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  • File : 1304977410.png-(20 KB, 737x325, oh.gee.a.503.png)
    20 KB !g8SmaXiMus 05/09/11(Mon)17:43 No.17410178  
    What's going on /g/? This is your department.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:44 No.17410200
    Moot sold every server but one for money to spend on his Apple product addiction
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:45 No.17410206
    moot is having sex with the servers
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:45 No.17410211
    so he kept the mac mini?
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)17:46 No.17410217
    I got a bunch of 503 errors when I was looking for a proxy to use, but on my normal connection I've yet to see one.
    Are you in Europe?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:47 No.17410232
    I cannot take it anymore. Moot either you fix this shit for good or kill it so another chan takes over. You shit fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:48 No.17410248
    It's so moot can say: "Hey guys, now that nothing werks on 4chan, lol, come over and spread your butt wide on my"
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)17:49 No.17410261
         File1304977791.jpg-(60 KB, 380x507, 1287088347429.jpg)
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    Everyone is getting them, constantly. There's even a waifu roll thread on /a/ based around how fucked up the page is when it loads.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:50 No.17410262
    Getting constant 503s up here in Alaska.
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)17:52 No.17410289
    >Everyone is getting them, constantly.
    Again, I'm not.

    That's in Alaska though.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:52 No.17410292
    Fuck it. Operation jeronamo, let's get a seal team 6 thread going, an intelligence thread going and find moot.
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)17:53 No.17410305
    Everyone but you. I'm in ND.
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)17:54 No.17410317
         File1304978040.png-(51 KB, 211x258, Surprised01.png)
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    I guess I'm extremely lucky then.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:55 No.17410326
    Confirmed in New York as well
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:55 No.17410331
    Getting them nonstop.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:56 No.17410341
    Open a fucking VPN for us. What could go wrong? This been /g/.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:56 No.17410342
    South America faggot here, getting 503s like mad and stylesheets load in a yearly basis
    >> 6850 05/09/11(Mon)17:56 No.17410349
    Central California's getting 503 errors.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:57 No.17410356
    Indianapolis is 503ing like a mother fucker yo.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:57 No.17410359
    NC here, none of my friends or I have any problems.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:57 No.17410361
         File1304978251.jpg-(56 KB, 500x332, sealofapproval.jpg)
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    >Let's get a seal team
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)17:58 No.17410370
    I can't into networking, so there's no way I'd open my PC up to 4chan since it'd probably be improperly secured and everyone would find my kinky fetish porn.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:58 No.17410371
    Tennessee here, 503 errywhere
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:59 No.17410378
    SPAINFAG reporting in. Constant 503s here at the other side of the atlantic. Moot fix this you fucker.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:59 No.17410381
    Iowa here, getting faggoty 503's.

    Looks like 4chan is getting shut down by the FBI, finally.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:59 No.17410385
    nebraska 503 club here
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:59 No.17410387
    Cablevision here in Westchester County NY
    503, 503 errywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)17:59 No.17410388
    moot can't handle two ladies at a time
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:00 No.17410392
    not getting 503 but the page keeps defaulting to FUCKING BURICHAN.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:00 No.17410395
    Texas, haven't had a single failure all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:00 No.17410397
    Is it possible to ddos 4chan?!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:00 No.17410398
    Netherlands here, 503'in all day
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)18:00 No.17410403
         File1304978453.jpg-(36 KB, 412x371, 1280202179864.jpg)
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    >a forum full of potentially extreme sexual deviants might find my pictures of feet and hairy armpits

    Oh no.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:01 No.17410409
    Suddenly, 4chan is a place with people all over the globe. Wait, it has always been like that.

    But faggots, if the problem is from the servers, why would your location be relevant? /b/ said that they were having a bitch fight with Tumblr. I hope both die.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:01 No.17410410

    also getting 503 constantly
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:01 No.17410411
    country brofist. 503 hell here.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:01 No.17410412
    Northern Virginia confirmed for 503 all day errday
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:01 No.17410415
    Finfag here, nginx all day.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:01 No.17410419
         File1304978514.jpg-(264 KB, 1200x993, Shrine_Party.jpg)
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    gooi nog een friko in het vet
    voor het wachten...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:02 No.17410425
    Im in Chicago you fat wisconsin fuck, im getting them like crazy
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:02 No.17410428
    That's new
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:02 No.17410430
    you dumb bastards don't even know what error codes mean...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:02 No.17410431
    >But faggots, if the problem is from the servers, why would your location be relevant?
    Routing issues, perhaps? Load balancing?q
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:03 No.17410442
    frikandellen en hamburgers zijn al op, momenteel overgestapt naar cornflakes, als een baas.
    >> AMD's Bull !DoZERkkNzk 05/09/11(Mon)18:03 No.17410443
    Cincinnatifag here, 503s constantly pop up.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:03 No.17410449
    Its tumblr dont u guys ever check /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:03 No.17410453
    Where in NC because I'm in Charlotte on Roadrunner and I'm seeing them sometimes.
    >> 6850 05/09/11(Mon)18:04 No.17410460
    It's happened so many fucking times, it's not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:04 No.17410463

    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:04 No.17410471
    >Is it possible to ddos 4chan?!
    what are you new or something?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:05 No.17410475
         File1304978703.png-(104 KB, 996x887, operationhurrdederpherp.png)
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    Of course not, since I'm not a 12yo faggot who thinks that downloading a tool and clicking a button makes me a cool and edgy hacker
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:05 No.17410480
    >> !MewMewkXko 05/09/11(Mon)18:05 No.17410483
    No wonder it sucks
    other than being hosted alongside
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)18:05 No.17410487
         File1304978742.jpg-(78 KB, 800x450, 1303066632828.jpg)
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    >dont u guys ever check /b/

    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:06 No.17410495
    Hey, a fellow Chicagobro. 503s like crazy for me, too.

