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  • File : 1308996949.png-(334 KB, 982x908, 2011-06-25-181151_982x908_scrot.png)
    334 KB Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:15 No.18371541  
    >using a static HTML imageboard

    Give this a go instead:

    I'd also like suggestions for a name for the first chan based on it -- the software is called pychan, but the chan itself shouldn't be.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:17 No.18371555
    looks like shit man
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:18 No.18371563
         File1308997086.png-(151 KB, 367x765, 2011-06-25-181414_367x765_scro(...).png)
    151 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:18 No.18371566
    Stop spamming this niggershit. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:18 No.18371572
    Wow, it's a lot faster now. I also feel that you've made the browsing very smooth. Good work.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:19 No.18371579
         File1308997173.jpg-(109 KB, 492x600, tumblr_lk8sg0pydG1qdex9lo1_500.jpg)
    109 KB
    >implying programming isn't technology
    >implying you're not butthurt
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:19 No.18371586
    Wow, I'm honestly impressed by this. I wish m00t would hire you to fix 4chan as well!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:20 No.18371589
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:20 No.18371590
         File1308997215.png-(59 KB, 700x305, So-Butt-Hurt.png)
    59 KB
    >> !reNo1CURR. 06/25/11(Sat)06:20 No.18371591
    doesn't work in opear

    i am not impressed
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:20 No.18371596
    >implying not samefag
    >implying /g/ gives compliments.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:21 No.18371599
    I wish as well. Sadly, moot neglects 4chan, and doesn't even maintain the existing imageboard software, so I doubt he'd take me on.
    Sounds good... any other suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:21 No.18371600
    >requires JavaScript
    no thanks
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:21 No.18371602
    you should clone 4chan's layout first, then ajaxify
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:22 No.18371613
    What version? I'll install it, find the problems, and fix them, just for you~
    >implying samefags
    If you don't like JavaScript (which is needed to make it a smooth and asynchronous experience), use a static HTML imageboard.
    >> BluX !c7ejyr/RUk 06/25/11(Sat)06:23 No.18371630
    >doesn't work without JS
    >probably needs some silly Chrome and/or FF shit
    But good going, at least you're doing something (remotely) useful.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:24 No.18371636
    I was thinking about doing that, but then I realised that if I started the layout from scratch, I could avoid many of the blatantly stupid design faults that moot made. I still kept the colour scheme, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:24 No.18371643
    Make some sort of line to seperate the threads.
    and make the text box hidable.
    >> !reNo1CURR. 06/25/11(Sat)06:24 No.18371644
    oh my <3

    it's the latest desktop team build of opera
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:25 No.18371645
    It needs JavaScript, yes, but it doesn't need any particular browser. It works on Android, Chrome and Firefox, as far as my testing can tell. I'm working on Opera support for >>18371591
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:26 No.18371652
    >Make some sort of line to seperate the threads.
    Will do, after I make 'thread previews' like 4chan has, if I do so.
    >and make the text box hidable.
    Will do.
    I'll get right on it :3
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:26 No.18371656
         File1308997579.png-(196 KB, 801x528, 2011-06-25_122538.png)
    196 KB
    Looks great on small displays.
    >> !reNo1CURR. 06/25/11(Sat)06:26 No.18371663
    btw, from error console

