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  • File : 1297126123.jpg-(63 KB, 727x689, 1249822447344.jpg)
    63 KB Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)19:48 No.15810509

    >In response to 4chan posts, “two different people who read Saad’s threats online reported him to the FBI.” With 4chan’s assistance, investigators quickly connected Saad to the messages, according to Agent Pennisi: “The internet protocol address of the computer that posted the message to the website was captured by the website and made available to the FBI.” And by “made available,” the FBI means it was provided to agents without the use of a subpoena or search warrant.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)19:50 No.15810539
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)19:54 No.15810600
    >two different people reported him to the FBI

    Never change, /b/

    And good job FBI on cracking down on that threat--3 months later.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)19:55 No.15810625

    Tunnel proxy, two hidden OS, encrypted main drive, DoD 3-4 pass after deletions, router/modem clone.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)19:56 No.15810639

    no one cares
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:00 No.15810702
    >bawwwwww I can't tell a bunch of 14 year olds I'm going to go massacre a high school on /b/

    Ignoring the whole "you aren't using a fucking proxy" stupidity, it's no different than posting such a thing on any forum. Moot's already said more than once he's not going to jail for you if the FBI come after your ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:02 No.15810739
    >keep child porn on main hard drive, unencrypted
    >no proxy/Tor
    >post online threat
    Can't say he doesn't deserve what he's getting.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:04 No.15810758
    Come at me FBI
    oh wait, I'm not a pedo or a maniac.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:05 No.15810772
    yeah, what was he attempting to achieve? he would be on the news anyways...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:05 No.15810776
    baad boys baad boys, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:08 No.15810824
    Another cancerous fucker gets banned from 4chan and life. I'm happy with this outcome.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:10 No.15810851
    The guy threatened a massacre.

    Did you want the headline to be "Christopher Poole: The heartless monster and his 4chan followers who allowed this murder spree to happen" instead?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:10 No.15810853
    >During a November 29 raid at his Dearborn home, Saad reportedly copped to using his laptop “to post a threat to shoot people at Wayne State on the internet 3 separate times.”
    >3 separate times.”
    Shitposter, got what he deserved.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:11 No.15810866
    Well, and he made it available to the FBI without them bothering with a warrant because death threats aren't really something moot will stand up for
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:11 No.15810867
    come get at me bro
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:13 No.15810897
    thinking Moot would actually stand up for anything
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:13 No.15810901

    back to 789 and 808 chan for some OC
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:14 No.15810920
    moot has posted in several /r9k/ threads back when it existed that he has been in regular contact with the FBI and gives them anything they ask for.

    I'm not exactly sure why this thread seems to be implying that working with the FBI is a bad idea. Even if you are a malcontent or pedophile, the American law has such absurd protection that avoidance isn't even in your own interest.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:15 No.15810927

    Not like he really has a choice if law enforcement comes to him with a subpoena for a poster's IP address. He's required by law to comply.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:15 No.15810934

    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:16 No.15810941
    You know where it says everything on this site is fiction and falsehood?

    Do novelists get busted for making threats too?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:17 No.15810955
    what the fuck are you doing here?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:18 No.15810963
    except they didn't? 4Chan out-of-the-blue gave them the information. They wern't even pressured
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:18 No.15810969
    >everyone can post here

    >implying nobody is ever serious
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:18 No.15810983
    I love reporting idiots to the FBI.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:21 No.15811030
    moderators can see everyone's IP's
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:21 No.15811032

    Point was, I'm sure moot has dealt with law enforcement enough to know that it's better to just cooperate. If he had refused to hand over the IP address, they probably would have gotten and subpoena and had a court compel him to hand it over.
    >> Anonymous6666 !!MzMLxcHYwjd 02/07/11(Mon)20:23 No.15811048
    >3 months later
    So if he was serious he would've already carried out the threat. GG moot and fbi.
    Also from the comments on that article
    >I don't get it. Why is it 4chan never gets into trouble for publishing child porn in the first place?
    Because that way they catch more pedos when moot rats them out to the fbi you fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:26 No.15811097

    Have you ever heard of anyone getting in trouble for posting CP on /b/? I thought generally mods deleted it, banned the IP, and that was usually the end of it. 95% of the people who post it are probably smart enough to use a proxy anyway.

    Seems like the only thing on /b/ law enforcement really cares about are shooting threads, bomb threats, death threats, stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:27 No.15811104

    >If he had refused to hand over the IP address, they probably would have gotten and subpoena and had a court compel him to hand it over.

