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    File : 1304102133.jpg-(1.86 MB, 1920x1200, 1267496773170.jpg)
    1.86 MB Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:35 No.17222303  
    What's the one technological development that you want to happen more than any other?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:36 No.17222317
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:36 No.17222318
    >> Palooza !OST.SSghrU 04/29/11(Fri)14:36 No.17222321
    Quantum Computing
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:37 No.17222325
    Strong AI
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:37 No.17222329
    horse penis and testicle transplant onto humans
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:40 No.17222368
    electroresponsive dragon dildo
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:42 No.17222392

    second would be virtual reality
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:42 No.17222395
    electronic massaging fleshlight.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:43 No.17222408
    it will be
    when you're 60

    and by then
    your body won't be ready
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:45 No.17222421

    This can never happen. Even if medical advances make it possible to recreate human bodies entirely you will still be a body made out of matter. As such you will still be vulnerable to the environment around you.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:45 No.17222426
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    Thorium Reactor, fuckton of cheap, safe, green source of energy
    >> Grazz !SOVIET/xkw 04/29/11(Fri)14:45 No.17222429

    Fucking infinite energy.

    And before you herp and derp, i mean from a PRACTICAL perspective.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:45 No.17222430
    I guess this could be counted as multiple things, but sweeping legal reforms of anticompetitive practices related to technology

    -software and design patents are granted only for the exact code or design that you use--someone changing even one part or one character of code makes it an entirely different thing in the eyes of the law, giving you no right to sue over infringement
    -abolition of laws making copying, transmission, or "possession" of any sort of data a crime (thereby making file sharing completely legal). However, the content of files "possessed" can still be legally infringing (example: a text document claiming you are going to kill someone could still get you in trouble, since it's a threat. Also, child pornography.)
    -net neutrality and transparency
    -any sort of service provided like Hulu cannot discriminate based on the device used (so Android phones and Google TV would be able to use it, for instance)
    -no deep packet inspection whatsoever
    -no censorship whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:46 No.17222432
    Affordable display technology that doesn't have any of the drawbacks of LCD but all of the features (namely small footprint and relatively low energy usage).
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:48 No.17222448
    are you fucking kidding I am in front of 23" LCD that consumes 30W
    Its fucking incredible compared to old time. And it don't have LED backlight!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:48 No.17222452

    >drawbacks of LCD

    Like what?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:48 No.17222455
    might have it soon.
    Think colored e-ink with EL illumination and the hardware for a decent refresh rate.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:48 No.17222458
    Computer input directly from the mind. Being able to bring thoughts into the physical world. Programming, engineering, anything that takes hours to do with a mouse and keyboard done in a second.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:49 No.17222464

    hell even staring to explore space would be nice...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:51 No.17222484
    Nuclear transformation-capable Von Neumann machines. That is, self replicating machines that can convert elements into different elements.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:51 No.17222485
    Strong AI would be great, but i'm afraid of what will stupid ppl will do with this awesomness

    Just want that someone solves the Riemann hypothesis
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:52 No.17222505
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    I would like for there be to way to make it so that there are no more consipracies or tyrants or people willing themselves into slavery. Is this technology?

    Also I would like Telemere lengthening (reverse aging, prolonged life, immortality) to become a reality once humans have become, as a whole, less cancer-like in their behavior.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:53 No.17222514
    This. This so fucking much. I want to get off this planet and out there so badly.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:55 No.17222533
    Oh, also, more rigid laws on collection/hoarding of any sort of personal data (to prevent shit like the iPhone data logging or any other excessive or involuntary data mining).
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:58 No.17222564
    Real time water in video games.

    No seriously, it's been here forever, three games in total make use of it and only one does it in a meaningful way. And it's some ass console title.

    Technology could be improving our gameplay, instead it's used to impress kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:00 No.17222587
    Yeah moon station, some well manned orbital station.

    Asteroid mining, helium-3 solving energy problems, start of terraforming Mars (300-500 yr plan probably).

    I mean... why we are still stuck here, in 60-70 we were advancing so fast.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:01 No.17222592
    No? As neuroscience and biomedical advances are made you don't think that we will one day be able to shed our biological suit and become immortal? By the time I am 80 life extension better be fucking available or I will be pissed.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:04 No.17222645
    I was going to say room temp superconductors, but this thorium reactor thing looks solid.
    Then again, fusion is on our doorstep.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:05 No.17222662
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    Wireless everything, even power cables.

