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  • File : 1307008798.png-(668 KB, 1214x706, スクリーンショット(2011-06-02(...).png)
    668 KB Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)05:59 No.17877194  
    I might be a bit late to the game, but I was expecting more threads about this.

    The new Windows 8 UI. Why are we not talking about it?

    One UI across all devices, tablets will now have an OS with a file system, it looks amazing. They're actually moving forward with the PC interface.

    I know /g/ hates change and I remember the shitstorm when they changed the start bar in Windows 7, so I expect you guys are going to lose/have lost your shit already?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:02 No.17877217
    ...this might actually make me buy a tablet....
    >> !SLInuxor.. 06/02/11(Thu)06:02 No.17877220
         File1307008960.png-(94 KB, 406x267, backdrop 7.png)
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    >Why are we not talking about it.

    Because we've had our 20 threads about it already.
    >> i<3cake !R//////ngo 06/02/11(Thu)06:03 No.17877227
    >WE TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT, but you CAN change colors!

    >WE TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT, but you CAN change colors!

    >WE TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT, but have these three default colors. If you want to have other colors, fuck off.

    >WE TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT. FUCK YOUR CONVENIENT QUICK START. But in compensation, we made modifying themes much easier!

    >implying you want to personalise

    Now where's that FreeBSD image I had lying around?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:04 No.17877244
    >WE TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT. FUCK YOUR CONVENIENT QUICK START. But in compensation, we made modifying themes much easier!

    You realise the entire start bar is now a "quick start" or are you really this daft?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:04 No.17877247
    >Everything is touch controlled
    >Mouse and keyboard still supported "if you still have them"
    >Programs are now javascript and HTML5 and referred to as "apps" but the OS still supports "legacy apps"

    Yeah, no, fuck this. If this is the future of Windows I'm going Linux for every build from now on. Hopefully the games will follow.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:04 No.17877248
    As long as I can customize that shit to use all that fucking empty space on the borders I am game. This looks nice as hell for older laptops.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:06 No.17877263

    Not anywhere as convenient, for actually starting things. Encourages you to keep everything open while working. You'd have to be retarded to think they're the same.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:07 No.17877277
    >This looks nice as hell for older laptops.
    I doubt this is going to run well on older laptops. Running Aero on Windows 7 already has some steep requirements for an OS feature, you really think MS figured out how to optimize all that eye candy they showed off in Windows 8?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:07 No.17877279
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    >he actually counted all the windows 8 threads
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:09 No.17877290
    it looks fuck disgusting, goodbye forever.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:09 No.17877294
    How is it not as convenient? You put an icon in the start bar, you click it, it opens. It's exactly the same as quick launch. You just cannot use computers, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:09 No.17877297
    This. Also dont seem like customable. That fits just fine to windows phone but not in computers. I will stick with win7
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:10 No.17877302
    >games not following directx
    yea that'll work out well for ya buddy
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:10 No.17877305
    Here it comes.

    I love the outrage over change. I look forward to each new version of Windows (and to a lesser extent Facebook/Google and any other widely used service) just for this.

    Why do I find it so delicious.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:10 No.17877307
    >think just because it looks good, it must require more resources
    underlying metroUI is just bitblitting and basic windowing not unlike classic windows UI, aero have composition and blending

    whats cheaper in cycles, bitblt a colored square or alpha blend two squares of various colors together, its not the latter
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:11 No.17877311
    Have you seen >>17872330 or is not bumping any more?

    You really need to look past Page 0 on /g/.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:12 No.17877319
    what the fuck is this shit?

    windows 8 for tablets?

    what the fuck is happening to computers these days?

    fuck phones, fuck consoles and fuck tablets
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:14 No.17877339
    Funny thing, OP. I was full of RAGE for Microsoft screwing around with the task bar in Windows 7. Why wreck a good thing?

    But Windows 8 is awesome. Instead of screwing with their existing code base just for the hell of it, Microsoft is trying to make the next default computing platform.

    And from what I've seen so far, they may just be able to pull this off.

    As I said in the earlier thread, this is a huge win for Microsoft if they can pull in all the casual developers who just want to slap together random libraries to get their app up and running fast, and leave the heavy lifting for others to do.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:15 No.17877344
    >Implying that DirectX is necessary to run games
    OpenGL motherfucker, ever heard of it?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:16 No.17877350
    Mod parent up! This UI is much cheaper computationally than anything Aero and Win7 is doing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:17 No.17877359
    >better than directx
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:18 No.17877372
    Will Win8 get Angry Birds?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:19 No.17877376
    >You now realise that double click is going the way of the floppy
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:19 No.17877381
    I hate this kind of interface. It's got all kinds of distracting and annoying animations and graphical effects that make you wait (even if you have to wait a fraction of a second it's too long). I don't like the way they look, it's all web 2.0 faded pastel colour trendy garbage. I want buttons that react the very moment I click on them, I don't want to have to drag stuff that much, and I don't like touch screens.

