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  • File : 1307291426.jpg-(46 KB, 200x299, teen-unemployment.jpg)
    46 KB Teen Unemployment 24%... Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:30 No.17943981  
    Small businesses are often responsible for filling the summer job needs of America's teenagers. CBS News correspondent Bill Whitaker reports that many 16- to 19-year-olds are finding the going rough when it comes to finding work once school is out.

    The Labor Department says the unemployment rate for those aged 16 to 19 last month was more than 24 percent. Compare that to May of 2000, when the rate was less than 13 percent.

    Looking for summer employment has become a full-time job for 19-year-old Ana Galindo.

    "I'm worried all the time. I'm worried because I have bills to pay," Galindo says.

    She has filled out countless applications, but so far, the answer's been the same.

    "At the moment we're not hiring, but we're just taking applications. We'll give you a call," prospective employers say.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:32 No.17944015
    Took me two years into college before I finally got myself a job.

    But now I've since graduated and have a nice full-time paying one. Still, I feel for them. The job market for teens sucks.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:32 No.17944018
    I'd love to hire her.

    It's good that women are jobless, they can't work for shit anyway.
    They want money? They can sell their asses to men, who do deserve to work because they can work harder, are more flexible and less emotional.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:33 No.17944031
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    Diversity is strength!

    We need more immigrants to take jobs from teenagers which they will keep for life instead of it just being a temporary teenager job.

    If you don't support driving down wages and increasing unemployment you are RACIST, and XENOPHOBIC, and TOTALLY NOT COOL OR POPULAR.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:34 No.17944054
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    gtfo RepubliKKKan
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:35 No.17944063

    The job market in general just sucks right now. Hopefully it starts to pick up soon.

    Not sure what this has to do with technology, though.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:36 No.17944070
    If the labor department says 24%, the real number is likely something like 35%+.

    Fuck the government job statistics.

    They are total bullshit, and Obama has been dodging criticism because of them.

    This is how they work:
    Somebody ran out of unemployment, and didn't find a new job? LESS UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE TO COUNT!!!! LOWER THE PERCENTAGE!!!!!

    Liberal media reports this like good little democrat party Obamabots, and completely ignores that the last 27 major economic reports for the US have all been, at BEST, underwhelming.

    We are in a depression and the media can't even admit it. Why? Because their guy is in power.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:37 No.17944086
    >spend 45k/year studying useless shit at some pretentious liberal arts college
    >"Why can't I find a job?"
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:38 No.17944122
    >Ages 16-19
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:39 No.17944150

    >hopefully it picks up soon

    haha no.

    It won't.

    Congressional republicans will cave to pressure from retards to pass the debt ceiling raise suggested by Moodys, without actually attaching the huge spending cuts Moodys said would needed to be done in conjunction for it to actually be a good thing.

    The Obama administration has literally one of the worst fiscal and employment track records of any presidency. You know why there is no growth? Because people with money, that they love to demonize, can't predict the income tax rates or the goverment regulation that will make or break their ability to profit in the future.

    You have the most dangerous socialist in the office's history, absolutely -no- good domestic news whatsoever about jobs and growth, and you say "hopefully it will improve"?

    Wake the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:40 No.17944155
    "I'm worried because I've got bills to pay." LOL.

    Obedient consumer turds.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:41 No.17944183
    It's really not hard to get a job while in school, just make sure your grades are high and you send your applications in early.
    I'm working full time at a bank, and part time at the university assisting one of my professors with his research.
    Feels good knowing I have two jobs, while some loser neckbeard can't even get one.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:42 No.17944204
    I all I had to do was say I need a job, and my dad was like I have a friend who owns a manufacturing facility, he can give you a job.
    >mfw I now work full time after a 2 minute interview

    It's all about connections.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:43 No.17944215
    It's like it's really Glenn Beck in here.

    Protip: That's how unemployment has always been calculated you ignorant fag.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:43 No.17944216

    Are you in high school?

    This article is about teenage unemployment, most of whom are in high school.

    You most likely aren't in high school since you mention you work at some college.