    [6/25/2011 3:25:43 AM] JavaScript -
    Inline script thread
    Uncaught exception: TypeError: 'r.addEventListener' is not a function
    Error thrown at line 22, column 1 in <anonymous function: pychan.get>(o, f) in
    r.addEventListener('readystatechange', f, false);
    called from line 86, column 2 in <anonymous function: pychan.printBoardSelector>(e) in
    pychan.get({ p: 'GetBoards' }, pychan.printBoardSelector);
    called from line 360, column 0 in
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:27 No.18371671
    looks awful, but it functions great.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:28 No.18371676
    Nice spyware you tried to put on my PC OP, jeez you're basic as fuck
    >> Sauce: Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:28 No.18371681
    Gonna make the reply box hideable.
    Thanks for that.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:29 No.18371684
    python chan? Fucking 2011, not using node.js. Check out nodechan
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:29 No.18371686
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:29 No.18371687
    Any suggestions to improve the look?
    cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:29 No.18371688
    might help if you fixed the BACK BUTTON FAGGOT
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:31 No.18371702
    Fuck off with your language circlejerking. I used Python because I know it well, and it's very easy for *me* to develop applications quickly with it. I'm sure node.js is just as good a language. Probably any language is equally good for this.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:31 No.18371703
         File1308997886.png-(993 KB, 2644x1048, browser.png)
    993 KB
    Make it look like this
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:31 No.18371704
    >Still not using 4chan x Updater
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:31 No.18371711
    Back button and 'hashquery history' works perfectly fine for me.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:33 No.18371726
    not working in chrome
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:33 No.18371727
    I can do that quite easily, with a rewrite of the CSS alone. I might do that a little later.
    >he thinks that you can use an addon for 4chan on another completely different imageboard
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:34 No.18371739
    >I can do that quite easily
    You shouldn't, though. That looks awful.
    >> !reNo1CURR. 06/25/11(Sat)06:34 No.18371744
         File1308998084.gif-(476 KB, 356x264, 16c6wyg.gif)
    476 KB
    >mfw no gifs
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:35 No.18371749
    It appears that opera is borking on using addEventListener on an XMLHttpRequest. Maybe I'll just fall back to using 'onreadystatechange'.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:35 No.18371751
    FYI that's operas RSS reader.

    I'd highly reccomend allowing the board to have a full-board RSS.

    4chans RSS is only a few pages
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:35 No.18371760
    Does 4chan run on HTML4? Are there any image boards using HTML5?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:36 No.18371770
    >Not enlarging images on mouseover
    >Still requiring click
    >Opening new tab
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:38 No.18371790
    >he doesn't use 4chanx
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:39 No.18371798
    Technically even pychan is HTML4, as it doesn't use any new HTML5 features. The only remotely 'fancy' thing is its heavy use of JSON and AJAX.

    On the unrelated issue of Opera, I've removed the addEventListener error, but now it just blankpages, with no errors. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:40 No.18371806
    >well I can get the same functionality with an add-on and enjoy the posting volume already present here

    Full retard.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:40 No.18371812
    It appears I've made Opera run into a giant memory leak now. When browsing to the imageboard page, it mallocs so fast, it got killed by the kernel in mere seconds.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:41 No.18371823
    That's because it's new, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:42 No.18371836
    That's because it's shit and doesn't offer anything that can't be achieved with an add-on.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:43 No.18371852



    >> !reNo1CURR. 06/25/11(Sat)06:44 No.18371856
    jesus fuck i just tried loading it right now and Opera spiked up to ~800MB

    curiously it went up, dropped a bit, went up, dropped a bit etc etc

    perhaps just report it to the opera team?

    oh, and enable gifs
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:44 No.18371857
    >Implying 4chan is a static HTML image board
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:44 No.18371862
    But that's the thing. It's not shit though. Plus, because I'm an active developer, if you want any features, I'll make them, because I'm not a lazy faggot like moot.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:45 No.18371871