    I'm glad that I switched to Linux over five years ago. Similar stuff is happening on Linux now with the awful GNOME 3 and Unity, but at least there are tons of alternative window managers and desktops.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:19 No.17877382
    Oh and I hope you get the option to boot in a "low resource" mode that is basically the overlay UI without the underlying OS/standard file system stuff going on. Windows 8 FLP?

    It's already on PC so yes?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:20 No.17877401
    If OpenTTD makes a port for Windows 8 ARM tablets, which I'm sure they will, I'll be throwing away my iPad 2 for one of these things.
    This looks amazing, a MAJOR leap forward in touch UI, miles ahead of Apple's piece of shit UI.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:21 No.17877412
    Windows: The GAY OS®
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:21 No.17877413
    >what the fuck is happening to computers these days?

    Apple is. Specifically, the iPhone. Since the average person has no fucking idea how to computer and spends the near entirety of their computing time just facebooking and browsing random websites, they think that touch controls are just fucking awesome because they never do anything that requires more than pointing and clicking every 5 minutes.

    Give it another 10 years and soon this shit will be standard and people will have forgotten how to operate a real fucking computer. Then all you'll need to do to be considered a wizard is use a traditional OS, keyboard, and mouse. It'll be viewed the same way that normalfags view using a command prompt now.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:21 No.17877414
    Yep, if Windows 8 is going to run on cheaper low-power ARM processors, then I think "Legacy Mode" (everything from MS DOS 1 to Windows 7) will have to be completely bannable.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:24 No.17877440
    >all kinds of distracting and annoying animations and graphical effects that make you wait (even if you have to wait a fraction of a second it's too long)
    Fucking this. In 1995 we waited for the GUI to finish because computers were so slow. Now we are waiting for animation to finish, which introduce artificial delays. Even more, these new animations and stuff require high end CPUs and GPUs, otherwise shit is even slower.

    So. Much. Bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:25 No.17877453
    >Even more, these new animations and stuff require high end CPUs and GPUs
    >cellphone hardware
    >high end anything.
    what the fuck are you on?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:25 No.17877454
    I haven't read something that made that much sense in a long time. Excuse while i inherit your opinion and spam it at my friends. We both know that will end up happening.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:26 No.17877478
    All the time I hear of people who have trouble with their Smartphone, because the software is too slow, drains too much hardware, and so on.
    What was your point again?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:27 No.17877481
         File1307010424.gif-(237 KB, 194x140, 1231773533800.gif)
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    >Using the word "App"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:28 No.17877495

    You now realise that every windows OS has a delay built into the interface.

    For the start menu, it's been 200ms for over a decade
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:28 No.17877498
    >drains too much hardware
    Oh fuck my brain... s/hardware/battery/
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:28 No.17877500
    >implying OpenGL has better performance than DirectX
    >implying OpenGL IS better than DX
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:28 No.17877502
    The windows 8 shit we saw can probably run perfectly fine on a 15 year old PC. There is literally NOTHING fancy on intensive in what they showed. If this shit works fine on cellphone hardware, why the fuck would it require high end anything on a regular computer?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:28 No.17877504
    I have a nice tip for you guys.

    99% of people who use computers, aren't the people at /g/. 99% of people who use computers, use it for a bit of Internet and a bit of gaming. They generally do one thing at a time, get it done and then go on with their lives. (Generally outside.)

    Us on /g/ though, no, we're different. We spend more time on our computers than we do going outside. We program, we make applications, we mess around with things, we do more things than just use Facebook. This isn't going to ruin Windows, this will be a massive hit.

    People like us? We can keep on using linux or man the fuck up and get used to a new UI scheme.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:29 No.17877506
    >underage thinks Apple invented the word app
    >not aware that the word app has been used for 20+ years
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:29 No.17877513
    >thinks better performance at the cost of graphical quality is a good thing!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:29 No.17877515
    What the fuck. Go fuck yourself, that's not true in general.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:30 No.17877520
    OGL has been outperforming directx for a few years now
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:30 No.17877524

    You'd have to be retarded to think you need to keep everything open while working.

    You pin the icons to the task bar so the work EXACTLY like quickstart. But even better, because they light up when there's an instance of that program running, and also! If you hover over an icon it shows you live previews!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:31 No.17877533
    GL and DX are almost the same thing these days. Why do you think it's so easy for nvidia to support both APIs?
    The problem is just that these APIs are still incompatible, and writing games that support both is more work.
    Too bad GL is gaining market share on the mobile and internet sectors.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:32 No.17877535
    I need proof. I'm sure Apple did App. See, it's APP(LE). It just reinforces their brand.

    Worst still, since at least some of /g/ likes Windows 8, it means that the earlier GUI is going down hard. If even the techies are positive, then it's a guaranteed hit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:32 No.17877536
    What? It's entirely true.

