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    76 KB black friday Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:09 No.3870369  
    it's still early but fuck, let's get started. what stores are you guys hitting for black friday? and what time are you guys getting there?? any deals you know of?

    i'm hitting up h&m, forever 21, and express, hopefully. old navy maybe for some basics, if i have money left. i WANT to leave at 11pm, and be there the whole night, but we'll see.

    also, do clothing stores (like the ones i listed) get long lines?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:21 No.3870402
    hahaha have fun at the mall
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:25 No.3870416
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)22:50 No.3870501
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    unpossibru. my /fa/ isn't into deals?!?1
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:01 No.3870531
    H&M and Old Navy? Those are like 5 dollars a shirt year-round. What's the point of going on Black Friday?

    Go to nice stores.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:06 No.3870551
    $5 sweaters? that's not year round. $10 pants, that's not year round. they'll have deals on outwear, too. what the fuck, i'm not complaining on a good deal lmao. i am going to other stores, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:08 No.3870557
    not all of us can afford baller $39 polyester-wool blend sweaters, even when they're marked down to 4 for $100

    imagine, $100? who has that kind of money?
    >> yopladas !!NjI98rI38ii 11/22/11(Tue)23:10 No.3870570
    clearly not faggots like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:13 No.3870585
    is she floating? there's a lot of balck friday threads on /fa/, but no one seems to share any deals. idk why. I went to the mall last bf and I'm a lazy fuck so I showed up late and the place was cleaned out. In one store I was going to buy a sweater, but the line was too long I just said fuck it. you can get good deals on bf, but it's just not worth the effort to me. I'd rather go any other day of the week
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:15 No.3870591

    /fa/ does not go to malls.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:16 No.3870594
    shop online
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:18 No.3870600
    >4 for $100
    Stop spending Black Friday at Costco. Black Friday deals are on individual items. a 39 dollar sweater would be $20 and that's the end of that. You don't need to buy 3 more to reap the savings.

    Don't make a retarded exaggeration just to get your point across. When someone exposes your exaggeration as the baseless claim that it is, you're left with nothing but your own bitchy attitude and nothing to back yourself up.
    >> 6BoxxyTum=>6BoxxyTum 11/22/11(Tue)23:27 No.3870636
    im with you op. hurrah for black friday! going to h&m, pacsun, rue 21, 21 men, old navy and some more cheapo placs.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:28 No.3870643
    >Waiting long hours in the cold to maybe get a couple deals at one store only.
    >Not buying shit online.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:29 No.3870645
    UO is having a 50% sale in-store but it might only be applied for items already on sale... so if there are any people on this forum that wear an XL or XXL (AHAHAHAHAHA) go for it.
    >> Berry ☆ !ZZfkF9jeZQ 11/22/11(Tue)23:30 No.3870653
    Express opens at 12am, and 40% off the entire store.
    Long as fuck lines.

    and um, no one probably cares but 50% off sales items at Dillard's. Wooo~
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:37 No.3870681
    I thought you stopped with these mall shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:38 No.3870685
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:43 No.3870701

    Do what this article says and know beforehand what you want to buy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:46 No.3870708
    >. You should be able to casually peruse things and take a day, maybe even a week, to come to a decision.

    faggot. no. there goes his credibility.

    forever21 had a pre-bf sale today, btw. i think it's going on until bf itself
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:47 No.3870711

    there goes all your credibility
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:49 No.3870716
    >he actually cares about brands.

    smh nigger, as long as it looks good i don't care where it's from
    >> 6BoxxyTum=>6BoxxyTum 11/22/11(Tue)23:49 No.3870717
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    someone couldn't handle the rush
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:50 No.3870723
    see the thing is forever21 has no good looking clothes
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:52 No.3870731
    Not the guy you responded to, but you wouldn't (or at least SHOULDN'T) say the same thing about Old Navy and Kirkland brand clothing. And that's because the clothing is poorly cut and cheaply made. It's not designed or manufactured properly in the first place, let alone nicely styled.
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 11/22/11(Tue)23:52 No.3870732
    black friday purchases:

    1000 5.56X45 lake city brass
    $267.95 shipped

    3000 rounds coming sometime in december

    i need an SSD boot drive so i';ll probably browse newegg in vegas come sunday night