    So what's the difference between a static and dynamic imageboard?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:45 No.18371874
    I will report it to the Opera team. Meanwhile, I'll try an older version of Opera to at least make sure it works on *some* version of Opera.
    It is.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:46 No.18371890
    I might have the 'wrong' definition, but I mean static being 'resend whole page for each thread browse/post' and dynamic being 'send JSON messages over AJAX to update the page without reloading the HTML'.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:46 No.18371892
    A dynamic one offers less compatibility.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:47 No.18371903
    so it has autoupdate for new posts?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:47 No.18371904
    Your security is a little on the low side. Haven't even got .htaccess on your images directory?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:47 No.18371908
    was using www-client/opera-11.50.1027
    now trying www-client/opera-11.11.2109
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:48 No.18371917
    let's upload some drop tables.jpg
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:48 No.18371918
    True, but that's a tradeoff I decided would be okay to make.
    Why would I want to restrict access to /images/? Denying directory access is something I *never* understood the point of./
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:48 No.18371925
    never heard of the border property ?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:48 No.18371927
    make it so you can hide the box or make it smaller, I would like quotes more so than going > > >, make the pictures open in thread instead of its own tab, give it a better look.. instead of a line do something unique cause right now its very bland... my suggestions are my suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:49 No.18371934
    Thing is OP doesn't know what "static html" means.
    Just replace it with "with no javascript and blinking shits".
    Which still is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:49 No.18371949
    To do:
    enable hiding of post/reply box
    find a way to fix Opera (even 11.11 eats 3GB while loading and crashes)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:49 No.18371954
    >he uses 4chan without javascript
    >he brwoseses the webs without java
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:50 No.18371956
         File1308999009.jpg-(12 KB, 200x200, 1308998876.79.png.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:50 No.18371963
    hey op, does sage work?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:50 No.18371964
    Definitely will hack together some inline post expansion.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:51 No.18371966
    without java?
    >> L̳̹̥̝̒͂͐ͯ̚O̱̠̱̩͓̹͈L̫̿ͤͥ́̉̚ !WUtpearDtc 06/25/11(Sat)06:51 No.18371970
         File1308999079.png-(31 KB, 180x144, costanza l4d2.png)
    31 KB
    >arguing over imageboards
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:51 No.18371976

    Depends on the type of site I guess. It's considered bad practice to allow access to directories like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:52 No.18371982
    4chanX script does most of this shit, and more. Plus, you can fucking quote.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:53 No.18371993
    I can add features I want with greasemoney while retaining the userbase of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:53 No.18371996
    board is easy to spam all I need to do is keep hitting the post button even my words stay the same...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:53 No.18372000

    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:53 No.18372003
    >enter thread only to bitch and whine
    If you like that better, then go and fucking use it. I didn't hear you make any constructive suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:55 No.18372022
    Take your useless bullshit elsewhere. All I'm trying to do is build a viable alternative to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:55 No.18372024
    ajaxify thread opening as well
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:55 No.18372033
    Any change for getting the sources?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:56 No.18372041
    you can OP without an image?
    what hell of a imageboard is that?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:56 No.18372056
         File1308999417.png-(251 KB, 721x590, pychan.png)
    251 KB
    you should add a border or different shades for, thread
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:57 No.18372058
         File1308999429.jpg-(36 KB, 313x313, 1301858328417.jpg)
    36 KB
    People keep making these, but they always fall into the same traps.

    - Reinventing the wheel
    - Horrific code
    - Over-reliance on javascript
    - No community

    Still, good luck!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:57 No.18372059
    It is AJAX.
    Will fix.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:58 No.18372078
    >People keep making these, but they always fall into the same traps.
    Go on.
    >- Reinventing the wheel
    >- Horrific code
    >- Over-reliance on javascript
    It's a reliance, but not an over-reliance. I bet you think that dynamic JavaScript-powered applications are already an over-reliance from the get-go, amirite?
    >- No community
    That's not a weakness of the imageboard. More users will come soon.
    >Still, good luck!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:58 No.18372081
    No one likes sloths, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:59 No.18372086
    ITT: OP is butthurt because 4chanX makes his board pointless
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:59 No.18372099
    Why are you spamming the board? Is that the only thing you feel like you are worth doing? Why not have some friendly discussion on /g/ about... Technology? I hope I don't need to enforce technical anti-spam constraints. I thought you people were mature.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:00 No.18372104
    ITT: people missing the point of this project completely
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:00 No.18372106
    >Can't move reply box

    4chan without 4chanx is still better than this shit
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:01 No.18372116
    no just making a point of how easy it is, I dont even have to retype the message... you should have some anti spam constraints like you should not be able to post the same message over and over like that...
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:01 No.18372119
    Go away if you aren't going to provide constructive advice. I've had loads of great people in this thread (thanks~) who are willing to help instead of insult.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:01 No.18372124
    Because you need to have a way of people sticking to threads, not making new ones
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:02 No.18372137
    >select count(*) as c from posts where post_parent = %s and post_comment = %s
    >if c > 0, reject
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:03 No.18372142
    threads shouldn't open in a new window
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:03 No.18372143
    How should I do that?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:03 No.18372151
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:03 No.18372153
    They don't open in a new window.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:03 No.18372156
    hey OP, after the spam, the real threads are gone, how many threads can you keep?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:04 No.18372159
    >Can't move reply box
    is constructive