    Which is exactly what should have been done.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:27 No.15811107
    /b/ - honeypot
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:28 No.15811135
    It sets a bad precedent, and if the FBI wanted to be dicks they could get a warrant for all of moot's shit as an accomplice and just fucking take everything that runs the site for years.

    moot doesn't care about protecting people threatening too mass murder. That's why he gave it up voluntarily.

    I can't believe anyone actually thinks he is in the wrong here.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:30 No.15811152
    It's a well known fact that moot works with the FBI and keeps logs of everything.
    if something is marked as CP, the ip also gets sent to the fbi
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:31 No.15811173
    >The term “/b/ros” refers to regulars in 4chan’s anarchic “/b” forum.

    >Last April, site founder Christopher “Moot” Poole testified as a government witness at the criminal trial of David Kernell, the 4chan user who hacked Sarah Palin’s e-mail account and then posted stolen material on 4chan.
    That was proven to be fake. It was uploaded too soon after the last document timestamp to have possibly been real.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:32 No.15811186
    >That was proven to be fake. It was uploaded too soon after the last document timestamp to have possibly been real.
    I'm guessing you don't have PACER access...
    >> Anonymous6666 !!MzMLxcHYwjd 02/07/11(Mon)20:34 No.15811202
    Well maybe its a case of pursuing the ones that make death threats and then moot adds that they also had something to do with CP as well, if that is the case.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:34 No.15811214

    Exactly, you think moot cares enough about the identity of pedos and shit posters who post troll threats? Better to cut off a piece of hair than shave the whole fucking thing off.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:37 No.15811246
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:37 No.15811260
    this is what people actually believe
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:39 No.15811278
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    >implying it isn't true
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:40 No.15811292
    >95% of the people who post it are probably smart enough to use a proxy anyway.
    Remember that image virus that was spreading around that spammed 4chan with files from My Pictures and My Documents embedded into images? People found tons of CP in those uploads. These retards were actually storing CP in My Pictures and My Documents.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:40 No.15811310
    moot and 4chan users are a bunch of snitching faggots
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:42 No.15811339

    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:43 No.15811361
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:45 No.15811387
    >revealed 20 or more files containing CP

    Dumb question I'm sure, but just for clarification, that means he intentionally saved it, right? Or does this mean clicking and letting the images load?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:47 No.15811424
    I'm sure moot didn't throw that in....the FBI asked for it and he provided it.

    Law enforcement always piles charges on, in case they couldn't make the threat charges stick, they can get him for CP.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:48 No.15811441
    No one likes disgusting pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:48 No.15811452

    When you click on an image, it will be saved to your cache. In most cases, that is on your hard disk. Also, it could even refer to deleted files.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:48 No.15811453
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)20:49 No.15811457
    Wait, are you saying that the Palin email leaks were fake?
    I find that hard to believe.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:51 No.15811493
    The guy was an idiot and I in no way have any sympathy for anyone who threatens mass murder or saves CP. Still, makes you think, we're all potentially just one post away from our lives ruined. Scary.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:52 No.15811505
    True...but would you like to be charged with posession of CP because you clicked on something, not knowing what it was...or even momentary curiosity, or just poor judgement.

    Supposedly he had 25 images, but i've heard of them prosecuting with as few as 2, and even those were heavily pixellated thumbnails produced by Windows explorer file manager. They may have even been deleted.
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)20:52 No.15811508
    You don't even have to click on it. Browsers will cache the thumbnail automatically, other browsers might even prefetch the image for you, which would be the same as downloading it.
    If you're going to browse 4chan you probably should put your cache on a RAM disk.
    >> Glorious iPhone 4 owner 02/07/11(Mon)20:52 No.15811513
    Aha... Ahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    My god that guy got trolled hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:53 No.15811533
    you guys all know that the cartoon baby porn you're all such fans of is now officially illegal in the US, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:55 No.15811547
    I read the document of the charges, and it sounds like Saad immediately caved once in custody.

    remember kids: if you find yourself in police custody -- 1) demand access to legal counsel before answering or even confirming anything (2) shut the fuck up (3) goto #1
    >> Glorious iPhone 4 owner 02/07/11(Mon)20:58 No.15811595
    >4chan plus pre-loads and caches all images
    >there's guaranteed shit in there
    Alright, no one report me to the FBI

    It is? I thought the laws against CP were instated out of concern for the children that had been/will be scarred for life. Those cartoons may be sick, but there's technically nothing wrong with them.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:58 No.15811599
    oh, lol
    oh boy
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)20:59 No.15811606

    >I'm sure moot didn't throw that in....the FBI asked for it and he provided it.