    Go fuck yourself and reported for underage.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:44 No.17944225
    >stand around in a bank for hours on end
    >feel fortunate
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:44 No.17944228
    21, still can't find a job. Places only hire females for any position that involves being around people, so every single guy in the city has to fight for the same 5 - 6 warehouse jobs.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:46 No.17944248

    I'd be glad to hire her
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:46 No.17944257
    Unemployment is above 50% in the UK for teens & graduates

    Quit whining America
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:47 No.17944263
    /g/ doesn't even leave their basement and you expect that to happen.
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)12:47 No.17944264
    Same, I barely got a job last month.

    Granted, i get on average ~20 hours a week, but for $15 an hour it's pretty good for just handling the register and keeping an eye on people at an internet cafe.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:47 No.17944273
    Yes, if every job seeker had dads with connections, we wouldn't have unemployment. Oh wait
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:48 No.17944292
    But nobody cares about britards. You guys have over 400% debt.
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)12:48 No.17944296
    or any relative.

    networking do you know it?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:49 No.17944302

    That's what's great about being a guy, you can lift a 100 lb box. Know you place faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:50 No.17944325

    If you weren't a retard who uses name-calling as an argument, perhaps you would have noticed that I said the media uses the numbers to their advantage, no matter how the situation is.

    Liberal is in power? Lets keep reporting the nicer sounding lower number, RECOVERY STILL SHAKY headline reads.

    Conservative in power? Lets make sure the second sentence after the U1 number is ACTUAL ESTIMATE MUCH HIGHER, SAYS EXPERTS. The headline will be "GROWTH NOWHERE IN SIGHT".

    But oh no, I'm just another Glenn Beck. Full of doom and gloom trying to use facts to criticize a -gasp- BLACK president. How racist of me, I'm sorry.

    See what it feels like to have words put in your mouth.

    Now unless you can actually offer some alternative arguments and not resort to Jr. high namecalling, shut the fuck up and offer something. Otherwise admit I know more than you and my sentiments about government statistics and media handling of them is correct. I'd really be entertained if you tried to argue about my opinion of the cause of the problem itself.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:50 No.17944327
    Congrats on being completely oblivious to the point your faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:50 No.17944343
    You are right nobody cares, I'm moving out of this shithole to steal your jobs

    Just saying, quit whining
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:51 No.17944362
    You completely misunderstand the point. There are more people willing to work than there are jobs. No amount of "networking" will magically create these jobs.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:52 No.17944378
    lol good luck trying to immigrate here. I'd be impressed if you somehow made it through all the bullshit used to keep out legal immigrants.
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)12:52 No.17944386
    uh.................................yep I misread, my bad.

    Carry on good sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:53 No.17944394
    >is butthrut
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:54 No.17944416
    >is unable to reed
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:55 No.17944438
    Why can't people make their own jobs? Why do people always have to rely on big business?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:56 No.17944471
    You'll understand once you grow up.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:56 No.17944475
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:57 No.17944486
    Well time is not an issue, if it takes a few years, it takes a few years. I have no debts, plenty of savings and zero rent
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:58 No.17944509
    Because lemonade stands and brick and mortar businesses aren't exactly viable anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:59 No.17944517
    illegal immigrants...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:59 No.17944529
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    this post dear god I don't even what
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)12:59 No.17944532
    >"I'm worried all the time. I'm worried because I have bills to pay," Galindo says.
    >bills to pay

    I'll bet she means her iPhone subscription.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:01 No.17944576

    No, most American teenagers have cars and vital extra curricular activities they need to invest themselves in order to get into college, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:02 No.17944581
    >is unable to reed

    Not sure if troll.
    But will definitely remember that one for my personal trolling habit.

    8/10, assuming it was a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:02 No.17944583

    Nah, probably something way more important like her 2010 toyota payment and all the sex in the city DVDs she bought with her credit card.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:04 No.17944618
    Pretty much this.

    When I was 14 I started working so I could save up for a car when I became 16. Obviously I didn't get my own car when I turned 16 (borrowed parents like everyone else) but eventually when i turned 17 I finally got the car I wanted and it was all mine.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:04 No.17944627
    >>Places only hire females for any position that involves being around people

    >Be female
    >Be softspoken and shy
    >Still unemployed

    I don't know. Maybe I'm just not sucking enough dicks.
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)13:05 No.17944631
    no they don't.

    I would know, I was one of them didn't need a job till this year after I suddenly didn't qualify for financial aid for college.

    So no.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:05 No.17944637
    That is what you have parent for.

