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  • File : 1309745021.jpg-(105 KB, 553x368, 1309477968346.jpg)
    105 KB Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:03 No.8179753  
    >Over at friends house. She eats junk food all the time and without fail drinks 2L of iced tea each day. When she looks fat always congeals over the top of whatever it is. It goes without saying she's very fat (5 feet and over 200 pounds).
    >Watching TV together, something about weight loss and BMI pops up
    >She starts talking about how BMI is false and idiotic
    >Well, you're right ther-
    >Because according to it she'd be morbidly obese
    >She laughs and talks about how silly and anorexic the system is, and how she is fine and healthy and goes on her treadmill thirty minutes per day
    >MFW she actually thinks she is in reasonable shape and healthy despite chugging sugar down at every moment
    >MFW she thinks 30 minutes of treadmill is a lot
    >MFW I have no face
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:09 No.8179828
    >Have fat friend
    >She does stupid fat things
    >Wonder why I'm friends with a fatty
    >Realize I'm a faggot and am only gonna be friends with fatties
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:10 No.8179841
    >at kohls with grandmother being a good grandson and whatnot
    >all i need is a new belt
    >by the belt section is the mattress/bedroom section
    >hear a ruckus
    >landwhale that is powerscooter bound is yelling at her kids to get off of the full sized bed
    >kids are lol'ing at her trying to get her to grab them
    >she refuses to get out of the power scooter and just circles around the bed like a shark lunging her stubby little arms at the kids
    >i kid you not she was out of breath from running the scooter in circles
    >she finally resorted to loudly yelling for security (at kohls lawl) to get the kids of the bed
    >no one comes and the kids get under the covers and tuck themselves into the display bed
    >that was all i stayed around for but i was lol'ing my ass off
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)22:58 No.8180440
         File1309748318.jpg-(77 KB, 548x718, disappointed.jpg)
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    >10th grade
    >went from obesefat to ottermode during freshman year
    >350lb yugioh player comes up to me one day at lunch and asks me how I did it
    >"diet and exercise man. and lots of exercise."
    >"what kind of exercise? "
    >"weightlifting and 40-60 mile bike rides"
    >"60 miles in a day? I'm calling bullshit, i've never heard of anyone doing that, ever."
    >explain to this kid that professional cyclists sometimes ride hundreds of miles in a day and that it's not very hard to cover long distances on a bike.
    >"yeah well your heart is gonna fail"
    >"yeah like my dad's a scientist and shit and he told me if you exercise that much your heart will stop because it can only beat a certain number of times in your life and when you make it beat fast you reach that number faster"
    >mfw I realized at that moment that people like this kid actually exist.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:00 No.8180458
    >When she looks fat always congeals over the top of whatever it is.

    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:08 No.8180536
    dat sum dabo swinney? clemson bro?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:08 No.8180540
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    Not fat related, BUT

    >Lived with idiotic female hippy roommate (at least she was skinny)
    >Her friend comes over
    >They talk about how muscles are gross and "fake"
    >I interject and ask how something that takes time and effort to build is "fake," but makeup isn't.
    >She responds with "Well if a guy gets muscles from something hot like surfing, it's attractive. But not if he just went to a gym."

    Fuck SS, I'm just gonna go surfing to get swole.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:15 No.8180620
         File1309749305.jpg-(31 KB, 400x300, 1289239603484.jpg)
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    >landwhale part of lab group in biology class.
    >landwhale sees me eating triscuits and peanut butter as a snack inbetween lecture and lab, tells me she notices all i drink is water and eat healthy snacks.
    >i explain why i do this - i want to be fit and feel good, etc.
    >landwhale tells me she got gastric bypass a year ago because she was so big she was getting rashes inbetween her rolls and how she feels so much better now that she's lost weight and is eating less.
    >tell her "drastic situations call for drastic measures. good for you, keep going"
    >MFW she proceeds to sneak eat an entire movie theatre sized box of mike & ikes during lab (eww - in a BIO lab?!), and laughs that she has kool aid in her aluminum water bottle.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:17 No.8180650
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    >"yeah like my dad's a scientist and shit and he told me if you exercise that much your heart will stop because it can only beat a certain number of times in your life and when you make it beat fast you reach that number faster"

    I... am actually mad. This is the first time I have ever been angry because of what someone said.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:18 No.8180668
    pretty sure if this kid is saying shit like this, he probably doesn't even have a dad around.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:19 No.8180673
    As far as I'm concerned, any fatty that brings up the eating habits of others is begging to get fat shamed.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:30 No.8180814
    >See ambulocetus doing ambulocetus things
    >Laugh heartily at these sub creatures attempting to be human
    >Continue on my way as mortal matters do no concern me
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:31 No.8180818
    she's said a couple of things that make me cringe, but i've gotta deal with her for another couple of weeks... i think i make her feel a little bad because i lost weight the right way and look healthy and happy, and she resorted to surgery and still looks kinda busted and not as in-shape as i do. she should feel shameful for letting her parents spend all that money on gastric bypass and not maintain it the right way.
    >> Gunnzzilla !!sLz+fwCdMOg 07/03/11(Sun)23:36 No.8180879
    >on the fb
    >talking to fat friend via wall post
    >have helped him lose 15 lbs so far
    >landwhale mother comes on bagging on being in shape
    >give her some advice (lawl stop eating nonstop and exercise)
    >complains her knees hurt
    >suggest bicycle kicks
    >complains she cant lay on er back
    >suggest latteral legs raises
    >she cannot stand or lay on her side for more then 5 minutes
    >explains she gets disability for it
    >lose faith in humanity
    >> tc 07/03/11(Sun)23:41 No.8180935
    >used to be indifferent to fat people, even feel bad for some of them
    >now hate 95% the obese immeasurably
    >oh well
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:41 No.8180939

    Sonia M. Proud

    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:42 No.8180941
         File1309750925.jpg-(21 KB, 445x298, hotslutjacqueline.jpg)
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    >old friend comes down for a visit, noticed she lost weight.
    >friend notices i lost weight as well, tell her i've been working out and eating right.
    >friend tells me she's been taking phentermine to lose weight - doesn't workout, hasn't changed diet.
    >friend tells me with a mouthful of macaroni salad that i can eat whatever i wanted if i took phentermine.
    >tell my friend eating whatever i wanted is what got me to where i was in the first place. i'm changing my lifestyle not just my weight. this is about really being alive.
    >friend tells me i'm wasting my time, there's no way i can keep up with what i'm doing.
    >MFW i tell friend she's a pillpopping, biblethumping idiot who needs to read her stupid bitch magazines on an eliptical.
    (it felt really, really great...)
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:42 No.8180949
    What about swimming? Surely she doesn't have an excuse for the lowest-impact exercise there is?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:45 No.8180977
    I saw a fat girl say DONT JUDGE ME

    she poured RANCH SAUCE

    over PASTA



    >> Gunnzzilla !!sLz+fwCdMOg 07/03/11(Sun)23:46 No.8180985
    first suggestion was swimming(bitch is 450lbs at 5ft5), she cant leave her chair.
    >mfw she bathes in a chair
    >mfw i have no face
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:46 No.8180988
    its a true fact for most animals they all die at around the same amount of heart beats

    but people don't work that way as we have low stress lives and modern medicine we live like 3 times longer then what we should I think
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:47 No.8180993
    Also when you exercise regularly your resting heart rate is lower, so you beat less frequently on average.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:49 No.8181010
    >work at a grocery store that is like the landocean for landwhales
    >wish I could wear a noseplug for the smell
    >fat bitch starts putting her items on the cart
    >has to stop halfway through to catch her breath
    >I wtf'd errwhere

    I also posted another story about the electric carts but its too long. Basically fatties are willing to wait 45min to and hour to use a cart instead of walking around the store (a small store mind you)
    >> lewolfmano !!IF2Ut807y8e 07/03/11(Sun)23:51 No.8181041
    i remember seeing your other story're really killing my faith in humanity
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:51 No.8181043
    well, 30 minutes on a treadmill can be a lot if you're actually moving
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:52 No.8181049
    I know a guy whos favorite dish is shredded cheese topped with ranch dressing.

