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  • File : 1296052648.jpg-(20 KB, 240x228, 1293882222874.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:37 No.15587337  
    What will be like ?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:38 No.15587345
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:40 No.15587366


    God, I miss the "secret club" days...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:41 No.15587377
    why not go to a more 'secret' place like 7chan?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:42 No.15587384
    dog and cow shit mixed into one.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:46 No.15587423

    It went to shit long time ago...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:48 No.15587439
    Because it's full of LOL SO RANDUM! faggots who think 7chan is a secret.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:49 No.15587448
    Yet that's apparently how you think 4chan should be.
    Oh, the irony!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:53 No.15587483
         File1296053636.jpg-(55 KB, 800x600, 165427405.jpg)
    55 KB
    a waste of $700,000+

    will get TOR-bombed with CP on launch day by angry neckbeards

    will get shitted up by retards from /b/ every day after that
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:54 No.15587487
    I am not >>15587366

    LOL SO IRONY! xxx
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:55 No.15587494
    moot is so cute, I'd facefuck him so hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:55 No.15587498
    You win this round, Anonymous...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:56 No.15587503
         File1296053760.png-(56 KB, 838x983, 1295880216926cvdf.png)
    56 KB
    resemblance between moots friends in that pic and the jewish dude in this??
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:02 No.15587555
         File1296054147.jpg-(14 KB, 219x333, wat.jpg)
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    >implying the removal of /stormfront/ and /baw/ makes this site more "user friendly"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:02 No.15587560
         File1296054178.jpg-(19 KB, 484x349, oh god the horror.jpg)
    19 KB
    Well, it'll be facebook but (how am I even saying this) with more faggotry.

    It will be the _SOCIALLY ACCEPTED_ shithole of the internet full of meme spitting XD ANONYMUS IS LEGUN ^^ =) :3 edgy underage b& facebook idiots who think they're super edgy for visiting a "secret" website, fashion appreciators, hip hop internet tough guys, mac users, emo kids, teenagers with justin bieber haircuts, goddamn fucking hipsters and lots of camwhores.

    It will be HORRIBLE. Fucking horrible. So horrible that even if you can still stand the faggotry that is going on on /b/ right now you'll pull your hair out.

    This video should sum up the daily conversations that will be led on
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:03 No.15587568
         File1296054218.jpg-(107 KB, 830x974, 1295847554325.jpg)
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    I miss /new/ and /r9k/

    mainly because it was funny to watch retarded racists and 'kissless virgin' basement dwellers in full flight
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:05 No.15587595
    moot may have sold his soul to normalfags and the juden but at least we know this will fail horribly.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:08 No.15587643
    The second incarnation of the news board ended up degenerating into a trolls trolling trolls circle jerk with lots of butthurt in the mix. At least there were some classic rage threads when it was /n/, and don't get me started on /r9k/...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:09 No.15587652
    But that's EXACTLY how /b/ is now.
    Hell, that's exactly how 4chan is now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:10 No.15587676
    only /b/ and /v/ when the amerifats are awake
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:11 No.15587685

    Did you know moot still lives with his mother? Guys just need money... that's it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:12 No.15587695
         File1296054722.jpg-(88 KB, 465x548, matthewbean.jpg)
    88 KB
    today's anons don't even know how to use a proxy
    this is the end times /g/entlemen
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:12 No.15587705
    Well I'm a britfag and I see a lot of britfags on the odd occasions I visit /b/ or /v/. I see teenagers walking around in awesomeface t-shirts shouting IT'S OVER 9000! and laughing at how random they are. I'm not a killjoy so I don't care that people are having fun, but we have to accept that 4chan has entered the realm of pop culture and it will never be good ever again.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:17 No.15587749
    all they needed were some mods
    /tv/ should be one of the better boards but it is a neglected wasteland of meme spammers, dailypasta, pedos and waifu threads