    Summer work should only be for extra's/hobby's.
    If you actually need a summer job for college or daily expenses then that means your parent don't love you.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:05 No.17944641
    I.E. they were raised to be helpless, hopeless, idiot consumers who waste their money and squander their time.

    Maybe the shit job market will incite these retards how to put air in a tire or something DIY like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:06 No.17944648
    I'm pretty sure it's because you look unpresentable.
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:06 No.17944657
    I'm not american, nor did I have a job at that age, nor did i try, im 13 now and currently work at the pharmacy, I tell you what's the problem in my country, the millions of muslims, and shit load of other immigrants.
    On a serious note they have taken everything...
    if you argue, you havnt even been here and seen how much we got
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:06 No.17944665

    Nah, you are probably just ugly.
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)13:06 No.17944672
    I really don't understand why women complain.

    Shit hits the fan? worse case scenario? go get married to some guy with a job.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:07 No.17944692

    > im 13 now and currently work at the pharmacy,
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:08 No.17944701
    oh lol, damn typos, i ment 23
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:08 No.17944711
    >im 13 now and currently work at the pharmacy
    >working with medicine

    And this is legal/safe?
    Where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:09 No.17944722
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    >mfw liberals want to tax those making over $249k higher, not realizing this is literally absolutely retarded because:

    A: a majority of small businesses file as personal, because it makes more business sense
    B: government spending is proven to do -nothing- do improve the economy or create jobs. Well, unless you consider propping up union pensions and home-state company crony capitalism "jobs".

    picture-related protip: we are still over 9, and the actual number of people off unemployment benefits has continued to rise, creating a "real" number that is currently around 16-18%, higher in some areas.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:10 No.17944734
    Because it means competing with all the women prettier and smarter than them. It's an even more competitive market.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:11 No.17944744
    >I really don't understand why women complain.

    Complaining makes them happy.

    Case in point: when they have nothing to complain about they will argue that the toilet seat should be stored horizontal, rather than vertical so it stays dry and clean.
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:11 No.17944745
    oh bawwwww.
    be smarter
    wear more make up.
    someone is bound tom want to fuck you
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)13:11 No.17944759
    I really am not trying to mean or rude, but seriously... Learn to suck a Dick, even if you are not a fucking supermodel you can find a guy to take care of you or worse you can just join the military.

    I might...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:12 No.17944761
    WELL I didn't want to go there but doesn't sucking dicks override that?

    Why do you guys insist on thinking all women want to take the easy way out? Even if I could get past my ugly, I don't want to be some guy's legal prostitute.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:12 No.17944765
    Pretty funny, all the university grads with no jobs...
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:12 No.17944768
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    I don't know what I just read.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:12 No.17944776
    There are more than enough lonely working men who would settle for a semi-ugly girl.
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:12 No.17944779
    it's called a compromise if you're not willing to work hard enough to get a job slut
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:13 No.17944787
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    >roommate screws me over in late rental fee charges
    >have to pay $1000 in fines
    >got a $3000 stipend from my summer job offer to cover my living costs
    >easily pay off the fines with plenty of money left over to live on
    >roommate fucked because he graduated and has no job
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:13 No.17944790
    Lower Tier retail jobs hire people like mad during April-May because if they have a lot of high school senior employees, they need more people to fill in when(if) they leave for college.

    I work at a grocery store, and they've hired close to around 10 people in the last 2 months.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:14 No.17944803
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    >you can just join the military.

    Jesus Christ I don't wanna die.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:14 No.17944804
    >I don't want to be some guy's legal prostitute.

    Who the fuck says you have a choice in the matter? This is the ultimate destiny for all females.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:14 No.17944812
    >Even if I could get past my ugly, I don't want to be some guy's legal prostitute.
    Was that in reference to marrying for money, or marriage in general?
    >> SpecialOps !!qJE0eowz3JD 06/05/11(Sun)13:15 No.17944827
    Why do insist that I said you all want to take the easy way out.

    Fuck it, Bitch all I said is you have the option, what do guys have? (given they are not gay) is to join the fucking military, be homeless, or get a fucking job.

    Also, I know this is the internet and dumb for saying this, but they're nice guys out there that wouldn't treat you like a prostitute, but you sound like a whinny feminist.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:16 No.17944844
    >WELL I didn't want to go there but doesn't sucking dicks override that?

    Hiring people don't actually get their dicks sucked for a position in real life.
    This isn't the movies.

