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  • File : 1311666906.jpg-(27 KB, 460x345, geek-computer-station-3.jpg)
    27 KB Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:55 No.19015413  
    Time for the twice daily battlestation thread! Post your battlestation and comment on others!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:56 No.19015434
         File1311666973.jpg-(307 KB, 1536x1178, mercury control.jpg)
    307 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:56 No.19015446
         File1311667013.jpg-(384 KB, 1200x900, IMG00370.jpg)
    384 KB
    Why so many monitors? What's the point?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:57 No.19015455
         File1311667041.jpg-(250 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1404.jpg)
    250 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:57 No.19015465
    Can it play crysis on max?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:58 No.19015470
         File1311667085.jpg-(1.11 MB, 3264x1809, 007.jpg)
    1.11 MB
    What's with the three keyboards? Do you multi box WoW or something?

    Pic 1/2, primary station. 64GB ssd, 1TB caviar black, AMd Phenom II x4 (@ 4.1GHz), 8GB RAM, ATi 6850.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:58 No.19015472
         File1311667091.jpg-(298 KB, 2160x702, newbattle.jpg)
    298 KB
    >stretching your headphones lin ehtat
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:59 No.19015493
    The op picture isn't me. I just posted it to get things started
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:59 No.19015497
         File1311667157.jpg-(86 KB, 555x538, 1299664138382.jpg)
    86 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:59 No.19015501
         File1311667171.jpg-(895 KB, 3264x1542, 009.jpg)
    895 KB
    Pic 2/2, backup station (a.k.a., the desktop for when friends come over and don't bring their own shit).

    ATi 5770, Core 2 Duo (@3.6GHz), 4GB RAM.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)03:59 No.19015503
    Dat Stax.
    I'm jelly.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:00 No.19015517
         File1311667229.png-(2.26 MB, 1068x801, asfasdfasdf.png)
    2.26 MB
    I don't need that many monitors to compensate for anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:00 No.19015518
    >lin ehtat

    Fuck yeah, just-woke-up typing
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:01 No.19015530
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:02 No.19015543
         File1311667346.jpg-(725 KB, 3972x2712, yepinfo.jpg)
    725 KB
    I switched out the optical drive to a blu-ray and I have the Sony XB500 now too. Comments welcome.
    Nice keyboard but why are you ruining your headphones like that?
    I hope you're a girl. If so.. then not a bad setup.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:02 No.19015548
    my head is big and the headphones are shit so it doesn't really matter either way. one is a logitech headset that i use for gmail phone calls and the other is a pair of headphones i got with an m-audio setup that i don't own anymore.

    if i buy a new pair i am going to hang them on a hook every time though for sure
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:04 No.19015559
    >pony desktop
    >pony toys
    god damnit
    >> creamgeek !j9uyb1Yeqk 07/26/11(Tue)04:04 No.19015560
         File1311667446.jpg-(98 KB, 1017x718, bs.jpg)
    98 KB
    Me and my friend are currently designing a website for a winery...
    >> Baird !ATI.GearS. 07/26/11(Tue)04:04 No.19015569
    >needs 3 computers for 6 screens
    my new rig can do 10 monitors

    will post my new guts
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:05 No.19015590
         File1311667522.jpg-(2.04 MB, 3648x2736, best.jpg)
    2.04 MB
    i hate black people
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:05 No.19015591
    dem icons
    >> Baird !ATI.GearS. 07/26/11(Tue)04:05 No.19015598
         File1311667555.jpg-(410 KB, 1306x979, current.jpg)
    410 KB
    forgot my battlestation

    >> Anonymoose 07/26/11(Tue)04:06 No.19015605
         File1311667578.jpg-(372 KB, 3648x2736, DSC04612.jpg)
    372 KB
    as you can probably tell, i took this with a toaster
    $15 goodwill deskfag reporting in again!
    >> Baird !ATI.GearS. 07/26/11(Tue)04:07 No.19015614
         File1311667628.jpg-(607 KB, 920x1632, guts new.jpg)
    607 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:07 No.19015617
    Whats that hanging from the roof?