    Kids like 5'10" 120. whattheactualfuck.ogg
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:52 No.8181053
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:53 No.8181063
    >went to walmart

    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:56 No.8181099
    fuck yeah THIS thread
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:58 No.8181108
    >ranch dressing
    ok what the fuck man.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)23:59 No.8181123

    that makes me want to puke
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:00 No.8181127
    that's not even a meal, thats too condiments mixed together. It reminds me of that cow & chicken episode probably about 12 years ago where they go on the camp and all there is to eat is bowls of ketchup.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:00 No.8181132
    two*, fucking phone.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:06 No.8181170
    omfg hahahahahahaha. love how you told you story as well. thanks for the laugh. i love these threads. was so depressed today and you guys put a smile on my face. I love you /fit/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:06 No.8181172
    You really think she was? I'd imagine she probably uses it once every other day if that
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:08 No.8181195
         File1309752494.jpg-(9 KB, 210x170, dd88970575b2696710d67ebb453023(...).jpg)
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    >fatty trips down single-step stair in mall
    >says she 'slipped'
    >her circumference was probably too large for her to see the step over her own lard
    >she could not get up
    >was no strong enough to pull herself up even with the available handrail
    >mfw it took 3 average dudes to heft her back onto her feet
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:09 No.8181210
    i can kind of understand what that girl is trying to say. also hippies dont wear makeup so i dont believe you had a hippie roommate. they also dont shower and wear that shitty perfume that smells like a forest.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:11 No.8181224

    dat repost
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:13 No.8181257
    I've been told this limited heartbeats thing as well.

    Seriously WTF! What the fucking fuck fuck.

    I raged internally but not a great deal since the person was a skinny cunt. But seriously, I guess that means you should do exiting things like play sport, dance or have sex. Why are people so stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:14 No.8181263
    >back when I was in high school
    >we had a fat as fat as fatass teacher at the school who was a real bitch and a half.
    >she was basically sombrero mode, where her torso was thin and when I say thin, I mean compared to the rest of her. So her torso is "thin" and continues like that down to her waist, where her diameter explodes to roughly the same distance as a nascar circuit [citation needed]
    >around our school were a lot of trees and shit, with some trees semi close together
    >anyway one day she is trudging along and she tries to get through the space between two trees and...
    >she got stuck
    >she needed a groundskeeper, 2 students and a teacher to pry her out of the wooden trap.
    >I saw it all happen
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:15 No.8181279
         File1309752942.jpg-(53 KB, 576x419, Marlon Brando Serious.jpg)
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    >Finishing up at the gym after leg day
    >Stretching out on a yoga mat on the 3rd floor next to the stairs
    >Fatty walks by, looks like he's headed for the stairs
    >think nothing of it
    >fatty presses a button
    >elevator doors open
    >fatty gets in
    >elevator doors close
    >I didn't even know my gym had an elevator
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:17 No.8181307
         File1309753075.jpg-(19 KB, 224x212, awestruck1ih6.jpg)
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    >some friends and i are tobogganing in our youth
    >not everyone has toboggans so we're fucking around sliding down on our knees n shit
    >obese friend decides to roll down the hill
    >the snow is quite packy and actually starts accumulating on him as he rolls down

    could have been amazing if the hill was larger
    >> Don Vito Swoleone !rcW2694HZM 07/04/11(Mon)00:18 No.8181323
    >Work at IGA
    >The occasional fat fuck comes in
    >I've only seen 1 ambulocetus ever
    >There are no disability scooters in the store
    >such is life in Australia

    >WHAT ddietin
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:19 No.8181327
    > been losing about 1 pound per week, mainly by counting calories
    > go out to eat, weekly dinner with friends
    > each of them is at least 50 pounds overweight, some more than 100
    > mfw they each consume more calories in one sitting than I eat in an entire day
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:20 No.8181340
    We have a lot of fat people in Australia but few ambuloceti which is strange. I say give it time. Taxes on groceries and produce due to the floods in NSW, Victoria and Queensland will produce more fatties.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:22 No.8181363
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:23 No.8181380
    >athletic 95% of my life
    >never gave a fuck about people being fat

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:24 No.8181389
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    >I... am actually mad. This is the first time I have ever been angry because of what someone said.

    Only the first time? You must be new to the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:26 No.8181410
    Seriously? Fuck this shit. I'm killing myself now, so that I don't have to breath the same air as people like this anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:29 No.8181444
         File1309753790.jpg-(25 KB, 438x414, 0327090156_0001.jpg)
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    >work at safeway
    >landwhale is waddling down the back aisle of the store
    >and i mean fucking waddling
    >she is looking at the cakes
    >not the "for no reason" cakes, the fucking birthday cakes
    >she cant bend down far enough to grab one
    >she sees me watching
    >calls me over to help her grab it
    >she is buying a whole sheet cake for no reason at midnight
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:38 No.8181532

    You have it good dude.

