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  • File : 1310129673.jpg-(43 KB, 380x272, Screen shot 2011-07-08 at 14.50.40.jpg)
    43 KB STS-135 LIVE coverage thread #2 Flight 07/08/11(Fri)08:54 No.18644947  
    Flight here!

    We pretty much reached bump limit so I am opening up thread 2.

    Here's the main streaming page:
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)08:55 No.18644958
    Space technology is best technology.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)08:55 No.18644960
    MCC A/G voice checks complete.
    Controllability light test about to get under way.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)08:57 No.18644970
    Ground Launch Sequencer Activated
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 09:55:04 PM GMT+0900

    The ground launch sequencer has been activated. For now, it's monitoring critical commands and systems -- but when the countdown reaches T-9 minutes and counting, the program will take over all of the vehicle's critical functions.
    >> SAGE SAGE 07/08/11(Fri)08:58 No.18644982
    waste of fucking space, nasa is full of nerds

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)08:58 No.18644984
    The Space Shuttle has been around for longer than I've been alive. To see all this technology at work is absolutely astounding and a real testament to the capability of every american who worked on the project.

    Then I remember this is the last flight.

    God the U.S. is a fucking joke.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)08:59 No.18644990
    Nice factoids about the glowsticks. not only do they provide an awesome shuttle rave, but they assist with recovery.
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)09:00 No.18645005
    NASA's launch system probably runs from Gentoo.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:01 No.18645032
    so how long now ?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:01 No.18645033
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    This is a shot from one of the cams...
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:02 No.18645037
    More comm checks AG channel 2. Uses triple trunking and a cept channel to multiplex Telemetry and Medical data.

    AG 3 is pure voice. Same with 1. However AG 3 is simplex. Thus only one person at a time can chat.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:02 No.18645039
    2h 24m
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:02 No.18645043
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:03 No.18645050
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:03 No.18645051
    how much time left for takeoff?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:03 No.18645052
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    They are way ahead of schedule today lol.

    And T-38 called in about fuel levels. Discussing how long to stay up.

    Houston now doing AG comm checks
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:04 No.18645062
    2 hrs 22 minutes
    >> ARMv7 !gnXDAg2iL2 07/08/11(Fri)09:04 No.18645063
    Auto-pilot, pretty much, right?
    Do the astronauts on board, aside from override conditions, ever have to steer and control the shuttle? Would it be harmful to the mission if they did assume manual control? And how often, if ever, do they override the computer?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:06 No.18645082
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    what is this thing
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:06 No.18645086
    man when I was a kid I saw apollo 8,9,10,11, 12, and 13 take off
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:06 No.18645088
    For docking mostly. If any issues come up then they have contrl. Along with a number of computer updates they have to do since the Avionics is a bit older due to being in need of a sturdy and reliable drive system.

    From what I understand
    >> Dr. Keith Richards 07/08/11(Fri)09:07 No.18645096
    I'm insanely jealous.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:08 No.18645101
    LOX Fuel Pump down, needs swapping. 20 minutes to recover. No constraint to launch.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:08 No.18645108
    Preparing the orbiter for flight

    Hatch cover is removed
    >> !DERPy.M97s 07/08/11(Fri)09:08 No.18645109

    link to countdown
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:08 No.18645110
    LOX = liquid oxygen?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:09 No.18645116
    Okay wtf The streams on the site arnt working all im getting are un-moving pictures
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:09 No.18645120
    >main streaming page

    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:09 No.18645121
    "Fuel pump" issue at the pad. Tried bringing up the RPM up to heat it up some. Can see it on cam but can't determine anything because of all the vapors around it. Going to swap pumps, 20 mins to recover.

    Pump type:
    Pump 126 LOX.

    Noted by the OTC on OIS 212 just now.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:10 No.18645131
    Then go to stream instead of webcam.
    >> !DERPy.M97s 07/08/11(Fri)09:10 No.18645137
    this is the count down clock with still's

    this is the live stream
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:11 No.18645147
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:11 No.18645151
    Earthquake in Misawa right now
    If I vanish its cause it was big. Seems kinda small right now
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:12 No.18645156
    stop that
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:12 No.18645165
    Ok quake over!
    Info on quake magnitude in a bit. Back to coverage.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:13 No.18645167
    why? it's related to this thread

    go die viral
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:13 No.18645171
         File1310130809.jpg-(14 KB, 405x447, 1289009440366.jpg)
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    >install Microsoft Silverlight

    Fuck no.
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)09:13 No.18645173
    Flight, do you have any intel on the estimated flight time from Earth to the ISS?