    The FBI will just confiscate all your hardware and scan for evidence. Nothing to do with moot, apart from initially handing over the fag's IP
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:00 No.15811616
    it's true. some weeaboo neckbeard got busted last year for his collection of pedo manga or whatever the fuck it's called.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:00 No.15811622
    gtfo herp mcderp
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:00 No.15811623

    Yes, it is motherfucker. The only people that love that japanese pervert shit are closet paedophiles.
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:00 No.15811627
    AFAIK he got busted because he had actual CP, like every other case of loli.
    >> Glorious iPhone 4 owner 02/07/11(Mon)21:00 No.15811629
    And nothing of value was lost
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:04 No.15811676
    Most people on here are clueless fucks. No proxy, no drive wipe, no boot n' nukes, no live CD, no hidden OS, no encryption, no modem cloning.

    Come get at me FBI. I'm waiting for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:05 No.15811697
    the guy got busted with CP, and then they also found loli, and got him more time for that. The loli charge was appealed and the time for that was dropped. Lolicon has always been protected under the first amendment as protected speech. Loli is totally legal in the US. Look up some caselaw on it, it gets tried every year in the supreme court, and always falls under the same ruling.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:06 No.15811708
    You're thinking of the other guy, the sex offender who downloaded loli and CP on A FUCKING STATE OWNED COMPUTER.

    The weeaboo had only loli, and was popped by ICE for importing obscene materials.
    >> Glorious iPhone 4 owner 02/07/11(Mon)21:08 No.15811730
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    >talk to 17 year old, we both visit 4chan
    >>hey anon, do you know a good cp site?
    >make weird face
    >>it's okay, i'm underage myself
    >mfw he seriously thought it was okay, or even legal to look at that shit
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:08 No.15811733
    I'd have to see it to believe it because every time I hear of loli going to court it gets protected by the 1st amendment.
    You can bet /g/ and other shitholes like Sankaku would be going nuts if loli was deemed illegal.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:08 No.15811736
    Wait, are we talking Sebastian Boucher, who got busted crossing the Canadian-US border by ICE?

    That wasn't a state PC.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:08 No.15811741

    I think even having that shit can be used against you. Also if you nuke your hdd they will charge you anyway for destroying evidence. Just don't do anything illegal and you'll be fine. Thumbnail CP charges are always just a way to nail someone for another crime / lack of evidence, kind of like being fired for inappropriate e-mail use.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:09 No.15811754
    >my epeen is thisssssssssssssss big
    >> XFX PSU !!XEQU59nHXKZ 02/07/11(Mon)21:09 No.15811755

    it is though
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:10 No.15811760
    >it gets tried every year in the supreme court, and always falls under the same ruling.
    SCOTUS can only try a case once, after that, you're fucked. Notice that Brown v. Board of Education didn't claim that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional, it said that because the facilities weren't equal, they were unconstitutional. Loli has already been cleared, they can't try it again. They will either have to ignore the constitution and get people with plea bargains, and if they challenge it at all, drop the case, or find some way to weasel around the previous ruling.
    >> Glorious iPhone 4 owner 02/07/11(Mon)21:10 No.15811763
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    No it isn't
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:10 No.15811764
    The problem is you don't have to do anything illegal for them to use that against you.
    If they THINK you did something illegal you're already fucked for life.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:12 No.15811789
    Now let's be clear: he was not busted for CP. He was busted for making death threats. The CP only added more time to his inevitable stay in jail. Also:
    >Arab mudslime
    >Threatening to kill people
    Big surprise there.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:12 No.15811791
    oh yea, that right. thank anon, had my mems crossed. AFAIK loli continually falls under the first amendment anyways, so they cant just bust you for loli. I do have a personal experience with this too. I got busted(well not busted, but search warrant served to my house, they were looking for CP. I played along, and told them everything I could remember, and then Lold in private because all my HDDs are encrypted with encrypted files hidden in the encrypted files. They got the shaft, cause no evidence to back up "confession") I will go into details of case if requested in another post. I also had TONS of loli. (unencrypted and open to look at) and they even told me that they couldnt do shit about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:13 No.15811805
    Sex offender: Dwight Whorley, cp + loli
    Weeaboo: Christopher Handley, importation of loli only
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:14 No.15811816
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:16 No.15811841
    no, the ruling can be challenged again and again. IT does happen almost every year, look at the list of cases that the US supreme court takes, and its in there almost every year for the last 5 years. Its all over the "obscene" test, and it has always fallen under free speech. The US gov and groups are judge shopping for a sympathetic judge/board to get their way. it happens all the time, but most(like 95% of the cases) cases that get requests to be heard by the supreme court get denied.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:18 No.15811867
    Steven Kutzner was sentenced on Tuesday in Boise, Idaho, to 15 months in federal prison, followed by three years of supervised release and mandatory sex offender treatment, for possessing drawings of minors having sex. This case has received a lot of attention on comics blogs because the images mentioned in the plea agreement were all of characters from The Simpsons, and the case is one of several in recent years that have involved drawn images. Child pornography in the form of photographs or movies involves the exploitation of real children, but drawings and animation are more of a thought crime, and a robust discussion has sprung up as to whether it’s something that should be prosecuted.
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:18 No.15811870
    So it's just obscene material, about as illegal as bestiality?
    How did he even get charged for it, I'm pretty sure the supreme court ruled it was "art".
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:18 No.15811879