    >work at officeworks in furniture area
    >have to have the same awkward conversation daily where I tell people the weight limit on all chairs under $99 is 80kg and that to support more than 130kg they'll need to spend $189 or more
    >they buy the cheaper chair anyway because they're fatties in denial
    >three weeks later I refuse to return it
    >don't give a shit about the fatty rage that ensues
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:42 No.8181567
    >know a guy who drinks four liters of dr. pepper a day
    >tell him he's screwing his body up
    >"I'd be screwing it up way worse if I didn't get my caffeine fix."
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:44 No.8181588
    >People buy a shit load of discounted clothes
    >Busy taking off the hangers and applying the July 4th discount on all of them
    >The family stands to the side and talks the entire time
    >Girl justifies spending $80 on three tops by saying she's exercising
    >Says she's going to Planet Fitness and tells how membership is $10 and how for $20 more, you can have a personal trainer and access to massage chairs
    >Other people are really interested and says Planet Fitness is awesome
    >Fatty tells how her family was really dedicated to working out but stopped once they decided to take one break
    >Everybody laughs at their lack of willpower and unhealthy lifestyle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:49 No.8181637
    >Work at Walmart.
    >Most of you can stop reading there.
    >Work as Lord of the back room, second shift.
    >They send the largest landwhale to help unload a massive truck.
    >Need to move the equipment to continue unloading.
    >Landwhale moving line, trips over pallet on floor.
    >Starts to fall in slow motion.
    >I reach out my hands and catch her.
    >They sink in.
    >"Eww!" She gets embarrassed.
    >Eryone bert stares except one guy. He's laughing his ass off.
    >Continue working as if nothing happened.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:53 No.8181684
         File1309755226.jpg-(6 KB, 596x593, 4chanbackground.jpg)
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    >Work at GNC midday
    >The sun is setting and shines into the store
    >Notice large shadows pass by while I was wiping down the counter
    >A megalodon couple opens the door
    >They are literally eating a hamburger as they walk in
    >"Can I help you look for something?"
    >"Yeah we heard about this whey protein to lose weight"
    >"Well actually whey protein is used mostly to either retain muscle mass or gain muscle mass while exercising depending on the goal."
    >Megalodon women opens mouth and I'm forced to look in her direction seeing her sunken eyes from fat in the face
    >"We just want to know if we can lose weight with it, we can't really exercise because it's kind of boring and too hard to keep doing"
    >Megalodon guy says "Yeah man I know I got some muscle I just got to lose weight. Not really into the whole working out thing"
    >"Well the first thing I'd recommend is figuring out what your Body Metabolic rate, which figures out how many calories it takes to maintain your current body mass then-"
    >Megalodon wormen steps in "I guess I'll cut to the chase, sell us your magic pill."
    >"Magic pill?"
    >"Well anything that helps us lose weight without having to do much from our end."
    >"I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way. There is no magic pill"
    >Megalodon women gets red in her face mad >"Well a lot of good you are! This place is probably a scam anyways"
    >They woddle away
    >Finish wiping down the counter
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:54 No.8181693
    I got to admit, the commercials are sometimes funny.
    >Once I was telling about a PF commercial to co-worker.
    >Fat Co-worker asks what time that show comes on.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)00:55 No.8181707
    >at gym
    >a hefty couple are punching at wall bags, but so softly I can't even hear the impacts
    >try to ignore them
    >they move on to doing made up aerobic routines
    >doing each one for about 20 seconds, resting and then doing something else
    >standing on a balance platform as if it were an exercise
    >man gets into position to do a triceps dip (feet on floor)
    >decides he can't do that and gets back up
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:01 No.8181762
    >Working at grocery store
    >Landwhale lurches, too fat to waddle, over to me asking for flavored syrups for coffee
    >Show him were they are, recommend sugar-free kind because I think they taste better
    >"Are you calling me fat? Like you have any room to talk, you're fat too."
    >I'm 5'11, 240lbs, he's maybe 5'6 and easily 400lbs+
    >"That's nice sir, but I can still climb a flight of stairs."
    >Fatty turns red, lurches off screaming he's going to get me fired
    >Manager comes up to me later that, tries to keep a straight face while berating me
    >Gives up, tells me not to do it again

    Related note:
    >Few months later see ambulance in front of store when pull in
    >Someone had a heart attack
    >Join the gawking crowd
    >Landwhale is standing there, paramedics are trying to get landwhale's girlfriend/wife wife onto the gurney
    >Three other guys are needed to get her on the gurney
    >Had a heart attack while driving her rascal through the snack cake aisle
    >No reaction image exists to describe my schadenfreude
    >> gettin !swoLe9XFSw 07/04/11(Mon)01:03 No.8181790
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    >Had a heart attack while driving her rascal through the snack cake aisle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:04 No.8181802
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    fuck you. just.... fuck. no. that shouldn't be possibly. hipster cunts' level of retardation is simply excruciating

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:06 No.8181818
    You should have just said "No I have no room to talk, but I'm working on it, I'd hope one day you'd join me" like a real fit bro
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:07 No.8181828
         File1309756044.jpg-(2 KB, 126x124, 1308856316650.jpg)
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    >Had a heart attack while driving her rascal through the snack cake aisle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:12 No.8181871
    Just a couple of sad stories.

    >just before highschool
    >fat as fatass in my class
    >fairly wealthy family
    >parents taking an extended holiday
    >his older sister is taking care of him in the meantime
    >(somehow the sister was a complete bro and hugely attractive, I have no idea how she mangaged to survive what her parents fed her, unless she really cut hard before I met her)
    >she packs healthy lunches for the kid, and he likes them
    >bragging about substantial fat loss
    >good for you bro
    >year ends
    >he goes to a private school, don't see him for years and years
    >eventually do see him
    >he is bigger than a house
    Those fucking parents of his, man.

    >late highschool
    >going to gym(just because it gave me something to do at that time of the day, didn't really know what I was doing, although I was fairly fit anyways)
    >fatbro shows an interest in joining me
    >of course
    >help him out, both on the treadmills at the same time, encouraging him
    >he's making good progress in cardio and strength, and definately losing fat, but he's only getting smaller pretty slowly
    >he loses confidence
    >final year
    >yeah bro I'm not going to go to the gym this year, gotta concentrate on my schoolwork
    >>implying I'm not doing the same subjects as you and still managing to stay fit
    >just mumbles halfassed excuses
    I was quite disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:13 No.8181878
    I think I do have room to talk, especially at that kind of weight difference.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:14 No.8181888
    Nice get
    good use of schadenfreude, but at 5'11'' 240 you prob are kinda fat.
    Thank you for not returning it... Not even just to fat people but in general stores are too accommodating on shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:14 No.8181891

    Nope. He should have said, "You're right, you're taking up all of my room with your planetary circumference."
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:15 No.8181901

    should have sold them something. They're used to failure so it won't come back to bite you. And most importantly it's immoral to let a sucker keep his money.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:15 No.8181902
    >Be 5'4" 326lbs
    >Fatness has given me thunder thighs and fatty shame
    >Look out dorm window and see several people walking dogs
    >Have great idea for weight loss
    >Grab roommates' dog and waddle downstairs with a leash and collar
    >Meet up with roommates in the dorm building lobby, headed outside
    >Attach collar to leash
    >Hand leash to roommates
    >Eat dog
    >Put collar around my neck
    >Open the door
    >Get on the floor
    >Everybody walk the dinosaur
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:18 No.8181925
    Replace dog and dinosaur with hotdog.
    >> anonymouse 07/04/11(Mon)01:21 No.8181952
    >Had a heart attack while driving her rascal through the snack cake aisle

    laughed hard for minutes and fatty thread in a while
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:28 No.8182004

    Oh god, the last 5 seconds rock.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:31 No.8182024
    >with friend and her family on a trip to the lake
    >cousin is obese as all shit
    >me, friend, obese cousin and another cousin all decide to take the boat out
    >fat as fatass jumps off the boat into the lake
    >fat cousin tries to climb back on the boat but is so fat she cant pull herself back up
    >boat starts tipping because of weight
    >friend and i laugh and take pix on phone
    >eventually help her up
    >took like 20 minutes
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:31 No.8182033
    Perfect time to look at this thread in /adv/ !!!

    >Why is it that these genetically gifted girls barely can digest anything and barely care about their bodies and be twigs and attractive while meanwhile I'm stuck forever a fatty?


    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:34 No.8182046
    Oh my god. That guy was such a lame actor and I love it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:41 No.8182098
    Fucking facepalm. I hear that all the time from my overweight friends. Yeah, I *can* eat pretty much whatever I want now and not gain weight but I choose not to. Though freshman year I did gain 11 pounds but nothing visible. Most of my friends that are skinny that eat whatever they want (truly) were athletes their whole lives, and so was I. I think it's going to be a couple of years before my metabolism returns to that of a non-athlete. Doubt it though.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:44 No.8182121
    I just posted in that thread. ahahahah
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:50 No.8182158

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:56 No.8182214
    lol at the guy who gets pissed for asses getting less important than tits and that she should keep her fat

    I am completely unattracted to "fat asses" like seriously an ass is supposed to get is shape from muscle and not from fat tissue.
    Next second they cry about cellulite. Women are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)01:56 No.8182223
    that bitch posted the same thread on here last night.

    she needs to get over herself
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:20 No.8183307
    Being good at something is attractive.
    Working hard is unattractive.

    Hard work signals you're trying to overcome bad genetics. This is true despite all highly successful people working hard, because competition with all of humanity (instead of just your tribe) is a recent invention on the evolutionary timescale. This is why smart people conceal their efforts.

