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  • File : 1297472117.jpg-(274 KB, 532x800, Cammy_Preview_by_onpaperwings.jpg)
    274 KB /cgl/ needs you Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:55 No.6136914  
    Hey, /fit/! /cgl/ here.

    We seagulls have a problem... We have a LOT of threads about weight-loss, before-n-after, 'get slim fast!'. The problem comes in that there's a lot of misinformation and only one /fit/izen comes in to help with the tru fax. (We have only a small handful of informed others.)

    A lot of seagulls make threads on /cgl/ stating that they don't want to make one here because that don't want the same response that people with alternative fashions would get on /fa/. They're told to come here OFTEN, and they shudder.

    To be quite honest, we need a lot of help. A lot of females believe "eat less, only look at the numbers on the scale, if I'm rail thin and my rips poke out, that's how it's supposed to be", forgetting that they need to eat healthy while exercising.
    They want to look like models. Thin and lean.
    Problem is... they don't seem to want to hear that we models have to exercise and eat well to look long and lean and not end up looking like a skeleton!

    /fit/izens, I'm implore you... Will you help the seagulls? Will you be the teachers that we all need when the "how do you lose weight before the con" threads appear?

    There are a number that want to learn. And a number that also don't even know that muscle weighs more than fat.

    Will you hold our hand and guide us, dear /fit/izens?

    Can we make threads here? Will you be a patient and help us take our first steps toward a healthy lifestyle?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:56 No.6136932
    You seem to believe that /fit/ actually knows what works.

    This is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:57 No.6136943
    > Can we make threads here?

    > Will you be a patient and help us take our first steps toward a healthy lifestyle?
    No, read the sticky.
    >> /fit/ /fa/ /a/non.......Almost done !!oBlSR21tBgR 02/11/11(Fri)19:58 No.6136953
    Makes it easier for me if its all in one place I have no problem helping
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:59 No.6136965
    The sticky has all you need. It works, slow, steady, and for life.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)19:59 No.6136967
    Tell them to read the sticky in /fit/

    If they come here they'll get abused for being stupid (ie they are wrong, /fit/ knows they are wrong). If you want to look good lift weights. If you are a girl you won't get huge (unless you are eating a shit load of calories).

    It's all in the sticky as to why girls should lift weights. Why girls won't get huge. Why you have to lift weights to look good (otherwise you'll be skinny but not toned).

    tl;dr read the sticky.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:00 No.6136990
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    Yes, we shall share with you the deepest secrets of weight loss and the path to a more healthy body.

    >yfw it's diet and excercise

    I swear this is some /b/tard wanting us to raid /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:05 No.6137026
    But trust me, you are leaps and bounds more informed than we are.

    Oh, I have. My fellow seagulls are told to do so as well. And many ignore that advice. While I understand it's impossible to get someone who simply wants a Get Rich Quick method to pay attention and actually read more than 2 sentences on the matter, I still feel that there are many that are afraid that it will all be information they don't want to hear.

    "But I don't want to be a body builder!"

    I guess there's no helping those that can't do something as simple as that...

    Thanks again for always being in every thread helping out.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:05 No.6137029

    I'll only start lurking over there if I'm promised hot women and tits galore.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:07 No.6137052
    >"But I don't want to be a body builder!"
    Then I recommend actually reading the fucken sticky. It even answers this question. It answers it 7 times in fact. Just to get through to the slow seagulls that you hang out with.

    If they want to dismiss it without reading it then we can't help. Every time a thread about weight loss comes up link them to the sticky.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:07 No.6137054
    We can get rid of the topics about getting ready for a con for you once we get rid of the getting ready for a reunion after I've gained 20lbs threads here.

    The problem is rampant ERRYwhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:08 No.6137066
    >But trust me, you are leaps and bounds more informed than we are.

    I am. /fit/ is not.

    You know, /fit/ hates science, but loves broscience. It takes ages for scientific consensus to get a foothold here.

    You're better off reading real books.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:09 No.6137071
    >If they come here they'll get abused for being stupid

    That's exactly why they don't come here.

    Is it too much to ask that sometimes we have our hands held? I'm sure that's a silly thing to ask.. I know not everyone would want to do that. But staying on /cgl/, a lot of pro-ana pops up.

    We were all noobs at one point to whatever our interests were. Looking back, I'm sure we were all glad to have someone who took our derp seriously and helped out.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:15 No.6137129
    Ah, that sucks. Didn't know that that was happening here. I don't frequent because.. well... I read the sticky. My questions were answered.

    Point taken.