    Pretty girls get jobs because they draw in more customers.
    It's all pure business.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:18 No.17944866
    >mfw i have operated a small company since my sophmore year in highschool
    >mfw i was making over 100k a year by my senior year
    >mfw the company is now worth a .25 million and i am the sole owner
    >mfw this has all been done with less than 6 hours of work a week

    jesus christ you people are pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:18 No.17944870
    Marrying for money. My ideal situation is marrying someone who is of near-equal financial standing (so neither of us gets butthurt about it) who I actually love.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:18 No.17944881
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    >legal prostitute comment

    ahahaha feminism what wonders you have worked.

    Either sign up for selective service/draft, and start pushing for women to work more manual labor and skilled crafts jobs


    accept your gender is subservient to another and learn that men will respect you much more if you just go with the fucking way things are, instead of using your perceived persecution to excuse and complain about every fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:19 No.17944897
    >implying girls on /g/
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:21 No.17944916
    lolwtf is up with the pic?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:21 No.17944924
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    >mfw I realized women use the obvious truth of them being the inferior gender as a grandstand or some sort of horrible injustice to complain about the fact itself

    >mfw this just proves that women are literally retarded and don't care about anything except themselves, and even then they are too retarded to actually improve the problem, they just want to use it as another one of their excuses
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:22 No.17944925
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    Fucken newfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:22 No.17944933
    Women can't use logic.
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:22 No.17944936
    to /g/?
    yes, but i asked a question.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:22 No.17944939

    What's your trade, son?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:23 No.17944942
    All that and you waste your time on /g/

    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:23 No.17944951
    entertainment industry, primarily music.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:24 No.17944960
    Ph.D. in mathematics, any job he wants
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:27 No.17945001
    Fuck no, go ride bikes or something. It's hard enough for adults to find full time jobs to support you shits. This is what you get for fucking up and getting kicked out or deciding to move out on your own when you don't have a stable job.

    Come on Americans, get it together.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:28 No.17945021
    You know what. I try to be civil but fuck it.

    >what do guys have? (given they are not gay) is to join the fucking military, be homeless, or get a fucking job.

    Would you like some cheese with that whine, you little bitch?

    For those of us that actually want a decent future, we have the SAME EXACT options. Gender makes little difference these days. Get your little bitch head out of your bitch ass and get over yourself. Whining about how you actually have to live life like everyone else only makes you look like a lazy little self-centered bitch.

    Also, you guys don't have any excuse about how women have it easier because you actually have to DO something with your lives because I can just as easily tell you faggots that all you have to do is to stop being lazy motherfuckers, get out of your basements and join the fucking military. Because no matter the circumstances men are still more valuable than women and they still have more chances to succeed in life.
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:30 No.17945056
    women..cant live with em.end sentence.
    seriously, think before you post a comment jesus christ
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:32 No.17945075
    hey you, yeh you.
    >marry a rich man
    >take half his money
    >use money to create business
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:33 No.17945092
    >tries to act like a successful person on /g/ while sitting in mommy basement
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:34 No.17945119
    And here we are in Norway and we actually LACK teenaged labour.

    Seriously, we have at least 50 000 entry level positions that go unfilled, pay well (comparing US to Norwegain wages is dishonest though, due to how much more everything costs here, but it's above "minimum wage"), which is not counting the increased growth we would have if we had enough people to go around.

    If only some white people who could follow the law and not hate on everything that's different would be willing to move over here.

    There are plenty of Polacs, and while I have nothing against Polish people, their English skills are a bit poor, so it can be difficult to understand them sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:37 No.17945164
    >Making silly assumptions on /g/.

    It's not hard to not suck at life.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:38 No.17945184
    It's so easy to lie on /g/.

    Stay classy, neckbeard. Do whatever drowns your sorrows.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:39 No.17945207
    I'm 18, live in brooklyn, about to graduate high school and can't find a job.

    Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:39 No.17945208
    Same here in The Netherlands.

    There are also more than enough jobs for all the people on welfare.

    I have no issue with getting Poles, Romanians, etc.
    But really it would be better if all the people on unemployment did some of those jobs, even if they are only temporary jobs (which is the official reason why refuse to do them).
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:40 No.17945219
    You seem to have this idea in your head that everyone who browses 4chan must be a complete loser much like yourself. There's nothing difficult in applying yourself and trying to get a job, though I bet you wouldn't dare leave your batcave to find out huh champ?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:42 No.17945237
    What do you expect?