    CAPTCHA: hos disissi
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:14 No.18645180
    Ok, G9 Launch Polynomial/Target being updated. OMI Steps dictate just doing the prerequ updates to the platform.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:14 No.18645184
         File1310130875.jpg-(39 KB, 300x300, will-it-take-off-fan.jpg)
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    fuck yeah I'm ready
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:15 No.18645188
    ah thank so what time (Eastern) is the launch at?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:15 No.18645192

    im playing it at
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:15 No.18645200
    Flight, any chance of a visual sighting of the vessel?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:16 No.18645205
    3 days
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:16 No.18645207
    in 2 hours
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:16 No.18645213
    This is fantastic. Space is amazing.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:17 No.18645218
    Yes. They have a sighting page.

    Also quake was 4.8 here.
    No tsunami threat
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:17 No.18645225
    i think you should know that i'm reporting every single one of your spam posts.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:18 No.18645230
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    Might have a flight rule violation in regards to cloud cover.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:18 No.18645233
    >hotspot shield

    like I would give a shit you imbecile
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:18 No.18645235
    Glad that it wasn't too bad.
    I'm so excited.
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:19 No.18645243
    >implying mods won't ban the whole url
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:20 No.18645249
    All Non-flight Items Coming Out of Atlantis
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 10:15:23 PM GMT+0900

    The Closeout Crew is already working to pull anything out of Atlantis' crew module that isn't supposed to fly, such as platforms, umbilicals and cameras. Several people -- including Closeout Crew Chief Travis Thompson and Orbiter Test Conductor Roberta Wyrick -- are keeping inventory and checking each item against a checklist to ensure everything comes out that needs to be out.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:20 No.18645252
    Why are you on the internet copying and pasting and not there Flight?

    You are missing out.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:20 No.18645257
    Fuck, say it ain't so...
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)09:20 No.18645259
    I'm really freaking out now that they are closing the hatch. Good luck, STS-135 Launch Team.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:20 No.18645261
    you must be gnu here.....
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:21 No.18645269
    I live and work in Japan.
    I have also been damned busy since the earthquake and have not been able to take any vacation.
    >> MAINBOSS 07/08/11(Fri)09:21 No.18645272
    I can't believe this man, the last one...
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:21 No.18645273
    Or really,
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:22 No.18645276
    Readiness reports coming in.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:22 No.18645281
    it is summer in america.....
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:23 No.18645288
    Everything looks good with pad crews so far.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:23 No.18645289
    >implying that was me you talked to

    you're just an annoying kid, go make your parents proud.

    go cut the grass
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:23 No.18645303
    As in Kathy Winters.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:24 No.18645305

    streaming everything you need for the space launch
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:24 No.18645308
    He is talking about Kathy winters.
    The weather officer at Kennedy.

    Pad crews all seem good. T-38s coming in.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:24 No.18645311
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:25 No.18645324
    this thread is gay. the flight has no significance whatsoever
    about the only significant thing is that its the last flight by this shuttle.
    i mean pull down my pants, paint a big red cross on my ass and sing "hail to the chief" but WTF are these threads taking up room on /g/ for?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:26 No.18645329
    Seal leak check underway.
    OVCC called in hatch is locked.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645337
    Go' to Close Atlantis' Side Hatch
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 10:21:25 PM GMT+0900

    The Closeout Crew has made sure all non-flight items have been removed from Atlantis' crew module, and they've received the go-ahead from Orbiter Test Conductor Roberta Wyrick to start closing the shuttle's hatch. The hatch seals will be wiped down and pressurized to ensure a good fit. Cabin leak checks will verify a firm seal.
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645339
    wait, why is everyone saying it's the last flight? i don't get it, it can't be the last flight, there has to be more flights in the future.. help me out?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645349
    Nope STS-135 is the final flight of the space shuttle.
    Then GTFO
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645350
    It's the last flight for a long time. No one knows how long.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645351
    space shuttles are a pinnacle of technology

    this is the last shuttle launch, which ushers in a new age of space technology

    gb2 your vidya card thread....
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645352
    Yes, why should we clutter up the desktop threads and browser wars with something like rocket science?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:27 No.18645353
    I heard it was the last launch for the space shuttle program.

