thermal paste by using a pea-sized amount, and then remount.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:16 No.19235776
    GUYS, all of the sudden the audio won't play in any flash content, on any browser. What do?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:17 No.19235796
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:21 No.19235840
    derp. Please, I'm fuckin dying here
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:28 No.19235935

    >saging a sticky

    You're not doing it right.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:29 No.19235957
         File1312572560.jpg-(40 KB, 640x480, RC690-air_EN_640x480.jpg)
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    Gonamesai, /g/

    What are some good ass fans for optimal airflow? I don't need anything top of the shelf, but as long as they have good air displacement and adjustable fan speed I'm good.

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:29 No.19235962

    oh god i haven't seen this meme in years
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:31 No.19235989
         File1312572698.jpg-(112 KB, 465x557, 1312029160987.jpg)
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    Fuck you captcha. Three times I tried.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:32 No.19236006
    I asked for good ass fans, not big ass fans. Thanks though.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:32 No.19236012


    you fag learn to use it
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:33 No.19236035
    Big is good
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:33 No.19236037
    But I don't see any screws. There was one holding the fan on, but that's it. Looks like it's just clips.
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 08/05/11(Fri)15:39 No.19236120
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    Cool, thank you mods for making a sticky for tech support. Now could you make a thread for TheFalcon's guide? When we had that a couple of months ago it kept most of the "build me a computer, /g/, I'm too fucking incompetent" threads out.

    Thanks again.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:41 No.19236155
    It's in this thread
    >> !k/5/STogas 08/05/11(Fri)15:42 No.19236163
    i agree. also, mods, this isn't tech support
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 08/05/11(Fri)15:44 No.19236197
    Yeah, but most won't go down the few posts to see it.

    >also, mods, this isn't tech support
    Good point. This entire thread should be deleted for being off-topic from the board.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:46 No.19236218
    >Rules are being enforced
    >Make shitty tech support thread

    We can't report as sticky,WHY again?

    Fucking summer mods, this isn't reddit or slashdot you bunch of faggots.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:46 No.19236221
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    moots away

    mods being faggots
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:49 No.19236257
    >mods helping
    >mods being faggots

    yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:52 No.19236300

    >2 stickies

    fuck off
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:53 No.19236302
    >by endorsing tech support threads
    yeah, no
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:53 No.19236313
    Sup mods.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:54 No.19236318
    How do I learn to edit video?

    I just downloaded Adobe Premier, what next?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:57 No.19236352
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)15:57 No.19236360
    Funny how you can tell just by looking at the guide if the person who made it is a clueless wannabe-designer, an actual professional or just someone who got his shooping skills on 4chan (usually more skilled than the wannabe-designers)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:05 No.19236489
    Which guide?

    Also what happened to the daily programming thread? I enjoy those. Was today's deleted?
    >> !WiNdowsNME 08/05/11(Fri)16:06 No.19236507
    Yes, a mod just deleted it a few minutes ago.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:07 No.19236518
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    My Windows is not genuine. Halp!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:07 No.19236527
    Are you sure? It was unquestionably tech-related. Could it not have been the guy that posted it?
    Just checked Green Oval, nothing was amiss. I want my damn programming thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:09 No.19236558
    Norton is a fine antivirus. The people on /g/ are idiots so you shouldn't listen to them.

    >> !WiNdowsNME 08/05/11(Fri)16:09 No.19236562
    I am positive it was a mod, I really doubt the OP would. But hey, maybe we'll get lucky and a mod will confirm or deny it in here.

    I do agree it doesn't make sense, though, since it is technology related and cannot go on the text boards because images were part of the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:10 No.19236575
    Norton should count as nagware for all the nuisances it causes. It's certainly not as fast as MSE, and if you want a paid anti-virus NOD32 is a much better solution.
    Norton is a joke, and you are either a troll or an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:12 No.19236603

    Or a guerilla markerter for norton
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:15 No.19236644
    norton is like a dinosaur trying to play a violin. on the one hand it says it can play the violin on the other hand is the violin and it keeps smashing it on its forehead
    norton is a bag of shit that trys to act like its intelligent software and to do that it has to fuck the computer
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:16 No.19236649
    >want less tech support threads on Front Page
    >create 2 stickied threads (1 more than needed to solve the problem)

    >mfw I have no face for this shit.
    Excellent work Mod, such a fine example to set.
    >> !WiNdowsNME 08/05/11(Fri)16:17 No.19236676
    Don't forget the part where the mod deletes genuine technology discussions like the programming thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:20 No.19236715
    Yeah, i was just reading that from this thread.
    Mod probably just trying to execise his power for no other reason than he can. I'm guessing he isn't a fan of anything actually tech-related unless it's a nVidia/Intel Vs AMD thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:20 No.19236726
    if you have to use an antivirus, you clearly aren't mature enough to use a computer yet
    >> NOKO NOW !7HAMu23nPc 08/05/11(Fri)16:21 No.19236733
    >just as good as MSE

    why would you want a bloated piece of nagware with MSE's mediocre security when you can use MSE and not deal with that crap.

    Despite which one you use you're still gonna have mediocre protection.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:21 No.19236736
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:21 No.19236740
    If you like programming, go to >>>/prog/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:21 No.19236742
    here's a hint

    fuck off dumbass mods

    this thread will become too fucking bloated and no one will give a shit because one thread=one problem and faggots will just make their own tech support thread

    dumbass mod shit go suck falcon's cock
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:22 No.19236750
    If you're using Windows, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to use an antivirus. You could be the most tech savvy person around, but that doesn't mean you're immune to vulnerabilities in your operating system and its applications.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:22 No.19236765

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:22 No.19236768

    Avast and AVG.
    >> !WiNdowsNME 08/05/11(Fri)16:23 No.19236770
    I think you missed this part of my post, allow me to quote it for you:
    >it is technology related and cannot go on the text boards because images were part of the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:23 No.19236773
    the use of images is incredibly helpful... and it is tech-related, unlike half of this board these days.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:24 No.19236783
    I've been using Chromium for a while, but I jumped over to Nightly after reading this thread to try it out, and I can't get the 4chan add-on to work, even after I forced compatibility with add-ons. Does anyone know how to fix it?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:24 No.19236788
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    If you like computers, go to >>>/comp/
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:25 No.19236799
    Use Scriptish.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:25 No.19236800
    Nah, the7990 is going to get destroyed by the GTX630 nevermind anything higher.
    Have you not heard? AMD cannot into GPU.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:25 No.19236803
    Welp I'll be on /tv/ until this all blows over
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:27 No.19236826
         File1312576036.gif-(34 KB, 360x280, tumblr_ljpt3fhjc71qhy6c9o1_400.gif)
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    Thanks bud
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:38 No.19237026
    This whole thread is retarded.