    It's the concept of "trying too hard". Don't brag about how long you spend in the gym. Let bitches believe you succeed by natural talent. Same with diet, you can say you eat healthy in vague terms, but never admit to counting calories or taking supplements.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:24 No.8183338
    >Let bitches believe you succeed by natural talent. Same with diet, you can say you eat healthy in vague terms, but never admit to counting calories or taking supplements.

    Except when they may start to suspect your natty if you keep pushing the whole "I'm barely doing anything" attitude.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30 No.8183755
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13 No.8184072
    Bump, goddamit LIVE, by the way this is now a thread about how youre family goes against you and fit shaming.
    >Be in college working out and getting them aesthetics
    >come back from college to home and find everyone looks ridiculously overweight as though they were doping on celltech
    >family was already a group of ambuloctei
    >turns out while i was gone they wanted to loose some weight and binged on my protein powder
    > this shortly after they told me that the protein was going to rot my liver
    > they throw it all away and have a family meeting discussing it's dangers and forbid me going to gym
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16 No.8184103
    Run, while you still can!
    Or, you know, just walk briskly away from the fatties.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22 No.8184151
    >friend's little brother always makes fun of fat people
    >is skinnyfat/auschwitzmode himself, has no room to talk
    >leaves for college
    >comes back after first semester having gained 30 lbs.
    >no longer makes fun of fatties
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37 No.8184256
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    >Moving to new place, 4th floor, no elevator
    >Brother is exhausted in the first hour of going up stairs
    >Complains "Can't go on without some Asprin"
    >Searches boxes for the asprin, downs them with a can of Coke.

    >Later on trying to move large dressers up the 4 flights
    >He needs to take a break on each landing
    >He hasn't showered in days and reeks.
    >MFW I'm happy to be moving.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:52 No.8184348
         File1309776739.jpg-(54 KB, 640x480, YamiYugi.jpg)
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    >at airport
    >behind fatty mcfat fat in line (at least he decided to wear deoderant)
    >attendant tells him he'll need to pay for 2 seats
    >he goes into a massive rant but ends up paying anyway because he's "not a poor jew" (his words)
    >later on the plane
    >he barely fits into his two seats
    >goes to the bathroom
    >gets stuck in the doorway
    >leaves screaming that he's going to sue the airline for "discrimination"

    Fuck I hate these people. Seriously. I'm not thin, I'll happilly admit that I'm chubbyfat, but I don't make excuses for it. I eat too much and don't exercise enough. For me, I enjoy it more. Even when I was /fit/ in my highschool days, I didn't get the enjoyment from exercise other people get, but I can understand it. But fuck, how the hell can you get that fat? I've done maybe 5 hours of exercise this entire year and eat about 3 fast food meals per week and I stay under 90kg (I'm 6 feet tall). Fuck, it's not that hard to not be morbidly obese.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:58 No.8184399
    >I don't make excuses for it. I eat too much and don't exercise enough.

    You are the best kind of fat person

    Go have a cookie. Or ten.

    Damn, I wish I didn't care about my weight. I could really go for a cookie now.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:03 No.8184431
    that fucking feel
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:03 No.8184433
    I wish I could be content whenever I want, but it's not in my genetics. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:04 No.8184439
    >At college, walking around campus on my free period.
    >See a fatty girl trying to go up some stairs with her backpack, obviously struggling.
    >Laugh a bit to myself then ran up next to her and offer to take her bag.
    >She is pleasantly surprised and eventually let's me carry her bag for her up the stairs and all the way to where she needed to get to.
    >When we get there I ask her if she'd like to maybe get together sometime, if she maybe wants my number or something.
    She looked confused and surprised she thought it over a bunch while I smiled at her and eventually put my number into her phone.

    >2 days later, around 6 pm I get a phone call from her.
    >Pick up, be as friendly as I can, ask her how she is and whatnot
    She's all awkward and polite, we chit chat a bit
    >"So, when do you want to get together for a jog? Where's a good place for you to get to on campus we can run laps?"
    >She stutters then says "I... I don't.." and hangs up.

    Fatties gonna fat...

    I tried, /fit/ I was gonna go through with it too. Get her in shape and then fuck her silly. She was pretty cute for a fatty. I felt so bad about doing it I almost backed out and considered just keeping my mouth shut and asking her out to a movie or something... Kinda glad I didn't though, that would have just been worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:09 No.8184487
    that ended better than i ever would have expected.
    good job if its true.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:14 No.8184527
    absolute bro
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:19 No.8184566
    well done, you have a superiority complex.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:23 No.8184599
    >at the drive thru at weinerschnitzel's and in my sideview mirror i see some fatass alone

    >he orders 5 chili dogs with onions and 3 fucking orders of chili cheese fries ALL FOR HIMSELF

    >mfw that fatass in the sideview mirror was me leaning outside to place the order =)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:23 No.8184601
    Happened yesterday

    >Glorious sunshine
    >Go to beer garden with friends
    >All sitting around, few drinks
    >Everyone been ordering food on and off at different times.
    >Decide to order food, order sea bass with roast vegetables. Not unhealthy really.
    >Ask fat friend why he's not eating anything.
    >"I'm on a diet."
    >mfw he's had 6 pints
    >mfw he's at 4 cigarettes
    >mfw he buys and ice cream on the way home.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:24 No.8184613
    wow anon you're parents must be proud
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:26 No.8184631

    I will admit to being a douche, at time. I ALMOST didn't have the heart to do it. I WOULD have helped her get /fit/.

    Besides, I'm proud to say that as a young middle schooler I teased and pestered a fatty so much, so much crying and hurtful shaming, that she ended up getting fit and joined the schools track team. So maybe my little ass hole ways have some good in them. Even saw her after high school was over running laps at a local stadium with her mother no less.

    Imagine if that motivates her into getting /fit/ as a fuck you to me and everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:27 No.8184641
    ive lost 45 pounds since then and packed on some good muscle lol

    im probably 10% bodyfat
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:28 No.8184651
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    >well done, you have a superiority complex
    it's not a complex. he *is* superior.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)07:57 No.8184867
    Did you want to break her knees or just crush her on purpose? Why not ask her to go swimming instead, now you're just a douche.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:08 No.8184941
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:13 No.8184977
    I love these threads /fit/
    and I know laugh every time I see a fat person because I think of the word 'ambulocetus'
    In return, I give you this gift. Enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:16 No.8184998
    >break her knees

    My country has forced military for all men.

    Being fat at 18 years does not save you.

    Fatties run, they live, is possible to run with more fat then need for optimum.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:24 No.8185065
    >implying you can't get out of duty from anything these days

    Swimming is also much better for fatties.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:29 No.8185111
    Not I Malaysia, even the president's fat son training with I. We have no sympathy for feeble people, even the retards make our lunches in place of fight.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:32 No.8185133
    LMAO, I am taking a semester at UVI as part of the interstate transfer program.