    Is this incorrect? Please let me be incorrect.

    also, sauce on it if I'm not.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:28 No.18645354
    Next time they go up it won't be in a shuttle, it'll be in a space plane.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:28 No.18645355
    ETA on launch? gonna email a link to my dad in case he wants to watch at work.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:28 No.18645357
    2 hours.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:28 No.18645358
    Good seal leak check now go for cabin pressurization and leak check
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:28 No.18645360
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:28 No.18645364
    It's the last space shuttle flight.
    That's it.
    No more shuttle flights.
    There will be other kinds of vehicles yes, but no more shuttle flights.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:29 No.18645367
    No, you're right, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the space program. They'll be landing space planes on asteroids next, apparently...
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:29 No.18645375
    you mean the final flight of that plane? why is that so significant?~~ (interrupted by
    oooohhhh. what kind of vehicles?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:30 No.18645395
    Planes. Space. Places.

    Not even trolling.

    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:30 No.18645396
    GPO providing starting address for GMT L/O and DSMs per flight rule.
    GPO And INCO coordinate uplinks on FD loop.
    DPS verifies GPC dump quality.
    GPO Verifies GPC dump contents.
    And Results will be noted in logs.

    Right now, seal checks are good. CMDR is working through his checklist. Breaker to off and oxygen on.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:32 No.18645412
    I truly hope so. This is upsetting.
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)09:32 No.18645419
    Are you able to provide the handbook now, or do you have to wait?
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:32 No.18645420
    give me pictures.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:33 No.18645424
    It's the death of a titan, these were the machines that first took us to space; and now we're getting to watch the final one go up. It's insane.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:33 No.18645426
    Not if congress has its' way again.

    They are aiming to cut commercial flights in half and are wanting to cancel the James webb telescope.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:33 No.18645430
    T-1 Hour and Counting
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 10:31:08 PM GMT+0900

    The countdown clock just counted past the T-1 hour mark, but remember, there still are two built-in holds left to go. Those will add to the overall time before liftoff, which remains scheduled for 11:26 a.m. The next hold is at T-20 minutes, starting at 10:11 a.m
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:34 No.18645437
    This is the start of the next great space race, there are no pictures of the new planes. At least, not that I know of...
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:34 No.18645439
    not sure if trolling or just stupid
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:34 No.18645443
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:35 No.18645454
    MILA station going to High power high gain mode. Best tracking for air to ground and telemetry until EOH.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:36 No.18645460
    Ok next steps:
    IMU Gyrocompass allignment complete.
    GLS initialization complete.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:36 No.18645467
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:37 No.18645474
    its about time they scrapped this piece of shit

    it cant even land without a runway
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:37 No.18645476
    srsly guise dont feed this troll !

    its isnt worth it
    regardless of the fact the first rockets into manned space flight were russian its not worth feeding the troll just dont
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:38 No.18645479
    Yeah, fuck runways, it should just crater straight into the ground.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:38 No.18645481
    so whats with the glow sticks on the arms of the suits..
    also is the hatch on the video the crew vehicle hatch?
    which would mean i missed the astronauts gettin in :(
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)09:39 No.18645491
    This "piece of shit" is the next step allowing us to live in space.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:39 No.18645494
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    Politicians have alwasy been anti-science. Remember the anti-evolution tantrums last decade?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:39 No.18645503
    >valid point.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645504
    If power goes out, they can see the glowsticks and find people that way.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645505
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645507
    If one of them farts the sticker glows, its so they can see which one dropped the silent but deadly fart
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645508
         File1310132407.png-(690 KB, 1440x900, iamready.png)
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    Almost there guys

    I. Am. Ready.
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645511
    ya missed them. glowsticks: power goes out, i see you in the dark
    >> Dr. Keith Richards 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645514
    republican american* politicians. Remember the completel lack of evolution tantrums in europe and the american centre?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645517
    pretty sure those are still going on
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645520
    You might wanna refresh your page. Your timer is about 10 minutes behind.

    Sorry guys, blame it on bandwidth
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645521
    the glow sticks is in case they lose power

    yea you missed them getting in by about 45 minutes or so
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:40 No.18645522
    >next step

    No market for it. Space is no longer on anyone's priority list (exception being China and even then its just for dickwaving purposes, "we can do it too".)
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:42 No.18645539
    Weather briefing going on.