    Exactly. I think a lot of it comes down to "does the guy think you did something illegal / is a douchebag". Sure it's not constitutional, but it's how the world works. No FBI agent is going to bother wasting his time on some perfectly likeable, ordinary citizen who went on 4chan once and accidentally clicked on /b/, to me that's being too cynical. I think most agents actually have a sense of justice and will go on their gut feelings about if it's right or not to ruin this persons life.

    Of course when we get into the muddy waters of pro communist, anti-capitalist people and other perfectly legal but fringe elements, then you start to see how someone could abuse this power to keep the population in check.

    But come on, if you really thought we lived in a free world where shit like that didn't happen, all I can say is enjoy your 13th birthday.
    >> Glorious iPhone 4 owner 02/07/11(Mon)21:19 No.15811885
    Well I don't think anyone on /g/ can be busted for CP as they probably encrypt it anyway. What you should be worried for, when the fbi searches your house, is the possession of pirated movies and music, which no one will think of encrypting. Anyway, I'm not american so I'm not entirely sure whether the fbi would so such a thing. But I know that in my country, every computer in your house gets taken away for a year and is researched by a private company similar to the RIAA.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:19 No.15811899
    the link
    >> The /a/ Board Police 02/07/11(Mon)21:19 No.15811900
    I remember the rage-filled threads about this back in 2008, on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:20 No.15811903
    sure, keep burying your head in the sand, pedo
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:20 No.15811904
    Like most "justice" in America, he was given a plea bargain and didn't challenge it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:20 No.15811907
    Good point about the disks. I need to burn my shit.
    >> The /a/ Board Police 02/07/11(Mon)21:21 No.15811922
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:23 No.15811946
    PROTECT Act of 2003, which states that any obscene illustrations, sculptures, computer-generated pictures or other imagery that depicts minors in sexual situations will be treated no differently from actual video recordings of child sexual abuse.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:23 No.15811947
    the supreme court of the US did. Its a legal loophole that the STATE used to nail him for it. They said he was transporting "obscene(very loose, very much based on interpretation, ask a hardcore cristian, and an atheist about the same picture and you get different responses)". Im guessing the charges in >>15811816 and
    will be appealed and overturned, but since its the US court system, its gonna take YEARS. all that time, he will sit in prison, or get out for "good behavior." Honestly, I >>15811791(this is me)
    doubt that the ruling will stand, because it deals with interstate, which falls under federal. He could put it akin to sending a nude portrait, or painting. its the same premise. Obscene is a very flexible word(according to law enforcement).
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:24 No.15811962
    It's nice to know people like you are insane enough to throw out all of your freedoms just because it might catch a pedo or two.
    Kill yourself, you're everything wrong with the world right now.
    I don't feel like going to prison because some jackass on /g/ posted CP and my browser cached it.

    Loli is another situation, it's a thought crime and there's no other way around it. I can't morally or ethically support that since I don't like living in a world where I am told what I can and can't think.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:26 No.15811982
    I don't support pedos, but I imagine they didn't codify under 18 nudity as strictly illegal and used the miller test instead so limited artistic use would not be made illegal in a blanket but pedos couldn't just use drawn porn instead of real images

    makes sense. easy to prosecute the sickos./
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:26 No.15811985

    >hardcore christian

    Atheist would think it's disgusting, Christian would probably sweep it under the rug and enjoy it in private.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:26 No.15811987
    this no longer applies, as it was challenged and ruled as unconstitutional in 2006. My own case was in 2005, and they did not charge for the loli i had.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:26 No.15811989
    who the fuck cares? Dudes in prison, has been for years, and will be for years to come. Could easily be you next, pedo.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:27 No.15812009
    got a ride in the partyvan huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:28 No.15812024
    With all of these big brother laws, it's ironic how high the crime rate in USA still is. Living in the Netherlands, officially more free than the USA.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:28 No.15812027
    The first conviction of a person found to have violated the sections of the act relating to virtual child pornography, Dwight Whorley of Virginia, was upheld in a 2-1 panel decision of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in December 2008.[12] This was in apparent contradiction to a previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling that stated virtual child pornography was protected free speech.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:29 No.15812033