    There's a 200ms delay to every part of the start menu. You need to edit the registry to bypass it, or click
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:32 No.17877537
         File1307010736.png-(637 KB, 673x673, boromir.png)
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    >mfw w8 will be like steam with some games that have nice tiles and the rest of your applications as shitty old centered shortcuts.
    >> Voice of !WisdomHsuU 06/02/11(Thu)06:32 No.17877544
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:32 No.17877545

    Cellphones have 1/8th of the power of a PC, even nowadays. Not to talk about all the performance-for-memory trade-offs you can do with 4-16GB they have nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:33 No.17877546
    App is short for application.
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:33 No.17877548
    This convinced me to totally abandon the windows system when 8 comes.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:33 No.17877555
    Yep. I got rid of the start menu delay. (I use Win XP).

    I hate opening windows in Windows 7 as it takes FOREVER with their stupid fade-in effect. Most people don't notice but I go APE with NERD RAGE.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:33 No.17877556
    The start menu is not the GUI.
    GUI = graphical user interface
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:34 No.17877561
    Who ever said the GUI is the start button?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:34 No.17877565
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:34 No.17877568
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    >anywhere outside usa
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:34 No.17877570
    >Start menu
    >not a graphical user interface
    >> Voice of !Reason4K2E 06/02/11(Thu)06:35 No.17877571
         File1307010901.jpg-(63 KB, 631x335, YouTube - Building _Windows 8_(...).jpg)
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    So i was fucking around with the leaked w8 build and this happened...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:35 No.17877574
    Of which the start menu is apart of. Seeing as it's both graphical and an interface, and I assure you it's focus is on the user
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:35 No.17877575
    Yes, that's exactly what we were saying. But thanks for you "tip" anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:36 No.17877580
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:36 No.17877592
    Nicely put. You're right and some neckbeards will lose the will to live. Boo hoo.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:37 No.17877594
    >BSOD only takes down one window/app thing
    Holy shit, I take back everything I said, this OS is going to be great if it can sandbox fatal errors like that!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:37 No.17877597
    >use aero
    >complain about effects
    oh god it burns
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:37 No.17877600

    "App" only became a prevalent term when Apple released the iPhone.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:37 No.17877601
    >implying it can sandbox a cpu fault
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:38 No.17877605
    shoop shoop shoop
    pixels pixels pixels
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:38 No.17877610
    It's just a trollan image, I'm sure. BSOD in one box? Yeah right. On the same page it says 2343 Viruses found. So that would suggest you've got one monolithic installation of Windows 8, not some sort of hived-off seperate world for each app with Win 8 being a hypervisor on top of the original garbage code for Win 7.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:39 No.17877619
    No it did not. You're fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:39 No.17877623
    IBM z/OS can sandbox crashed CPUs. You can even swap one CPU card out while the mainframe keeps on chugging away on the CPUs that remain.

    And people said IBM mainframes sucked. Pffft.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:40 No.17877629
    How is this:

    >99% of people who use computers, aren't the people at /g/. 99% of people who use computers, use it for a bit of Internet and a bit of gaming. They generally do one thing at a time, get it done and then go on with their lives. (Generally outside.)

    Different from this:

    >the average person has no fucking idea how to computer and spends the near entirety of their computing time just facebooking and browsing random websites, they think that touch controls are just fucking awesome because they never do anything that requires more than pointing and clicking every 5 minutes.

    >>17877413 was bemoaning the fact that soon only OS's aimed at the tech crowd (ie Linux distros) are going to maintain a traditional feel/operation. Mainstream consumer OS's, on the other hand, will go the way of Windows 8. Then you came in and said the "hurr durr, just use Linux guys".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:40 No.17877638
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:41 No.17877646
    It was a joke people.
    >> LAwLz !LAwLzaWU1A 06/02/11(Thu)06:41 No.17877649
    I don't like this.
    I want a taskbar on my PC.
    This looks like it would be amazing on a tablet (and I'm really looking forwards to Windows 8 tablets) but not for desktops.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)06:41 No.17877654
    Also. Apps are done in HTML and JavaScript.
    .. this only thing can make the whole Metro thing fail miserably. Noone wants to make apps in HTML and JS. NOONE!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:41 No.17877655
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)06:43 No.17877669
    We are talking about desktop/tablet OS. Not 16 processor-64GB RAM beasts..
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:44 No.17877690
    >implying a bluescreen is a cpu fault and not an internal kernel error/bug (which possibly triggered a fault)
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:44 No.17877691
    If you look at the video there appears to be the 7 UI in there too, you just have to access it. Anyway if this happens I'm seriously considering a touchscreen monitor.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:46 No.17877706
    I can't even figure out what in this greentext mess are quotes, your own thoughts, or the other's faults. How about you learn some English?
    >> Voice of !Reason4K2E 06/02/11(Thu)06:46 No.17877709
    >vertical touch surface
    enjoy your arm cancer
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:48 No.17877741
    >Implying I won't have a nice cozy arm rest or angle the monitor
    What I want to know is how easy it will be to priate
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:48 No.17877743
         File1307011735.jpg-(228 KB, 1440x900, 1231657100385.jpg)
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    >implying App is a word
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:49 No.17877747

    Desktops and big phones are hardly within the same range, power-wise.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:49 No.17877753
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    Perhaps they will add Kinect support.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:49 No.17877758
    The butthurt in here is astronomical and Microsoft hasn't even announced a release date yet!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:50 No.17877769
    If your dictionary hasn't kept pace with it, then don't blame me.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:51 No.17877773
    Yes it can, if it simply virtualize cpus.