    Come on Kathy...Please give us a 1 time go.

    Just this once...
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:42 No.18645540
    f yeah
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:43 No.18645557
    >dick waving
    srsly I hope none of the chinks reading this start waving their dicks around as chinks have tiny cocks and everyone will just laugh at you
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:43 No.18645558
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    fuck i forgot my image
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:43 No.18645560
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    >mfw reading this
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:44 No.18645570
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    Weather looks promising according to the voice comms...

    Swap to Pump LOX 127 complete
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:45 No.18645586
    I'm jelly, my bandwidth only just covers the 500kbps and KSC 32kbps.

    1200kbps stream is just buffer, buffer, buffer.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:46 No.18645589
    S Band SYS HI PWE FM At MILAR and STS now activated.

    Coming up on STA take off.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:46 No.18645593
    How long left?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:47 No.18645595
    How shitty is your internet man
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:47 No.18645597
    yeah well us lithuaniafags pay only $8 for 20Mbps down (~2.4MB/s)
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:47 No.18645598
    I'm running fiber. NASA TV HD,
    ISS 300kpbs
    Both audios
    STS groundtrack.


    Weather reports still coming in
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:47 No.18645607
    Fun factoid:

    21 mins from stable replenish to stable replenish with the pump swap.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:47 No.18645609
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    Until traveling to other heavenly bodies hold promise for commercial purposes, space travel will be nothing more than an extremely expensive hobby limited to a small amount within the government and the extremely wealthy. Only private industry can lead to a genuine space based society.
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:48 No.18645618
    yeah, optical fiber here everywhere. also, how much do you pay?
    >> Clyde !!+17g380jpAu 07/08/11(Fri)09:49 No.18645631
    With the space shuttle, goes every kid's dream to be an astronaut, a star ship captain, or even going to the moon.

    Let's hope private industry decides to have a space race. I wouldn't mind designing new J2's for space transports.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:49 No.18645637
    Launch window information update is coming in right now.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:49 No.18645640
    when is this thing going up CET?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:50 No.18645647
    7000 yen a month (About 75-80 dollars US)
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:50 No.18645650
    What's the biggest space-related company nowadays? SpaceX?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:50 No.18645652

    Theoretically the 1200kbps should work, but it isn't :(

    I'm ~7KM from my Exchange/CO by cable, I'm essentially lucky to connecting at 3mbps.

    Maybe in 2016 when the new craft is (might be) ready, I'll have NBN.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:50 No.18645657
    yeah, well us estoniafags only pay $20 for 100mbit down, 20 up, and Mbps = MB/s
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:51 No.18645670
    >Mbps = MB/s
    you just went full retard
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:52 No.18645678
    Hey, that's what I have!
    Shitsux, doesn't it. I'm less than a block from the exchange, though, and they still won't get me anything better without making me pay out the ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:52 No.18645681
    my bad, for some reason I saw it said Mbps and Mb/s, not MB/s.
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)09:53 No.18645702
    yeah, sometimes it happens
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:54 No.18645704
    But the space shuttle isn't NASA's last spacecraft . They're making the MPCV which will be able to dock to the ISS like the shuttle but also be able to land on other planets, E.G mars.

    There will still be astronauts, they just won't be using shuttles that are 30 years old.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:54 No.18645708
    At the moment we are 'no go' due to cloud density over the launch site.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:54 No.18645709
    people just enjoy being dramatic
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:55 No.18645722
    I live off base and use heronet.

    You live on base use verizon and get charged out the ass.

    What unit are you with? Obviously you are lower enlisted.
    Unless if you live in the SRNCO houses with a waifu
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:56 No.18645728

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:56 No.18645732
    mission chatter is confirming solid blue sky. Good luck, STS-135
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:56 No.18645733
         File1310133385.png-(176 KB, 1492x122, Skärmavbild 2011-07-08 kl. 14(...).png)
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    Oh yeah.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:56 No.18645740
    never understood why people join as enlisted
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:57 No.18645742
    GLS Pre sequence start.
    RTLS Weather briefing is coming up.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:57 No.18645745
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:58 No.18645752
    okay so what are they writing on that panel on the bottom right?
    >> Clyde !!+17g380jpAu 07/08/11(Fri)09:58 No.18645753

    Yeah, they remind me of a new Apollo.