    Seriously though,
    >MFW any battery ever runs out

    seriously, fucking battery life.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:06 No.17222678
    Why? Fuck latency. Wireless power I'm fine with, but for mice, keyboards, and monitors, it's just stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:08 No.17222693
    >fuck latency
    >latency over metres is immeasurable on decent hardware

    That said, 222662, you have remarkably low goals.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:10 No.17222723

    No. No matter is indestructible so you can never be immortal.

    As for life expectancy it's approximated to extend by 10% in the next few decades. So you might make it till a hundred years of age but that's about it. Don't keep your hopes up.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:10 No.17222727
    The destruction of the current social-economic-political system.

    It will benefit technology more than anything else mentioned above.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:10 No.17222728
    What bits of the human do you think should be kept?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:11 No.17222732
    Faster than light space travel
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:11 No.17222744
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    Well I'm not going to suggest something like "cure everything ever" because it simply isn't possible, in the next hundred years at least - after that it's of no relevance of me, probably...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:12 No.17222748
    Err I'm sorry but it's not really the act of typing that slows a programmer down.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:12 No.17222750
    yeah, because the USSR was REAL GOOD at technology

    Capitalism is shit at development, but communal living is worse. Don't get me started on libertarianism/anarchy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:12 No.17222757
    ITT: Baseless assumptions and science-fiction
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:13 No.17222768
    >implying von neumann machines capable of converting elements would not be better than any other suggestion in this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:16 No.17222826
    brain. That's pretty much it. Then stay alive until they figure out how to digitize your brain, then true immortality will exist.
    >> McLinux O'Debian !!nUM2w4zQDJQ 04/29/11(Fri)15:17 No.17222833
    Holographic, life-size porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:18 No.17222856

    >implying digital data is indestructible
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:20 No.17222876
    Why is a human brain better than a programmed one?

    Think about it. The human brain is by design a killing,eating, fucking machine. The fact it can do more is because virtual versions of real life scenarios allow us to better prepare for danger, and survive it. The things it can do now, such as math, are not what it is structured for or supposed to do, while the opposite is true for a machine.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:21 No.17222896
    >What's the one technological development that you want to happen more than any other?

    Flying cars
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:22 No.17222900
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:22 No.17222912
    It is destructible but it doesn't die from old age. Then we can have mindless robots walking around doing our handiwork and making battleships. We then create millions of clones and use them as orbital shock troopers to attack planets with aliens. The battle experiences of these soldiers is then uploaded to the main computer and they are all merged. The new merged data is uploaded to all the soldiers so they have instant battle experience. Planets are consumed for their resources to add to the empire. I've thought this out trust me.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:25 No.17222954
    >implying tech won't get progressively less free every year
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:26 No.17222961
    Nothing can be faster than light. Ever. That's part of Einstein's theory.

    For example, let's say the Flash begins to approach the speed of light. Wouldn't you think that light would begin to slow down? After all, when driving a car, when you approach the speed of the car in the next lane it begins to slow down, from your relative point of view.

    In actuality, Einstein proposed that light instead always travels at the same speed. Even if you begin to 'approach' light speed, light wouldn't slow down. The Flash in this case could NEVER catch up to a simple beam of light.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:26 No.17222967
    It isn't necessarily better and it isn't necessarily worse. I just want my ego to survive. You aren't truly dead until your will ceases to exist. Also if my mind is digitized what difference is their to an artificial mind and myself? Their isn't. What would be the ultimate deciding factor of which is better would be the sum of the experiences and the hardware they are being run on.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:29 No.17223002
    The USSR made Russia go from a 3rd world country to one of the two superpowers of the world in less than a century (without exploiting any third world country's people, land or resources).
    The country was totally electrified and to give you a picture, was manufacturing over 1 million tractors that totally mechanized much of the agricultural sectors of the world.