    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:38 No.19237030
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    Question /g/. I'm about to try to put together my first PC but wondering if this video card is overkill:

    I'm trying to save as much money as possible and the build now totals about $1050. The only thing I'm really concerned about running is FF14, PSO2 and PS1/2 emulators, I know this card will do the job but can I downgrade and save $50?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:39 No.19237052
    >high level
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:41 No.19237069
    it's not overkill, you can drop down to a 6870 though if you are trying to save some cash.
    >The only thing I'm really concerned about running is FF14, PSO2 and PS1/2 emulators
    Such a nice change from BF3 build advice.
    Highly recommend you keep the 560Ti though.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:45 No.19237140
    Okay tech support.
    Upgrading from a 4850:

    > MSI Twin Frozr II 560 TI ~ $220
    > XFX 6950 1GB ~ $250
    > Saphire 6870 ~ $170

    Any other good choices? I'm looking for the best possible price:performance.

    Gaming is on a resolution of 1920x1080. Mostly playing first person shooters
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:47 No.19237156
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:48 No.19237172
    techpowerup should have a price/performance chart aswell. Just cross-check with benchmarks and then decide.
    At those prices I'd probably suggest the 560Ti though. 6950 unlocking is becoming rather scarce.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:49 No.19237187
    Yeah thats one of the only reasons i considered the 6950 is because of unlocking but it seems quite hard to do it nowadays. Do you think a 560ti could play most games on highest? how about BC2 with a phenom ii 955?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:49 No.19237194
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    Thanks for the advice I think I will keep it.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:50 No.19237210
    you won't have any problems.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:52 No.19237234
    install gentoo
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:52 No.19237237

    This is less than $200 but its fermi? i hear fermi is really bad, would buying this be a bad idea?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:53 No.19237251
    Sorry for whats most likely an idiot question but its my first build too and i just want to know about how finding out if components fit my case.
    Is it simply a case of height and length of motherboard to case dimensions ,and then factoring in my widest component to make sure they fit?
    all google finds is people asking do their specific builds fit
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:55 No.19237284
    I'd push for the Ti version if you could.
    4xx fermi is hot and power hungry
    5xx fermi is fine (maybe a little power hungry)

    what case and what components?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:56 No.19237308
    Your motherboard has a form factor. Cases are usually in one of 3 form factors: ATX, mATX, or mITX. mATX can fit in ATX. If you have an ATX case and an ATX motherboard, and so on, you're good to go.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:58 No.19237326

    This is TI and Fermi? what?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:58 No.19237334
    any mouse gesture addons for nightly?

    thanks in advance
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:58 No.19237343
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:59 No.19237353
    Any gaming mouse suggestions? the g500 is nice but its a little expensive
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)16:59 No.19237356
    Huh? It's supported by GLX. Why can't GNOME 3 support it?
    >> !oMgfhAHAhA 08/05/11(Fri)16:59 No.19237358
    firegestures. don't forget the addon compatibility reporter to enable addons, if you don't have it already.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:02 No.19237393
    4xx = Fermi fucked up
    5xx = Fermi fxed

    560Ti = uncrippled card built to compete
    560 = crippled to lower price and fill a gap in the market.

    Granted vendors had plenty of liberties with the 560 and so come pre-OCd and can outperform a stock 560Ti.
    It's worth paying the extra $30 for the Ti version.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:02 No.19237395
    I wonder if the mod will actually go through this thread...

    If so and you're reading this in a few days, you're a twat lmao

    That is all
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:04 No.19237421
    I can see him wanting rage ban half of us... except it'll be too late.
    He is a bit of a dick though. I could deal with tech support threads and ignore them... kind of hard to ignore a double sticky.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:04 No.19237425
    well mine is just a falcon guide build with an NZXT case,but i figured id like to know just for future so i dont have to keep annoying people with the same question.its the very good build with an NZXT phantom case.(ricer i know)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:04 No.19237430
    >CRTs better than LCDs
    Well lets see, they weigh about 10 times as much
    They're 10 times as thick
    They have nowhere near the pixel density as an LCD
    You have a risk of electrocution if you operate on them

    At least you can get them for free on craigslist
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:06 No.19237453
    i didnt have the addon compatibility reporter
    thanks so much
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:06 No.19237455
    they both fit ATX form factor anyway, and the NZXT is bigger than the HAF there so looks like im good to go, thanks >>19237308 and
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:09 No.19237494
    Actually I can get a 6950 for the same price. Is it worth it?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:12 No.19237550
    you decide
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:16 No.19237603
    Commonly asked questions around /g/, with little to no biased answers.
    >Should I choose Mac or Windows?
    If you really have to ask yourself that question, you should get Windows.
    Apple charges high prices for their hardware. If you want to save money, build a computer and install Hackintosh. As of now, the price premium is not worth the OS.
    >NVIDIA or ATI?
    Nvidia makes GPUs that support nice things like PhysX, CUDA, and many other gimmicks. However, these serve little to no purpose in most games. AMD's graphics line has a lot more stream processors, which means it can do better in OpenCL, and therefore is better for Bitcoin. However, AMD still does perfectly well in video games. If stuck between cards, use Anandtech benchmarks.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:17 No.19237613
    >Why does /g/ recommend the Hyper 212+? It's not exactly the best cooler out there.
    True, but the price/performance of the Hyper 212+ is amazing. It can do 4+ GHz on an Intel i5-2500k.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:18 No.19237626
    >AMD or Intel?
    AMD for low end builds under $800. Intel for builds over $800.
    The i3-2100 and 955 BE are in a grey area, so pick which one is best for you (i3 for pure games only performance, and 955 for multitasking/overclocking)
    >What's all this about housefires and no drivers?
    Shitflinging between 2 sides. It is true, NVIDIA tends to have higher idle temps, and AMD's graphics drivers are harder to use. However, this is marginal and you should get which one fits you.
    >Why not hexacore?
    Because very little programs support 6-way threading.
    >Why not i7?
    Same problem. i5-2500K and i7-2600K are almost the same, but the i7 has Hyperthreading. If you use programs that support hyperthreading (AKA Not games) get the i7, you can see a 40% speed bump.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:18 No.19237631
    You can do 4.2ghz on stock cooling though. Not bashing the Hyper 212+ and i'm not the guy you're responding to.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:19 No.19237643
    >Why does /g/ like the Thinkpad?
    Thinkpads have the highest durability of most laptops, although they come at a higher price.
    >Why does /g/ have so much anime?
    I shouldn't explain this, but because /g/ used to stand for Guro, until moot decided that he should get rid of the rather wacky fetish boards in order to get advertisements. /g/'s moderator has said many times that starting an anime thread for the sole purpose of anime is bannable, but posting an anime image or whatnot is fine.
    >Should I install a linux distro?
    If you have to ask yourself that question, no.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:20 No.19237657
    I am aware, but people have passed 4.8 with the Hyper 212+.
    >Monitors in general.
    A 1080P 21.5" monitor can be had for $130 on Newegg. Some people get 24" monitors or higher. The point is, it still has the same resolution, so the 21.5" monitor might look better (Higher pixel density.)
    >What are some brands to avoid?
    HP, Dell (except for their monitors), BIOSTAR, Foxconn, MSI (laptops not included), Alienware, HITACHI, and Seagate.
    >What's all this about SSD's?
    Solid state drives are high-speed read/write drives. Basically, anything you put on it will run magically faster (Firefox/Chrome webpage cache, your OS, maps on Minecraft, etc.)
    >What browser should I use?
    Depends on your personality. Since I promised no bias, I will just leave it at I prefer Chromium or Firefox Nightly (Nightly is a beta of Firefox which fixed many memory leaks.)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:22 No.19237681
    Final question:

    Is this a refrence card? can it unlock?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:22 No.19237683
    Haven't been keeping up, what did they do recently to warrant /g/'s hate?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:23 No.19237685
    >brands to avoid
    care to elaborate?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:24 No.19237713
    Not reference, probably newer batch (laser cut to put a lid on unlocking)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:26 No.19237741
    Ah thanks..deciding between dual fan or single fan for an extra $5
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:27 No.19237766
    the dual fan will also be dumping some of the heat into your case
    just a heads up incase it matters.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:28 No.19237787

    First two kinda seem the same..
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:29 No.19237809
    >Why not water cooling?
    Water cooling loops are expensive. You pay out the ass for a few degrees cooler. With the exception of closed cooling loops, like the Corsair H70. Do not get these, they are overpriced and are outperformed by the NH-D14 for less.
    >What is Eyefinity?
    Eyefinity=AMD's multi monitor solution (Up to 5 monitors with the 6950 Flex without active cables.)
    >What are these FireGL and Quadro graphics cards?
    They're for AutoCAD and video editing. Don't get one for gayman, and this follows the "Dont-get-it-if-you-have-to-ask-that-question" rule.
    >Why does /g/ hate gaming laptops?
    Because gaming laptops create lots of heat, use lots of energy, are very expensive with less benefits than desktop gaming, and have a short-ass battery life.
    >How does /g/ get their desktop looking this cool?
    Rainmeter for Windows, Conky for Linux.
    >RAM general
    In most cases, 4GB of RAM should be more than enough. 8GB of RAM is fairly reasonable, but anything else is overkill. Do NOT buy RAM in packs of three, you will slow down your computer a bit (Unless you're using an x58 chipset of course.)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:31 No.19237835
         File1312579905.jpg-(2.14 MB, 4000x3000, ebay.jpg)
    2.14 MB
    So I bought a computer on Ebay. Booted up it and I can't see anything. Lots of digital pixel lines. I can see some flashes and then boots into the mother board manufacture screen and then from there, it boots into the windows installation CD. I can't see what it says to read how to install windows.
    I'm thinking the video card got messed up during shipment but Is there anyway I can fix this before I return it?
    Sorry If I wasn't descriptive enough but here's a screenshot.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:31 No.19237836
    MSI uses buzzwords like Military Parts, and their VRMs are prone to degrading or even exploding.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:32 No.19237849
         File1312579931.jpg-(69 KB, 720x540, mycousinsbarmiztwahwho'sbarmit(...).jpg)
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    Intel i5 750 at 3.6GHz currently, is OC'ing further to 4.0GHZ going to make a significant difference in upcoming new games?
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:33 No.19237858
    Not WUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUB TURBONIGGER SPEED, but yeah, a moderate increase in speed.
    >> Siouxsie‮D:‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 08/05/11(Fri)17:33 No.19237863
    In words of two syllables or less, describe how tiny tiny switches in my PC turning on and off millions of times a second turns in to Modern Warfare 2 at medium settings?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:34 No.19237870

    Also, if i don't have the windows cd in, i can't see what it says but it says something about putting in the reboot cd...or something. It's hard to read.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:34 No.19237878
    I'd have ot say number 3... but I don't know how well that cooler does compared to stock.
    1 and 3 come pre-OC'd (a measly 30 MHz) and different coolers.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:34 No.19237879
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:35 No.19237888
    I see what you did there.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:36 No.19237900
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:36 No.19237906
    >Well lets see, they weigh about 10 times as much
    Addressed by the post you're responding to.

    >They're 10 times as thick
    Not really a problem if you have a decent desk.

    >They have nowhere near the pixel density as an LCD
    Unless you spend several thousand dollars for a monitor, that's bullshit.

    >You have a risk of electrocution if you operate on them
    Only if you're a fucking idiot.
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)17:36 No.19237912
    Asus also use buzzwords like military components, but that doesn't mean they are bad. Yes MSi has some bad boards but not all of them are bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:37 No.19237921
    Hello /g/ood sirs. I have recently bought a radeon HD 5770 graphics card. When i try to install the drivers, my pc blue screens with an error message, and then restarts. Its as soon as i click express/custom install. My PC is an optiplex 755. Halp anyone?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:37 No.19237933
    show tits plz
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:37 No.19237940
    >not all of them are bad
    True. Basically, their only good boards are the P67 and Z68 series with 8 power phases.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:37 No.19237941
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    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:39 No.19237965
    Optiplex 755's don't exactly have lots of room with the PSU, are you using the stock power supply?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:39 No.19237966
    It's not so much a buzz word since they are miltiary 'grade/spec' not actually sourced from the military.
    And MSI, I believe, currently have the best overclocking P67 motherboard (GD53)
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)17:40 No.19237992
    Do you have any video drivers installed? If so, uninstall them before installing the new ones.

    If you don't have any video drivers installed then try booting into safe mode (press the "F8" key before Windows boots) and try installing them from there.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:42 No.19238024
    No, i got a new one that can take it, and it seems to be working fine although its not screwed in? my PC is on the floor with the case off
    >>19237992 i will try this
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:44 No.19238049
    Hey /g/uys, first time computer builder here, what a surprise.