    WAIT are they using tiles as heatshield? Please tell me they aren't and are using solid heatshields.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:58 No.18645761
    any link that works?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)09:59 No.18645762
    Welcome to my threads:
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)09:59 No.18645763
    wouldn't that be harder to replace?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:00 No.18645770

    Jesus fucking christ.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:00 No.18645777
    Sexy eh?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:00 No.18645780
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:01 No.18645783
    Press the dark grey button, it makes it better
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:02 No.18645790
    How much longer? I realize this has been asked before, but I am exhausted. It is currently 9:01 AM where I am. (central time)

    What time is it expected to happen?
    >> Clyde !!+17g380jpAu 07/08/11(Fri)10:02 No.18645792

    Yeah, but safety would be bumped up and you wouldn't have to worry about losing tiles.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:02 No.18645798
    Around 11:30am ET.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:03 No.18645813
    1 hr 23 minutes now
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:04 No.18645819
    Closeout Crew Prepares to Secure the White Room
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 10:58:42 PM GMT+0900

    Before the Closeout Crew can leave the launch pad, they have to make sure the White Room is set up for launch time. Although the orbiter access arm swings away from the shuttle's side just minutes before liftoff, the arm can return quickly in the event of an emergency. Walls in the White Room have to be partially folded down so the arm can swing back into position even if the hatch has been reopened. Closeout Crew members also have to secure doors and equipment covers inside the room.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:05 No.18645830
    Atlantis' Cabin Pressurized
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 11:03:29 PM GMT+0900

    The crew module aboard space shuttle Atlantis is pressurized and ready for flight and the hatch's carrier panel, which protects the hatch in the area where the exterior handle was removed, has been installed. Orbiter Test Conductor Roberta Wyrick just gave the Closeout Crew her "go" to close out the White Room.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:05 No.18645837
    Pass BFS Transfer underway
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:05 No.18645842
    Is the dude on the ISS alone?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:06 No.18645851
    HD coverage just started for america and canada.

    Hatch cover now removed.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:06 No.18645856
    Nevermind, just saw someone else.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:06 No.18645860
    No, there are others.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:07 No.18645868
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    Nice photo op for closeout crew.
    Altimeter updates being worked.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:07 No.18645870
    Where is this ISS stream?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:08 No.18645877
    NASA streams # 7
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)10:08 No.18645885
    international space station
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:08 No.18645889
    Nasa Streams -> ISSKbps
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:10 No.18645915
    Coming up on T minus 20 minutes and holding.
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:10 No.18645924
    All vent valves now closed.
    >> Fiber Optometrist !m3M/oOYhX.!!PowUtQgKBbD 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645931
    Can you share the handbook now?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645932
    "You could have walked over"
    "But it takes too much time, I could just drive"

    Lazy pad crew
    >> !k/5/STogas 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645936
    i like how they say that holding and just says
    >01 Hours, 15 Minutes, 32 Seconds
    plain simple.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645937
    So what are they gonna fly after this?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645942

    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645943
    There's still a shitton to report on.

    LOX drainback report is coming up.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:11 No.18645945
    You're hilarious, just look at my hilarious face.

    Cheers, if I had only taken a moment to look before asking, I was already on the site.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:12 No.18645948
    What are the backpack things they are wearing?
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:12 No.18645953
    One Last Time in the White Room
    Fri, 08 Jul 2011 11:09:36 PM GMT+0900

    The seven Closeout Crew members just paused for a group photo up in the White Room. If the weather allows launch today, this will have been their last time closing out a space shuttle crew module. Several Closeout Crew members have been part of the team for 25 years or more.

    The inflatable dock seals between the White Room and the orbiter have been deflated, so the two are no longer connected.

    Our next planned hold is coming up in about a minute.

    Now in hold.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:13 No.18645964
    What are the chances of this high altitude plane not exploding?
    >> Dr. Keith Richards 07/08/11(Fri)10:13 No.18645966
    So when's the launch going ahead? There's an LCD screen counting down in the spectator area giving less than 20 minutes
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:13 No.18645968
    O2 tank in the event of a bad situation basically.

    They also have a few bits of equipment to assist with closeout and pressurization.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:13 No.18645969
    Just a heads up OP you should consider making a new thread at around 200 posts incase the bump limit kicks in. (188 posts at the moment)
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:14 No.18645978
    That was quick.