    Well, thank you anons for responding seriously to my plight. You're not as mean and scary as we've been told. Free feel to stop by every now and then! Your advice will be very much welcomed! Just remember to mention that you're from /fit/, we get a lot of seagulls saying things they think to be true about weight-loss and exercise.

    Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:21 No.6137179
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    Well, we have our "motivation threads".
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:23 No.6137209
         File1297473800.jpg-(52 KB, 349x500, serge.jpg)
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    >weight loss

    Low intensity cardio (jogging is best)
    Low fat diet (works better than low carb and is tastier)

    Low carb is faster, but can fuck you up if you do it too long (iirc Atkins recommended only a few weeks on low carb).

    If you hit a plateau, refeed (eat normally) for a day or three, then start again.

    If you want to get toned, you have to do some resistance training: "Toned" means having muscular tonus (ie. being slightly tensed always). Looks better.

    Resistance training can be weightlifting, pushups/situps, isometrics, whatever. Don't go low on reps - of course you won't become Arnold overnight, but bulking up muscles can be very bad for your proportions (example: work your flank muscles (obliques) to lose your hourglass figure).

    Aside from that, it's basically just common sense: The body improves the things you train pretty specifically.

    Also: Spot reduction works, BUT you have to do a LOT of repetitions for this. Picture related, he did over 1000 crunches nonstop.
    >> MiamiRedhawk !!/kBroa+pu5D 02/11/11(Fri)20:27 No.6137250
    If only /fit/ provided readily available information about working out so that "noobs and lurkers" wouldn't have to make new threads and feel embarrassed.

    Oh well, you have a gaping axe wound between your legs, I guess you're to fucking stupid to read the sticky YOU DUMB FUCKING CUNT
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:33 No.6137308
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    eh, sure I'll help.
    Posting pictures of a certain well known /fit/izen who also liked cosplaying to show my support
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:35 No.6137328
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    Please be trolling.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:39 No.6137369
    Not worth helping.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:42 No.6137413
    Just because you can troll these people doesn't mean that you should.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:47 No.6137448
    Thanks bro.

    I was going to link to a thread, but I suppose I shouldn't, they troll themselves quite enough about dieting and fitness. I've made a corresponding thread on /cgl/ letting them some people have their backs. And to ask questions. Hopefully they'll ask questions that someone can answer. And maybe some will find their way here.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:51 No.6137472
    >>But staying on /cgl/, a lot of pro-ana pops up

    I find this kind of surprising. I would expect a lot of vitriol against that sort of thing, it's a view that I just sort of associate with image centered people, and while obviously looking the part is essential for cgl, I would think that stems from interest in the genre, and that your typical demographic is the nerdy intellectual type.

    tl;dr --> REALLY??
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)20:59 No.6137534
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    >> God !BrODINgKJM 02/11/11(Fri)20:59 No.6137541
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:02 No.6137567

    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:03 No.6137589
         File1297476201.jpg-(39 KB, 360x400, cosplay-fail-10.jpg)
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    >nerdy intellectual
    OH HELL NO! /cgl/ is full retard, they house every thinkable attetionwhore (hot or not), underaged con sluts and worst of all- the bane of /a/, /jp/ and /v/.
    The kind who can't behave in public to save their lives, wear silly Naruto headbands, have an extreme obsession with yaoi (drawn gay porn) and who try to speak in semi-broken Japanese.

    You have my support, but it does not mean that I like you in any way or form, /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:04 No.6137606
    no, zigcat
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:09 No.6137654
         File1297476562.jpg-(74 KB, 500x625, 1297024915241.jpg)
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    Sup, God!
    /fit/izens, do you have more photos of things like this for us? If there's already a thread going, you can just link me I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:10 No.6137669
    Hi cgl

    You are welcome to read and link to the link in our sticky.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:16 No.6137736
    Hi, OP here, I've done so.

    About 3-4 people not included myself are linking to it as well. Good stuff. VERY good stuff.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 02/11/11(Fri)21:41 No.6138006
         File1297478511.jpg-(1.11 MB, 1125x1500, 1280797970298.jpg)
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    lol have to go on /cgl/ on my phone since im banned from there.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:44 No.6138028
    Seriously? Haha, didn't know that.
    ETA on when your ban will be lifted?

    If you have photos that you want to contribute to the other threads, just throw them up here and I'll push them over for ya!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/11(Fri)21:47 No.6138054
         File1297478876.jpg-(52 KB, 275x271, sticky_note.jpg)
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    The Sticky. It gives the knowledge to start on your journey to /fit/. However, there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 02/11/11(Fri)21:57 No.6138148
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    Lol a day.
    Meh. I'll dump all my pics tomorrow.

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