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  • File : 1284336599.jpg-(21 KB, 504x381)
    21 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701785   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Are these boots /fa/?

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    171 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:06 No.2701765   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    >> Space Hitler !YyESJ00b.o 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701778
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701784
    if only...

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    82 KB Ellen Page !!sWDDxnhkzXu 09/12/10(Sun)19:27 No.2701636   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    12 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> El Gallo De Naranjo !!MxXyB1FslvG 09/12/10(Sun)19:55 No.2701731
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    It is now.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:00 No.2701747
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    She is my bitch little fucker
    >> shift !TerdYEftQE 09/12/10(Sun)20:04 No.2701759
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    Hey mister, who are you?
    >> Parchment 09/12/10(Sun)20:07 No.2701768
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    That's my pimp daddy
    Don't get him mad or he'll beat you ):
    >> shift !TerdYEftQE 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701783
    Oh, but, okay.
    Does he give you candy? :3

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    139 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701782   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Hey everyone. ^__________^;
    What should I do with my hair?

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    18 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701781   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    hello, /fa/. where can i find jackets in a similar style to the picture?

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    77 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)18:21 No.2701427   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    >see someone spend over $170 on a single item of clothing.

    ITT: People buying overpriced shit.
    54 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:00 No.2701744

    To soak up that disposable income of course.

    Magic is terrible.
    >> /fa/scist faggot !!ovdI0id3NeK 09/12/10(Sun)20:02 No.2701751

    This may be better served in /tg/ or whatever, but I just got tired making sure I was up-to-date on the rules and working through how older cards interacted with new cards and keeping errata on hand and blah blah blah. Momentarily considered getting a DCI judge license or whatever, but quickly tossed out that idea.

    Naw, my current hobbies are just work, food, and reading.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:06 No.2701763
    Can't the accumulation of clothing that promotes a particular style you're invested in be a hobby? What if you spend time discussing the merits of the clothing and style with other like minded individuals?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:06 No.2701764

    The thing with Magic is that they put cards out with little regard to balance.

    The problem with fashion is the massive quantity of fad-hungry douchebags.

    You sound kinda' bored, man.
    >> El Gallo De Naranjo !!MxXyB1FslvG 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701780
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    >see poorfags attempt to justify their lack of funds needed to by nice clothes by developing a false sense of entitelment

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    35 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)18:31 No.2701462   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    is this /fa/?
    6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> /fa/scist faggot !!ovdI0id3NeK 09/12/10(Sun)19:47 No.2701708
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    >> /fa/scist faggot !!ovdI0id3NeK 09/12/10(Sun)19:49 No.2701712
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    >> /a/ !!jhgVZ1bcEDg 09/12/10(Sun)19:51 No.2701721
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    You should have stopped with the moon one
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:07 No.2701769
    I want those so bad but they are thousands on net-a-porter. D:
    >> /fa/scist faggot !!ovdI0id3NeK 09/12/10(Sun)20:09 No.2701779

    Yeah...mostly branding. It's just a jacquard knit with a digital print. The printing is probably a little expensive, but definitely shouldn't command the price that it does.

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    66 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)18:02 No.2701342   [Reply][Quick Reply]

    >Shay Maria <3
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)18:06 No.2701359
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)18:41 No.2701503
    Primitive, rofl
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)19:04 No.2701567
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)19:46 No.2701702
    I don't know that brand, OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:08 No.2701777
    hot yet somewhat midgetish chick
    stupid fucking clothes
    wait was that a baby? wtf?

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    29 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)19:27 No.2701634   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    How much did your sunglasses cost you?
    15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)19:54 No.2701727

    too bad you're ugly
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)19:54 No.2701729
    how is it even possible to shoplift sunglasses, every single shop I've ever been to keeps their glasses in a locked glass display cabinet

    are you sure it wasn't armed robbery?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:04 No.2701758
    free. some rich girl left her AVs in my car when i gave her a ride. she said she didnt want them. i never wear them.

    also a good friend of mine gave me a pair of oakley frogskins that i fucking loved, but i lost them a few months back.

    and my brother gave me a pair of knockoff av's, but i like them.

    i think i have about 4-5 different pairs of random aviators that i never wear cause i dont like how i look in them haha.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:05 No.2701761
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    $3 pair of shades from Wall Mart, nigga
    >> Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:08 No.2701775
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    you jelly of my matrix glasses


    i've been shoplifting for years, the cases are rarely locked and if they are they have hidden safety functions to open them around the edges 9/10 times


    i don't know shit about sunglasses honestly, i just love these

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    172 KB Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)20:08 No.2701774   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Wassup /fa/,

    I'm trying to make myself over by getting a new wardrobe. I'm trying to reinvent myself you see?

    I just bought this sweet shirt from Hollister. What do you think? Will I turn heads yet?

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