    /new/ with mods could be pretty good
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:17 No.15587760
         File1296055054.jpg-(249 KB, 1000x1500, 1296042565788.jpg)
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    2004 veteran here :_: we need a new site, I knew the old 4chan would never come back when /fa/ was introduced.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:18 No.15587774
    /tv/ is full of pedos
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:23 No.15587813
    I think I've thought that every single time a new board was introduced. 4chan was never good etc.
    The things that have truly killed 4chan are 'stock responses' that are used incorrectly (think 'NO U' vs. 'U MAD?'), 4chan's widespread adoption (thanks Fox News), and everyone who seems to not realize this was originally an anime community. Calling someone who likes anime a weeaboo? Really now?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:23 No.15587819
    I think this is all a con like in 'The Producers'
    moot needs money so he's setting up a project that is doomed to fail

    i bet most of the $625K is set aside for him

    fucking facebook started with less investment than that
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:25 No.15587839
         File1296055542.jpg-(59 KB, 450x600, Anothernewfag.jpg)
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    The culture is dead. Get over it and move on.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:27 No.15587853
         File1296055644.png-(359 KB, 1294x842, anonymous.png)
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    I recently listened to a bunch of those Justin Bieber kids who dress like him and style their hair like fucking faggots and wear their apple headphones over their beanie on the train as they were talking about lolcats, how EPIC WIN XDDDD 4chan is and how random boxxy is and all that shit.

    This fucking saddens me. Not to say that 4chan deserves any kind of dignity, but that's just disrespectful.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:30 No.15587864
         File1296055828.jpg-(71 KB, 665x700, acid_picdump_32.jpg)
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    This is what 4chan has become.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:30 No.15587868
    >Anonymous then
    When is 'then'? That's equally as bad. I guess whoever wrote this was post-2006, when all the 'Chanology' bollocks started. 'Anonymous' isn't an evil collective to be feared or respected, it's just a daft little in-joke and convenient terminology.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:32 No.15587884
    Actually it was to be feared and respected, but only so the swarms of underageb& and faggots would stay out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:32 No.15587885
    The whole anonymous things is a fucking joke today, it's just hipsters that things it's cool and randum. I only visit 4chan for /g/ and porn.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:33 No.15587888
         File1296055984.jpg-(420 KB, 1024x768, 1295515587035.jpg)
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    is this guy
    and this guy
    the same person?

    if so...justice has been served
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:37 No.15587917
         File1296056231.jpg-(249 KB, 1680x1050, 1295403128388.jpg)
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    I knew the era of 4chan was over when Chris Chan stopped making videos

    it was an unholy omen
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)10:38 No.15587929
    chanology didn't start until the beginning of 2008, but things went downhill with Gaia in '06 and just all to shit when Digg discovered /b/ in '07.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:39 No.15587940
    >Calling someone who likes anime a weeaboo
    You must be new to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:40 No.15587951
    I'll just leave this here

    Too bad 7chan is also dead now...
    >> saturnblack!!hole !PcLVlL/KPM 01/26/11(Wed)10:42 No.15587970
    7chan is dead because their was too much moderation. Every time i went on that site i would see (USER BANNED FOR THIS POST)

    Man i really wished fucked company was still around :/
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:42 No.15587975
    Ah, right you are. Though I hung out on 420chan for a bit while they were discussing it in late '07.
    Reading comprehension.
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)10:42 No.15587977
    I spent a long time in #7chan and I can tell you with 100% certainty that 7chan was never good.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:44 No.15587990
    4chan died when all the normalfags and euroshits ruined everything. It's not a hurdddurrr sekret klub anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:45 No.15588003
    >It's not a hurdddurrr sekret klub anymore.
    >attacks the notion of being being a 'secret club'
    >is disappointed by the fact it isn't a 'secret club'
    lol wut
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:47 No.15588027
    The point is, this is fucking old news. Eternal newfag summer 07' will NEVER end and we really need to ban anyone who isn't Canadian or American again.
    >> Teufel !iBBQ.zU.H6 01/26/11(Wed)10:49 No.15588045
    >we really need to ban anyone who isn't Canadian or American again.

    >implying there are no summerfags from US and Cannada
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:50 No.15588062
    And thus, the effects of /new/'s deletion were felt all across 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:51 No.15588074
    moot is run by the jews
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:52 No.15588085
         File1296057172.jpg-(160 KB, 800x1200, laure-oto01.jpg)
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    12chan was always superior
    >> Macbot !3ROBOTOsqY 01/26/11(Wed)10:53 No.15588093
    in conclusion, go jews!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:54 No.15588098
    >eternal newfag summer

    Such a thing doesn't exist. 4chan was shit, is shit an will always be a pile of shit forever. There was no point in history of 4chan for it to go downhill.