    Looking forward to hearing people talk like that everyday.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:33 No.8185145
    most fatties are too self-conscious about their body to go swimming.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)08:41 No.8185202
    but not too self conscious to loose the fat.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:12 No.8185422
    >Go out for breakfast at Cafe, place is full to capacity, we get the last two seats.
    >Order french toast
    >20 mins pass a couple walks in with their child
    >Mother is enormous about 5"2' (Biggest loser people are about 130kg, so I'll go with that) Father and kid are thin.
    > 10 minutes later I overhear her complaining that she has been waiting 10 minutes for her food
    >Think calm down bitch its busy, waitress explains that they're busy, says that its at capacity.
    >Fatty keeps complaining about poor service or some bullshit
    >Waitress grabs the next bacon and eggs to come out from the kitchen and gives it to her
    >She gets an extra order of bacon with her meal (Ausfag here, coffee club meals are fucking huge and come with all the trimmings)
    >father gets the same, but without the extra bacon and shares his meal with the kid.
    >fatty fucking inhales her two plates, seriously the only way for her to eat it faster would be if she had it blended into a shake or if it was all slopped into a dog bowl so she could just bury her face in it.
    >I am not comfortable with her chosen lifestyle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:27 No.8185537
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:35 No.8185611
    bumpan, needs to stay on page 1
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:50 No.8185739
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    >Family friend's house
    >Awkward mingling of children while parents go and drink
    >Watching ghostbusters
    >Fatty summoned a whole box of cinema size popcorn
    >Refuses to share with anyone
    >Tell her to share or I'll break her in
    >Proceed to rape fatty for refusing to share
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:56 No.8185785
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    >>break her in
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:58 No.8185803
    >get banned by fat mod
    >use proxy
    >fat people are worthless
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)09:59 No.8185810
    >see ambulocetis waddling
    >his stomach is hanging over his pants below where his shirt ends.
    >that's it, I just kept going on my way glad I wasn't a waste of space like that hambeast.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:11 No.8185881
    Yeah no there's no way she would have said yes. Real date first, fixerup date second. I get that you kind of sort of had good intentions but you were doomed to failure.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:11 No.8185884
    >Wikipedia search 'Ambulocetus'
    Ambulocetus (or the "'walking whale'")(or the "'fat obese person'") was an early cetacean that could walk as well as swim.

    Never change, /fit/.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:11 No.8185885
    LMAO!!!!1!!1!1!- 2 PLAET!1!1!?1?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:17 No.8185906
    >At buffet place with family
    >in line behind tiny landwhale.
    >kid is

    Wait, fuck the greentext. My horror at this several years later still cannot be condensed. This fat little butterball of a kid was 8-10 years old. He was pale, and looked clammy. I could see the sweat glistening off of his rotund little cheek.

    I watched this kid reach out with a tiny little hamfist, fingers so fat that I wondered if he could even move them beyond a wiggle. He slams his hand into the pasta and grabs a handful and starts shoveling it in his mouth right there. He packs in every noodle that he can, fingers shoving and jamming noodles in a frenzy, not minding the ones falling down his shirt front. Before he even closes his mouth, this little beast reaches out again, strings of spit trailing from mouth to hand, and grabs another handful of pasta.

    There's drool pouring down his chin and his fingers are wet with it, and he just can't stand waiting in line, and continues to shovel noodles into his mouth like a starving man, waiting for the line to start moving.

    Not particularly hungry, the sight of this fat little creature slobbering all over himself and gorging on noodles by the handfuls did me in. There was no eating for me after that.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:27 No.8185973
    these threads are the best threads for motivation. thank you, /fit/.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:31 No.8186023
    >At restaurant with friends
    >Order salad with ranch on side
    >whale friends orders burger, fries, ranch onside
    >We get our salads first, whale pours all the ranch on his salad
    why the fuck you get it on the side if you are using the whole thing?
    >whale asks for another side of ranch
    >pours that bad boy on his salad too
    >Normal food comes, I am still eating my salad
    >whale asks for A SIDE OF RANCH for his fries
    >Whale eats the side of ranch and still has fries left
    >Whale sees my ranch cup is almost completely full
    >Takes my ranch and finishes his fries
    >whale starts talking about how he is starting to eat healthy and having more salads.
    Eating healthy, 3 and 3/4 things of ranch
    More salads, which a shit ton of ranch
    Does he not realize ranch is just fat and fat seasoning?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:35 No.8186060
    >Mother has this obese friend.
    >by friend I mean woman who is obsessively clingy, needy, and obsessed with one famous man. She calls and ignores my mother's attempts to get off the phone, gets really angry if calls are not answered.
    >Woman comes over one day and uses my bathroom.
    I'll admit right here that I have some germ issues. Someone using my bathroom, even family, is call for half an hour of being too grossed out to go in there, and then another half hour of fun with bleach.
    >She spends 25 minutes in there.
    >spends another 40 minutes taking advantage of my too-nice mother.
    >after she leaves, I gear myself up to go disinfect things.
    >Poop. poop everywhere. Runny poop on the back of the seat, pooling in a noxious brown sludge.
    >poop dripped on the floor, dried and already crusting in the shit trails down the outside of the bowl.
    >long continuous smear of poop on the inside of the bowl.

    Why, fucking why.
    Who is so fat and unaware of basic hygiene that they leave the bathroom in that state? The bathroom in someone else's house? Could she not manage to turn around in the bathroom and look at what she'd left on the toilet? Did she not care about wrecking the bathroom of a house she presumably wanted to go back to?

    Why. Up until that point in my life, I didn't know people could actually be that disgustingly unaware of themselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:35 No.8186062
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:40 No.8186115
    I have a similar story
    >Mother knows fat woman who needs help
    >Mother agrees to help woman with basic cleaning
    >Mother drags me along. I am pissed BTW
    >After 20 minutes of cleaning mother runs to me, tells me to be quite and drags me into the bathroom
    >Mother points at tub

    Turns out the woman was so fat that she couldn't shit on her toilet so she had to shit in the tub.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:41 No.8186120
         File1309790472.png-(257 KB, 405x412, 1290235780861.png)
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    >I had a friend that used to think he was the lord of fitness.
    >He went so far as to even say that anyone more fit or healthy than him must have been 'doing it wrong' or cheating, "Those arn't his real muscles".
    >Always running to prove that he was the fastest.
    >Always asking others to lift or push ups and then trying to prove that he was stronger.
    >He was, but he was a wanker about it.
    >He moves out of home and feels like he has no responsibilities and all the time in the world to do whatever he wants, so he wastes all him money on computer gadgets and games and junk food.
    >Doesn't exercise for over a year, just sits around with his ever growing girlfriend.
    >mfw He one day realises that he has no right to brag or criticise fit people or even make fun of fatties.

    So he took up smoking and tries to explain that "It's not unhealthy. I'm only smoking about two a day, and it's been helping me lose weight."

    >All of mon visage.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:49 No.8186185
    >bumping for fat hate
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:55 No.8186233
    >live with parents because you're trying to save money
    >have legit-crazy father.
    >have mother who wants to lose weight
    >be a weak noodle armed anon who wouldn't mind losing a few pounds and would like to be less of a limp noodle.
    >start going couch to 5-k with mother in mornings
    >work with mother to make healthy meals for each other during the day, as we both work at home
    >do all the grocery shopping to make sure healthy foods are in the house.

    >talk with mother about buying weights where insane and overweight father can hear.
    >ignore his mockery that lifting weights will make me manly and gross.
    >say no when father offers a blizzard.
    >explain about getting in shape and watching what we're eating.
    >father gets annoyed. Goes to get a blizzard by himself.
    >actually goes to the general store and buys 1 large package of potato chips. Two family packs of pretzels and cheese dips. One package of almond windmill cookies. One package of vanilla wafers, one package of strawberry wafers. Two cartons of ice cream. One family pack of peanut butter cookies. Four boxes of sweet and nutty granola bars.
    >Spends rest of the day pointing out the junk food to us.