    Ceiling fan?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:07 No.19015621
         File1311667665.png-(41 KB, 556x159, fuuuuuuu.png)
    41 KB
    i mad
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:08 No.19015625
         File1311667683.jpg-(779 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN1899resized.jpg)
    779 KB
    An older pic.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:09 No.19015641
    Dat cat
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:09 No.19015643
    /r/ that desktop, so bad
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:09 No.19015645


    that my camera is jesus?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:09 No.19015648
    i'm planning on buying the g9x, how do you like it? is it worth the 60 bucks?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:10 No.19015659
         File1311667819.jpg-(781 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN1902resized.jpg)
    781 KB
    And a new one from today. Now off to bed. Check back in morning to see if thread lives through the night.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:11 No.19015680
    posting a nude woman using your computer is a quick way to prove that you're only interested in thread derailment.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:12 No.19015693
         File1311667944.png-(1.74 MB, 1200x900, IMG_0538.png)
    1.74 MB
    Windows on mac ftw
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:12 No.19015697
    enjoy those fecal particles on your chair
    >> Anonymoose 07/26/11(Tue)04:12 No.19015699
    oh god how did you know i have a cat he isn't in that picture oh god
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:12 No.19015700

    hell yeah its awesome.
    i use 5600dpi and max windows sensitivity only

    my parents paid 100 dollars for it when i got it for my bday like 3 years ago nigs.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:13 No.19015712
         File1311668026.jpg-(956 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN1777resized.jpg)
    956 KB
    Sorry bout that. Here is another without a naked chick sitting at it. Just on the desktop..hope that works.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:17 No.19015784
         File1311668239.jpg-(1003 KB, 3840x1080, miscellaneous-70428..jpg)
    1003 KB
    Here you go

    Dude, she was fresh out the shower..clean as a whistle. I can tell you never been south on a girl and if so, she did not keep her shit taken care of...feel for you bro.
    >> Baird !ATI.GearS. 07/26/11(Tue)04:17 No.19015791
    >>faggot wallpaper
    >naked chick
    youre an anomaly on /g/
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:17 No.19015798
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:17 No.19015799


    Oh lawd, you game some ARMA/OFP?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:18 No.19015809
    Doctor here.

    Vagina cleans itself. That's why they discharge in their panties so often

    Time to leave forever
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:22 No.19015861
         File1311668546.jpg-(1.09 MB, 2048x1536, 20.jpg)
    1.09 MB
    anyone know where to find a clock like that?
    also, my station: opinions?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:23 No.19015879
    You are a sad sad imitation of a man.
    >> Baird !ATI.GearS. 07/26/11(Tue)04:23 No.19015881
    speaker-headset-mouse-multi-monitor BROFIST
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:25 No.19015910
    Dude other than naked chick,which is obvious, you got every one of those wrong. Thanks for playing. Now I am go get my faggot ass into bed, where she is...

    See above

    I do ARMA/OFP sure also DCS A-10, iRacing, bunch of other games as is a Battletainment station.

    Goodnight gents.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:29 No.19015946
         File1311668956.jpg-(613 KB, 2304x1536, Desk2011.resized.jpg)
    613 KB
    Aside from Furryfag's, this is the only battlestation I've ever seen on /g/ that has made me jelly when it comes to audio. Sweet speakers and beautiful gear.
    >> !DavidG9LCs 07/26/11(Tue)04:29 No.19015954
         File1311668983.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_20110722_161915.jpg)
    1.23 MB
    >My bad, taken with camera phone, my dslr broke on me
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:30 No.19015967
         File1311669035.jpg-(214 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_1510.jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:30 No.19015972
    Pretty sure he was meaning her ass. But thanks for the info

    Here you go

    I will remind myself of that in about an hour.

    Now it is goodnight.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)04:52 No.19016173
         File1311670330.jpg-(861 KB, 2048x1536, 31.jpg)
    861 KB
    many thanks sir.

    just cleaned my shit and took a new photo.

    not much changed, just the monitor stand really.
    got sick of having no desk i got a plank and a couple of bricks and made a monitor stand. ghetto as, but getting a new desk in a couple of months

    on a totally different note, one of these days i'll find a better camera...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)05:29 No.19016599
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)05:44 No.19016742

    Ah FUCK
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)05:57 No.19016859
         File1311674225.jpg-(784 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_6943.jpg)
    784 KB
    I'll never be able to take a picture like that. And even if I had the chance, I probably wouldn't.