    At that point everything runs in VMs though. Which means that we have finally gotten to the point where we have hacked in GC into the OS in a language that doesn't use GC.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)06:51 No.17877777
    OpenGL is shit and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:52 No.17877790
    They're quotes from two posts you retard. The last greentext paragraph is a typo that resulted from the fact that the line started out with a post reference which the board read as a greentext indicator.

    If you can't understand that post, get off 4chan, go learn to read, and then when you come back actually fucking lurk this time before spouting your summer faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:53 No.17877798
    >It'll be viewed the same way that normalfags view using a command prompt now.
    Wow, that really puts the current trend into perspective. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:53 No.17877800
    >it's shit
    You haven't got anything better?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:54 No.17877815
    >soon this shit will be standard and people will have forgotten how to operate a real fucking computer. Then all you'll need to do to be considered a wizard is use a traditional OS, keyboard, and mouse. It'll be viewed the same way that normalfags view using a command prompt now.
    It's called progress.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:55 No.17877822
    >Which means that we have finally gotten to the point where we have hacked in GC into the OS in a language that doesn't use GC.
    >hacked in GC into the OS in a language that doesn't use GC.
    1) non sequitur
    2) ever heard of COM?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:55 No.17877826
    Considering you don't either, and you are the one who made a claim in the first place, he really doesn't need to
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)06:57 No.17877853
    >HTML5 "apps"
    >are we cool yet?

    I hope those stupid tablet features aren't the only new thing in Win 8.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:02 No.17877906
    >we have hacked in GC into the OS in a language that doesn't use GC
    Explain. Yes, I know what a GC is and how OSes work.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:03 No.17877910
    See >>17877533.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:03 No.17877919
    If your CPU has a fatal error your computer just restarts.
    You can't get a dump from that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:06 No.17877959
    Yes you can.

    I get dumps all the time when my cpu fails because I've undervolted it a lot
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:07 No.17877970

    CPUs do not have error detection. It is instead performed by the operating system in the form of sanity checks. When a sanity check doesn't pass, you get a kernel panic.

    The thing that halts and restarts is the operating system.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:09 No.17877986
    Last I heard opengl is a pain to work with which would mean directx is still very much at an advantage.
    >> Anon's Totally Objective MS OS Reviews Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:10 No.17878001
    Win2K: I am in heaven.

    WinXP: Baby's First GUI; meh.

    Vista: I'll pass thanks.

    Win7: Usable but wonky in places. Meh.

    Win8: FINALLY!!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:10 No.17878004
    And I heard of developers who still prefer OpenGL over DX, even if they don't need the portability.

    They have some error detection, and some of that can even be kernel controlled, I think.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:12 No.17878020
    Bitches don't know about my x86-64 MSR feature.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:18 No.17878097
    I know that opengl users are a lot more vocal, as most foss and similar developers are. But I rarely see any argument other than "FREE and CROSSPLATFORM and FREE"
    If you have a fair, reasonably unbiased comparison I'd love to see it
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:18 No.17878098
    Here is some news for the curious of how all these threads started:

    Well, maybe more why than how.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:19 No.17878113
    And also, of course, directX comes with sound and networking which openGL doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:34 No.17878277

    My blog posting about this issue, I think this interface will suck on many levels.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:39 No.17878337

    If you're gonna compare one framework to another, it should be DirectX to SDL or QT.

    OpenGL's equivalent is Direct3D.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)07:40 No.17878348
    You should probably use your brain and understand that this GUI is tablet ONLY. On desktop PC, it will have same GUI as W7.
    Actualy, there is no need for W8 on desktop, because it doesnt have any new features for desktop yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:43 No.17878371
    Windows 8 will run on Tegra 3.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)07:52 No.17878459
    How can you comment on interface with a webdesign like that?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:55 No.17878491
         File1307015706.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x800, Windows 8 is production ready (...).jpg)
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    I've watched Part 3 of the four-part video.
    It works! Right now!! Why isn't Microsoft announcing general availability by August 1st 2011?

    Why wait for Apple to steal all their thunder!?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:56 No.17878512
    Windows 8 =
        + CSS
        + Javascript

    Watch the "Microsoft Partners Preview" videos. You will hear oohs and aaahs for something Microsoft made! Impossible!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)07:57 No.17878518
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:00 No.17878553
    Bump on this. Couldn't find anything.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:01 No.17878565
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:03 No.17878580
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:04 No.17878600
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    I was going to buy an iPad 3 with RetinaDisplay but I think I may wait a bit longer for a Windows Tablet.

    And this is coming from someone who believes 100% of what this pic-related pic says.