    >My own case was in 2005

    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:29 No.15812037
    CP has to be on the HDD in a "non-cached" part of the HDD, meaning it was intentionally downloaded, or saved. That was tested. It means that just because your internet browse came across it, and maybe you clicked on it, because it is in the browser cache, it cant be used as evidence. My dad used to investigate this shit for a living as a detective, so I know all the ins and outs of what they can and cannot use for evidence. This browser cache rule was established in the late 90's, and has held firm ever since.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:30 No.15812056
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    >agent pennisi

    >agent penis
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:31 No.15812058
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    >Agent Penis
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:31 No.15812063
    she'll probably appeal until someone realizes the supreme court ruled on this
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:31 No.15812068
    You know, if the FBI knocks on your door, it usually means that you're fucked and hiding or destroying anything else will land you in even deeper shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:31 No.15812069
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    This is completely illegal in the US.

    How does that make you feel?
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:32 No.15812071
    I'd ask for a source, but looking up info like that would just cause trouble for you because of the thought policing going on these days.
    I'm still going to keep my cache clean, it's not that much of a hassle and I'd rather not give anyone the chance to use it for corruption.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:32 No.15812075
    The second that a serial killer gets caught with loli, it will be outlawed, fuck the courts, do you think that they want to be subject to the wrath of a 200M stupid, panicky parents?

    Fuck no, a country can only be free when the people are educated, and I think we can all agree that Americans on the whole are as dumb and ignorant as shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:32 No.15812084

    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:32 No.15812087
    Actually it'd have artistic value since it's making a statement.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:33 No.15812093

    No, it's my personal wank-bank.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:33 No.15812097
    if the fbi knocked on my door right now and had a warrant I would just stand back, shut the hell up, and wait until I got an attorney to sort out whatever mistake was made

    even if some of my media files were unintentionally not permittted by a copyright holder, that's a civil offense- not the FBI's turf. so whatever they would want me for would be cleared up.

    on the "stick it to the man front" i've thought of full disk encryption as a solution. more practically, it would be good against theft.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:34 No.15812102
    Well, I can't find a reference to what I say, so it looks like my stupid fucking government professor was wrong again. Sorry anon, don't think ill of me.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:35 No.15812107
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:35 No.15812115
    >>15812009 No, no ride, just 13 months of shit, and hell from the fam, but otherwise, no charges filed
    Got busted from limewire(shut it, I will never use it again). The executed a search warrant on my PARENTS house. I wasnt home, and my custome built desktop was running)seeding anime torrents, I had a boatload of other stuff on the comptuer. I had the machine language set to japanese, and a jap/eng keyboard, so the investigators on site were like WAT when I got home(I was in class at college). Got home, told them that it was only on the computer, and that I was the only one to use the compter. Told them the password to the un-encrypted OS, and I had a 3 disk raid, so they coudnt make a copy right there. They couldnt even access the HDDs on site. They took my statement, as I told them the file structure, and described what I had on it. I admitted that I had downloaded and deleted CP, but I did not tell them I had used eraser, and such on deletes. contined on next.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:35 No.15812120

    >artistic value
    >MS paint trolling image

    I never want to visit an American art gallery...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:36 No.15812125

    Good luck finding the hidden OS.
    Good luck in cracking them with AES-256 30 passcode format.
    Good luck in cracking Ironkey.
    Good luck accessing exploit areas to bypass encryption, as they've been patched up.
    Good luck spending $1 million on recovering DoD 4 pass wiped information.
    Good luck asking my ISP for help.
    Good luck finding my hard MAC address.
    Good luck.

    Luck: you'll need it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:37 No.15812138

    reported you sick motherfucker
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:37 No.15812139
         File1297132652.jpg-(486 KB, 1188x1629, Duchamp_Fountaine.jpg)
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    You're right, you don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:38 No.15812155
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:38 No.15812161
    Unless you were part of an assassination plot or some other seriously political shit, FDE would be enough. In the US they cannot force you to reveal an encryption key. So unless they were sending you down to Gitmo to beat it out of you, merely saying "he won't give us his encryption key" is not enough.

