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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229385841.jpg-(32 KB, 300x424, Death_Note___L_by_insomniacvampire.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:04 No.604170  
    Hello, I'm new to /fa/, so go easy on me. I'm a 20-year-old male with very long curly dark hair. I currently dress kind of like L from Death Note (pretty lazy and bummy). I spend a lot of my time alone, but I'd like to start looking good and feeling better about my appearance (I don't really care what others think of me or my clothes, but perhaps I would spend more time with my social life if I had more confidence and dressed nice).

    I'm not looking to spend an arm and a leg either. Preferably <$150 for pants or shoes and <$40 for shirts. I think the most I'll spend on a a nice coat would be $200 but that's really pushing it. Also, store names or links please (I live in the US).
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:10 No.604184
    Post a pic of yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:15 No.604199
    did you come from /a/?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:17 No.604213

    Yes I did. I've only lurked here for a short time, but I've read on here that a blazer and a graphic tee are a good combo. Should I dress like that?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:19 No.604217
    >but I've read on here that a blazer and a graphic tee are a good combo

    Well you tried i guess
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:20 No.604219
    Not OP.

    I don't really post on 4chan very often, especially the last few days because of all the AIDS. I tend to stick to iichan or other not-so-anonymous forums.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:22 No.604230
         File :1229386979.jpg-(54 KB, 342x524, 081215mapp-mod1fs.jpg)
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    OP here,
    here is an example of fashions I think I could pull off.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:24 No.604236
    Bummish works on some guys. Post a pic so we can best choose a style for you. Just kidding, /fa/ only has one male style. Peacoats and 511's.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:27 No.604244
    ah, this makes me want to do otaku makeovers and then send them of into society to make friends. omg realty tv show idea!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:28 No.604246
    I only have pictures from my chest up, and knowing my face won't help you post good fashion. Just know that I have long curly hair, about 5'5", and skinny (around 125 pounds).
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:31 No.604254
    That's it then. You already have a good idea of what you'd like to look like. So go into stores and start looking for the clothes you want. Be patient and try on everything for fit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:44 No.604287
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    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:50 No.604314
    But I don't really know where to shop. That picture is from Urban Outfitters (which seems nice, but also has a pretty high fail rate). All there is in my town are these trendy places with huge logos on everything and that's not my cup of tea. I often end up going to second-hand stores like Goodwill because at least I don't know what to expect and there are rare finds.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:11 No.604385
    We already have that. It's called "queer eye for the straight guy".
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:29 No.604413
    that's not for otaku though. it's for loser males who don't care about fashion but have a wife and friends. and they're not that socially awkward.

    otaku is otaku. queer eye is not for otaku.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:47 No.604472
         File :1229392046.jpg-(104 KB, 700x1050, 1229288819509.jpg)
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    bro you're killing me here. It sounds like you can't afford anything better than H&M (which isn't bad at all). You've got the right idea in avoiding shit with logos plastered over everything, but you need to go into all the stores you can find that look promising and browse around. Buying shit online is difficult and you'll very likely end up with terrible fits and not what you wanted. Check out big department stores like the Bay or something and look at the men's section. It sounds like you want to dress more maturely so pick up nice buttons up from there. For jeans, look at APC, and Levis. For shoes, go to shoe stores and pick up nice plain dressy shoes.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:48 No.604479
         File :1229392139.jpg-(37 KB, 594x424, 20tny4m.jpg)
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    Here are your cardinal rules:
    1. Everything must fit you perfectly. This cannot be understated.
    2. Avoid colors until you've gotten the basics down. Get black, white, blue, greys, they'll all go nicely together and you can learn how to pair them all without too much pain.
    3. You get what you pay for. The less you spend, generally, the faster the clothes will wear and break down.
    4. Less is more when it comes to details. The more you have going on, the more likely it is that you're failing at pulling off the look. If you can get plain clothes without any detailing on them that fit you well and are constructed properly, you win at the game. The way I see I see it, those who have a lot going on are obnoxiously drawing attention to themselves. If you can pull off a cool, understated, and tasteful look, you come off as comfortable and self-confident. Leave the gold nike dunks and white skytops for the brahs, brah.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:50 No.604483
         File :1229392206.jpg-(23 KB, 400x300, 1219413916095.jpg)
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    5. Which brings me to my next point. Shoes are so important. They can make or break the whole outfit. Black leather boots or a pair of dress shoes that are properly maintained and kept up will class up almost any outfit.
    6. Final rule is dress to impress. Where guys often fail is fearing coming off as 'too formal'. This is really a rule that you have to forget. In general, men's fashion has slid ass backwards into slovenly exercise/sleeping atire and terrible hygiene. Do NOT be afraid of tucking in your shirt (when appropriate), shaving everyday, taking regular showers, brushing your teeth, and applying deodorant. PLEASE do not half-ass your look. You're 20 now so get rid of the hoodies. Nothing is worse than seeing some pudgy 20-something guy wearing an ill-fitting blazer with a hoodie underneath it. If you're going to dress like a man, then that means no more hoodies, skinny jeans, keffiyehs, etc.

    I hope this helps.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:00 No.604514

    Skinny jeans are good until you're 30 if you're not fat. Which you inevitably are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:01 No.604519
    That's just, like, your opinion brah.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:07 No.604532
    Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate it. I like the outfit of the guy holding the camera, minus the boots... perhaps some super plain low-tops would work better. Regardless, I think I would look really good in that.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:12 No.604558

    He said he was 125 pounds. That's not fat dude, even if you're five feet that's around normal weight.
    >> Hipster Youth !!P2rPL24/ZhJ 12/15/08(Mon)21:17 No.604573
         File :1229393840.jpg-(178 KB, 650x900, ryan1.jpg)
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    Here's my top 10 essentials for young men. Feel free to skip directly to number 5 and build a solid basic wardrobe from there.

    1. Two-button slim fit suit (black, grey, navy)
    2. Silk ties (black, grey, blue)
    3. Oxford shoes (black, dark brown)
    4. Chelsea boots (black, dark brown)
    5. Button-up shirts (white, pale blue)
    6. Plain t-shirts (white, grey, black, crew-neck or v-neck)
    7. Fitted jeans (dark indigo, black, grey)
    8. Canvas lace-up plimsoll sneakers (white, black)
    9. Sweaters, cardigans (grey, black)
    10. Wool coat (black, grey, brown)

    Remember, everything must be properly fitted and you should generally start out with neutrals (black, grey, white) and earth tones (navy, burgundy, brown, forest green and maybe mustard).

    Pic related, it's the obligatory Ryan Taylor fit.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:36 No.604637
         File :1229394973.jpg-(135 KB, 700x1050, 9288ROredcapWeb.jpg)
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    Hey brah, I'm tired of all of these advice threads for young 20'ish males who want to dress more maturely. I'm collecting your list and adding it to my text file where I'm collecting all of this advice. We need some SOLID copypasta up in this joint so we can help those who want to be helped.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:39 No.604653
    art fags
    >> Hipster Youth !!P2rPL24/ZhJ 12/15/08(Mon)21:39 No.604655
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    >I'm collecting your list and adding it to my text file where I'm collecting all of this advice

    So I heard you like collecting...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)21:41 No.604664
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    >> Hipster Youth !!P2rPL24/ZhJ 12/15/08(Mon)21:42 No.604668

    No, but srsly, I also keep my lists and pasta saved and updated. It's not like I retype it everytime, unless someone asks something very specific.

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