    This now needs to become a 4-koma with an addition on the awesomeness of Windows 8.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:06 No.17878619
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:09 No.17878666
    I sure can't wait to navigate this touch-based interface with my mouse and keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:10 No.17878677
    Watch the @#$@#$ videos! The presenter guy says that you can navigate with keyboard too, using page up and page down keys to go through the different floating frames.

    This Microsoft Metro stuff (google it) is awesome. I'm in love.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.17878687

    What? No.
    Rightclick - Pin to Taskbar
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:12 No.17878694
    I saw this stuff on the Zune. Even though I hate the idea of the Zune, I had to admit that it looked snazzy. I'm happy to see Microsoft bringing it to Windows.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:14 No.17878704
    I don't like it being used on laptops and desktops, but really:
    >Laptops that become tablets.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:15 No.17878721
    Those "you slide your phone into a docking station and it becomes your PC" can become real with one of these
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:15 No.17878722

    More correctly:

    Any interface that works for a tablet does not work for a mouse.

    Any interface that works for a keyboard does not work for a mouse.

    Any interface that works for a mouse does not work for a keyboard.

    However, you CAN have an interface that works with both keyboard and touch.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:17 No.17878733
    Eh. I'm not sure. They just released Windows Phone 7. The two aren't directly cross-compatible.

    I just saw the desktop thing. I do quite like it. It's definitely a step forward, and it's nice to see Microsoft innovating for a change.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.17878769
    I quite like it. Seems like something from a sci-fi movie. Probably best to wait for Windows 9 though; just like with Vista, this is new stuff, and Microsoft never gets new stuff right on their first try.

    Think of the upside: you'll get less calls from your parents asking you to come over and fix their PC.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:21 No.17878770
    2012-2020: The years of the Linux desktop running Wine.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:22 No.17878778
         File1307017352.png-(1.63 MB, 1920x1080, win8.png)
    1.63 MB
    Uhh .. guys?
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:22 No.17878781
    It's fine. It can be hidden.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:24 No.17878798
    Fuck me, people still use Fahrenheit?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:27 No.17878823
    The GUI seems easy to navigate:
    - dragging in from the sides is the OS control
    - dragging from the top and bottom are the app's control
    - there's an onscreen split keyboard for thumb use
    - the drag from the edges are made for holding a tablet
    Overall, A++. This is even better than iOS.

    Now Microsoft only needs to license Pinch-To-Zoom from Apple Co. and I can scale up and down the size of fonts and images to suit my taste.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:27 No.17878829
    America and two little tin-pot dictatorships somewhere.
    The giant all-seeing wiki would know for sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:28 No.17878832
    Looks good for tablets but I don't give a fuck about tablets. I doubt I'll be using this on my PC.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:29 No.17878844
    What's peoples problem with ribbon? It's the exact same as the interface on, say, libreoffice writer, except it's tabbed to have everything on the interface instead of being hidden behind a metric fuck of menus.
    It doesn't look any different but has far more functionality.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:29 No.17878846
    Why would they need to license pinch to zoom?
    Microsoft, Google etc have been doing pinch to zoom flawlessly for a long time now, without violating any patents.

    In fact, WP7 has the best pinch to zoom functionality as it allows you scroll while doing it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:31 No.17878855
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    >Using a UI designed with limited input capabilities of a smartphone in mind, on a $2k custom built PC

    Seriously, guys, seriously, this might make me start using linux as my primary desktop OS.

    Oh god, I'm doing something but I can't tell if it's laughing or crying.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:32 No.17878864
    I'm not saying it is bad. I'm only notifying, because it didnt seem many people noticed it.
    And it actualy looks good when it is minimized like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:32 No.17878866
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    >not using Linux as a primary OS
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:32 No.17878869
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:33 No.17878877
    This is going to turn me into one of those faggots that still uses XP.

    Except it'll be 7.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:33 No.17878884
    Heck, looks like I finally have to switch to Linux.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:33 No.17878885
    We all know you're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:34 No.17878888
    except no one said a smartphone you eye can't have keyboard and mouse commands.
    Well I for one like ribbon, even when maximized. At least on office software, I think the minimize might actually be a better option for folder navigation
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:34 No.17878893

    Linux will be the same as Windows: touch-friendly by default, with M&K available if you want it. You will still the occasional HUGE BUTTONS.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:34 No.17878898
    I personally hate the ribbon because it tries to guess what functionality to expose to the use based on context.

    But I must write Word Docs 100% counter-intuitively, as I'm always searching for things that the ribbon doesn't give me.

    In pre-2007 Office, this was never a problem. I got to the menu bar. Get what I want. (Or more often than not ALT+whatever and then a single letter to jump to that menu selection.)
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:35 No.17878909
    >Linux will be the same as Windows: touch-friendly by default

    Not if you don't want to.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:36 No.17878918
    Apple is going iOS (eventually) on all their devices, Macs included.
    Microsoft is going WP7 on their next OS too.

