What are your tech-related subscribed rss feeds /g/ ?>Ars Technica>Life Hacker>Engaget>more????
>>17413485>Engagetmore like>EnmacgagtAm I right?
>>17413533Enfaggot sounds better
>>17413546 What about, "Endicket"?
>>17413571"Enfaggot" rhymes and maintains the staccato rhythm of the word.
well besides enfaggot being shit tier anyone have good rss feeds?
>>17413579I dunno, it missing some critical dick references.
>ars technica>hacker news>cyanogenmodnot to big on a lot of rss feeds. also whats everyones favorite reader?
EngadgetTom's HardwareAnandtechMacrumorsTUAWAssorted Google blogsMozilla blogAddictiveTips
>>17413608Google Reader ftw.
>>17413635ya, thats what i use, but the android app is complete shit.
>rss feedsIt's 2005 all over again.
>>17413638>>17413638Y U NO APPROVE
>>17413641you obviously are not in the beta testing group for the new reader, for it is miraculous.
>>17413647It's the only way to make sure I've read every story. All my news in one place, too. Alternatives?
>>17413485keep Ars Technicadrop the rest
>>17413653I have to explain this faggortry?
why does everyone hate engadget? they seem to be solid on tech reporting...
>>17413708They also seem to be solid on dick in their ass.Like AppleIn their ass.Like Apple
>>17413708you mean APPLEgadget