    >wonders why his (legit) bad knee hurts all the time.
    >assume he's probably going to die a good 30 years earlier than my mother and hope he doesn't drag her down with him into the grave.
    >have a sad.
    >> theprotector !!MM/x051rSTD 07/04/11(Mon)10:56 No.8186240
    >>been lifting a few months, taken up road cycling and loving it, cycle everywhere, enjoying cardio and rowing, generally loving being healthy for first time in my life genuinely
    >>older brother runs a marathon, proud as fuck
    >>younger brother is ambulocetti (only 16)
    >>always asking him if he even does lift, why he doesnt lift
    >>trying for months to get him to lift, I know it would sort out a lot of the problems in his life like it did for me
    >>brother refuses
    >>so fat
    >>eats shit
    >>mayonaise on EVERYTHING
    >>eats mayonaise from the jar
    >>spends all his time in bed on his laptop
    >>stomach hangs over trousers
    >>stretch marks everywhere
    >>he's smart and could be good looking, but he's fat and something about the world has made him bitter and he only ever has critical and negative remarks to make about everyone and everything
    >>so much negativity in life
    >>he's like "I've got thursday off from school, maybe I'll come to the gym with you?"
    >>" ;__; really?"
    >>"lol nah just trolling you"

    ;__; there is no macro for my disappointment
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)10:57 No.8186251
    >Go on double date with gay jew whales
    >They order fried cheese stick appetizer
    >tell us it is so good
    >Let us share a cheese stick
    >Both order $15+ pasta dishes
    >Me and BF share $8 chicken dish
    >desert time, they order a slice of cake eat
    >tell us how good it is
    >let us take a fork full to try
    >Bill comes
    >Whales say "We should just split it 4 ways to make it easier"
    They ordered appetizers, dinner and desert while me and BF shared a $8 meal
    >Tell them we will just pay for our part and hand them $10.
    >They reply "but we all shared the appetizers and desert"

    MFW these faggot jew whales want me and my BF to pay for a cheese stick we split and two bites of cake.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:02 No.8186310
    Funny thing about this....

    It's not true in the sense he understood it, but it is true that all animals, the big and small alike, generally are worth X heartbeats before they bite the big one.

    It's sort of cool to think about. This obviously means the opposite of what he believed though, as truly fit (not /fit/) people have low resting heart rates.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:04 No.8186323
    >be 260 pounds
    >walk to town
    >covered in sweat after 5 minutes
    >at gas station buying coke and chips
    >drop chips at checkout line
    >skinny dude steps on them
    >chips everywhere
    >make him buy me a bigger bag of chips after i guilt trip him
    >feels good man
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:06 No.8186341
    >On vacation
    >Meet 2 hot german girls the night I arrive at my hotel, they're sisters
    >A bit of small talking the next 2 days
    >Somehow, we end up all going out together
    >They tell me and the dude I was with that they're waiting for a friend of theirs, she's staying over in an other hotel
    >Friend comes
    >She's huge
    >The night ensues, fatty is all over me and my bro
    >Endured her shit for a few hours, until I got mad, told her to stop touching me
    >The two sisters are like; WTF?!
    >They leave.

    Fucking fatty's always ruin my plans..
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:07 No.8186350

    30lb in muscle or 30 pounds of flab?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:08 No.8186353
         File1309792084.jpg-(26 KB, 460x276, rihanna-smug.jpg)
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    I laughed so hard I had to go take a piss.

    >be chubby most of middle and high school
    >summer before senior year serious the fuck up and get in great shape
    >go back to school and suddenly I am not the fat nerd anymore
    >I am now the hot blonde that likes comic books and gets straight A's
    >the same men who used to torture me are now tripping over their dicks trying to hang out with me and impress me
    >tell them to fuck off and die
    >they become unpopular because I don't like them
    >mon visage quand

    >underclassman nerd friend wants help turning things around for herself too
    >offer to help but tell her she needs a tough skin, I don't feed people bullshit
    >she says okay
    >things start out alright
    >she goes from obese to overweight
    >she decides that she doesn't need my help any more and she can do better on her own
    >tell her I believe otherwise
    >she ignores me
    >kay then
    >in 2 weeks she gains back all of the weight she lost in 3 months
    >tells everyone it's my fault because I taught her wrong because I was feeling jealous and threatened and wanted her to get fat again
    >what the fuck ever, ignore it
    >take her aside and ask her what happened with the weight gain
    >she claims not to know
    >talk it through with her
    >discover that she figured since she was skinny, she could eat/drink whatever the hell she wanted as long as she kept up the exercise
    >she was drinking roughly 5 liters of soda a day and more than half of everything she put in her mouth besides that was fried
    >the junk was making her sluggish and tired so she also stopped working out
    >"You can't do that shit."
    >"Why not? You're skinny and you eat fried stuff and drink soda, too."
    >"Not even close to that much of it. Also, you weren't skinny. You were still 30 pounds overweight."
    >insert sobbing here
    >still tries to blame me to others
    >everyone knows she's full of shit
    >gets her mother to transfer her to another school over the butthurt
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:10 No.8186369
    >10 lbs overweight
    >eat healthy, watch calories, exercise daily
    >get shit from some guys from /fit/

    Fuck you guys, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:12 No.8186386


    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:14 No.8186400
    Wait...You're a girl?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:15 No.8186410
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:15 No.8186413
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:16 No.8186428

    >hot blonde

    well, you know the drill.
    Don't forget the timestamp.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:18 No.8186437
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    Sure, okay.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:20 No.8186452

    When you were overweight, did you have any sympathy for the fat acceptance movement?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:24 No.8186479
    Not at all. When I was younger I didn't care that I was fat or that other people were fat. It's like I didn't even notice. By the time I was old enough to care it seem pretty clear that being fat is an option. You can choose to keep stuffing your face, or you can choose to go for a jog. For the longest time I just never cared that I was overweight, though.

    I don't regret being a chubster. The whole experience taught me how to differentiate between people that genuinely enjoy my company and people who can't think past someones looks. Even still, I don't ever want to go back.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:25 No.8186490

    >>make me manly and gross

    i wtfed for a few seconds until i realised you were a girl
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:27 No.8186496
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    You like comic books?

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:28 No.8186507

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:30 No.8186515

    >they become unpopular because I don't like them

    Cool story sis.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:30 No.8186516
    >You like comic books?

    This is not a difficult trait to find in a woman.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:33 No.8186529
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    >at friend's house for BBQ
    >He's seeing Spanish girl, some of her family is there
    >she's fine weight wise and so is the husband of her family member, but the family is all morbidly obese, including their 4 and 6 year old daughters...
    >talking to the father of them
    >tells me how the 6 year old one that looks like a fucking beach ball has candy for breakfast
    >she literally eats 3 chocolate bars for breakfast
    >He's in shape and does sports but doesn't care
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:33 No.8186530
    >guys are being total dicks to someone
    >that someone changes enough to become attractive to those guys
    >guys stop being dicks and start brown nosing
    even in high school people who're that see-through will become unpopular
    they just made themselves look like even bigger asses than they already were
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:39 No.8186578
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    >Had a heart attack while driving her rascal through the snack cake aisle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:41 No.8186587
    I have a similar story anon.
    >In high school a few years ago
    >At home playing the vidya
    >Bro comes in with his fat female friends
    >They go outside because the friends smoke
    >One friend asks to use the bathroom
    >She comes out of the bathroom ten minutes later
    >Suddenly a smell wafts into the living room
    >A good twenty feet away it smelled like I was a foot from the toilet bowl
    >In such disbelief, I go investigate the smell
    >Oh god the smell was 50x worse
    >Look at toilet
    >The seat has a ring of shit on it
    >Wait until fat chicks leave, have my bro clean it
    Seriously how does that ring get there. It defies all logic.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:43 No.8186609
    You ready for some anti-fatrage?