    The priorities of a Communist country are different than that of a capitalist country. Many essential products and services are made not-for-profit (such as electricity) that make the average citizen benefit greatly.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:29 No.17223008
    >Implying light would continue to speed up forever


    Seriously though, really?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:30 No.17223032
    >>17222876 The things it can do now, such as math, are not what it is structured for or supposed to do

    I oppose that statement and claim that our brain are indeed structured to handle math and many other things besides eating, fucking and killing. Just because it all boils down to survival it doesn't mean that the brain didn't evolve to use math and other functions in order to aid in eating, fucking and even killing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:31 No.17223039
    It *is* necessarily worse, as I just said. A machine isn't going to try and assert its dominance simply so it can pass on its genes, whereas a person is. The fact you want your ego to survive makes you a biased fool.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:32 No.17223050
    >without exploiting third world countries

    what do you call all of those countries it conquered around it's border? Also almost all of the USSRs missile silos were not functional.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:32 No.17223053

    You never know. Relativity could be replaced or changed. That's the great thing about science, you don't know what's around the corner. Our entire theory of gravity was thrown out the window with quantum mechanics. Now physicists are starting to throw out the concept of time in fundamental equations in order to create timeless equations. Just saiyan...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:34 No.17223077
    >Nothing can be faster than light.
    That's not exactly true, relativity just states that it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate to the speed of light.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:34 No.17223078
    Light doesn't speed up, its speed never changes. lrn2relativity
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:35 No.17223096
    As I said, these are just byproducts. A machine isn't going to be self-obsessed, or lie, or do any of the things humans do to survive because we're in an inherently hostile environment, while we would.

    If I had a choice between a machine going to emulate my mind and a machine working on its own I would chose the latter.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:35 No.17223103
    I want to live thus I am a fool... Are you an idiot of course I am fucking biased to myself. I don't give a shit about the greater good, I care about myself. That in itself makes me better because if my mind where digitized and I had the same capabilities as artificial intelligence I would make sure they are deleted instantaneously. I don't need any other egos because I can simply make copies of myself and use them to do multiple things at the same time and when I am finished they can all merge their experiences together.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:37 No.17223135
    there can't be an infinite amount of energy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:37 No.17223139
    Nerve-controlled artificial limbs.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:38 No.17223148
    >I don't give a shit about the greater good
    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:38 No.17223152
    So you would rather die and let some machine live. You are confirmed for full retard. I need to ask you, do you believe in a god?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:38 No.17223159
    ITT: /g/ proves it is capable of serious, rational, intelligent, non-trolltastic discussion

    I never thought I'd see the day...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:39 No.17223166
    quantum computers or any other analytical machine that uses more than two states, something else than electricity and mechanical movement.

    also virtual, fuckable waifuuu
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:39 No.17223178
    Light travels slower in mass than in vacuum.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:40 No.17223191
    >third world countries it conquered around its border
    implying every Soviet republic did not have the freedom to propose a declaration of independence after winning a majority in the referendum.
    >almost all of the USSRs missile silos were not functional.
    ***Citation Needed.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:41 No.17223197
    you no nothing about physics stop pretending you do.

    The only way something can go faster than light is if has negative mass. to go the speed of light you need infinite energy or be massless
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:41 No.17223199
    >point out obvious flaws in humans
    >point out advantages of machines without human hinderance
    >"You are confirmed for full retard."

    Whether I believe in god is utterly irrelevant. Do you feel like addressing any points?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:43 No.17223229
    I am going to assume you are an atheist. Explain to me why I should care about the greater good. " If God does not exist, then everything is permitted." If you don't believe in a god and don't live by these rules you are an idiot that has allowed your physical impulses to take control of your decisions.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:44 No.17223238
    >implying you know anything about the soviets

    Hungarian revolution.
    Czechoslovakian revolution.
    Google them.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:46 No.17223267
    My religious views are irrelevant.

    You should care about the greater good because without utilitarianism science does not advance, and without scientific advance you have nothing. Explain to me why you live if you give your life no meaning.
    I don't know what rules you are talking about, you need to be more specific.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:49 No.17223306
    Because you don't understand what a living thing is and a dead thing is. You think that by digitizing yourself you are actually dying when this is far from the truth. IF you don't believe in the soul dying is pretty much like turning off. Your consciousness doesn't suffer, you don't feel pleasure, your consciousness simply ceases to exist. So from these points we can understand that if we had a near perfect way of transplanting our consciousness into a machine with minimal loss of the personality involved you would have essentially transferred containers. Your physical body would die but it doesn't really matter because it can't tell the difference but your digital self will. I don't think I am getting my point across here but it isn't mere emulation.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:50 No.17223327
    put a comma between soul and dying.
    >> Grazz !SOVIET/xkw 04/29/11(Fri)15:50 No.17223329

    I know enough to know they bore the brunt of repairing the horrendus damage left over from the German invasion, as well as providing the population with food and jobs. What did the US get? Nice n profitable contracts to do the same for its "allies" - Just look at the transfer of power from Britain to the US thanks to the battle of Britain etc.