    But I ordered that clock you've got just in black.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)05:58 No.19016880
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:00 No.19016898
         File1311674434.gif-(184 KB, 120x89, wuitatar.gif)
    184 KB
    You don trol me gud.

    I'll go cry in the shared kitchen now.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:01 No.19016911
    >I'll never be able to take a picture like that.
    I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:05 No.19016944
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:09 No.19017005
         File1311674970.jpg-(18 KB, 294x294, oh boy here we go.jpg)
    18 KB
    do you know where you are at lol 4chan was made for weaboos you faggot....
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:09 No.19017006
    Where did you get that desk from?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:18 No.19017121
    bumping for this answer.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:18 No.19017128
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:26 No.19017212
         File1311675963.jpg-(2.01 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_6371.jpg)
    2.01 MB
    Back from the kitchen.

    I built it myself (with help from my dad whose arsenal of power tools is a bit more well-equipped than my own).

    Two pieces of 200x80cm, one of them cut to fit the weird angle of the corner in my dorm apartment.
    The main part is mounted on the legs from my old desk while the other part (on the right) is held up by individual legs.

    The main part has a monitor shelf mounted on it, pic related.

    I made that myself to make the desk wider.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:32 No.19017281
    >> !K.WeEabo0o 07/26/11(Tue)06:35 No.19017321
         File1311676533.jpg-(268 KB, 1333x1000, station.jpg)
    268 KB
    >> Axe-Animu Man !68perLd3eU 07/26/11(Tue)06:38 No.19017345
         File1311676683.jpg-(314 KB, 1280x960, PICT1180.jpg)
    314 KB
    Rate me.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:47 No.19017462
         File1311677244.jpg-(44 KB, 720x540, 253893_10150222476893657_54860(...).jpg)
    44 KB
    My battlestation, up in this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:49 No.19017498

    >shitty keyboard with LCD display
    >no decent cam to take the pic

    Decent setup otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:51 No.19017514

    This is true.
    I'd say the G19 is a decent keyboard, though. It's done well for however long I've had it.

    Z-5500s have replaced the X-540s in the pic.
    >> !VDubStePFM 07/26/11(Tue)06:52 No.19017521
    >3 monitors of varying sizes
    >antec 900

    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:55 No.19017547

    2 24's and a 22.
    Your issue with the Nine hundred two, good sir?

    The G19 was a gift, I wouldn't have wasted that much money on a gimmick otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)06:59 No.19017578
         File1311677947.jpg-(2.01 MB, 2592x1936, Photo Jul 11, 8 37 38 PM..jpg)
    2.01 MB
    Rate me, you fucking plebeians.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)07:02 No.19017595
         File1311678135.png-(3 KB, 800x325, no.png)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)07:03 No.19017605
         File1311678234.jpg-(16 KB, 320x320, 1287217444002.jpg)
    16 KB

    That's very generous for that battlestation.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)07:05 No.19017616

    >> datfrost !!b1v49QyE7nt 07/26/11(Tue)07:47 No.19017973
         File1311680829.jpg-(165 KB, 1023x604, 000_0107 (1).jpg)
    165 KB
    Good morning /g/
    >> Azunymous !33333333qQ 07/26/11(Tue)07:50 No.19018012
         File1311681031.jpg-(1007 KB, 2304x1728, DSCF3483.jpg)
    1007 KB
    you have a desk. I'm jelly.
    >> FURRY =^.^= !CCSa1FURRY 07/26/11(Tue)07:53 No.19018039
         File1311681238.jpg-(337 KB, 1280x853, pornstation.jpg)
    337 KB
    I can't imagine travelling with a laptop smaller than this. What a hell of a mobile workstation that would be.
    >> Azunymous !33333333qQ 07/26/11(Tue)07:58 No.19018069
    I couldn't imagine traveling.
    >> datfrost !!b1v49QyE7nt 07/26/11(Tue)07:58 No.19018073
         File1311681530.jpg-(422 KB, 700x800, 1311405796331.jpg)
    422 KB