    >work in supermarket as checkout chick
    >two fatties (woman and what I assume was her son ~15) come up to my register to checkout and ask where the protein powder is so they can loose weight
    >I stifle a laugh and say I won't be able to help them, they should go ask someone else (I had had a long day)
    >they get upset and say that I should just tell them what to do as I am clearly muscly and stuff
    >I tell them they won't like what I have to say
    >they insist
    >I start pointing out all the sugary and fatty crap in their trolley
    >I say go over to that end (gesture to vegetable/fresh food area) and only buy stuff from there + grains
    >they want me to show them, so I do
    >they end up buying a bunch of healthy stuff
    >manager sees me helping fatties pick out healthy food

    >fast forward 2 months
    >I now regularly hold 'food education' classes that run for 30mins where I take fatties around the store and show them what to eat, I get paid extra too
    >original two fatties have now visibly lost weight

    part 2 comin
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:47 No.8186645
    how the fuck does she sleep
    can't lay on her back, can't lay on her side, and can't stand? wtf?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:50 No.8186664
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:52 No.8186692

    >Tobey MaGuire Laughing.jpg

    >> White Knight 07/04/11(Mon)11:53 No.8186699

    Sir, I challenge you to explain why you hold such a belief.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:56 No.8186732
    >It's because of videos like this that girls in the USA have body image issues. This video is incredibly insensitive. There is nothing wrong with having some curves -- real men actually like that! Men that don't are just hiding their fetish for teenage boys. The woman on the couch is beautiful. This video is just unfortunate and sad.

    >-Fat Lazy Pig

    10/10. Would rage again.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:57 No.8186736
    thats actually not completely false
    lots of mammals including men have a very similar total number of heartbeats in their life. small mammals that die sooner, like a mouse, have a faster heartbeat while longer living mammals, elephants, human, beat slower
    of course it has absolutely nothing to do with working out
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:57 No.8186740
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    >is a fatty
    >sitting here reading through the thread laughing at other fat people
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:58 No.8186750
    unrelated to first part

    >go over to visit cousin (11 yo)
    >his parents are overweight yuppie cunts
    >they are always trying out new fad diets, the latest is the 'no carbs after 6pm' dealy
    >cousin asks me how I am so fit when I eat carbs after 6pm
    >I say I do plenty of exercise including lots of running and weightlifting, coupled with healthy eating
    >his parents start telling him right in front of me that weightlifting is bad for you and will fuck up your joints/back/heart etc...
    >they tell him that he should just follow their diet and submit to a sedate life where nothing 'overstresses' his body
    >my cousin is quite slim, because he is an energetic kid, runs around and whatnot, but I don't want him turing into a little doughball
    >I take him outside to talk to him, parents can still hear through door
    >it is night, and I see a possum in a tree
    >I point it out to him

    I say the following more or less (it sounded better when I said it):
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)11:58 No.8186755
    >"see that possum, see how it jumps around to find food and get from place to place?"
    >"that possum is nice and healthy by possum standards, it does exactly what it needs to do to survive"
    >"you don't see any fat possums do you? thats because the fat ones are unfit and die"
    >"in the real world, animals that are unfit are unable to fend for themselves, and they end up starving because they are unable to get food, or are eaten by bigger, stronger animals"
    >"Your parents think that if you do not stay fit and healthy you will have a better life because you won't be exposed to any danger"
    >"what they don't know is that by being unhealthy you are exposed to many, many, lifestyle diseases which will lower your quality of life, and make you really unhappy"
    >"see how your parents try out a new diet every week but still don't loose weight? ask them if they are really happy inside"
    >"the only reason they don't want you to follow my example and be fit is because they want to drag you down to their level of unhappiness"
    >"remember that the unhealthy possum dies in the wild, you don't have to die, you can be strong and be happy for the rest of your life"

    His parents hate the fuck out of me now, cousin thinks I am a total bro, always asking me stuff now.

    yes i did rehearse that little speech, been wanting to do it for a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:02 No.8186778
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:03 No.8186797
    I guess this is somewhat related.

    >Have eaten well, not bad, just, not particularly amazing either, majority of teenage life
    >Meet girl, athletic, does sport, eats well, skinny, exercise regularly.
    >I start to exercise myself, (Mainly as a direct influence, she never tried to convince me, but i hated being skinny fat) cardio to begin with, then recently, started lifting. (I mean very recently, although I did do pushups, crunches, and anything possible without a gym whilst doing cardio)
    >Last few months she started putting on some weight from eating badly, less exercise.
    >Always gets mad about her weight, always asks if she's fat or I notice
    >It became noticeable about 2 months ago, but, we both were stressed. So I always avoided the subject
    >She puts on more weight,
    >She asks me if she has got bigger
    >Explain she has filled out a little on the tummy area, and the thighs,

    I say explain. She kept asking me the question about 20 times until I said something different to 'No you look no different' She could tell i was lying.

    >She cries for about an hour.

    Call me beta, but it always sucks seeing your girl cry because of what you said. I didn't even care she had put on the weight.

    On other hand she's dieting and exercising more now, swings and roundabouts I guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:04 No.8186803
    you're lucky there was actually a possum there that day then
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:06 No.8186819
    and a nice and healthy one by possum standards to boot !

    but joking aside, what you did was totally bro, brofist, if you can, keep the kid on the right track so he won't be miserable
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:06 No.8186822
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:06 No.8186823
    There are usually possums around where they live, I could have just talked about a metaphorical possum though.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:06 No.8186827
    >at subway
    >landwhale pod in front of me, consisting of 2 parents and a baby landwhale
    >father landwhale gets 3 footlongs
    >mother landwhale gets 2 footlongs
    >baby landwhale, aged at probably about 7 years, gets a fking footlong
    >roast beef
    >no vegetables
    >all for a 7 year old landwhale
    >MFW parental skills
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:08 No.8186840
    just pictured that speech with you two standing in front of an empty tree. i laughed more than i should have...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:09 No.8186848
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    your relationship will be toxic, leave her ASAP or you'll get too involved, never date bulimic/anorexic other fuckin' girls with mental problems.
    Ex stands for EXample of girl you should never again go out with
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:09 No.8186853
    >Work at Mcdonalds
    >Usually work the drive through
    >mfw 85% of people who drive through are obese
    >mfw I work 5 days a week and there are roughly 5 obese people/families who come through EVERY DAY I WORK
    >mfw people get salads and I get a little bit of hope but then they get an extra ranch packet and fried chicken on the salad
    >mfw Mcdonalds customers piss me off
    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:12 No.8186870
    Oh no way bro, she's not that mental. She does the sport because she enjoys it, and eats healthily because she always has done.

    She never obsesses over her weight. No eating disorders. just a bit insecure.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:14 No.8186888
    >Also work at McDonalds
    >Fatty family come through
    >Kid has a large Mac meal to himself
    >extra sauce
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:15 No.8186900
    whats wrong with mustard?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:18 No.8186928
    It was sour cream and chive sauce. Real fucking unhealhty.