    >i don't want people to say my shit is bad only that it's good
    >if you don't like it go away that way ill always be great
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:04 No.18372161
    A post timer.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:04 No.18372163
    All posts or just threads?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:05 No.18372170
    >Go away if you aren't going to provide constructive advice

    Constructive criticism comes in the form of insults on /g/, if you can't tell yet. That an add-on can add your features to 4chan is simply a fact. So is the huge userbase, something that's not that easy to get. You provided ZERO valid arguments in favor of your board.

    (BUT MY BOARD WORKS WITHOUT AN ADD-ON is not a valid argument.)
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:05 No.18372171
    It's written to show the 20 latest threads (but no bumping logic yet as I'm unsure how to code the SQL for that). The threads themselves are retained in the database though.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:05 No.18372173
    You should also have poster ids per thread
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:05 No.18372179
    Threads, otherwise posts would be as infrequent as threads.
    Also, timer.
    Also, make images take ages to upload.
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:06 No.18372187
    * make the reply box hideable (maybe even moveable)
    * require images on OPs
    * fix opera
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:07 No.18372197
    >* fix opera
    i think that's a job for opera
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:08 No.18372213
    I was trying to write a style to change the colors but the fact the picture hangs out the thread is fucked up

    op you should fix that
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:08 No.18372216
    Thank god, can you bring back the doublеs thread please?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:09 No.18372222
    >images open in the same window
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:10 No.18372234
    I'll add a CSS clearing element before the end of each post.

    * make the reply box hideable (maybe even moveable)
    * require images on OPs
    * fix opera
    * add clearing before post end
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:10 No.18372237
    you need to make threads 4oh4, or else this happens
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:11 No.18372239
    * make the reply box hideable (maybe even moveable)
    * require images on OPs
    * fix opera
    * add clearing before post end
    * inline post image expansion
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:12 No.18372261
    BUMP the pychan desktop thread
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:13 No.18372269
    >implying kusaba 10 wont erase this shit from the face of mother earth
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:14 No.18372282
    I was referring more to the non-usage of any javascript or python framework which would make the code about 10% the size and 99% less ugly than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:15 No.18372293
    >inline post image expansion

    copy 4chan plus do it like this at top of the screen:

    [x] popup images on hover | [x] expand images | [x] preload images
    >> YANB 06/25/11(Sat)07:16 No.18372306
    * Add a (FLOSS) license to your work.
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:17 No.18372321
    [DONE] * make the reply box hideable
    * require images on OPs
    * fix opera
    * add clearing before post end
    * inline post image expansion
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:18 No.18372331
    >[DONE] * make the reply box hideable
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:18 No.18372334
    On the footer of my website:
    >Unless otherwise specified, all code is released under the terms of the GPL version 3, and all other content under the Creative Commons by-nc-sa.

    [DONE] * make the reply box hideable
    * require images on OPs
    * fix opera
    * add clearing before post end
    * inline post image expansion
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:18 No.18372338
    An [X] would be nice
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:19 No.18372348
    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [_] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [_] add clearing before post end
    [_] inline post image expansion
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:20 No.18372358
         File1309000847.png-(3 KB, 540x147, x.png)
    3 KB
    I meant on the reply box
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:21 No.18372368
         File1309000890.png-(211 KB, 359x351, 1307717363660.png)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:22 No.18372377
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:23 No.18372393

    8888 4 X FULL INFINITY! XD
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:24 No.18372407
    >>> /b/
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:29 No.18372469
         File1309001391.jpg-(55 KB, 408x332, not-ruby.jpg)
    55 KB
    >Not writing it in ruby
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:31 No.18372495
    Currently the user is informed via an alert() that an image for the OP is required. While the technical workings are somewhat elegant (JSON passing an object of {status:?} where ? is 0 for success, 1 for the OP missing image, etc.) the fact that I'm using alert() is not. Any better ways to inform the user?

