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  • File : 1312341027.jpg-(47 KB, 448x600, 1310746984101.jpg)
    47 KB Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:10 No.19181226  
    What are the IRC channels /g/entlemen hang out?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:11 No.19181236
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:11 No.19181240
    >> Leafhopper !06XLEAF2gg 08/02/11(Tue)23:11 No.19181248
    >Implying irc is bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:12 No.19181261

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:12 No.19181266
    facebookfag status = told
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:13 No.19181269
    >not irc
    >> ~☆♥ウィザードブラザー♥☆~ !KawaiiLwz. 08/02/11(Tue)23:14 No.19181296
         File1312341278.png-(8 KB, 194x462, ircchannels.png)
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    Didn't we have this thread yesterday?
    >> Dr_Venture !4iKPMZviec 08/02/11(Tue)23:15 No.19181302
    Most people hang out on #/g/tv
    In second and third are #/g/tech and #/perwl respectively.

    They're all slightly different. It seems to me like #/g/tech is dead whenever I join and I never really gave #perwl a chance but I have no problems with #/g/tv except for the fact that lots of dummies have op. But I ignore them usually.

    Try them all. Chances are you'll hate 2 of them and tolerate one of them. Kind of like with /g/
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:15 No.19181304
         File1312341310.png-(9 KB, 251x250, perwl.png)
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    >> #perwl Slacky !/LINuX/14A!!ln4RPqGQTlw 08/02/11(Tue)23:16 No.19181319
    we suck less
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:16 No.19181325
    #perwl > *
    >> Tucker !p0dOyZT//A 08/02/11(Tue)23:18 No.19181369
         File1312341539.jpg-(176 KB, 822x598, 1308528209581.jpg)
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    Reppin #perwl & #hostslick on
    >> nand !nandZ23/.6 08/02/11(Tue)23:20 No.19181386
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:20 No.19181398
    #/g/tv #/g/tech #perwl

    #/g/lovemovement and #techloligy are just 99% homosexuals 1% technology
    >> nand !nandZ23/.6 08/02/11(Tue)23:24 No.19181458
    Also, a small legend:

    #/g/tv - complete shit fest full of faggots. Don't even consider going there. It's the laughingstock of the IRC community.

    #/g/tech - contains decent tech discussion but some of the ops are power hungry and you get banned for disagreeing with them

    #perwl - the next #/g/tv, full of bots that do nothing but flood

    #/g/lovemovement - I haven't been here for a while but last time I checked people were still pretending to be cats and sucking eachother off

    #techloligy - see above except without pretending to be cats

    #/g/sicp - same issue as with #/g/tech, power hungry mods that ban on a whim etc. If you're a C fanboy and like circlejerking, it's decent I guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:24 No.19181469
    >implying not all of them are just 99% homosexuals 1% technology
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:25 No.19181473
         File1312341908.jpg-(184 KB, 1000x1000, swagfag.jpg)
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    #g/tv and #perwl

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:26 No.19181498
    I'm glad my favorite rizon channel didn't get posted, because frankly, FUCK you newfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:26 No.19181503
    I remember you, you were the only one who ever tried to roleplay in lovemovement, fucking faggot
    >> nand !nandZ23/.6 08/02/11(Tue)23:27 No.19181511
    I got dragged in to it by Wizbro, Blueberry and Pawl.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:27 No.19181524
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    >calling people newfags

    lol get out kid
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:27 No.19181526
    You were the one who started it
    >> nand !nandZ23/.6 08/02/11(Tue)23:28 No.19181535
    Wizbro was the channel founder and it was his idea. He also organized the fliers and started the /g/ threads, so what are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:28 No.19181536
    durrr sekrit klab
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:29 No.19181540
    op do you even know what communism is? You are retarded to compare such thing. Of course you wouldn't understand the fact that emulators are free and open source. That would make them communist? idiot.
    >> #perwl Slacky !/LINuX/14A!!ln4RPqGQTlw 08/02/11(Tue)23:29 No.19181541
    >#perwl - the next #/g/tv, full of bots that do nothing but flood
    This is lies and should not be believed. We discuss important things in #perwl and suck less than the alternatives.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:29 No.19181550
    Butthurt because we're keeping the riff-raff out? Fuck you, bitches.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:30 No.19181556
    >> nand !nandZ23/.6 08/02/11(Tue)23:30 No.19181559
    Then I must be severely misinformed, because the last time I was in there (a few days ago at best), it was full of faggot flooding and bots.

    I have not seen a single bit of discussion that wasn't flooding or spam in the several days between Tanami sending me an IRC invite and me parting the channel again.

    It used to be decent, but those days are long, long gone.
    >> ~☆♥ウィザードブラザー♥☆~ !KawaiiLwz. 08/02/11(Tue)23:30 No.19181570
    The only cat on #/g/lovemovement has passed away, and I doubt there ever was any sexual roleplaying. If you mean it as a circlejerk, I can't agree with that, either.

    I just consider it to be a friendly general discussions channel.

    The rest I agree with.

    I won't deny that. >>19181526 You are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:33 No.19181600
         File1312342415.png-(413 KB, 586x599, 586px-Gtv-dongus.png)
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    >/g/tv and perwl
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:35 No.19181627

    on freenode
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:36 No.19181643
    >not using #hurr at
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:39 No.19181692
    your channel must have 4 people in it. and all of them are ops
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:41 No.19181725
    yeah but you can't get in! nanny banny boo boo, we don't want you!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:42 No.19181749
         File1312342971.jpg-(285 KB, 1062x645, just another day in perwl.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:49 No.19181853
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    >implying I should give a rat's ass on your secret club.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:51 No.19181889

    >induring it's just #bitlegend and all the autistic minecraft people
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:52 No.19181907
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    great, a irc full of script kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:56 No.19181980
         File1312343793.jpg-(16 KB, 500x335, richard.stallman.jpg)
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    >a irc
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:58 No.19182023
    What IRC client is that?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)23:58 No.19182025
         File1312343938.png-(63 KB, 1297x642, irc.png)
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    anon's last stand
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)00:04 No.19182112
    Anon is leejin IRC?
    Anon is leejin IRC.
    >> Celerity 08/03/11(Wed)00:06 No.19182151
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    I like #/g/lovemovement, it's very cute.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/11(Wed)00:06 No.19182153
    #club-ubuntu and #defocus both on Freenode
    very 4chanish

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