    Linux will do its own rip-off imitation touch UI, so all you nearbeards better start archiving the codebase for gnome and kde. You'll be needing it to roll your own one day.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:37 No.17878932
    >A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value automatically assigned to a software application, computer program or device, outside of user intervention. Such settings are also called presets, especially for electronic devices. The Oxford English Dictionary dates this usage to the mid-1960s, as a variant of the older meaning of "failure in performance".
    >Default values are generally intended to make a device (or control) usable "out of the box". A common setting, or at least a usable setting, is typically assigned.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:37 No.17878935
    I like Ribbon too. And think it is best piece of UI. But it is highly useless for explorer. But like this. It makes sense.

    >it tries to guess what functionality to expose to the use based on context.
    Are you talking about Ribbon?? Because thats what Office 2003 does. In 2007, everything has it place. There is no way to move it around.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:37 No.17878936
    It's just because you're not used to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:38 No.17878944
    I knew where everything was in Office 2K3. Why change?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:38 No.17878945
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:39 No.17878952
    The ribbon is only there for tablets in the immersive UI.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:40 No.17878958

    Huh? it is nowhere in Metro. It is in standard Windows interface part.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:40 No.17878959

    Fedora, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE and Debian all have default UIs. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:40 No.17878960
    >I knew where everything was in win98, why change
    If you got used to it and profcient at it I'm sure you would prefer it. I'm still getting used to it myself but my impression of it is that it is highly functional if you know what you're doing
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:40 No.17878961
    Because we need to move on. When they finally realised a good UI improves productivity, they had to make changes.
    Imagine a child learning to use a computer. They will do so much better with the ribbon than with menus.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:40 No.17878964
    But it will have windows on it...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:40 No.17878966
    Oh yeah, you have to turn off that "command hiding" feature that is in Office 2003. That's a real bugger there.

    I always knew I was dealing with techno noobs when the "command hiding" feature was activated.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:41 No.17878968
    For a moment I thought his finger in that picture was a dildo
    Fucking /g/
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:41 No.17878970
    You retard.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)08:41 No.17878972
    There was a metro explorer.
    The ribbon was only so you could use it on tablets, is what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:42 No.17878975
    windows already uses ribbon. It's fine, better than menu navigation, touch or no touch
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:42 No.17878979
    I know, I know. This equation hurts my head too:
    Microsoft + Windows + Tablet = Want

    Honestly, until today, I would have said no way.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:43 No.17878992
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    I want to have hot sex with Windows 8, especially the new gui shell.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:44 No.17879004
    >Give it another 10 years and soon this shit will be standard and people will have forgotten how to operate a real fucking computer. Then all you'll need to do to be considered a wizard is use a traditional OS, keyboard, and mouse. It'll be viewed the same way that normalfags view using a command prompt now.

    Here is a protip for you and the neckstubble that is controlling your brain: There is no such fucking thing as a "real fucking computer".

    People won't need to know how to operate the sort of OS we have now because it's not going to be used anymore. Just like 99.9% of people don't know and don't have know how to operate DOS right now.

    And you know what? Things getting easier to use is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:44 No.17879005
    Now all we need is for Japan to start cranking out some Metro-tans.

    Let's not jump the boat and force this issue. Let's wait for them to arrive organically.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:44 No.17879012
    It seems good for a tablet, but there is no way I'm putting this shit on my desktop.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:45 No.17879015
    Well. You dont have to.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:46 No.17879022
    Like to give a reason why?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:46 No.17879024
    I expect the style of dress to be dark and sleek
    A bit of a change from the usual
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:46 No.17879026

    fucking this. you neckbeards complain about everything. you are less than 0.0000001 per cent of the customers. The other people who spend time elsewhere than on their pc prefer this shit. I for one am happy to see a windows on a tablet. i hope you can make it multiboot MeeGo and W8. then im sold
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:46 No.17879039

    Does that mean that every versions of windows from now will have this GUI ?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:47 No.17879040
    >And you know what? Things getting easier to use is a good thing.

    Not in favour of functionality, WHICH ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE THE CASE.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:47 No.17879042
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    >Calling the CLI, DOS
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:47 No.17879044
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    windows 8 is the new hotness
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:47 No.17879049
    >Implying distributions of GNU+Linux are "Linux"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:48 No.17879054
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    I was thinking her clothing might be made of irregularly-sized rectangles of all sorts of colors, to match the new start screen.

    I hope Microsoft removes the word "Start" from the top-left corner. If people can't figure out that the shiny squares are meant to do something, then they are too stupid for Windows 8.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:49 No.17879072
    >windows users
    >not stupid
    Wow, do i have news for you.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 06/02/11(Thu)08:49 No.17879074
    Actualy. They are all regulary sized.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:50 No.17879084
    I'm with you chibi K-ON-tan girl.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:52 No.17879121
    Looks beautiful, but I think I'll switch to using server versions of Windows on most of my systems instead of this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:53 No.17879131
    so what does it add in terms of functionality....
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:54 No.17879144
    You guys are overreacting. I'm pretty sure this will be a "mode" and you can have a traditional desktop in W8, sort of like Windows Media Center. All this is showing is the accessibility for tablet users.
    >> ‮knuJ ro ecilA++‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‭=S=U=I=G=I=N=T=O=U=‬‬‬‬ !c/Alice/AE!!t74hYHS1woL 06/02/11(Thu)08:54 No.17879151
         File1307019282.jpg-(99 KB, 375x500, sginsamaou6.jpg)
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    XFCE > Gnome2 > TillingWM > KDE > Unity > Finder > Ribbon/WindowsUI
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:54 No.17879156
    >Implying winfags need functionality
    >Implying they don't just want fancy visuals
    They're just macfags in denial.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:55 No.17879167
    but im a winfag....
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:56 No.17879176
    Are we playing Odd one Out?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:56 No.17879177
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    >XFCE and Gnome2 better than a tiling wm
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)08:59 No.17879222
    Worthless fucking tablet piece of shit UI.