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [_] add clearing before post end
    [_] inline post image expansion
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:33 No.18372508
         File1309001585.jpg-(71 KB, 800x1300, retard001.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:33 No.18372509
         File1309001586.jpg-(185 KB, 785x592, 1302135023384.jpg)
    185 KB
    well done
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:34 No.18372521
    haskell fag detected

    >ifewspy anomaly
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:35 No.18372534
    Thanks ^.^

    Also, GIFs would work, but they don't because the thumbnailing function causes an exception:
    IOError: cannot write mode P as JPEG

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [_] add clearing before post end
    [_] inline post image expansion
    [_] fix GIF posting
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:37 No.18372556
    [master e251a71] add clearing element before end of posts/threads

    Whoever it was that wanted to style the posts with borders but couldn't because of image overflow should be able to do so fine now :3

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [_] inline post image expansion
    [_] fix GIF posting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:40 No.18372601
    viewing threads is not working for me, anyone else having this?
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:41 No.18372610
    [master 72ca8e1] add inline post image expansion

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [_] fix GIF posting
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:42 No.18372638
    It seems I've fucked everything up. Fixing...

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [_] fix GIF posting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:43 No.18372643
    I cant see threads either.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:47 No.18372707
    You are not alone anon!
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:47 No.18372708
    Well, it's broken, but no errors. Debugging now.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [_] fix GIF posting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:53 No.18372766
    If this ever takes off nicely, how will you handle moderation? A bit better than 4chan hopefully. I wish you good luck with this and I'll keep track of it.
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:53 No.18372772
    Fixed two bugs that caused thread listing and thread viewing to break.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [_] fix GIF posting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:54 No.18372779
    >[_] fix opera
    WOAH NOW, how do you propose to fix that mess?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:54 No.18372780
         File1309002873.png-(52 KB, 1001x703, 2011-06-25-145345_1001x703_scr(...).png)
    52 KB
    This happens when i'm replying to threat THAT I CANT READ.
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:56 No.18372803
    [master ba7ed84] fix GIF posting by converting to RGB before JPEG conversion

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:57 No.18372813
    How fast will this thing be?
    I mean is it going to be lighter than lets say, kusaba?
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:57 No.18372815
    Reload (and clear cache if necessary). It's been fixed.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)07:58 No.18372818
    Check out the code, or try it for yourself. I certainly hope it is fast.

    Also, fixing inline post image expansion now, as it doesn't work.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:59 No.18372828
    Clicking on the thumbnails doesn't seem to work
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)07:59 No.18372835
    Shouldn't clicking the image show the image?
    Now its just doing nothing.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:00 No.18372853
    Whenever I reload, the Reply box resets its status to "Show". Would be nice if you did something about that.

    Using Chrome, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:02 No.18372872
    awful coding

    >view thread
    >type message
    >easily spam by clicking submit over and over

    yeah, enjoy your shitty board
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:07 No.18372923
    Here's new list for you!
    [_] Fix clicking images.
    [_] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    [_] It might be cool that you could be able to post in /all/, the post would go to /b/
    [_] Gif thumbnails?
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)08:13 No.18372981
    Just finished fixing the image expansion. It actually works now!

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    [X] Fix clicking images.
    [_] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    [_] It might be cool that you could be able to post in /all/, the post would go to /b/
    [_] Gif thumbnails?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:15 No.18373000
    Oh god I laughed hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:16 No.18373006
    Holy shit, it does! Nice work.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:18 No.18373026
    [_ ] Make minimizing image faaaaaster, it takes years.
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)08:19 No.18373041
    Minimising? Or expanding you mean? If so, it's not the speed but probably the lack of a throbber/progress that's annoying you. I'll probably hack one together later.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    [X] Fix clicking images.
    [_] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    [_] It might be cool that you could be able to post in /all/, the post would go to /b/
    [_] Gif thumbnails?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:20 No.18373048
    Clicking images still doesn't work...
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)08:20 No.18373050
    [master f346e82] reset entire form after posting

