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  • File : 1285904346.jpg-(19 KB, 395x327, 1269496150912.jpg)
    19 KB Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:39 No.4704973  
    What deodorant does /fit/ wear prior to working out?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:40 No.4704987
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:40 No.4704989
    I do not wear deodorant when I go to the gym, as a peculiar mixture of my inferior genes and sweat results in disgusting and painful boils under my arm.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:41 No.4704998
         File1285904475.jpg-(63 KB, 499x495, 1285044220816.jpg)
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    picture related
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:43 No.4705014
    Save the deoderant for after the gym, moron.
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 09/30/10(Thu)23:44 No.4705023
         File1285904648.jpg-(33 KB, 500x500, SpeedStickirishSpring.jpg)
    33 KB
    I use patented Speed Stick deoderant for its superior quality and unbeaten odor reducing agents.

    It comes in a variety of scents suited best to your needs, such as Irish Spring shown in the pic to your left.

    9/10 shoppers prefer Speed Stick over other leading competitors BUY SPEED STICK SPEED STICK IS THE BEST YOU WANT SPEED STICK and Irish Spring was voted #1 scent of our entire selection.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:46 No.4705056
         File1285904802.jpg-(16 KB, 350x389, 1285646599344.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:48 No.4705077
         File1285904903.jpg-(13 KB, 250x250, Degree-Men-Adrenaline-Deodoran(...).jpg)
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    Shit fucking works....j/s
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:50 No.4705093
    smelly fuck detected. I hate people who think it's OK to stink up the gym

    arm and hammer odorless because I'm not a faggot
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 09/30/10(Thu)23:50 No.4705095
    can you report your own post for viral advertising?

    lets try it...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:50 No.4705097
    i use right guard
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:51 No.4705100

    use this as well

    gets job done

    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:51 No.4705106
    brb buying this shit
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:51 No.4705109
         File1285905112.jpg-(97 KB, 375x500, wildcountrydeodorant.jpg)
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    this shit smells so nice
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:52 No.4705117
    Been using original scent old spice until I found the godly scent of old spice swagger.
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 09/30/10(Thu)23:53 No.4705124

    maybe if i contact a mod directly and link him to the advertisement...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:53 No.4705130
    anything for ballsack and asscrack odor?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:55 No.4705150
    Crystal Deodorant.

    Looks like its for women but its for men and women. It's one of the few deodorants without fucking aluminum and other shit in it.

    Has worked like a charm for me.. a lot less worrying about what I put into my skin and when I first used it I did the smell check a few times a day for the first week. No problems as of yet with the roll-on thing. (Also tried arm and hammer aluminum free and it was good as well)
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:56 No.4705157
         File1285905405.jpg-(17 KB, 400x400, dunhill_filters.jpg)
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    what brand of smokes do you recommend Thyme?

    I like these, pic related. They are so fucking smooth you don't even realize you're getting da cancer. Feels good man!

    baby powder
    feels fantastic afterwards too, I recommend everyone buy some baby powder and dunhills
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)23:57 No.4705168
    Why would I wear deodorant before working out? Anyone upset about how you smell at the gym is a faggot and not worth worrying about.
    >> Thyme !.SexKKKxFo 10/01/10(Fri)00:01 No.4705206
         File1285905669.jpg-(16 KB, 300x300, Smoking!.jpg)
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    well i normally smoke Peter Jackson
    even though its a cheap brand the taste REALLY grew on me after the first pack and i like almost no other.

    the blue Export 'A' are good too. Greens are nice and strong but i find theyre too dry and burn to fast for me to enjoy the "process" of smoking

    havent really tried many other brands but im not into "smooth" types, i like to feel the thickness and maybe even a slight burn :)
    >> Anonymous 10/01/10(Fri)00:01 No.4705210
    oo sounds good

    do i need to wax or shave for that?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/10(Fri)00:02 No.4705226
    eww doesn't baby powder and sweat mix into a cake-y texture?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/10(Fri)00:04 No.4705238
         File1285905849.jpg-(30 KB, 350x350, NatSherman.jpg)
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    If that is the case then Nat Shermans
    I get some Dunhills, Nat Sherman, or American Spirits-fuck I want a pack of spirits, I think I'll buy some tomorrow I only have 4 nat sherman's left.

    bro you don't need to shave to enjoy the smooth taste of Dunhill's, and apply baby powder and tobacco leaves to your balls after you're done drying them to give them a fresh scent that even those self-proclaimed "heterosexuals" will be mirin'

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