    Not going to use any OS that has this.

    O well, its probably going to change by a fuckton just as Longhorn did.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:01 No.17879258
    You're just a macfag in denial.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:02 No.17879264
    i know too much to be a macfag
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:04 No.17879299
    >Claiming to know shit about technology
    >Not using *nix
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:05 No.17879306
    i dont know if you're trolling or just incredibly stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:06 No.17879319
    I remember when trolling didn't actually mean pretending to be stupid...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:07 No.17879327
    >Calling me stupid
    >Not using *nix
    Just stop, you aren't fooling anyone.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:08 No.17879345
    so stupid. okay
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:09 No.17879356
    >mfw linux is *nux
    >mfw using any *nix other than freebsd or ubuntu except on a server.
    >if using the above considering yourself to be a true *nix user
    Just because you use the most assbackwards non compatible distro doesn't make you any better at how to into computer.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:11 No.17879378
    That's just the typical freetard, he thinks that if you don't use his magical os, you're just too stupid to use it.
    No way you realized it's actually useless.

    Oh and, having things looks better doesnt mean you lose fonctionality. Stop living in 95, linuxfags.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:13 No.17879396
         File1307020401.png-(3 KB, 186x186, 1306692860783.png)
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    >Hurr durr, can't computer
    >Not the most modern OS
    Go back to scanning for viruses you retard. This is /g/, we like loli and linux, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:14 No.17879410
    >Using windows
    >Not realising how shit it is
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:15 No.17879414
    >scanning for viruses
    It's like I'm really using XP sp1!
    >we like loli and linux
    ohohohohoho, oh summer. You have to be summer, even linuxfags aren't this bad. In fact they are usually nice to have a conversation with and teach you a thing or two.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:16 No.17879418
    >hating windows
    >not realize how much worse everything else is
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:17 No.17879426
    Unless you are a programmer, and a good one at that, you have no reason to be using linux.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:17 No.17879435
    >loli and linux
    fuck off summerfag
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:18 No.17879440
    Are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:19 No.17879449
    >It's like I'm really using XP sp1!
    You're using XP with a new taskbar.
    >You have to be summer
    I'm a year rounder here. I'm just pretty butthurt from all the summer at the moment. Makes me grouchy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:20 No.17879460
    >implying most of /g/ doesn't hate the loli and animu fags
    >implying tripfags are the majority
    >You're using XP with a new taskbar.
    Oh I see, you are that ignorant. Come back when you know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:21 No.17879466
    >Not old enough to remember /g/uro.
    >Not even old enough for to remeber miku mondays and techloligy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:23 No.17879495
    >implying most of /g/ doesn't hate the loli and animu fags
    Most of /g/ likes anime. This is 4chan after all. There are like 30% of people who don't watch anime but generally don't mind animefags, then there are 1% who troll with anti-anime shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:23 No.17879498
    >he thinks 7 is XP with a new taskbar
    Oh I see you really don't know shit about technology.
    Enjoy your teenager hatred against "Micro$shit" to be edgy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:24 No.17879503
    >/g/ - greentext
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:24 No.17879508
    >Most of /g/ like anime so most of /g/ like loli

    I hate all the animu fags with thier avatars and loli wallpapers, but it doesn't mean I hate anime.
    I love me some Gundam.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:26 No.17879526
    Liking anime isn't being an animefag, having a trip or an avatar and constantly brining up your waifu makes you an animufag, but neither of those make you lolifags
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:26 No.17879532
         File1307021216.jpg-(1.66 MB, 2500x2010, 1283287202680.jpg)
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    running apps is good and all, but will it run my programms?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:27 No.17879536
    I'm a developer. But even if I wasn't I would use linux because it's better.
    new here
    >Oh I see, you are that ignorant. Come back when you know what you're talking about.
    >Enjoy your teenager hatred against "Micro$shit" to be edgy.
    I bet you're some retarded American who believes in god and thinks the republican party stands for freedom.
    Has it ever occurred to you that Linux is just better?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:29 No.17879560
    >You're wrong
    >It;s better!
    >I'm not going to give reasons
    >But it IS!!!!!! Because..because FREEDOM!
    By the way, xp to vista was more or less an entire kernal overhaul.
    >> ­­ 06/02/11(Thu)09:30 No.17879567
    It reminds me of windows media centre

    I fucking hate that on my PC. But, on a touch slate, could be pretty funky
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:30 No.17879571
    >Linux is just better
    >Linux is just better
    Care to tell how it is for the average illiterate?
    Typical elitist neckbeard faggot
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:32 No.17879586
    >called Windows 8
    >no windows

    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:34 No.17879611
    I won't give you an in-depth reason because it would take to long. But it boils down to freedom, speed and functionality. With linux I never get the problems I have under windows. Linux has better software, Linux is more adaptable and Linux offers a simpler way of doing things.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:35 No.17879619
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    Guess I'm sticking with 7.