    Anyway, I want a computer that can play the latest vidya on high settings with nary a framerate drop in sight. That said, I am not a wealthy man, so I'm trying to save as much money as I can. Choosing the parts has been fun. Will this get the job done, or have I fucked up somewhere:

    1 TB HDD
    8GB RAM
    750W PSU
    Radeon HD6970 GPU
    i5 2500k CPU
    967A-GD65 MoBo

    Also, a second question. I have limited space, so I don't want the case to be massive, if it can be avoided. Should I just be safe and buy a big ass one anyway, or should I be okay with something more medium sized?
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:46 No.19238082
    Drop the PSU to 650W, the RAM to 4GB, and the Fortresss FT03 does good. But you need to get an mATX motherboard.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:47 No.19238100
    >750W PSU
    >1TB HDD
    >Not stating brand and model of these components
    That better be a Spinpoint F3 and at least a Corsair TX or Antec HCG.
    Also, a mid tower will be fine. Unless you're saying you want a MicroATX tower. I don't know how many of those will fit a 6970.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:48 No.19238112
    Has anyone here got a solution to the dreaded redirect virus? i get redirected on any browser and any search engine to random websites, frequently to which when i attempt to google goingonearth virus removal or somesuch, redirects me to an error message. please help me.
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)17:52 No.19238172
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:53 No.19238188
    Download Malewarebytes, boot into safemode, scan, remove. Fixes most problems, also you'll probably have to reset the settings on your browser.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:53 No.19238195
    Didn't know that was important, sorry.
    They were the Antec EarthWatts EA750 and the Spinpoint F3, if you still wanted to know.

    Thanks for the tower info. Yeah, I just want an average one, not an itty bitty one. My friend recommended some absolutely enormous ones, and I didn't know if the computer needed to be that huge for all the higher end components or if I could just get a more manageable size.

    Okay, will do, thanks. I've got a couple more questions, if you don't mind.
    I thought RAM was important for games, but I guess not? Why do I need a mATX motherboard specifically?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:53 No.19238196
    First time posting on /g/ please elaborate?
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)17:55 No.19238229
    Isn't the FT03 quite expensive? Like, over 150 dollars.

    What HDD, PSU and RAM are you getting?

    I recommend this:
    1TB Samsung F3

    4 or 8GB of RAM (preferably under 10 dollars or pounds for each GB, and at least 1333MHz CL9).

    650W PSU from either Antec, Seasonic, XFX or Corsair. XFX has a really good modular 650W PSU that usually costs about the same as a non-modular Corsair 650W, so get that if you can.

    You can drop down to a 6950 with 1GB of VRAM to save yourself some money. It's not a big difference performance wise.
    Link related.
    Blue = 6950 1GB
    Black = 6970

    The i5-2500K is an excellent CPU.

    For the motherboard you might want to change to the Asus z68-v. It should cost about the same but has some nice features like QuickSync and LucidVirtu.

    For the case I recommend the CM 690 II advanced. It should cost less than 100 dollars, has a very long feature list, excellent quality but it is quite big for a miditower, so you might want to check the dimensions yourself and see what you think.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:57 No.19238252
    thanks ill give that a go.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)17:59 No.19238275
    i tried installing in safe mode and instead of the blue screen and restart, i got "failed to load detection driver" any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:00 No.19238295
    Whoa, thanks for all the info. I will check all that out immediately.

    To answer your questions the HDD was Spinpoint F3, the PSU was Antec EarthWatts 750W, and the RAM was G Skill Ripjaws 8GB. But I guess maybe not anymore, with the suggestions you've all given me.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:04 No.19238355
    how do i keep dust out of my case?
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)18:06 No.19238388
    NoScript is a Firefox addon that blocks a ton of stuff such as Java, Flash, Silverlight, <audio>, <video>, XSS and a ton of other stuff. The good thing is that it hinders a lot of stuff from loading, such as some malicious things and also speeds up your browser became it doesn't have to load as much content. The downside is that it uses a "Whitelist", which means that it only allows stuff that you tell it to allow. So before you've built a decent whitelist you won't even be able to watch Youtube videos, because they will be blocked.
    I have whitelisted 1502 sites so far.

    Anyway that probably won't protect you since you're already infected, so the best thing to do is follow what >>19238188 said.

    You might also want to check what DNS you're using.

    Control pane -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings -> Right click on your primary connection -> Properties -> Double click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP /IPv4).

    Try changing the DNS to
    >Preferred DNS server:
    >Alternate DNS server:
    >> Father Longcat !ETbPA6ujp2 08/05/11(Fri)18:06 No.19238393
    Dust filters.
    What I meant is that if you get the FT03, you need an mATX mobo. However, it is rather pricy. You could get a mid-tower or a desktop cube, but I'm not sure if you can cram a card almost a foot long into one.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:08 No.19238416

    So no one probably has a solution to this?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:11 No.19238459
    Video card problem for sure. Try taking it out and using onboard video if the motherboard has any
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)18:12 No.19238469
    I'm sorry but I have no idea what's causing the problem.

    So you basically get a blue screen of dead as soon as you try installing the drivers while not in safe mode, and "failed to load detection driver" in safe mode?

    The only thing that I can think of that will fix it is a reinstall.
    Either that or try googleing the error code you get on the BSOD.

    The Spinpoint F3 is an excellent driver. Keep that.
    The PSU is also good but like me and Father Longcat said, get a 650W instead. That's more than enough. Just make sure you stick the one of the brands I recommended before.

    G.Skill makes good RAM so it's probably fine. Just don't get fooled into buying some 2000MHz RAM with super low latency and a RAM fan because it makes next to no difference.
    The performance difference between 1600MHz CL9 and something like 2100MHz CL7 is less than 1% in 3Dmark or SuperPi (benchmarks).

    The reason why you want sticks with at least 1333MHz (preferably 1600MHz) and CL (timing) 9 is because RAM with worse specs than that might be a bit crappy quality wise.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:13 No.19238486
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:15 No.19238508
    Stickies should be less intrusive, maybe putting them on the side of the banner/title. Anyway here's my contribution, all freshly written OC, maybe ill contribute with something else later.

    If one of these things fucks your hardware or software or you, you're doing it wrong, I've been doing it for years and never fucked anything this way.

    *Paper clips are often thought to be useless or only useful to hold paper, the fact is that you should always carry at least 2 with you all the time.

