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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230868088.jpg-(208 KB, 490x368, nwzg2q.jpg)
    208 KB Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:48 No.644542  
    Hey /fa/, what stores do you generally shop at?

    I need help looking for places to buy clothes, because I don't want to be like every other tasteless teenager that wears nothing but band tees, hollister, american eagle, ect.

    I fell victim to liking Affliction shirts and unethically expensive jeans from Buckle, but atleast I didn't overkill it and I can still recover from that mistake.. I'll probably still wear those things because I paid for them and I can get away with it since 98% of high schoolers fail at fashion.

    So I'm looking for some good places to buy shirts(button ups and tshirts), sweaters, and cardigans. I'm good on jeans, I like my Levi's 514's.

    I live in DFW so the most high end stuff is probably at the Galleria mall.

    I've looked around stores such as Kohl's and Macy's, but I'm uncertain about the quality of the clothes from these stores.

    Pic unrelated, it's just my friend behind some cereal.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:52 No.644552
    Honestly, American Apparel.

    IMO they have some really nice stuff once you look past the lame hipsters wearing their shit incredibly dumb.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:55 No.644561
    I usually shop at Macy's (mostly Calvin Klein) or Express when I feel like classing it up a bit. Otherwise, Gap if they have anything good (not usually) or Banana Republic.

    ^ male, 24.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:56 No.644567
    wats ur friends number I want to have sex with her
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:58 No.644571
    If you want high end clothes OP go to Northpark mall.

    i live like 5 mins away from Galleria
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:59 No.644576
    I was thinking the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:59 No.644577
    OP here

    I wear a size small on tshirts for them to be fitted, and medium would probably be a comfort fit as it's looser. Large is too big.

    In regards to button up shirts, would I also get a size small and then a size medium sweater to wear over it? Or medium shirt with a large sweater?
    >> Cicero !960LWdExWE 01/01/09(Thu)23:00 No.644579
    hey! I live in Dallas/DFW, too!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:00 No.644580
    i would fuck your friend in a heartbeat.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/01/09(Thu)23:02 No.644583
    There's also hot topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:02 No.644584
    American Apparel has nice stuff.
    I haven't gotten anything though, I'll be labeled a scenester, and that's just fucking gay
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:03 No.644586
    sizes vary too much for things to be that simple, even if youre shopping in the same store.

    basically slim-fit is in right now, if you can pull it off, try to get stuff as slim as comfortably possible.
    >> troll !!zUm7dvYwUaZ 01/01/09(Thu)23:03 No.644590
    omg me too!

    Also, for more high end stuff go to the Highland Park Village. Good luck finding parking though :/
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:03 No.644592

    Pre-mature ejaculation much?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:04 No.644593
         File :1230869055.jpg-(6 KB, 170x127, m_1f697b1304fa42bb9743f62bc4ab(...).jpg)
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    I'm going to assume you're kidding

    Thanks for the input so far all, here's another pic of my friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:05 No.644596
    Kidding about hot topic that is.. I fail at posting on 4chan
    >> Sleepyhead !!gIPS5caUtDg 01/01/09(Thu)23:06 No.644602

    Put the Eggo box back, it was better that way.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:06 No.644603
    Go to Galleria, Northpark, and Willowbend
    You'll find stuff there.

    lol how many of us are from DFW?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/01/09(Thu)23:07 No.644605
    At least you tried.
    >> Cicero !960LWdExWE 01/01/09(Thu)23:08 No.644611
    4 and counting!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:08 No.644613
    Please continue.

    also does she have a myspace for lurking?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:10 No.644621
    let's have a meet up. all the cool cities are doing it!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:10 No.644622
    Want her to NOT leggo my eggo.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:11 No.644623
         File :1230869471.jpg-(8 KB, 170x226, m_05baa6c05b3b4805ad77b42ad4e5(...).jpg)
    8 KB
    She does have a myspace, but I believe it is set to private.

    30 minute drive to Galleria / Northpark isn't so bad.

    There are some Banana Republic and Express stores local to me though.
    >> Cicero !960LWdExWE 01/01/09(Thu)23:11 No.644625
    sure! I won't show up!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:11 No.644626
    sock puppet much?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:12 No.644629
    Some Macy's are shit, some have really high quality clothing. If your mall has really expensive stores, chances are the Macy's is a good one.

    Bloomingdales is good too. And Urban Outfitters.

    Men's Vogue sometimes gives tips on how to look good without spending a ton, so check their website.
    >> Priestly-kins :3 !!8x4V+z9rg4V 01/01/09(Thu)23:14 No.644635

    The Macy's here is complete garbage. Graphic blazers and the like, EVERYWHERE. It's depressing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:15 No.644641
    That is what 99% of Macy's stores are made up of.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:16 No.644642
    Hmmmm.... >>644623

    try the local stores, if you find nothing go to Galleria.
    They have a levis store there also so you could find something there
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:19 No.644653
    thanks dfw anons

    shopping will be done this weekend

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