    With just a highschool diploma you aren't any more qualified than the average 3rd world immigrant.

    You need to learn a trade, go back to school.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:42 No.17945243

    >implying it is because the position is temporary
    >not because they are lazy faggots who would rather leech welfare than actually work

    hahaha oh wow, you actually think this?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:43 No.17945256
    You ever worked anywhere before? A lot of places won't hire unless you have experience. As much as >>17945219 is a dick I sort of agree with him.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:44 No.17945279
    >still pretending he's not a pathetic piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:46 No.17945311

    Apply to fucking everywhere, learn some fucking self-confidence and don't take no for an answer.

    One of the easiest ways to tell if somebody is worth interviewing is to see how tenacious they are.

    Hey are you guys hiring right now? "no." Are you accepting applications? "no." Do you think you might be in the near future "no."

    At that point, come back when someone else is working, and ask them the same thing.

    Learn to be self-confident as fuck and pimp out your drive/work ethic to anybody who even is REMOTELY listening to your need for work.

    You can get a job, it is just harder than it used to be. You can't just mindlessly fill out info and expect anybody to take you seriously. YOU HAVE TO SELL YOURSELF.

    p.s.: don't smoke weed, any employer who isn't a restaurant or is worth the experience drug tests now.

    Stay positive. You have to appear youthful and with a strong work ethic, or you won't ever get a job.
    >> bleedingedge !!OBNkFn9BVXZ 06/05/11(Sun)13:46 No.17945321
    >mfw I've applied to 18 jobs and counting so far this summer.
    >mfw I've had 1 interview at bestbuy and I'm waiting to see if they want me for a 2nd interview
    >mfw the only job related thing I've had is volunteer work at my high school library
    >mfw I'm about to be a 3rd year EE & CS double major
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:47 No.17945344
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    >Still trolling
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:47 No.17945347
    Oh Jesus Harold Christ on a Motorcycle:

    You want to join the army but not get shot at?

    Don't joing the Marines, the Infantry, Cavalry or any other frontline unit.

    DO JOIN:
    Air Force for being a lazy asshat, the Navy or some supporting Army unit, like a Mechanic, Electrician, Desk Jockey, Comms operator, etc.

    There are plenty of safe jobs you can get in the army. If you're honest about what you want when talking to the recruiter, he might be able to help you.
    (OTOH, he won't, because recruiters are dicks)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:47 No.17945351
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    >need to have experience to get work
    >need to get work to have experience
    >mfw trying to get my first job
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:48 No.17945360
    Yeah, I know they are just lazy faggots.
    That was the point I was trying to make.

    IMO the government should just give them 11 months of welfare each year instead of 12.
    Remaining month they can find a job no problem.
    And if they work 2 months in the year, I am even willing to let them keep about half of it so they can go on holiday.

    When I am out of a job for more than a couple of months I just take a low skilled job.
    For example: I've been a mailman for about a year.
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:48 No.17945363
    maybe because you're a faggot that dont know how to use mfw properly?
    >> bleedingedge !!OBNkFn9BVXZ 06/05/11(Sun)13:49 No.17945378
    Oh sure my ability to use mfw is a sure sign that I can't get a job.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:49 No.17945388
    Take it to /v/
    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:49 No.17945396
    yes it is.
    because it proves how big of a fucking moron you are, you cant even function on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:50 No.17945399
    Don't aim too high, try working in a market or something. Or being a simple cashier at first. Getting your first job is sometimes hard but you'll get one eventually.
    >> bleedingedge !!OBNkFn9BVXZ 06/05/11(Sun)13:51 No.17945425
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    >> ­ 06/05/11(Sun)13:52 No.17945435
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    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:52 No.17945444
    just started my first job on wednesday, it was pretty easy to get. Applied online to become a summer intern for texas dps office, filled out all the paperwork and answered a few questions on the phone. Now i get paid $1600 a month to do license renewals and duplicates
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:52 No.17945454
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:53 No.17945473
    Just get any low-skilled part-time job.

    Then when you apply for a job and they ask you about work experience you can say:
    "I am actually working at the moment, but I'm looking for something more challenging and within my field of interest"

    Also, when you have a job where you get into contact with other people, you can often get a job just by word of mouth.

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