    Sure it's fine, just, the kid was so young, and so fat. Just makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:21 No.8186962
    lold just reading this
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:24 No.8186996
    i mad'd
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:29 No.8187034

    Story sounds familiar, which crew are you rowing in?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:29 No.8187035
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    >on a cut
    >mom eating a bag of Cheetos
    >Shes got dat dere diabeetus
    >she tells me I'm losing too much weight
    >tell her my lifts are going up so it's all good
    >HFW she tells me I need to eat more veggies
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:30 No.8187045
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    > be like 10 years old
    >go maccas and be a sick cunt and eat two whole bigmacs for myself
    >younger bro gets double quarter pounder
    >we never fat

    >mfw when we never get to eat junkfood case we balkanfags and mama wouldnt let us eat that "JANK" more then once a year

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:35 No.8187096
    Are you me?

    >Mother and I go to the gym everyday and eat very healthy
    >Mother takes my advice for food
    >She even asks me for recipes so she can cook them while I'm at school
    >Father is getting fatter by the minute
    >Refuses to exercise, constant stream of excuses
    >Always talks about how he can't do anything because of his leg, which he broke over TEN YEARS ago
    >Won't even go walk the dog with my mom

    ON TOP OF THAT, when I was younger and pretty damn fat:

    >Force me to lose weight by telling me to stop eating meats
    >He thinks protein makes you fat
    >He eats ice cream like it's water

    >Dat feel when my dad is digging his own grave
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:37 No.8187118
    > Watching Made on MTV
    > Its about some fat chick who spends all of her time on the computer who wants to be a cheerleader
    > She met her boyfriend online, he's her only friend.
    > They get a cheerleader from a football team in New Jersey to help her
    > They do some light cardio (jumping jacks, running in her backyard, ect.)
    > They continue this for a week
    > One day she feels sad and doesn't want to do it anymore
    > She tells the coach that she doesn't want to do it
    > Coach talks to her about her goals and how if fatty leaves she might not come back
    > Fatty leaves
    > While walking down the hall fatty says "I really want to be a cheerleader."

    It amazes me how fat people say they want to do something but then they don't put in the effort to achieve their goals.

    >fatties gonna fat
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:49 No.8187231
    Wow, it is entirely possible.

    >Always talks about how he can't do anything because of his leg, which he broke over TEN YEARS ago
    >Won't even go walk the dog with my mom

    My father was in a really debilitating car accident ...some ten years ago. Coma, physical therapy. Tons of fun. Most of that leg and knee has metal rods instead of bones. He also will not walk dogs with my mother because his knee hurts too much.

    Well, if you weren't twice the size you should be...

    >ON TOP OF THAT, when I was younger and pretty damn fat:

    Never been terribly fat, but consistently chubby.
    >Younger and NOT fat thanks to hardcore soccer years
    >Father insists that I'm fat and buys me exercise videos
    >denies most foods
    >continues to eat fast food and ice cream and fountain sodas while tearing down any confidence I had in my body for years

    >still that feeling when your crazy father is killing himself with unhealthy lifestyle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:52 No.8187279
    I know the girl who made this. I think it's hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:53 No.8187306
    Dude, I'm sorry about your dad, but it's really not the case with mine. He made a full recovery and his leg is perfectly fine. He made a 4 hour climb up a mountain in China with me once and didn't complain. He is just too lazy to make a consistent effort to be healthy. Plus, my mom and I offer to go to the pool with him every day (which has zero impact on his leg) and he refuses even then.
    >> And Then I Was A Bear !xwT15M4gR 07/04/11(Mon)12:55 No.8187321
    those little kids look fucking sexy
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:57 No.8187343
    >loli oblivion mods
    >/v/isitor, I thought you guys were cool
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)12:58 No.8187355
    your cousin doesn't think you're a total bro
    he KNOWS you are
    and I do too, good on ya anon
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:02 No.8187399
    is she the one on the pics?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:06 No.8187456
    internet brofist
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:10 No.8187498
    Yes. She's in all the pictures. She goes to my school and just graduated from the MFA program. I don't know her personally but I saw the "exhibit" and it was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:13 No.8187537
    >Buy "healthy" snacks like Triscuits (not that great for you, but better than most)
    >So delicious I eat the whole bag
    The only thing I can ever eat any more for a snack is peanut butter celery or carrots.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:14 No.8187551
    not really a fatty hate story, but the guy was huge (builtfat), so i guess it counts.
    >at gym doing DB bench press
    >talking in between sets with builtfat guy doing flat BB bench
    >He's benching 190kg. almost 4plate bench
    >I mirin hard, and let him know this, i'm struggling with the 34kg DBs.
    >Food comes up.
    >can see he's got no muscle definition, not that he gives a fuck, he's huge and weighs like 100+kgs at my height
    >i tell him my breakfast (4 eggs, 100g oats, 3 slices wholemeal toast, about 900 calories)
    >he goes 'you don't eat the yolk do you? That's where all the fat is. give tour veins a break!'
    >explain to him fat is not that bad for you. It's transfat and shit that's bad for you.
    >ok... But what about all the cholesterol in eggs? That's not good.
    >ohboyherewego.jpg... explain to him about that, tell him to research it
    >He then says that that much protein is bad for you, your body can only absorb 30g at once.
    >i couldn't believe this shit. not even trolling, he actually those things in that order.
    >explain shit to him
    >how is he benching 190kg with such terrible broscience???
    >> Nigga 07/04/11(Mon)13:15 No.8187566
    Do you have the troll mod?
    >> Isley ! 07/04/11(Mon)13:16 No.8187572

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:19 No.8187616

    link to episode ?
    >> deleted !!Kz4VNBEUbxd 07/04/11(Mon)13:22 No.8187654
    Tour veins.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:24 No.8187675

    the dude was benching 420 lbs for reps?

    roid, roids errywhere

    the world record for a single bench rep went from like 360lbs in 1890 to 365 in 1940 (or something like that, from memory) then roids and it went to over 500lbs in the 50s

    360 is probably very close to what a human male can do without roids, maybe some freaks with 10 years training and perfect diet could do 400 but not some random fat guy who does not know how to eat

    people can say what they want about roids

    but they fucking work
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:25 No.8187682
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    >High school
    >Chillin' with friends
    >Girl opens a chocolate shake she brought for lunch
    >Takes a sip of it and immediately spits it back in
    >'Ew, I think this shit is expired'
    >Landwhale kid walking by
    >'So you aren't gonna drink it?'
    >'Uhh...I guess not'
    >'CAN I HAVE IT??'
    >Our face when he drank the fucking thing
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:26 No.8187695
    i must say, these fatty hate threads are better than zyzz threads
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:27 No.8187701
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    >Whole family goes out for a meal after my nephew's christening.
    >Haven't seen two of my female cousins for around 6 years.
    >One was always a manatee, the other was super-skinny when younger but evolved into a manatee.
    >Me, my brother, dad, grandad and uncle are sitting at a table in the corner. Hambeasts are sitting at the next table.
    >My grandad out of no where suddenly says quite loudly "By Steven, Vanessa hasn't half got fat."
    >My grandad's face when my uncle angrily tells him to keep his voice down and the rest of us try not to piss ourselves laughing.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:27 No.8187705
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    >dat vid
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:28 No.8187714
    i personally saw a guy bench 500lbs who is natty (lived in the same room as him for 6 months)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:29 No.8187732
    he did one rep on 190. he arched his back like a motherfucker. he did 160 for like 3 or 4 reps, didn't count.
    not lieing, he did that. probably roids, even though he did say before 'i would never do roids' probably to cover up the fact he did roids.
    but yeah, he did one rep on 190kg.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:30 No.8187739
    >One was always a manatee, the other was super-skinny when younger but devolved into a manatee.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)13:31 No.8187752
    The fuck?
    Fatties don't common decency.

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