    **If optical drive tray doesn't open (stuck or no power) and you need to retrieve the disk, check for a tiny hole on the front side, straighten a clip and push it inside that hole, you'll feel when it hits something hard it's a lever (most of the times some manufacturers put the hole but no lever wtf?) push the lever as many times as you need to open the tray to a point where you can pull it out and take out the disk. With laptops this is easier since it just needs 1 push to release the lock.

    **If you're unsure about if a power supply is working or not, take a paper clip straighten it, then bend it in half (like a U), take the 20-24 pin molex connector (the one that goes to the motherboard) and connect the green wire to one of the black wires next to it (in fact any of the black wires works, they all go to the same place so don't worry).

    Check this out

    **If you don't want to take out the keys or disassemble your keyboard to wash it you can use a clip to move the dirt an take out, combine with some taps and there you go, cleaner keyboard (obviously it doesn't work with liquids, candy or sticky stuff but it's a quick fix).
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:16 No.19238531

    *Never trust the machine, when it malfunctions there might be other malfunctions that masquerade the cause, so dont rely on sensors or others, if you see all signs of overheating but sensors show normal temps check manually, pop open the case (afaik opening the case and touching the unpainted surfaces balances your static charge and equals it to the machine so risk of zapping is greatly reduced, any comments on this?) and touch the heatsinks, do this first with a properly functioning box to know what is a proper operating temp.

    *If you're stuck disconnect everything but the basic, leave only, psu, motherboard (take all extra cards out) and keyboard. And fucking follow the "Boot failure troubleshooting flowchart" which has been posted tons of times


    *Optical mice work better with red matte surfaces, you don't need to buy a pad, just make sure the surface is good, avoid at all costs glossy black/white surfaces, if you need a pad, make your own, it will work a lot better than most of the ones being sold there's a foamy rubber that can be used, just get a red sheet and glue to your table or to a piece of mdf (this pad works just as good with old ball mice in case you still use one of those).

    *If the system is not working well, and you can't figure it out, try a reboot, sometimes malfunctioning processes can fuck things and show none to too little indicators of which are the ones fucking things up.

    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 08/05/11(Fri)18:17 No.19238542
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:19 No.19238578
    *If you want to start with linux follow this path, ubuntu > debian > gentoo/slackware, try different distros in between and see which one suits you, if one does the work really well stick with it the previous path is just a recommendation not a rule, if you're not confortable with any and like linux read lfs and make your own try to borrow and adapt work done by other distros to make it easier to maitain, no need to reinvent the wheel.

    *Need to change the root password on a linux box? (do this only when you have explicit permission of the owner, i take no responsibility for how you use this info, i use it for troubleshooting and so should you)
    If it uses grub select and press e to edit the entry. change the end of the "kernel" line from something like:

    kernel /boot/vmlinuz## /dev/***/... ro ...
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz## /dev/***/... rw init=/bin/bash (only the end of the line is important, from rw)

    Congrats you now have root, now run passwd and write the new root password, be careful with what you do here.

    Single user mode works on some systems but not on others so i prefer to just do this.

    This can be mitigated by establishing a grub password, and to prevent booting another system password protect the bios. Of course, physical access == fucked so don't let people fuck with your box or leave it unattended in public.

    *Tip for techs: When you fix another person box always take 1 screw, over time you'll have enough screws and will never have to invest on them (btw where i live each 6 screw pack costs about 7US$ and to get them at less than 1$ have to travel over 100km which is i believe unacceptable, hence this practice), do it only when you know the person isn't checking, if you're caught just pretend you forgot or maybe it fell somewhere.

    *PC not starting? always check the voltage on the back of the power supply is properly set (115/230), this can also be used to enrage techs since most never check.

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:19 No.19238584
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:20 No.19238591
    Oh, okay.
    Thanks again.

    I appreciate the valuable information, I prefer to know why I'm buying the parts I am instead of just blindly doing it because some dude said so.
    Only thing I'm afraid of now is the case. Will the CM 690 II definitely fit everything comfortably? The card won't be too long?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:20 No.19238599
    *Hard drive making noises like drumming or something? get a new one, the head is hitting the platters hence the noise it can't be fixed so stop trying.

    *Bad sectors on drive? try HDAT2 yo can find it on or in "hiren's boot cd", if the drive keeps malfunctioning get a new one, its physical damage.

    *Always check for bloated capacitors when checking a motherboard, they CAN be replaced, so if you know how to solder and got identical capacitors laying around replace them and see if it works, btw never give warranty to a customer on this type of work, it's a lottery, sometimes the capacitors are just a symptom and the problem hard to troubleshoot, do this only when you need the motherboard for a week or something, up to a month, it's not a reliable fix, this is the reason why most techs tell you to get a new one, also most techs only know basic to none electronics and can't properly troubleshoot if the problem is at that level.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:22 No.19238620

    I think it does. I've only connected my monitor through the graphics card, so i'm going to try to connect it to the onboard video. Do you think the graphics card will still run even though the connection didn't?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:22 No.19238621
    *Ethernet cable not working, no need to buy a new one, check the full lenght of the cable looking for any damage, check each pin of the connectors for continuity, if all is ok then the problem is not the cable, if one pin fails the continuity check do the following:

    1-Get RJ-45 connectors and a crimping tool (a friend must have one, or buy it, if not take the cable to a shop and skip the whole process)
    2-Cut the cable around 1" from the connectors
    3-Remove the external coating to expose the wires, about 7 to 10 mm from the tip
    4-Pull the wires a little bit, this will allow to return the coating to it's original position and stay in place when crimped.
    5-Align the wires acording to the pinouts posted below and cut the excess to make them all the same size.
    6-Insert the wires inside de connector (there are some tiny rails, one in each one) make sure they're properly aligned and make sure the tip of the wires reach the end of the connector.
    7-Put the connector in the crimping tool and start pressing the external coating inside the connector it will be stopped when it reaches a certain point.
    8-Crimp it

    NOTE:When inserting the wires do it with the copper plates of the connector facing you.