    (inb4 people use sebastian boucher to counter this; the location and contents of the files were not a mystery, as boucher had voluntarily entered the encryption key to let the ICE agent view them)
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:38 No.15812162
    >Good luck in cracking them with AES-256 30 passcode format.
    ‍>he doesn't know about the FBI's ANTIPEDO quantum computers!
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:38 No.15812163
    Good luck not giving your keys up willingly due to their psychological torture in interviews by the police and keeping you in the bad parts of the jail house.
    >> EvaXephon !iVhoosAZ9U 02/07/11(Mon)21:39 No.15812184
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:40 No.15812186
    >mfw blacktext
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:40 No.15812195
    I would love moot to come to my trial
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:40 No.15812196
    Another way is simply injecting files, direct-line packet sniffing (i.e. outside @ telephone pole), or physical keylogging.

    Dayum shame they ain't capable of either.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:42 No.15812220
    try this:

    Refusing to give up an encryption key is protection against self incrimination

    Now if you heard "FBI! We have a warrant" or something like that and knew you were under an investigation and would be destroying evidence, THAT would be obstruction
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:42 No.15812222
    Good luck making the charges stick as the claim would be "you are obstructing justice by enhancing your privacy" which has been shot down by both world court and your USA supreme.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:44 No.15812249
    More likely to have a court order you to give it up and then charge you with contempt of court (enjoy your summary punishment, LOL).
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:44 No.15812255
    >Nothing you do online is ever private or secure anymore. That's just the way it is. Your only hope, if you are doing illegal shit, is that they don't see you doing it because they got bigger fish to fry, so to speak.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:45 No.15812274
    Enjoy your botnet unprotectedfags.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:47 No.15812311
         File1297133270.png-(3 KB, 185x185, 1281681821123.png)
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    You're telling me moot is a sellout to the FBI?
    HAHA, next thing you'll be telling me is that hes also a sellout to jews and anyone who throws money at him.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:48 No.15812324
    Quote the supreme court:
    >a witness may have a reasonable fear of prosecution and yet be innocent of any wrongdoing. The privilege serves to protect the innocent who otherwise might be ensnared by ambiguous circumstances.

    NO ONE can force you to testify in court against yourself.
    If you ever get in a criminal case and want to have a turn on the stand, DON'T. Your attorney will tell you it is a bad idea. You waive that right and the prosecution can then proceed to cross examine you and make you look awful (see: Why Hans Reiser was convicted)

    If you ever get arrested, to not berate the cops, or talk about how innocent you are in the interrogation room. Shut the fuck up. The only thing that should come out of your mouth is "I am invoking my fifth amendment rights and will not speak without an attorney present".
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:48 No.15812330
    >baaaaww why he shut /new/ down?
    >> 「御坂妹」 Green Bay Packers Appreciator !WAIFU/6GYc 02/07/11(Mon)21:50 No.15812348
    Except Hans Reiser really did kill his wife.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:50 No.15812358
    >implying the constitution is more than a pice of paper
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:51 No.15812363
    continuing on.
    They took my whole system, monitor and all(I really didnt care, I had a laptop in a box there, that had never been opened, and they couldnt take it. they did open it to see that it had not even been set up, so they left it. Well, then I waited, for about 2 months. I then got a call from the lead investigator asking me for the password to my encryption. I told her that I had long since forgotten it(partial lie, I never knew it. It was on a flash drive that never left my neck the whole 13 months, even during showers). It was a 512bit, and the key was 212 alphanumeric characters, with caps, symbols, and such, in a random order punched by me on the keyboard. It was uncrackable, as they had been trying to crack it since the second week after they had it. Their tech guys had never seen a JBOD raid, and didnt know what it was, or how to use it, she(the investigator, i still know here name) said it was one of the newest things they had encountered. well, that was the last call(it was a series of calls over the month) that I got for about 10 months. I got a call from Jan(her first name, MN state police, also called the BCA) in mid november, almost a year after the initial search warrant(I still have) that they could not get anywhere on my computer, even after sending it to the FBI. She said that no charges were going to be filed. continued on next
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:51 No.15812379
    three months? read again. FBI raided his house two days after the post
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:52 No.15812381
    Oh, he did.

    But the only reason he got convicted is because he got on the stand.

    They had no body and a ton of circumstantial evidence.

    When Hans got on the stand he removed the reasonable doubt and had contempt for the entire fucking courtroom, including (importantly) the jury. And how if THEY couldn't see his GENIUS for removing the seat of his Honda CRX, putting an inch of water in it, and then sleeping in it, THEY were MORONS.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:54 No.15812412
    Exercising that right just tells the 12 stupid fucks on the jury that you have something to hide and are guilty.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:54 No.15812429
    holy shit, I know Jan from the BCA!
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:55 No.15812433
    FUCK YEAH. AMURRRIKA! Fucking Justice system is stupid.