    Why so delusional?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:54 No.15588103
         File1296057281.jpg-(85 KB, 302x330, you say.jpg)
    85 KB
    >implying 4chan years ago even cared or knew there were people who weren't from North America on the website.
    >implying the worst of 4chan isn't from euros, latins, and ausfails who contribute absolutely fucking nothing and steal all the original content
    >implying almost every single meme ever isn't American.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:55 No.15588107
         File1296057301.jpg-(22 KB, 512x384, Ralph.jpg)
    22 KB
    >implying the vast majority of newfags aren't from banada and murrika trying to be "lol so randum XD"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:55 No.15588113
    >huuurdddurr 4chan was always shit herpderp

    Because you were totally here since the beginning, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:56 No.15588123
         File1296057379.png-(386 KB, 1500x900, hurr copy.png)
    386 KB
    updated version

    I think I'll troll /b/ with this asap
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:56 No.15588127

    trolling, much?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:56 No.15588128
    3/10, it's the best I can do.
    The Web was always shit. The Internet was always shit. Networks were always shit. Computers were always shit. Everything was always shit. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:56 No.15588129
    >implying all eurofaggots aren't newkids
    >implying any real oldfag actually used the word newfag
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:57 No.15588135
    I think I was using the word 'newfag' in like 2005-2006. I think 'only newfags say newfag' is some sort of attempt at 'ironic' trolling that people have taken seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:57 No.15588137
         File1296057475.jpg-(54 KB, 461x523, 1285249573259.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:58 No.15588147
    Awww is babby mad someone called his site shitty?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:58 No.15588152
    The internet was in a golden age during 2004. We didn't even have to deal full blow this web 2.0 social networking garbage. You can attempt to claim what always is and was but you know you're full of shit when you say it wasn't less shitty back then. Enjoy facebook/twitter, kiddo.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:59 No.15588169
         File1296057593.jpg-(13 KB, 251x251, CoolStoryBro.jpg)
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    Remember was 4chan was good?

    No. Me neither. That'd be because it never was a SUPAR SEKRIT CLUB LOL SO RANDUM! Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:59 No.15588172
    You weren't here then.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:00 No.15588173
         File1296057603.png-(210 KB, 470x340, gimme pizza.png)
    210 KB
    >implying you're an oldfag
    >implying that I said that eurofags were exempt from being newfags
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:00 No.15588174
    That term didn't come into vernacular until '07 I'm pretty sure. Before that "newfags" were all just gaiafags.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:00 No.15588181
    I don't know. I think we might be looking at it through nostalgia goggles. I started using the Web in the mid-to-late nineties and have fond memories, but when I think about it a little more it was all just HURR WEB RING MAILING LIST GEOCITIES POP UP BLOCKER BONZIBUDDY.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:01 No.15588183
    >lol so random


    Because it was always like that, right? Hell no it wasn't. Back then tripfags were actually good too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:01 No.15588188
         File1296057680.jpg-(4 KB, 211x178, 1295949007498.jpg)
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    criminal scum detected
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:02 No.15588197
    Fucking this.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:02 No.15588200
         File1296057745.jpg-(71 KB, 357x290, Tim.jpg)
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    We didn't always have shit users like you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:02 No.15588202
    Do you now why this site is complete garbage? Because of people like you. A technology board with /b/ tier shit. You don't even have the right to complain about newfag kiddies.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:03 No.15588210
    >cool story bro

    Yeah, they helped destroy 4chan plenty. The only thing worse was that YOU MAD garbage.

    I wished we went back to using NO U and having promotions.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:04 No.15588221
    Do you even know shit about the board you're on about? /g/ back then was nothing like it is today.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:04 No.15588226
    Yes. Yes we did. Even when Snacks was around.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588231
    Isn't that quite recent? I first remember it from /tg/, so that's at least 2007.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588234
    >NO U
    That was as bad as umad, if not worse
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588236
    >implying the internet hasn't been a shithole since September '93
    >implying society hasn't gone down in whirlpool of useless opinionated bullshit generated by users with an internet connection who thinks anyone gives a shit about what they think
    >implying 4chan had gone downhill ever even though blogs, facebook, myspace, etc have been doing that for godknowshowlong

    Conclusion, there's a lot of bullshit going on when society thinks they can express themselves safely behind a keyboard.
    There's a nuclear shitstorm holocaust when society believes they can post anonymously behind a keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588237
    Fuck snacks, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588238
    >Anonymous then
    Oh man Azumanga Daioh is so kawaii, CHIYO-CHAN DUMP what do you guys think of the current anime season Hey moot we need a board for imagedumps call it anime/random! what could go wrong?