    >Implying you know anything about world history
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:55 No.17223403
    The Xenon from the X universe series would like to have a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:56 No.17223407
    >Because you don't understand what a living thing is and a dead thing is.
    A living thing is a complex chemical reaction that has by Darwinian evolution become more and more complex.
    A dead thing is a complex chemical reaction that has by Darwinian evolution become more and more complex that has stopped working.
    >You think that by digitizing yourself you are actually dying when this is far from the truth.
    I don't think this has anything to do with death. I don't mind whether I die, because I understand that "I" is a bag of neurons that is going to always want to sustain itself regardless of what is best.
    >IF you don't believe in the soul dying is pretty much like turning off.
    Indeed. Love the slightly paranoid, slightly insane capitalisation there.
    >Your consciousness doesn't suffer, you don't feel pleasure, your consciousness simply ceases to exist.
    I agree. I think you mean your life though, because consciousness is another thing entirely.
    >So from these points we can understand that if we had a near perfect way of transplanting our consciousness into a machine with minimal loss of the personality involved you would have essentially transferred containers.
    >Your physical body would die but it doesn't really matter because it can't tell the difference but your digital self will.
    >I don't think I am getting my point across here but it isn't mere emulation.
    I don't think you are, and it is emulation. I don't think you understand the definition of the word.

    Thanks for making a reasonable post rather than just devolving to childish name calling
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:57 No.17223418
    I want to live because experiencing the conflicts between civilizations and observing how society advances is interesting as hell.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:59 No.17223453
    Every original cell in your body is replaced
    >you didn't die
    All the data in your mind in transferred to a computer
    >you dead brah
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:00 No.17223478
    sex doll combined with a roomba
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:01 No.17223493
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    Android waifus. Everything else would be nice, but if there's 1 thing I'd like to come out in my lifetime its affordable, high-grade, very human-like androids. Oh with strong AIs.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:01 No.17223494
    ok, you seem to have missed the point completely.

    >implying every Soviet republic did not have the freedom to propose a declaration of independence after winning a majority in the referendum.

    Hungarian revolution: Students protest, students shot , revolution starts, leader installed, soviets storm nation and kill 30,000 civillians.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:03 No.17223519
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    You mean a woman?
    >> 「WI」 Friendly Wisconsinite !WAIFU/6GYc 04/29/11(Fri)16:05 No.17223547
    Biological Immortality.
    Too bad it will never happen because religious zealots will complain it's playing god and the medical industry won't sell it because it'd be more profitable (and practical) to give you life extension treatments on a regular basis to milk cash out of you forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:05 No.17223554
    OK I just looked up the definition of emulation and you are right, I thought it meant something else. So if you are able to emulate yourself and not know the difference why wouldn't you want to keep living in a digital form? What makes wanting to conquer everything wrong, what makes the desire to exist wrong? Morals don't exist, they are just illusions. Also when you are digitized you wont be under the influence of your hormones or physical processes so who knows how thinking without those influences can change your goals.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:07 No.17223592
    >Also when you are digitized you wont be under the influence of your hormones or physical processes so who knows how thinking without those influences can change your goals.

    I imagine I'll be perfectly logical and then proceed to shut myself down.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:07 No.17223601
    I don't think you understand. Their is no such thing as a soul. Your 'self' is just a highly complicated program. If you are able to transfer your program to another system you are not dead. True death is when you 'self' ceases to exist.
    >> Grazz !SOVIET/xkw 04/29/11(Fri)16:08 No.17223607

    Just so you know, i'm not the other guy.

    >Hungarian revolution: Students protest, students shot , revolution starts, leader installed, soviets storm nation and kill 30,000 civillians.

    Such is life when your populous cannot be appeased with cheap consumer products and wealth derived from foreign countries labor. While i'm not saying i agree with what happened there, its a hard action to take, but times were (still are) hard.

    Take a look at the wealth and comparative quality of life during Soviet times, compared to now.

    Now everyone is piss poor and with no economy to speak of.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:08 No.17223614
    That's what I was saying.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:09 No.17223626
    If you are perfectly logical you will understand that either option is equally meaningless and that since living is much more entertaining than dying you will stay alive and do whatever the fuck you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:10 No.17223642
    All I want is the ability to put my brain in a human cyborg like Ghost in the Shell.

