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  • File : 1306942205.jpg-(243 KB, 610x451, yunoopera-thumb.jpg)
    243 KB Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:30 No.17859098  
    Opera users are with it!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:30 No.17859101
    Opera sucks, QED.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:32 No.17859126
    y u no like Opera?
    >> Konata !ilOVEDicKQ 06/01/11(Wed)11:33 No.17859128

    lol y u no meme amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:34 No.17859143
    Fucking reddit fags.
    >> Nettobooku !hAtsuNEzfo 06/01/11(Wed)11:34 No.17859147
    y u no redraw pages properly?
    >> !oMgfhAHAhA 06/01/11(Wed)11:35 No.17859152
         File1306942519.gif-(878 KB, 704x400, 1299800733599.gif)
    878 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:36 No.17859165
         File1306942593.jpg-(474 KB, 800x1208, 1224124796323.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:36 No.17859166
    This is why I will never use that piece of crap browser.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:36 No.17859168
    because your code is shit

    hateres gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:49 No.17859262
         File1306943377.jpg-(170 KB, 550x550, e9598d6e08076e901af960721e62bd(...).jpg)
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    >> ­­­­­­Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:53 No.17859296
    Thanks op, now I won't have to try Opera before I decide to not use it.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:54 No.17859304
    Oprah users are so retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:55 No.17859314
    Is this real? Who the fuck does shit like this?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:57 No.17859332
    I use Opera on windows mobile

    It's the best browser
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:57 No.17859341
    Why aren't they shot on sight?
    The world is far too forgiving to retards.
    >> ­­­­­­Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)11:58 No.17859346
    Blame reddit for making this unfunny shit popular.
    >> sage 06/01/11(Wed)11:58 No.17859347
         File1306943921.jpg-(23 KB, 400x267, 1306381648773.jpg)
    23 KB
    Wtf is this?

    >bring memes to real life
    >troll without wearing mask of anonymity
    >> ­­­­­­Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)12:00 No.17859360
    They were probably paid by Opera to do this.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)12:07 No.17859427
    reddit ruins fucking everything
    >> Anonybumps 06/01/11(Wed)13:10 No.17860299
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)13:16 No.17860387
    I don't understand protests like these. What's the point? They're not even in Cupertino. Is a store manager going to ring up Steve Jobs and say "oh god we've got a half a dozen people here with poorly made signs demanding we allow Opera into the app market."?

    Those 8 people would be much better utilized just walking around outside the store telling people walking in about how Apple's blocking Opera for no other reason than that it competes with their own browser.
    >> 「WI」Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 06/01/11(Wed)13:17 No.17860401
    Opera users confirmed reddit//b/tard faggots.
    Good job OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)13:19 No.17860446
         File1306948786.png-(90 KB, 197x230, yuno.png)
    90 KB
    What is this?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)13:20 No.17860465

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