    >Anonymous now
    4chan was never good, [insert inane examples here]
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588239
    > /g/ back then was nothing like it is today. It wasn't for Technology for a start.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:05 No.15588241
    He didn't say anything against it.
    And don't pretend you 'were there.' /g/ was around for like, a day?
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:06 No.15588256
         File1296058005.png-(135 KB, 892x641, classic.png)
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    the more things change, the more things stay the same
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:06 No.15588260
    >anything worse than u mad

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:07 No.15588262
    I think that's what he was getting at
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:07 No.15588266

    Sure is denial in here. 4chan was just a place for the socially retarded to fap to their Anime. What exactly was good about it?

    I rest my case, conclusion = 4chan always shit
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:07 No.15588269
    >dat font

    what the fuck man, my eyes hurt already.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:08 No.15588270
         File1296058089.jpg-(17 KB, 405x289, palmfce.jpg)
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    That's the point.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:08 No.15588277
         File1296058107.jpg-(42 KB, 425x322, out.jpg)
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    >comparing /b/ to /g/

    aside from the brand loyalty trolling we're at least idiots with class.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:08 No.15588280
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:08 No.15588282
    Because less normalfags and foreigners is always good.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:09 No.15588290
         File1296058170.jpg-(31 KB, 363x310, laugh_harder.jpg)
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    There are people posting in this thread who think they have a point?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:09 No.15588293
    Stop being so up your own ass
    The brand loyalty is worse than the shit that happens on /b/, and there isn't much else on /g/
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:09 No.15588296
    2005 era X11
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:09 No.15588298
    >Anonymous then
    All Japanese people on a Japan-specific imageboard, run for profit.

    >Anonymous now
    Baka gaijin English speakers from around the world posting on an American imageboard that can barely pay it's bills, and was started by a 15 year old weaboo on his mother's credit card.
    >> I had to. Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:10 No.15588313
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:11 No.15588318
         File1296058265.jpg-(65 KB, 550x361, rollup-your-sleeves.jpg)
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    Let's get this started

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:11 No.15588322
    When there are people like you posting an image macro + trying to ignore the post reply that obviously shows they have nothing left to actually say. I'm sure the point is proven.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:11 No.15588325
    There was a smaller amount of them for sure.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:12 No.15588341
    >All Japanese people on a Japan-specific imageboard, run for profit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:12 No.15588344

    Holy fuck I had no idea Jews looked exactly like, well, Jews.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:13 No.15588362
    >implying this thread isn't pure /b/ material

    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:14 No.15588367
         File1296058458.png-(55 KB, 946x648, lynx.png)
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    well, if you prefer
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:14 No.15588368
         File1296058458.jpg-(27 KB, 455x334, 1277834607491.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:14 No.15588373
         File1296058481.jpg-(24 KB, 533x395, 1275716867501.jpg)
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    Jesus Christ, It's like looking into a fucking mirror
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:14 No.15588375
    moot should have just spammed ads on popular boards. Most retards from /b/ don't even know how to ad block.

    Considering 4chan gets like something 11 million unique users a month these days, he'd make money back quickly I assume.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:15 No.15588376
    > ignore the post reply that obviously shows they have nothing left to actually say

    You're right. I really do not have anything to say, because this entire thread is sad and pathetic 28 year old basement dwellers crying over a website that was always shit, trying to convince themselves that they're special because they were here "before 2007" and wow, wasn't it so much better back then? Sure. Sure it was.

    It's pathetic. I almost wish moot would re-open /r9k/ so you can all fuck off back there for a circle jerk.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:15 No.15588381
    links is superior and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:15 No.15588385
    Who's being random, kid? You're the one shitposting with your infantile caps lock cruise control asspain.
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:16 No.15588391
    if you'll kindly look at the post dates
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:16 No.15588397
         File1296058584.jpg-(7 KB, 170x213, ThumbsUp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:16 No.15588399
    I'll rephrase that then.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:16 No.15588401
         File1296058610.jpg-(260 KB, 1024x768, 1295706142733.jpg)
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    deal with it
    u mad?
    no u
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:17 No.15588416
    Yeah, because /r9k/ was just a bastion for oldfags to discuss the good old days and not normalfaggot teenagers whining they can't get a date with anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:19 No.15588438
    /r9k/ was a bastion for oldfags whining they can't get a date with anyone and how crap 4chan has become these days and isn't everything expensive now?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:20 No.15588444
         File1296058808.jpg-(102 KB, 542x562, boat149.jpg)
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    >who's being random kid
    >/g/ - Technology
    >/g/ - Complain about Newfags and foreigners
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:21 No.15588470