    It should look something like this (might be wrong due to font change)
    | |

    Pinouts: GR=green WH=white BR=brown OR=orange BL=blue



    Regular cables use 586B on both ends, crossover cables use 586A on one end and 586B on the other.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:24 No.19238651
    how come?
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)18:27 No.19238695
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    Yes a 6970 or 6950 will fit in the CM 690 II advanced. Here is a picture of a 295 in a 690 II.
    The 6970 is just 0.1 inches longer than the 295, so it will fit.
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 08/05/11(Fri)18:28 No.19238723
    cuz ur mad
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:29 No.19238726
    Cannot uninstall, even in command prompt, same error
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)18:30 No.19238750
    I meant reinstall Windows, but that means you'll lose everything not backed up.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:35 No.19238812

    i'm not, where did you get that idea? just dumping some useful info.
    >> DarkTrip !nNThBA7CKU 08/05/11(Fri)18:37 No.19238851
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    cuz i'm stylin on you
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:38 No.19238867
    so mad got pwnt by elite level tripguy
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:38 No.19238869
    If all else fails try deleting your C:\Windows\System32.
    >> TIDECORP™ !GTECH2wGDA 08/05/11(Fri)18:40 No.19238895
    semen can be used as thermal paste
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:43 No.19238949

    But toothpaste CAN be used as thermal paste
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:46 No.19238986
    Thermal paste is for faggot water cooling strong!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:47 No.19238998
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    Also building a computer for the first time and this is what I got so far
    RAM:s going down to 6GB
    PSU is probably alright. I'm gonna OC the GPU and CPU
    Not so sure on that second HDD
    Gonna change the CPU cooler to Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus and then I think I'm done unless I'm doing something rage worthy
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)18:50 No.19239037
    You should use thermal paste on the CPU and GPU block.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:51 No.19239051
    Thank you very much for this.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:55 No.19239088
    I just got my new PSU and replaced the old one (it had a busted capacitor, the new one is the same model), along with replacing my shitty CPU fan which was likely the cause of the busted capacitor. I reconnected everything and tried to start the comp up, but all that happens is the LEDs light up, the fans start spinning, then everything stops, then it all repeats a few seconds after. Everything is plugged in correctly and it worked completely fine before I messed with the PSU and fan. What do?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)18:57 No.19239123
    Disk Defrag software suggestions?
    It's one of the few things I never really looked too much into.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:00 No.19239167
    back after doing this >>19238188
    it dident work, any more suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:01 No.19239180
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    was trying portal 2 on laptop, exit of to windows, and then this fuckking arrow appears, removing all the icons from one straight line to 2 icons together.

    how the fuck do i get it back to normal?
    >> !SpYROs80Ho 08/05/11(Fri)19:05 No.19239227
    So you want to produce electronic music?
    Use this beginners guide.

    BEGINNERS (Oh shit I want to start producing but don't know shit)
    >DAW = Digital Audio Workstation = what you use to make music
    >VST = Virtual Studio Techology = effects and instruments in the DAW
    >Get a midi controller keyboard NOW. Keystudio 49, mpk mini, whatever you prefer. If you don't have one, making music will be extremely difficult.
    >Invest in a 2.1 set-up or use decent speakers until you get better/get more money
    >Start trying different DAWs and sticking to one you feel the most comfortable with.
    >Need VSTs? No money?
    >Need VSTs? Yes money? Lurk around here for some producer threads and always google and look for youtube videos.
    >Take Piano/Guitar classes to learn about music theory.
    >Joining forums of your favorite DAW usually guarantees you tips and info.
    >Listen to a LOT of music. Classical music inspired a lot of people.
    >NEVER EVER use presets or sounds that come with the DAW.
    >Learn about EQ, Compression, Reverb, Delay and Chorus.

    NOT BEGINNERS (I already got FL/Cubase/Ableton down, what's next?)
    >Invest in better hardware (midi controller, Monitors/Speakers, Soundcard, etc)
    >Invest in other VSTs, DAWs
    >If you suck at music theory, learn more music theory.
    >If you keep getting "musical blocks (like writers' block)", Listen to more music especially classical music.
    >If you plan on turning this hobby into profit, you can sell your beats online or make albums and try to get a record deal (not recommended).
    >Befriend other Producers/DJs and share some of your works. The more people you know, the better luck you'll have making money.
    >Start designing your own drums and make your own drum kits.
    >Help out other people that had the same problems as you had.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:06 No.19239236
    >hurr don't use VLC
    >recommend CCCP
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:07 No.19239250
    Back up
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:09 No.19239288
    I feared that would be the case, any less long ass tasks?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:10 No.19239303
    modfags taking notes?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:11 No.19239317
    Hey, /g/, I've got a problem:

    This thread makes my browser run like shit, whose idea was this?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:24 No.19239470
    Goddamn man you should visit a psychiatrist, because you just went full fucking retard and I doubt you will ever recover.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:25 No.19239480
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:25 No.19239482
    You deleted my last guide to Linux, so here is basically the same one again.

    Let's say you do some retarded stuff to set your system up. In my case I use Ubuntu 11.04, then I broke unity with gnome, and broke gnome with KDE. So here is how I work around some issues.

    If Gnome is ever giving you graphical trouble type gnome shell >> replace in the terminal. This is it, your issues are solved when running Gnome 3. It will restart Gnome and should work perfectly fine. But let's say you screw your computer up even worse, read on.

    You have done something incredibly stupid or failed at a very volatile process. You can't get to your graphical login screen at all. What do you do? Boot into the third runlevel. Type ctrl+alt+f3 to boot into the third runlevel. Common names are emergency console, or as I like to call it the "OH SHIT terminal". Best used for emergencies, but can be used whenever you need a command line. You can carry out whatever you need to do here. These are some codes that may be helpful.
    rm '/filepath'. This lets you make room. And the way linux works it will NOT even try to boot into fifth (graphical) runlevel without memory to spare. So this could be necessary.

    ps-aux : Shows all processes up.
    sudo apt-get install links
    Installs a text-based web browser so that you can browse the internet for solutions to your problem.

    How to repair KDE after updates:
    Some updates could wound KDE, but not kill it. If this happens the Windows will default back to the ugly Ubuntu window scheme (The almost-black gray). So what you need to do is sudo apt-get remove kde-window-manager (from a terminal, most likely recovery console or third runlevel as described in my above section) and sudo apt-get install kde-window-manager. No download required, remove chaches the file for the session.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:26 No.19239494
    I just got my new PSU and replaced the old one (it had a busted capacitor, the new one is the same model), along with replacing my shitty CPU fan which was likely the cause of the busted capacitor. I reconnected everything and tried to start the comp up, but all that happens is the LEDs light up, the fans start spinning, then everything stops, then it all repeats a few seconds after. Everything is plugged in correctly and it worked completely fine before I messed with the PSU and fan. What do?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:26 No.19239503
    Also building a computer for the first time and this is what I got so far
    RAM:s going down to 6GB
    PSU is probably alright. I'm gonna OC the GPU and CPU
    Not so sure on that second HDD
    Gonna change the CPU cooler to Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus and then I think I'm done unless I'm doing something rage worthy
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:27 No.19239508
    Which is the best dual-boot combination?
    Windows and Mac or Mac and Linux?
    [spoiler]I'm not throwing out Mac, because it's obviously the better of the three[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:28 No.19239520
    Latest PC building guide:


    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:29 No.19239533
    So you want to produce electronic music?
    Use this beginners guide.

