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  • File : 1296693469.png-(35 KB, 438x317, captcha[1].png)
    35 KB Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:37 No.15723839  
    so... how long will it take for 4chan to acquire another method of posting without the captchas. Didn't moot hate to resort to this solution?
    >> Miley Cyrus !rtEyG2ZtMk 02/02/11(Wed)19:38 No.15723851
    They won't be getting removed.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:39 No.15723853
    2 months

    Facebook login only

    Just you fucking wait
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:39 No.15723860
    what else is there to do against spam?

    captcha helps
    >> !AlmaWade1k 02/02/11(Wed)19:39 No.15723864
    Never. Moot is faggoting around canvas instead of working on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:41 No.15723886
    Protip: moot gets payed to use Re-CAPTCHA
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:43 No.15723908
    how? I see no adds...
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:57 No.15724080
    let me put it this way: if moot doesn't get payed, he is getting ripped off.

    New York Times pays ReCaptcha big dollars to digitize their archives.
    The more people use ReCaptcha, the more money they make.
    Moot is responsible for millions of ReCaptcha's per day.
    >> !AlmaWade1k 02/02/11(Wed)20:01 No.15724131
    Most of them containing "nigger".
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:01 No.15724145
    I c, so the words we verify have their roots in some article or the likes. What benefit has this for NYT though
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:02 No.15724161
    Because Google isn't doing this under the guise of 'it's for a good cause!', right?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:03 No.15724171
    you are digitizing old paper articles
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:05 No.15724191
    WHY THE FUCK does he have to use tedious recaptcha instead of something, you know, a little more fucking suitable for a high post rate imageboard.

    Here is an example of an imageboard captcha done right. Simple, and each time you type it it gives you 5 post slots.

    But the idea of moot doing something useful, preposterous.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:07 No.15724217
    >What benefit has this for NYT though

    NYT wants to digitize their archives. (for whatever reason, probably to sell it to historians)
    This takes a HUGE amount of work.
    But instead of paying employees, they make us work for them for free.

    >Most of them containing "nigger".

    That's true, but they can filter that out.
    Eventually someone will give them the real answers.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:07 No.15724222
    Why not just do it once and set a cookie for the entire session? I asked MrVacBob this the day reCAPTCHA was implemented and he said he'd 'think about it.'
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:07 No.15724223
    I c, so the words we verify have their roots in some article or the likes. But if the OCR software was unable to decipher the scans, how can it judge our input being wrong/correct...

    [spoiler]knowing about this now makes me feel like a workhorse enriching some selfish prick somewhere on this world, these juice sure know how to generate money from nothing
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:09 No.15724244
    >Because Google isn't doing this under the guise of 'it's for a good cause!', right?

    That might be their excuse.
    But it's not really a good cause, though, it's slave labor.
    If it were really a good cause people would volunteer for it, not having to be FORCED into the scheme.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:10 No.15724259
    >under the guise of
    >inverted commas
    >> SinisterZerpent !iWINwY.mD2 02/02/11(Wed)20:14 No.15724305
    yeah! indigenous never had the wheel and this is the great thing.. the wheel is one of the guilty on destroy of the earth. sorry about my english.. i dont speak so good
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:14 No.15724312
    >But if the OCR software was unable to decipher the scans, how can it judge our input being wrong/correct...

    Notice there are always two words.

    One is already known (the real CAPTCHA part)
    The other one is unknown, it's only there to provide slave labor for the new York Times.

    Because you can't tell which one is which, you are forced to try your best on both - unless one is impossible (in that case you can put "nigger" or just a space).
    If you solved the CAPTCHA part correctly, it will assume you also solved the slave labor part correctly.
    To be entirely sure, it will re-ask the same slave labor part until 3 people gave the same answer.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:18 No.15724365
    Moot had given such a CAPTCHA a try (if you noscripted recaptcha you got it), but the virus author quickly coded in some OCR and that persistent spam started right back up again. So he went with reCAPTCHA.