    Actually I'm betting 8 will come with the classic Windows interface so I see no problem here.
    >> sav. 06/02/11(Thu)09:36 No.17879627
    Did you watch the video? The Metro part works a lot like Media Centre- it's just an overlay.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:38 No.17879635
    Linux is not meant to be a desktop OS. It's only good for servers.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:38 No.17879640
    I'm sure they will find a way to make it obnoxious as fuck and put it in the way of things.

    This shit is taking the same route office did.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:39 No.17879643
    >built in GFWL

    hopefully this doesnt hurt Steam
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:39 No.17879652
    Except unless you are running the most minimilstic distro possible you would have a lot of trouble noticing a speed difference
    Don't care about it in an OS that much beyond basic customization, others might.
    Such as?
    7 hasn't crashed on me in 3 years so that's hardly the problem
    >better software
    ohohohoh. And while flash might not be good at least it's guaranteed to work on windows.
    >more adaptable
    fair enough
    >simpler way of doing things
    >ufdhguih fuihg hsdfuhsgduihg shdoihghg
    might be faster but it sure as fuck is not simpler than a well structured menu
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:39 No.17879657
    >not getting it for sure now
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:40 No.17879665
    Windows is shit at being a server and desktop OS.
    Linux can do both amazingly.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:40 No.17879666
    Linux is not better.
    The only good thing about Linux is the ability to change your DE/WM, and customize it to a certain extent. For anything else, it's just as retarded as windows.
    herpaderp, that's the most overrated buzzword. And I bet you'll call me delusional for saying that, but yeah, it doesn't mean anything in daily use.
    only if you choose a minimal distro with a lightweight WM. Once there's the slightest amount of bloat it becomes incredibly slow.
    And windows is not functional because?
    >simpler way of doing things
    >learn Bash, use CLI
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:45 No.17879720
    >The only good thing about Linux is the ability to change your DE/WM, and customize it to a certain extent. For anything else, it's just as retarded as windows.
    >implying you can't replace explorer
    Okay well it's harder but that's not the point
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:46 No.17879734
    Question /g/, I'm setting up my new modular PSU and it has the SATA cables like pic related. Both my DVD drive and HDD use sata, is it ok/safe for me to hook both my drive and HDD on this same cable or should I have a seperate one for each?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:46 No.17879739
    you guys arguing look really stupid right now
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:48 No.17879761
    Let me install some libraries on my computer.
    >Start up web browser
    >Go to library site
    >Pick appropriate msi or zip or w/e
    >Install or unzip and extract to wherever your compiler needs
    >Hope it works

    >apt-get install library-dev
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:48 No.17879762
    you would have to check supply on psu and and requirement on the dvd/hdd

    you should really start a new thread though
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:51 No.17879788
    Actually it would more like be
    >Start up web browser
    >Go to library site
    >Pick appropriate msi or zip or w/e
    >Install or unzip and extract to wherever your compiler needs

    >Open terminal
    >Sudo apt-get install ****
    >Enter user
    >Enter pass
    >Oh shit got the packet name wrong
    >Shit I'll google what the packet name is called
    >Okay, sudo...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:51 No.17879789
    Let me put a file on my hard drive.

    >Aw shit, it's trying to cram it into the first free space it can find, resulting in the file being fragmented multiple times.

    >Cool, it put it in the largest free space that can fit it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:52 No.17879799
    Fucking hell guys, this looks like a great UI for touchscreens, no one is forcing you to use it. I bet it wont be activated by default if no touch screen is detected anyway. Looks ten times better than the current media centre in windows 7.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:52 No.17879802
    You forgot the part where you have to google for one hour to learn what command you have to do, because noone knows bash from the craddle.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:52 No.17879809
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:52 No.17879810
    >enter user

    I don't think you know what you're talking about
    Also, feel free to use a GUI, you can just search for what you want
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:52 No.17879813
    >implying windows doesn't defragment regularly
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:53 No.17879816
    OS X :
    Download with Browser
    Drag into App Folder

    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:53 No.17879819
    >fixing the symptom and not the problem
    Stay classy, Microsoft
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:54 No.17879830
    >What if my phone worked like my computer?
    Too difficult.
    But we can make your computer like your phone!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:54 No.17879837
    I believe Windows 8 will try to emulate how WP7 installs.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:56 No.17879856
    Day 1 format.
    Day 1 install Windows 7.

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