    BEGINNERS (Oh shit I want to start producing but don't know shit)
    >DAW = Digital Audio Workstation = what you use to make music
    >VST = Virtual Studio Techology = effects and instruments in the DAW
    >Get a midi controller keyboard NOW. Keystudio 49, mpk mini, whatever you prefer. If you don't have one, making music will be extremely difficult.
    >Invest in a 2.1 set-up or use decent speakers until you get better/get more money
    >Start trying different DAWs and sticking to one you feel the most comfortable with.
    >Need VSTs? No money?
    >Need VSTs? Yes money? Lurk around here for some producer threads and always google and look for youtube videos.
    >Take Piano/Guitar classes to learn about music theory.
    >Joining forums of your favorite DAW usually guarantees you tips and info.
    >Listen to a LOT of music. Classical music inspired a lot of people.
    >NEVER EVER use presets or sounds that come with the DAW.
    >Learn about EQ, Compression, Reverb, Delay and Chorus.

    NOT BEGINNERS (I already got FL/Cubase/Ableton down, what's next?)
    >Invest in better hardware (midi controller, Monitors/Speakers, Soundcard, etc)
    >Invest in other VSTs, DAWs
    >If you suck at music theory, learn more music theory.
    >If you keep getting "musical blocks (like writers' block)", Listen to more music especially classical music.
    >If you plan on turning this hobby into profit, you can sell your beats online or make albums and try to get a record deal (not recommended).
    >Befriend other Producers/DJs and share some of your works. The more people you know, the better luck you'll have making money.
    >Start designing your own drums and make your own drum kits.
    >Help out other people that had the same problems as you had.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:44 No.19239736
    best way to get this onto my sansa clip +?

    its also in m4a which is not supported
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:49 No.19239803
    Hey, it's me again.
    I really like the case, but every version of the 6950 1GB I can find is either some massive size like 14 inches or has a bazillion negative reviews of how faulty it is. Will this case be able to handle something that big? Can I just pop the driver spaceholders out and let it extend through there?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)19:53 No.19239864
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    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:06 No.19240048
    I just checked that for the rig I'm gong to buy the CPU OC:ed during load takes average 231W and the GPU takes around 600W. I'd need like a PSU on like 900-1000 to power this or am I missing something?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:06 No.19240050
    RISC architecture is gonna change everything
    >> Call On Me 08/05/11(Fri)20:07 No.19240082
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    Hey /g/, getting a gaming computer soon.

    I've read that Windows 7 has worse gaming performance than Windows XP all around, and I'm still deciding on what OS I'll be installing on my computer.

    Can someone verify it for me? It's very, very important.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:11 No.19240145
    Get W7. You'll miss on some balling shit. I'm not entirely sure but I think DX11 is vista and up
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:11 No.19240158
    Windows 7 has much better 'gaming performance'. You got trolled or fell for FUD. Not to mention most recent games won't even run on XP, because they use DirectX 10 or 11 or 12 or whatever the hell we're up to now.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:11 No.19240162
    It's a crock of shit. XP is a decade old, it's time to stop using it. If you want a more tangible reason, XP only supports up to Direct X 9. The latest games and graphics cards support up to DX 11
    >> Call On Me 08/05/11(Fri)20:13 No.19240183

    I'm less concerned about graphics and more about performance, I found some charts online comparing performance, but then again I couldn't really find any recent ones. And in videos on youtube and stuff as well with a side by side comparison W7 gets less FPS.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:13 No.19240189
    Whoever told you that was either lying through his teeth or grossly misinformed. Or a troglodyte who has yet to upgrade his Pentium 4 and GeForce FX vid card who only plays Brood Wars and SNES roms. Either way, he's a dick.

    Gaming on Windows 7 is better in every way. Better hardware support, DX11, generally mature drivers, industry-wide support, etc. There is ZERO reason to remain with Windows XP at this point.
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 08/05/11(Fri)20:18 No.19240264
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    I'm not sure if you can remove the top but the bottom of the hard drive cage is removable.

    You might want to get either the 2GB model or the 6970 if you can't find a good 1GB model.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:20 No.19240276
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:25 No.19240345
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    >Hey guys how do i hack so and so's facebook/msn etc etc.

    send them to it'll probably be a while before they realise they're on a troll site but fuck 'em as long as it gets them off the board.

    also, we should have an official macro for windows user's explaining that they should not be using an admin account 24/7. the less shitware they accidentally install the less time they'll be spending here. i believe this one tip alone would improve humanity's existence.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:27 No.19240365
    how about the MSI Radeon R6950 Twin Frozr III PE/OC 2GB
    It costs more but runs fast as fuck when OC:ed
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:27 No.19240369
    I think I have found a suitable 2GB one for relatively cheap. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:28 No.19240388
    I want to build a gaming PC. Should I wait a couple of months for the upcoming 7000 series?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:30 No.19240416
    Little bit too much of a price increase for me, unfortunately.
    Thank you, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:34 No.19240465
    need a fast answer /g/ built my pc and i have some doubts about the psu

    >i5 2500k
    >2 x 560 ti hawk
    >kingston 8 gb ram 1600 they were actually cheaper than the 4 gb 1600 ones :| (in soviet russia)
    noctua nh d14
    >z68-v pro board
    and i went with a corsair 850 w 80+ , is that enough to support all of the above considering i want to oc to a stable 4.5 or .7 ?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:36 No.19240498
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    Hey /g/uys,
    I installed my HSF last night (Hyper 212+) and this is my first build, so I'm not quite sure if this is normal.

    I secured the bracket and secured the HSF against the processor as vertically as possible with a pea size amount of thermal paste in between. Well after securing it, I accidentally nudged it and it rotated a little. Is this normal for the Hyper 212+? When the thermal paste cures will it secure it in place?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:37 No.19240515
    Yes, definitely enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:40 No.19240548
    Hey /g/.

    Just saved my poor PC from a fucked up Mobo. Replaced it with a badass MSI mobo that allowed me to install another 8gb's of RAM. Now I have a beast, but I have an issue.

    I'm missing 13gb's of space on my C:\ (Windows 7) Partition.