    AES-256 + 30 length is more than enough. I don't understand why their tech. did not simply root around, unless you patched it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:55 No.15812434
    >implying anyone gives a fuck about the bill of rights when the state accuses you of being a pedo or a terrorist.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:56 No.15812457
    The jury cannot hold it against you and the judge would readily remind them of that.

    It's moot. Nothing you say to a police officer can ever be used in your defense in a case. If your attorney tries to get LEOs to use what you said in your defense, they'd throw it out as heresy.

    On the other hand, if the prosecution tries to go "Mr. John Anon refused to speak without an attorney present", your attorney would object to the form and pull out the supreme court's statements on how the fifth amendment was intended to protect the innocent.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:58 No.15812482
    If you think that you could remove any identifying information, I would be very interested in seeing that search warrant.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:59 No.15812497
    continued from here, text limit

    I had to bring up that I wanted my stuff back. She tried the bullshit card that it could not be returned. I told her that that I know that was not true, as since there was no evidence of a crime committed, that the state could not legally confiscate my property or had to reimburse me for it, since it was custom built, I quoted it at 2200 for parts, and 2500 for labor, also, my dad knew her, as he was a detective in the Superior PD for over 25 years, and that's what he investigated, so I know what they could and could not do. She then said that she would have to talk to her supervisor. A day later, she called back, and said that she would be up in duluth serving a search warrant for another CP bust, and that she could bring my stuff back up with her then. We set up a meet time, I brought my own property log and found I was missing a flash drive, bit I didnt really care, but I made it know that I was not happy(it was found and mailed to me 3 weeks later, it was my backup of family photos). Got my stuff back, put my computer back together, cleaned all the dust from them out, and it worked perfectly. did a DBAN on the HDDs, and then reinstalled windows, and ran eraser 5 pass on HDD empty space. She did say something about the loli on all the calls and I simply responded that it was art, and not illegal. She said that the loli was disturbing, but according to her, and her team, it was legal. The case was overstated because my dad was the mayor of the city at the time, and normally they have 2 officers execute a search warrant like this, but they sent 25 instead. Continued on next
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:59 No.15812498
    That is true. Patriot Act for one of many things.. USA is full of laws and regulations, yet they still let big business run rampant and cause global financial collapse.

    Now Wall Street is back to it again with black pools. Too bad I investing my money into silver so my savings will not be wiped out like everyone elses.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)21:59 No.15812501
    the judge can tell the jury that all day long, but at the end of the day they're just mouthbreathers who've already labeled you a filthy pedo.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:00 No.15812513
    Let's put together the evidence the cops had.

    >Hans Reiser's neighbors said that they saw him spraying water off something in the driveway for half an hour shortly after Nina went missing and said that his car — a 1988 Honda CRX Si hatchback — disappeared shortly after, and his mother rented a car so Hans could drive hers. Police brought cadaver dogs in to search his property, but no human remains were found
    Circumstantial, substance a mystery, no body

    >On October 11, 2006, law enforcement officials said that blood spatter had been found in Hans Reiser's house and car. Forensic testing (including DNA analysis) could neither confirm nor rule out Nina Reiser as the source of the blood. Officials had not located the passenger seat of his 1988 Honda CRX Si hatchback which was missing. They also indicated that they had found in the car two books on homicide investigation purchased by Reiser on September 8 — five days after his wife's disappearance: Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, by David Simon, and Masterpieces of Murder, by Jonathan Goodman.
    Book purchases are circumstantial (a lot of people watch dexter)

    >t later emerged that a mistake had been made when the police analysed the blood on the pillar, rendering the evidence inconclusive
    So the DNA, which could have come from an injury or even a nosebleed was inadmissible

    >Police also testified that they had found a 40-piece socket set which may have been used to remove the passenger seat, a receipt for the purchase of the socket set from Kragen Auto Parts, four seat bolts, and a wrench with a socket in it, suggesting that the seat may have been removed recently.
    Completely circumstantial.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:01 No.15812524
    And then he agreed to lead them to the body in exchange for a lighter sentence.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:01 No.15812526

    If you think that laws deter crime, then you are woefully ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:01 No.15812529
    its hard to, as I would have to blank the case number, name, address, and a few other personals on it. I can do the property list too, as thats a ton easier, as it only has my name, address, and the case number on it, but you can see what was taken. im looking for it now, but it may still be at my moms. continuation>>15812497
    from here
    My dad did not live at home anymore, and I sued the state of MN after for a hefty chunck of change. Also, the director of the BCA at the time of the warrant LOATHED my dad, cause my dad called him out for being a liar, and a cheat, and did it publicly, and proved it. The BCA head somehow kept his job, but he has not been re-appointed by the Governor. case closed, as Im still using those same western digital HDDs, and they have the case number written right on them in permanent marker.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:01 No.15812530
    Herb Bergson?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:02 No.15812534
    And if your attorney is not an idiot, he'll go on about how you're a father or a student or whatever being framed to make the DA look good.

