/g/uys, is it possible to make a scouter with today's tech?pic related, it's a scouter
It's called a barcode scanner.
Easily. It would be a little bulky though.
>>17189934You mean HUD glasses ? Its been done./
I don't see how would it read a power level...
>>17189934Not quite.I would assume, in order to diagnose an individual's health or 'power-level' you would have to develop a rudimentary AI that can discern and recognize general health or injuries.
I was thinking like slapping this-- http://youtu.be/kJEHp15Hoo0 -- onto this -- http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardMini -- with like a bluetooth thing so I could get power level updates on my phone -- all powered by a 9v or something. Is this feasible?
>>17189974why the nigger fuck would you use bluetooth
http://www.lumus-optical.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=9&Itemid=15Micro display podIt wont become popular tech because of the cancer that is smart phones/thread
>>17189981I don't know, a lot of things talk bluetooth, and it doesn't use a bunch of power
>>17189987Yes.. yes it does.
>>17189987this is what they want you to believe
>>17189999hmm, back to the drawing board thenWhat is the best low power transmitter method? ZigBee comes up on el google... Does anyone have a spreadsheet with the pros and cons of a couple methods?
>>17190053>He doesn't use an infrared diode to send 8 bit strings and interpreting it with his own protocol.
>>17190053Make a piconet.
We don't have power levels so no.
>>17190118Product called AR Walker is cooler.It doesn't use a screen, it just fires lasers straight into the eye
>>17190135It's just a number that determines your physical strength.The vast majority of /g/ would probably range from 0-0.2.
>>17190154There's no possible way of actually measuring that though.
>>17190154doesn't a power level of 1 represent a normal adult human?
>>17190170Exactly.>>17190164That's what OP was asking...if we can make technology that would do that.
the farmer at the start of DBZ has a power level of 5...
maybe you could use image recognition to pull up their social network profiles and other info. It would be less power level and more social standing