    As of my Mobo burning out, I had 22.8gb's of space. After installing the new Mobo, booting up, letting it update drivers, etc... I now have 8.2 gb's of space left on the drive. Now, I mainly use this drive for primary utilities and programs. (Windows itself, Firefox, Photoshop, VLC Media Player, etc.)

    So I have no idea where the fuck this 13 gb's went. Any ideas on how to get it back without a format?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:40 No.19240563
    Your own research, combined with links posted here is the best advice. Do not buy something because someone says to.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:49 No.19240673
    Just installed Ubuntu 11.04.

    What should I install as a minimum?

    Also, How do I change the Localhost Name?

    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:50 No.19240696
    There's a file called /etc/hostname that contains your hostname. You can modify it if you run as root or use sudo. I don't know how Ubuntu is set up, but generally you should be able to do
    >sudo nano /etc/hostname
    Then change it and save it. Replace 'nano' with 'vi' or 'gedit' or the text editor of your choice.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:55 No.19240761
    Hey, I'm pretty bad with computers, so I hope you guys can help lol. Basically, my computer was running fine, but then for some reason, buffering videos took forever (1 hr+ to buffer a 10 min YT video), and watching live streams became really laggy. I checked my download speed, and it was really low, like .54mps. My other computer still has a normal dl speed, so I don't think it's my connection. i checked for a virus with Eset, and it came up clean. Any idea / tips?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)20:58 No.19240810
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    I'm looking for a video creating program to create a slideshow type video. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. Can anyone recommend one? Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:02 No.19240857
    Windows Live Movie Maker.
    Or VLC's new movie creator whatsit.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:16 No.19241048
    1000th post. My question never go answered...
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:17 No.19241054
    4chan protip: Use noko for good posts, sage for bad posts, nokosage for neutral posts.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:18 No.19241072
    1000 get!
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:20 No.19241111
    1306GET, actually.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:38 No.19241382

    or would it be overpriced as fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:40 No.19241410
    Oh you silly goose.
    >> Call On Me 08/05/11(Fri)21:42 No.19241444

    Halp guise.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:42 No.19241448
    well giving more attention to the post, I think "bump" is still appropriate
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:46 No.19241505
    Well, we won't see GTX 7** until 2012 until next year.

    SBE is coming later this year but it's going to be expensive as fuck.

    What kind of budget are you looking at?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:48 No.19241530
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    My Linksys E3000 wireless router has never been able to transfer at speeds greater than 3mbits/s, even locally. I've tried many different devices, there is no doubt that it's a problem with the router rather than my other hardware.

    Any bright ideas? Updated firmware and such, didn't see any obvious problems on the config page, googled and only ended up with DURR CAN'T DOWNLOAD FAST ON MAH PS3.
    >> Symbolic Hard links on a NTFS Partition Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)21:50 No.19241560
    Elevated Command Prompt
    mklink /d foldername X:\some\path\to\realfolder
    How do i use mklink to create a symbolic link across a networked location or mapped drive? both systems use NTFS, one is vista the other is 7

    mklink /d foldername X:\some\path\to\realfolder
    only works for something local to the machine. and doesn't work for external hard drives either
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:01 No.19241696
    1) Have to run with pixel pitch at least twice dot pitch for pixel-correct output. (See: Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, structure of CRT.)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:06 No.19241789
    Got a question for you networking guys out there. Still learning the ropes, so bear with me.

    I have about 70 workstations to manage. At certain times of the year, they all have to be cloned from a number of images kept on file. They're split evenly between two lab rooms. Each lab has its own special software, so two images are maintained. I want to segregate the labs machines from the larger network to make cloning easier. How would I go about doing this? Subnetting? Not asking for specifics, of course. Just a general method.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:09 No.19241829
    Please don't confuse Mbit/s (megabit per second) with MB/s (megabyte per second) and mbit/s (millibit per second). Internet speeds are measured in megabits per second. Local transfer rates are measured in megabytes per second.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:11 No.19241869

    1 Mbit/second = 0.125 MByte/second

    So your 10mbit internet connection is 1.25 megabytes/second.

    divide by 8
    >> Call On Me 08/05/11(Fri)22:12 No.19241880
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:13 No.19241895
    about $1500 (that is including cost of a monitor)
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:14 No.19241905

    Less bloat. Much less bloat. I hate bloat.

    Then again I use plain ol' terminal linux for most performance sensitive things.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:15 No.19241924
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    tech support question!

    So I have a (Win7)laptop connected to my tv.
    I wish to remote into the laptop from my tower then open up a stream/movie/music to enjoy on my tv.
    Problem is that after I terminate my remote connection, the laptop displays the log-in screen, forcing me to reenter my pw directly thru the laptop. So is there anyway I can bypass the login screen?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:16 No.19241934

    Not without opening yourself up to a gaping security hole.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:19 No.19241973
    linux...HAS NO GAEMS
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:20 No.19242007
    Fuck you
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:29 No.19242137
    then how does /g/ do it?

    Am i really the only lazy asshole who doesn't want to get up every time I decide to watch something else?
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:34 No.19242195
    Hey /g/, I've been looking all over and cannot find an answer to my question..

    So say I find a site that limits me to watching 5 videos per day without upgrading to a paid account. Is there any way to bypass this 5 video limit? I assume it has something to do with cookies identifying me from the flash video.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:38 No.19242262
    Try using RDP, it comes with Windows.

    Clear your flash cookies.
    Assuming you are on Windows:
    >go to the Control Panel
    >click on Flash Player
    >click on Local Storage Settings by Site
    >delete the one(s) you wish to delete
    This may or may not work.
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:50 No.19242413

    Thanks for the speedy response, however there is no Flash Player option when I go to my control panel. I'm on Vista, and I can't find such an option in any of the sub-categories.

    Sorry for being such a noob at this lol, usually I'm pretty good with this stuff.
    >> sodo 08/05/11(Fri)22:50 No.19242414
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:54 No.19242461
    Always check the specs when building a pc
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)22:57 No.19242498
    Bump, in hopes of finding this missing 14gb's. :(
    >> Anonymous 08/05/11(Fri)23:04 No.19242581

    pirate acronis disk director and come back later
    >> Walter Sobchak !7Y/rDjBOyE 08/05/11(Fri)23:05 No.19242590
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    Hi, please refer to my earlier post >>19225687
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 08/05/11(Fri)23:10 No.19242650
    Enough for now. We'll sort it out, then append the useful stuff to the other sticky. Expect external links to vanish though, we have a strict policy.

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