    Session logins = hire an african to solve like 1000 captchas, give the result to 1000 different computers so they can solve and get a session cookie. Once the user has a session, they can spam freely, so if some retard downloads a virus and runs it, it can get the cookie.

    Not effort free, but Firefox/Chrome/Safari/IE all have caches that you could steal the cookie from.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:19 No.15724383
    Google does this.

    The computers are good at recognizing most words, but when it's uncertain, it gives them to humans.

    It gets thousands of words corrected in a variety of books (not just the NYT) that would be left uncorrected otherwise while providing a novel antispam solution.

    No one is forcing you to solve reCAPTCHAs. The site owner decides to implement it. If you disagree, stop visiting the site. Easy.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:20 No.15724393
    As far as I know, Google doesn't get paid for reCAPTCHA results. In fact, Google has to pay to display much of the content in Google Books.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:21 No.15724401
    >if moot doesn't get payed, he is getting ripped off.
    No, moot gets an easy to implement CAPTCHA that's accessible to the blind and a bitch to beat that's being constantly updated with new words from Google to prevent it from being easily beaten.

    That is something that is NOT trivial to implement.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:22 No.15724417
    >Session logins = hire an african to solve like 1000 captchas, give the result to 1000 different computers so they can solve and get a session cookie.
    Figured as much, but
    a) 4chan isn't that worth spamming. I was surprised it wasn't spammed more often.
    b) It can't be fully automated, and if the user is banned it takes *some* effort to start over. Probably won't be worth it.
    Though then again, this would mean having active mods...
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:23 No.15724426
    pretty nifty, they even have insurance making sure their project cant get sabotaged.

    Now that we covered that, how about canvas networks. Reply made earlier in this thread mentioning it sparked my interest. What I got from my searches it's going to be something like 4chan but archived, with each poster's work credited respectivily. It exploits the human trait "need for attention", card that all social networks play by, stimulating people to use the service for the 5 min of fame. Guess that'll mean a big migration of tripfaggots, doesnt it
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:24 No.15724436
    >4M americans
    >7.5M global
    Are you insane? That's GREAT reach.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:26 No.15724468
    >while providing a novel antispam solution.

    No, you have to look at it as two completely separate systems: CAPTCHA and slave labor.

    We are doing twice the work we would with just a regular CAPTCHA, without making the CAPTCHA any more reliable.

    And yeah, we could just not go to 4chan anymore.
    But I have no life, you see?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:30 No.15724510
    >twice the work
    Most reCAPTCHAs are easily legible especially compared to the shit systems on many sites that are entirely illegible (e.g. Rapidshare cats).

    The funny thing is a number of captchas that were hard for humans to read (Rapidshare Cats) were trivial for robots.

    While reCAPTCHA asks for two words, it's also legible most of the time, and you can reload the CAPTCHA without reloading the page.

    >slave labor
    Because Google & Google Books provides no benefit to you? Are you shitting me? We're converting books in the public domain so we can browse them for free and have the ability to accurately search them. Don't pretend we don't get nothing in return.

    The site owner chooses to implement it, so it's his choice. But don't call it slave labor, that's disingenuous.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:31 No.15724519
    2 months

    Mass exodous to other chans

    Just you wait
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:32 No.15724525
    How about this:
    Everybody gets a session cookie after solving 5 CAPTCHA's.

    If a spam attack occurs, a moderator will press a button making ALL cookies invalid instantly.
    So the spammers will have to start all over again.

    Would be kinda annoying if it happened a lot, but it's always better than a CAPTCHA for every single post.
    But then, i still think moot is getting payed for ReCAPTCHA.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:33 No.15724534
    4chan's culture is totally at odds with that of, say,

    That's why hasn't become 4chan 2.0 Beta. moot has a separate site with VC money.

    If he does give 4chan the axe, another chan would rise to replace it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)20:35 No.15724558
    Setup another Random board but with no captcha. Have it set to permaban repeat text like a bastard r9k. Also, permaban any advertising posts found. I'm sure there's tons of potential janitors that would get a kick out of it.

    If someone gets a fucking virus they deserve to fuck right off.

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