    Fact is, juries expect cases handed to them on a silver platter. CSI has left people expecting forensic soil sample from pants to prove that the person accused of murder could have ONLY gotten that dirt on his jeans from the patch of grass where Jane Doe was murdered.

    Juries are normal people and shows like CSI have given people unrealistic expectations.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:02 No.15812546
    Well, did you learn your lesson?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:02 No.15812549

    When I said story-time, I did not expect an interesting story.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:03 No.15812559
    Michigan is a pro-state at this kinda stuff.

    Bath house school disaster, little kids who've killed each other, hell even been an incident at umich.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:04 No.15812579
    We're not there yet. We KNOW Hans did it and is a murderer..

    I'm just going on how had he SHUT HIS GODDAMN MOUTH and kept his fifth amendment rights, he would have been fine.

    >Reiser and a male friend "appeared to be conducting counter surveillance" to avoid police by driving at varying speeds, turning down small residential streets and making abrupt stops.[
    Circumstantial, opinion

    >Reiser's mother, Beverly Palmer, testified that she had been out of town the weekend Nina Reiser disappeared and was surprised to learn that her son was driving her car, a 2003 Honda Hybrid, and that his Honda CRX wasn't at the house. Palmer said that when she asked her son where the CRX was, he said it was not working and "he'd take care of it and I should never mind".[
    Completely circumstantial.

    So that's all they had. The son refused to testify and was brought back to europe.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:04 No.15812581
    Thank you for the story, that was very good and best read I had today.

    I will feel bad for those that do not have political or financial affluence as you did/do, they are the ones that will suffer if they can not protect themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:06 No.15812613
    >from MN
    >from Duluth
    >dad's an ex dick
    >mayor in 2005
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:06 No.15812614
    /g/ is full of interesting people.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:06 No.15812622
    How come the FBI never did anything about that "Save image as 24-bit bitmap and shit brix/have your data stolen" virus that compromised dozens of peoples social security #s?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:07 No.15812631

    >When Reiser took the stand in his own defense, his implausible claims and erratic behavior in the courtroom largely undermined his efforts to convince the jury that he was innocent.

    Hans was odd, but a lot of people pity geeks for this reason. But, despite all the advice of his legal counsel, Hans took the stand.

    He was an arrogant prick and made ridiculous reasons for his behavior. Reasons he never had to make, since he could have shut the fuck up. The jury then would have had no case. Instead they got a nutbag on the stand.

    Hans Reiser was found guilty (yes, he did it) because he would not SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    Now, what about the innocents? There have been PLENTY of people in jail for murder who were convicted based off what they said to cops & circumstantial evidence who were freed 20+ years later due to DNA.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:08 No.15812650
    because they probably don't care.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:08 No.15812655
    maybe, not saying for privacy. you may guess.
    yes, and I went and talked to a counselor about it. the shit stemmed from a shit tier break up with someone, so I was severely depressed.
    lol, well, you got 1. Questions?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:08 No.15812656
    They are too busy persecuting productive members of society for jay-walking or art to do something about "hard" problems like malicious software.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:09 No.15812668
    Ever served on a jury? I have, no one even listens to the evidence or witnesses, that is zone out time. The only parts of the case that matter is the closing statements. If you are up for obscenity, the prosecutor is going to say "HOW COULD YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF IF YOU LET HE GO FREE TO MOLEST A CHILD?" and you will go to prison.

    I served for some pothead, who was obviously guilty, but I refused to convict, so it was declared a mistrial. I probably could have won through attrition, but there were 3 straightedge asshole on there with me that wanted to send the kid to the chair. And these are the people that the defense agreed too!

    Maybe it is just Texas, but people are patriotic, despite their "governaint caint do uhnythung rightu", they are willing to believe anything that the state says simply because they are cowards and respect authority.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/11(Mon)22:10 No.15812679
    They couldn't make a good Fox News Story out of it?

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