    It took less time than the first thread to near the bump limit.

    Making new thread now.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:14 No.18645981
    Wow, the main tank used to be white. I think the orange looks horrid.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:15 No.18645996
    Bump limit is 300 posts, we have a ways to go.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:15 No.18645998
    I noticed a lot of them are old. We need a new generation out there.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:15 No.18646006
    Did a crow just fly past Ch8 stream?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:16 No.18646008
    Yeah, no one wants to do it anymore... politics sucked all the fun out of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:16 No.18646009
    >papyrus font
    >> Flight 07/08/11(Fri)10:16 No.18646011
    Here's the new thread:

    They used to paint the tanks white but they figured if they removed the white paint, they would shave weight off of the tank and that would help get more payload to orbit.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:17 No.18646016
    easier to see from a distance....
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:18 No.18646047
    bump limit is 300, not 200.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:18 No.18646048
    >God bless America

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:18 No.18646054
    First thing I noticed.
    >Not using the glorious Helvetica
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:20 No.18646081
    you haven't heard our national anthem have you?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:20 No.18646082
    >believing in atheism
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:21 No.18646113
    >"God is up there"
    >Go to space
    >Yuri Gagarin
    > "I don't see any God up here."
    >Still believe in god anyway
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:21 No.18646114
    T-20minutes and counting
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:26 No.18646183
    Somekind of software reset is going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:28 No.18646216
    how long will the t-9 minutes hold be? 40 minutes?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:30 No.18646246
    >believing propaganda
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:31 No.18646264
    when is this actually launching?
    theres a countdown on topright screen too
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:33 No.18646293
    51.10 to launch
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:33 No.18646295
    >Mfw there are people who think he actually said that

    I don't even have a face.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:43 No.18646436
    he honestly didn't? I believed he did.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:43 No.18646446
    I bet the shuttle runs Gentoo.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:45 No.18646479
    dont even start that shit
    >> sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 07/08/11(Fri)10:46 No.18646497
    Scientific Linux, actually.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:47 No.18646505
    nope.jpg but they're bringing an iPhone into space.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:47 No.18646517
    Oh cool, I'm currently staying in a condo near ft. pierce, I'll be able to see it right?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:47 No.18646519
    >30% chance to launch
    enjoy your weather watching fags

    saged and reported for not nvidia related.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:49 No.18646535
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    Who knows. maybe they snuck some fermis on there.

    We will know soon.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:49 No.18646538
    did I hear T - 31 minutes? I see 9 minutes in the video
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:49 No.18646539
    It would be cool if all countries could come together and start an international project.
    I can't see any future in individual states doing space exploration.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:50 No.18646548
    They paused the clock.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)10:51 No.18646561
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:14 No.18646949
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:25 No.18647143
    I think i'm about to jizz
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:26 No.18647171
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:27 No.18647206

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:32 No.18647298
         File1310139124.png-(394 KB, 639x462, shuttle1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:32 No.18647315
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:33 No.18647339
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:34 No.18647349
    >> sdm !!42M0wSt2dkX 07/08/11(Fri)11:34 No.18647354
    Beautiful.... I watched it launch from my roof.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:34 No.18647360
    anyone else just see that piece fall off?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:35 No.18647376
    I fuckin did
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:35 No.18647379
    the ice?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:35 No.18647390
    screen shot?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:36 No.18647403
    don't know what it was...I just saw something fly by on the left side of the screen
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:36 No.18647420
    Yea im pretty sure it was a large build up of ice the broke off
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:36 No.18647421
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    >can finally see space now

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:37 No.18647426

    Spaceships are technology.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:37 No.18647432
    That was fucking fantastic. I remember wanting to be an astronaut as a kid. That dream didn't come true, but just watching that launch was satisfying enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:37 No.18647445
    15000 MPH....almost as fast as my car
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:38 No.18647453
    15 thousand miles an hour
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:38 No.18647462
    Did you guys see that piece fall off? It was huge.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:39 No.18647471
    That's the shuttle.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:39 No.18647472

    >5 miles a second.
    >> Jay !.bgw1oPJ4Y 07/08/11(Fri)11:39 No.18647473
    Agreed. That was great.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:39 No.18647479
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:40 No.18647485
    That's the joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)11:40 No.18647486
    So are we going to see video of the tank falling to earth?

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