    Is that so much to ask for SCIENCE?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:10 No.17223643
    But you only feel boredom and entertainment due to emotions. Which are gone.

    I highly doubt there will be anything left I want.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:11 No.17223663
    Diff anon here, this is some GiTS shit right here. I would like to argue that acknowledgement and awareness of the self itself is what defines the self. If you were to make a clone of yourself with the same memories, personality, everything, you are still different people. Nothing can replace that by definition. It's not a soul, but it still isn't something transferable.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:11 No.17223665
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    I take your points about the Czechoslavakian and Hungarian revolutions and raise you:

    -The Middle East (Iran/Iraq/Israel/Syria/Pakistan/Afghanistan/Saudi Arabia/Bahrain/Yemen/Egypt)

    -Latin America (Argentina, Chile, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Uruguay, Grenada, Bolivia, Venezuela)

    I'll just leave these here.
    >> Inurdaes !V1sPhobos. 04/29/11(Fri)16:12 No.17223675
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    Mind uploading with the capability to transfer the original consciousness instead of a copy. I already have a pretty good idea how this could be achieved.

    Pic related, I'd like to look like this. At least for parties.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:12 No.17223676
    and to have a chip embedded in my brain that lets me be on the internet telepathically. If I was an immortal cyborg this would already be possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:13 No.17223691
    shit... you are right.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:14 No.17223715
    Virtual consciousness.
    I.E. Being able to download your consciousness into a virtual reality world, to live forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:14 No.17223717
    >shit... you are right.
    We need more people like this in the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:16 No.17223738
    Cyborg bodies with nanobots to keep my brain in good shape.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:16 No.17223746
    You become different people the moment you experience different things. You can rest assured knowing however that if you transferred yourself to a computer and you both stayed alive. The decisions your computer self will make are the decisions you yourself would make if you were perfectly logical. I am perfectly okay with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:17 No.17223756
    it's inurdaes
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:19 No.17223792
    >You become different people the moment you experience different things.

    This. If you and your mind upload are active at the same time you've just become different people.

    However if I were to die due to a traffic accident or whatever and they somehow manage to extract the data and upload it somewhere I'd consider it a continuation of myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:20 No.17223801
    well I personally like being entertained and being interested in things so instead of digitizing myself I will need to find a new way to make myself immortal.
    >> Inurdaes !V1sPhobos. 04/29/11(Fri)16:20 No.17223808
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:22 No.17223834
    Shitty black levels, horrific amounts of input lag, poor color contrast, having to use a backlight just to get it to display properly...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:22 No.17223836
    Nah, it's just a clone of your ego. It's not actually you that's walking around.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:23 No.17223848
    Am I anything more than my ego?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:27 No.17223911
    >shit... you are right.
    >We need more people like this in the world.
    I meant more people need to just learn to overcome their pride and accept the opinions of others every once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:29 No.17223946
    I find it quite funny how you forgot to mention awful off-angle viewing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:39 No.17223972
    >>17223554 I wouldn't because I know that I'm not perfect. The way I see the universe, it's as if I can look at the planet and see billions of organisms acting to prolong their existence and the existence of their DNA. I can see this in how we act: Our society is based upon the concept of getting food, sex, and happiness in general to ourselves in the greatest quantities we can. I can see that I'm like this, as well. I know that all of my actions aren't for the greater good at all; they're for the greater good to the extent that the greater good benefits me. The same is true for everyone else. If I were them, I'd think in exactly the same way. Because of this I can see the best way to advance the universe is not to prolong my life, it's to make the next generation better than myself. Because my goal is to move the universe forward: a better goal than to prolong my life, I would rather the technology that I would be using is more efficiently allocated. Sorry for the late , the connection seems to have gone down
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:42 No.17223989
    >mfw aspies think they can transfer consciousness

    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:44 No.17224013
    >shitty black levels
    Depends entirely on the monitor, for both CRTs and LCDs
    >input lag
    what, under 2 ms?
    >poor contrast
    again, depends upon monitor for both CRTs and LCDs
    >having to use backlight
    I lol'd. That isn't a reason, now, is it.

    Use huge amounts of desk space
    Use huge amounts of electricity
    Fire radiation at your face
    Flicker horribly
    Image has to be manually corrected
    Monitor has to be degaussed
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)17:12 No.17224388
         File1304111568.jpg-(41 KB, 470x655, smell-o-vision.jpg)
    41 KB
    is anyone even working on this?

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