    >Dat Floor Set Up
    >> FURRY =^.^= !CCSa1FURRY 07/26/11(Tue)08:04 No.19018105
         File1311681893.jpg-(15 KB, 476x356, 1239799246322.jpg)
    15 KB
    >Can't imagine travelling with a 3kg laptop
    >MFW muscular deficiencies
    >> Azunymous !33333333qQ 07/26/11(Tue)08:19 No.19018197
    It's not so much that. After work, I'm too tired to go out. Then again, if it was up to me, I wouldn't go to work but I still wouldn't go out.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)08:21 No.19018215
         File1311682878.jpg-(282 KB, 2048x1214, battestation 1.jpg)
    282 KB
    hurf durf when will my camera tripod from DX come so i can take a half-decent pic?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)08:30 No.19018273
    OHHHHHHHH.... i like
    silverstone, right? what case?
    how are your temps?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)08:32 No.19018289
    nice station buy you have the 2 worst keyboards known to man
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)08:36 No.19018336
    dude you seriously need to take a new pic with the lights on...
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)08:47 No.19018454
    I've seen this battlestation before. Where did you get the desk? I need one like this.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:08 No.19018669
         File1311685705.jpg-(23 KB, 306x227, wtf_is_this_shit.jpg)
    23 KB
    OP: Seriously, is there some reason you aren't using a KVM (hardware based or otherwise?)
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:15 No.19018732
    >my computer looks like this
    >macfags think their machine is better than mine that's 4 years old
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:18 No.19018762
         File1311686302.jpg-(233 KB, 1276x890, ITSTHESTATIONOFBATTLE.jpg)
    233 KB
    and then captcha ate my image and derailed my point
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:23 No.19018808
         File1311686639.jpg-(1.67 MB, 4592x3056, DSC01183.jpg)
    1.67 MB
    warehouse guy reporting in
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:25 No.19018822
    What happened to the screen?
    >> datfrost !!b1v49QyE7nt 07/26/11(Tue)09:26 No.19018836
         File1311686816.jpg-(261 KB, 1000x627, shut up and take my money 2.jpg)
    261 KB

    >My face everytime I see this god damn picture
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:27 No.19018838
    the connection to the mobo fried, and i already had an external monitor so i didnt want to replace all that would have been necessary. so it's now a non-mobile laptop. a..lapdesk..thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:27 No.19018846
    Its a shitty celeron laptop with a dell monitor hooked up to it ? :S
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:28 No.19018852
    you no liek? D:
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:28 No.19018854
    >Not owning a desk with a USB port
    Poorfag detected
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:28 No.19018861
         File1311686926.jpg-(864 KB, 1632x1224, DSC01571.jpg)
    864 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:29 No.19018865
    >Pony desktop
    Fucks yeah, broth-
    >pony toys
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:29 No.19018866
    c2d, man, show the respect!
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:30 No.19018870
    I own a core2duo and its a piece of shit (E8500)

    Thats why its a media center now
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:31 No.19018880
    It actually doesn't look that bad to be honest
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:31 No.19018885
    it gets all my college computing done nicely. it wont run crysis or anything, but man does MATLAB and HYSYS run like the wind.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:33 No.19018902
    since when do college students not own a macbook pro
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:33 No.19018905

    Fucking do yourself a favor and install a copy of Windows 7 on there
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:34 No.19018912
    >dat clock
    I'll give you my dog for it
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:36 No.19018927
    since im an engineer and actually have a brain. and,
    since when could macfags take their monitor off, with no prior computer hardware knowledge, simply by reasoning through it (and do it on carpet, not giving a fuck)?
    i just dont want to put any money into it. im saving for a real desktop (probly will build it, seems fun).
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:37 No.19018944
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:38 No.19018954
    I've ordered that clock, just in black, as I said in >>19016859

    >Order Date: Saturday, 23 July 2011 15:57
    >Order Status: Shipped

    >SubTotal : USD79.99
    >Shipping and Handling Fee : USD3.00
    >Total: USD82.99

    Save yourself the trouble of shipping your dog away to a guy who already has a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:38 No.19018955
    Since when is installing windows involve spending money ?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:39 No.19018975
    Where can I buy that shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/26/11(Tue)09:41 No.19018996
    if you wanna walk me through how to do it without (a) getting caught, (b) doing something stupid that kills my computer, and (c) doesnt require me to be overly software savvy, then be my guest!

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