    This post does nothing to convince me that Dutch is not just a retarded version of German.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:08 No.17410520
    I speak both fluent. Being german, talking german at home at all times but going to dutch schools. The languages are completely different to me. No Idea why people would think they are even remotely similar.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:08 No.17410521
    then what DOES make u a cool and edgy hacker?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:08 No.17410528
         File1304978915.jpg-(45 KB, 700x245, greasemonkey[1].jpg)
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    if(document.title == '503 Service Temporarily Unavailable') { location.reload(); }
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:08 No.17410536
    swiss here
    also reporting some 503s
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)18:09 No.17410542
         File1304978972.jpg-(46 KB, 715x897, 1285765104950.jpg)
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    >Feet and armpits
    I have more deviant fetishes than that, this only being on the light end.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:09 No.17410543
    fuck me, great idea.
    >> MasterCard !KgmROGQTa. 05/09/11(Mon)18:09 No.17410549
    /b/ pissed off tumblr and they're attacking our servers.

    >> !MewMewkXko 05/09/11(Mon)18:10 No.17410550
    Fuck yes why does noone do this
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:10 No.17410556
    that won't solve Style hell and pics not loading up.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:11 No.17410563
    Poland, no 503's here.
    >> god in the machine !!Ru4fsEyUajm 05/09/11(Mon)18:11 No.17410569
    if you guys hung out with my /b/rothers more you'd know that the 12 year olds on tumblr are butthurt again. its /b/'s fucking fault as usual, what else is new.

    that being said, FUCKING 503 EVERYWHERE
    >> !MewMewkXko 05/09/11(Mon)18:12 No.17410574
    >Put 4chan css into userscript CSS plugin
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:12 No.17410577
    You can start by not calling yourself a hacker, or calling other people skitties.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:12 No.17410582
    even 503's forget poland
    badum, etc
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:12 No.17410583
    you might be the biggest faggot if all the faggots. I hope the bad things in life happen to you, and only you.
    >> !MewMewkXko 05/09/11(Mon)18:13 No.17410585
    But we don't want to hang with your "brothers" because they are still in high school.
    >> 6850 05/09/11(Mon)18:13 No.17410595
    I miss the days when /b/ was on its own server, then we wouldn't have to put up with the repercussions of their faggotry.
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)18:14 No.17410599
         File1304979267.jpg-(2 KB, 126x125, 1304549472636.jpg)
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    Is that Marisa up to her chest in cum?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:14 No.17410603
    >giving a fuck about his fetishes
    It's not like we're going to email your mom about it.

    Wait, that already happened here with Vicophine. Did he ever come back?

    More like underaged/b/&s.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:15 No.17410607
    what alternative is there? fuckin lighty with its insanely overpriced subpar performance in comparison to nginx?

    httpd with its bloat and lolmemoryusage?

    or IIS with its lol windows approach to permissions.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:15 No.17410611
    Tennessee also
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:16 No.17410625
    The faggots at /b/ are still 12.

    I'm pretty sure you're 15 or so.
    >> 6850 05/09/11(Mon)18:16 No.17410627
    That or someone poured a shit load of hot glue and/or starch and water in a jar.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:16 No.17410635
    and on and on and on.. half of /g/ confirmed for retarded, thinking their location makes any difference
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:17 No.17410638
    >/b/ is mentioned.
    >/g/ turns to shit. Again.

    Fuck you guys.
    >> MasterCard !KgmROGQTa. 05/09/11(Mon)18:17 No.17410647
    No need for it now as /soc/ and such is moving traffic.

    Moots mac mini server just isnt cutting it
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:18 No.17410653
         File1304979492.jpg-(16 KB, 413x156, Capture.jpg)
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    >wordfilters everywhere
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)18:18 No.17410655
         File1304979497.jpg-(140 KB, 800x1200, iqAex.jpg)
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    I doubt it.
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)18:18 No.17410657
         File1304979501.jpg-(34 KB, 250x267, 1303250819278.jpg)
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    I was hoping for some sort of yogurt or soap mixture. (Because I don't want it to be cum.)

    If it's cum, I doubt it came from only one person.
    >> MasterCard !KgmROGQTa. 05/09/11(Mon)18:18 No.17410658
    Also, Britfag here. 503 EVERYWHERE.

    (mainly when using /b/)
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 05/09/11(Mon)18:18 No.17410668
    If location doesn't make a difference then why am I not getting the 503 errors?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:18 No.17410670
    Indeed. I also wish there were still different servers so that if one posted on img, he would get an automatic three-day ban from orz and zip. You know, to help keep the hardcore /b/tards off of the semi-decent boards.
    >> Wizard !EAXNQS0.CU 05/09/11(Mon)18:20 No.17410684
         File1304979600.jpg-(11 KB, 396x92, Capture_.jpg)
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    >4chan you so silly
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:20 No.17410688
    Because you're lucky. You could run in the middle of a bullet fest. Everyone gets shot and you don't.

    Yes, that's possible.
    >> NineBall !!MfGEVG3MAxb 05/09/11(Mon)18:20 No.17410692
         File1304979614.jpg-(239 KB, 1000x1000, 1303053299561.jpg)
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    It's still pretty brutal. I was about to enjoy some oysters, I don't feel very well now.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:20 No.17410698
    >httpd with its bloat and lolmemoryusage?
    Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon with its bloat and lolmemoryusage..
    I guessing you meant apache with that, but still it sounds retarded.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)18:20 No.17410711
    go fuck yourself faggot

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