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    [X] Fix clicking images.
    [X] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    [_] It might be cool that you could be able to post in /all/, the post would go to /b/
    [_] Gif thumbnails?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:21 No.18373066
    I had to click them multiple times in the end I won and it expanded
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)08:22 No.18373071
    [master f983d9c] only clear form if post is successful

    In case you make a mistake or an error occurs and you don't want to see your TL;DR post nuked.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    [X] Fix clicking images.
    [X] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    [_] It might be cool that you could be able to post in /all/, the post would go to /b/
    [_] Gif thumbnails?
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)08:23 No.18373075

    It was working on downloading the whole time; you only had to click once. I think this means that we need a throbber for the image expansion.

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    [X] Fix clicking images.
    [X] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:23 No.18373081
    Yeah, you're right, it does work. But it's SO fucking slow and when you click it you get no "feedback" as to whether it worked or not. I thought I was clicking for nothing for a while, but then out of fucking nowhere it worked.
    >> pychan official to-do list 06/25/11(Sat)08:24 No.18373087
    Shit. I just realised that because the script auto-reloads using AJAX each 10 seconds, any expanded images will be shrunk again. How do I solve this problem?

    [X] make the reply box hideable
    [X] require images on OPs
    [_] fix opera
    [X] add clearing before post end
    [X] inline post image expansion
    [X] fix GIF posting
    [X] Fix clicking images.
    [X] Reply-box should clear after posting, shouldn't it?
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:25 No.18373094
    So basically, at the moment, it's a 'race against time' for your image to be expanded before the next 10-second cycle kicks in.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:26 No.18373113
    Change the font color for that thing! We can't see shit!

    Also make post numbers clickable like here.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:27 No.18373121
    [_] Implement quoting by pressing postnumber.
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:28 No.18373130
    [X] improve contrast on font colour
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:31 No.18373155
    hey OP, i'd like to expand image but to stretch to my window size.

    if you know what i mean
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:33 No.18373176
    generated static html content = less server load

    it matters because 4chan has insane traffic loads, so fuck off with your dynamic page generation and constant ajax requests that bring servers to their knees.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:33 No.18373183
    Oh yeah, may you name first chan Neckbeardchan?
    I would love it.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:35 No.18373197
    Use a smarter polling system. Get new threads since the last one, and append them instead of replacing the entire content.
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:36 No.18373212
    JSON message-passing over AJAX is lighter, deal with it.
    Sounds good. I'll think about it~
    Okay, that'll take a little while, but I can do it.
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:37 No.18373227
    Post numbers are linkable, appending a post quote to the textarea like on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:42 No.18373283
    [_] How about getting op tag?
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:43 No.18373292
    I have disabled post image expansion for now, as I'm too tired tonight to embark on a journey of restructuring the code to poll for new changes only and resolve the incompatibilities preventing post image expansion from working properly.

    TL;DR I've reverted image clicking behaviour to equal 4chan, and will work on expansion later because I'm tired.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:43 No.18373293
    this, op.

    fit width expand
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:44 No.18373312
    Like ahem, that imageboard by Kimmo?

    I think I'll keep it the way it is; guessing whether or not a person is the OP, if the OP didn't post with a trip, is fun. It's part of 4chan culture, almost.
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:45 No.18373319
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:47 No.18373333
    i think he meant like 4 chan x
    when you see op right to the post number if you quote him. like

    >>123412321 (OP)
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:48 No.18373348
    Maybe later. I'm tired now. Probably no more commits or code changes tonight (it's 20:44 here). For the rest of tonight, let's just have fun!
    >> pychan official 06/25/11(Sat)08:52 No.18373399
    I think I'm going to *not* insert a bad URI into the database where no image was posted. That will cut down on the 404s I'm getting for images that don't exist from posts that don't have images.

    But I'll do that tomorrow. I'm tired now.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)08:59 No.18373495
    The progress looks very good, OP. If you're going off now, post a thread tomorrow ;3

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