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So this morning a cute girl asked me if i had fire for her. I had to deny because I don't smoke.

Now this made me kinda wondering if i should get myself some lighter / matchstick for situations like this?

Well, how do you Gentleman's handle this?
>pls respond
Dude, always have a lighter and a pocketknife with you.

You have both, you can do anything.
Plus you'll have a lighter specifically for situations like this.
>>4982775 (OP)
i carry 8 lighters in my locker for this situation

it hasn't happened yet
>girls who smoke
No thanks.

Though, I suppose if you're willing to deal with it, get yourself a nice, cheap, plain, silver zippo or that cylindrical butane lighter. But seriously...
>carrying a lighter around when you don't smoke
>carrying it around to enable smokers
>>4982775 (OP)
You're German, aren't you?
smoking is /fa/ as fuck fuckboy
Just get a plain Bic. You can use it for opening bottles too.
yeah, I'm with you but if it's a one-night-stand and she's min. a 8/10 I'm willing to make an exception.
>smoking to look cool
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I don't smoke but to be a gentlemen I sometimes carry a zippo. light people who need it, when I go out. to bars or clubs.
Zippo is usually considered a fa/ no.
I'd carry some matches since they have a broader use and my not necessarily be considered for smoking.
sorry, are you one of those pussies who gets addicted to things easily? i've had all the drugs you could name and yet i have the will power of a fucking lion to not have the urge for them

fucking pussy beta
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why do so many of you carry a zippo instead of matches? matches are way more /fa/ and gentlemanlike.
>i've had all the drugs you could name
>i have the will power of a fucking lion to not have the urge for them

Oh gosh when people actually think this way...
>girl asked me if I had fire for her
I got mad inter-cultural skills, Kumpel.
it's the same in french

they ask "as tu un feu?"
i'm not french but I know this from a french friend
Ich verneige meinen imaginären Hut vor Dir, mein Freund. Well done!
Don't bother, dude. We'll laugh when he's dead. I simply don't smoke cigarettes because it is irrational self-harm, there's no denying it, especially in this day and age. If you do, then you are a self-proclaimed idiot. I argue differently for marijuana but that is because marijuana actually delivers a high and the negative consequences can be severely minimized.
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>hating on cigarettes/tobacco products
>defending marijuana

> verneige meinen Hut

you have a long way to go with your gentlemanship, my friend.
>Doesn't read.
It's utilitarian calculus, friend. I don't smoke either of them but it's a simple case of benefits outweighing costs, especially when using a vaporizer virtually eliminates any carcinogens that would've been inhaled from smoking.

>not knowing marijuana is actually good for u even smoking it
Ich meinte ziehe! ZIEHE!
Es ist schon spät und ich habe schon etwas Scotch intus!

Why would I carry one if I don't smoke? That's absolutely retarded. You're carrying it around so other people (girls)) might ask to use it?
Ha, no, I'm not talking about questionable stuff like improving circulation or vision, just pure pleasure. Cigarettes don't offer that kind of euphoria unless you smoke one after not having smoked in a while. Even then, the relaxation and relief of stress only exist because the body craves the nicotine, something it wouldn't crave if you didn't smoke in the first place. All in all, cravings create more stress than the nicotine relieves.
>citation needed
I did a paper on this fairly recently. Go google it.
....It's not the same, I am French.

and what exactly are the negatives of marijuana.
Carry matches. Cheap, cool, easy to get.
What if you need to light a fire someday, or for some other survival related purpose?
What's the harm in carrying one?
It's the same deal with pocketknives.
-monetary costs
-potential damage to your psyche (Not sure how much of that research is legitimate or scare tactics. Best to follow the precautionary principle.)
-can consume your life/ mental addiction?
What I mean by that last one is that, of the weed smokers I know, few of them are occasional smokers; their lives tend to revolve around it and in that way, it becomes more than the occasional relaxant. I wouldn't even call it a hobby because hobbies are productive of something tangible. If culture here in the States can shift to where marijuana would be viewed as a social drug to be used in moderation, maybe like alcohol, then I'd be OK to legalize it but at this point, I don't think we're ready.
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>Americans call "torches", lighters.
>-potential damage to your psyche (Not sure how much of that research is legitimate or scare tactics. Best to follow the precautionary principle.)

I personally know of two people who went full "multiple personality disorder"/hearing voices and had to be institutionalized due to marijuana.
They had family antecedents, but use of marijuana was the trigger.
Yeah, precisely why I didn't discount it.
I tend to call a lighter a torch, or a spark. The lingo obviously varies from place to place.
Same in Dutch. Heb je een vuurtje?

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