    When I went to /r9k/ before it closed down just to mock them it was full of shitty ausfailians and eurodouches discussing about why they're so alone and posting their pictures to rate themselves then complaining they're so ugly baaaww this handsome/pretty person stole my gf/bf.

    It was normalfaggia.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:22 No.15588473
         File1296058961.png-(8 KB, 570x533, 1294800582889.png)
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    >implying 4chan isn't technology
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:22 No.15588476
    > When I went to /r9k/ before it closed down

    There's yer problem. Should have taken a look a week or so after it started up.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:24 No.15588496
    That settles it I guess, looks like i'll have to make a new chan-hybrid and give the link to people who aren't retards.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:24 No.15588500
         File1296059066.jpg-(122 KB, 992x1035, 1193611292761.jpg)
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    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:24 No.15588502
         File1296059068.jpg-(44 KB, 320x240, 1179686120663.jpg)
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    this is a pretty intense thread
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:24 No.15588507
         File1296059088.jpg-(95 KB, 497x453, west051.jpg)
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    >can't defend his retarded claim
    >proceeds to make outrageous witty comment #56
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:25 No.15588517
         File1296059138.png-(208 KB, 319x355, mfw.png)
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    >"and then, /g/ was the cancer"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:26 No.15588527
         File1296059183.jpg-(47 KB, 248x249, doublesguy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:26 No.15588528
    TWO boards? Fuck that. Have one: Techloligy
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:26 No.15588532
    >implying most of /r9k/ wasn't american.
    Find yourself a foreign or black friend to talk about technology and share your intellectual theories you sad troll.

    There is only one problem on all boards and it's lak of moderation
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:26 No.15588533
    Go for it. It's not like anybody intelligent actually goes here for something other than to troll. Everybody uses real technology forums for that.
    >> Tab !99commaNDQ 01/26/11(Wed)11:27 No.15588544
    sorry I don't have any more of /g/ except for one screenshot of the post box where im ranting about X11 being awful
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:28 No.15588552
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    >implying you had a claim
    >implying 4chan isn't technology
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:29 No.15588561
    It's not lack of moderation you moron. 4chan was and is a self-moderating community. That said, if the majority doesn't like something they will shitpost all over it. The only actual need of moderation is illegal content.

    And moderation doesn't do shit when someone can reset their router in seconds.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:31 No.15588577
    >implying it was

    For the entire day, ausfailians outnumbered pretty much everybody. The only time I saw Americans was for 4 hours and it was full of the same shit. Most people went to /b/ anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:31 No.15588580
    4chan is not the same today as it was yesterday

    whether it is better or worse is subjective

    can't you guys just agree on this? try to make the best of the situation, nostalgiafags
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:31 No.15588581
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    You're a pretty cool guy coolface!

    Sincerily, babby.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:34 No.15588610
    We tried that for 3 years and it didn't work. Things only got worse with everybody picking up shittier memes than the last.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:35 No.15588624
    So you admit you have no claim? Typical. 4chan is technology, btw. You can't deny that no matter how hard you try. 4chan popularized imageboards after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:37 No.15588630
    and we will keep trying until moot 404's this website for the last time, whether we like it or not
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:37 No.15588633
    yes it is, users were b& before and you were ashamed for it and not lol I troll 4chan.
    How can 4chan be a self-moderating community on 18+ boards when the majority is underage?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:37 No.15588636
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:37 No.15588637
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    >if the majority doesn't like something they will shitpost all over it.

    Yes, and just like in real life, it has so many positive factors.

    >The only actual need of moderation is illegal content.

    > moderation doesn't do shit when someone can reset their router in seconds.

    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:38 No.15588645
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    >4chan popularized imageboards

    Yeah... About that
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:39 No.15588658

    Do you know what you're on about or do you just like spouting bullshit? Nevermind, don't answer. You're full of shit.

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