    (im the sober driver ...yay :l )
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)23:54 No.3870736
    meh. only thing i'd hit up old navy for is socks and undershirts. maybe boxers. just simple shit that i find cheap. i'm not gonna buy my whole warddrobe there, ya know?

    but i understand what you mean.,
    actually, i went there today and i saw a lot of good looking clothes (for women, at least).

    and in terms of quality, you're not gonna be rough with it, so what's it matter if it isn't built to last a lifetime? especially when it's that cheap.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:00 No.3870753
    >Wake up early to save $5 on a shitty quality t shirt

    What a joke, Black Friday is for saving $200 on a tech item your annoying bitch of a wife/kids demand

    If you really want to save money on clothes shop online at Barneys and other higher end retailers online on the monday following
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:02 No.3870758
    he loses credibility for buying clothing in a thoughtful, methodical manner?

    the only thing I disagree in the article is:
    >Enjoy your comfy slippers, have some coffee, and maybe help bake some cookies.
    I don't have that kind of time when I have four cats that need there bellies rubbed
    And I don't liek buying clothes online like he suggests
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:14 No.3870779
    spending a week to decide if you should buy a clothing article? uhh, no. you make the decision then and there. does it fit? do you like it? is it ugly? is it cheap? is it worth it?

    if you need a week to answer all of those questions, you're a fucking moron. also, would it even still be there after a week, or a few days?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:17 No.3870784
    Black friday shopping for clothes is pointless. You see higher markdowns after Christmas because of the season ending. Better to wait at Best Buy or Walmart for electronics
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:18 No.3870788
    you take the same time deciding on your piece of shit polyester jacket from the mall and designer coat that costs 4 figures?

    oh wait you are still in high school never mind that second part
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:19 No.3870791
    that's obviously different. you'd take a bit more time, obviously. what's your point?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:29 No.3870811
    90% of the shit at Best Buy will naturally decline in price over the next 2 months anyway. Technology is a shitty place to try to get a good deal.

    I mean everything's a shitty place to try to get a good deal, but technology follows Moore's Law. That's like the worst possible industry to try to get a good deal in.

    Of consumer commodities, clothing is still the best thing to get. Save money and buy as much GOOD clothing as you can at Black Friday. If you buy well, you'll be keeping those garments for years and you'll have spent barely half as much as you might have spent at any other time during the year.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:33 No.3870820
    well said. for some reason, i don't understand why people don't understand this.
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 11/23/11(Wed)00:44 No.3870856
    take it one step further

    minmilalist wardrobe with minimalist pieces

    allows for getting ready in the morning quicker. the better the quality = longer it lasts

    having a closet jam packed full of shitty H&M clothing that falls apart before the end of the season is actually more expensive than just buying a good piece and getting it tailored
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:46 No.3870861
    but, fuck. what the fuck are you doing that your clothes falls apart that quickly? i mean, i don't even go out of my way to take care of my clothes, and they never fall apart.

    what are you doing that makes them turn to shit so quickly?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:51 No.3870878
    cheap clothes just disintegrate, its an excuse to pay for designer clothes
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)00:52 No.3870881
    That's true. Paradoxically if you want the best bang for your buck, you need to spend more.

    With all of that having been said, I'm not categorically against H&M or Old Navy, even for things like shirts and jackets. Most of the shirts I bought during the summer were from H&M and if I buy a jacket in the next month, it'll be from Old Navy or some other cheap place. But I don't expect to need the same size jacket in 10 months when winter is rolling around again. Having a medium size jacket that will last for 5 years is a sound investment if you'll be a medium for 5 years (as, admittedly, most people will be). It just makes it that much harder to throw out or donate if you won't.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:05 No.3870909
    Various things tend to pull clothing apart. The two big ones are the wash/dry cycle (and if you dry by clothesline, then the sun does its damage), and the stretching/pulling you typically do when you wear the shirt (think about how you pull it over your head when you put it on, or take it off, or whatever).

    I've seen Old Navy collars just come apart like the collar was super-glued rather than stitched. I have an H&M shirt somewhere around here with a thread coming out on the seam running from the collar to the shoulder. It's still good, but its on borrowed time now. Someday I'll need to throw it away.

    It's just little stuff like this.

    With jeans, by the way, you can see some wear in the pockets sometimes. I have a pair of Levis jeans which recently got demoted to "around the house" jeans because the pocket has a hole in it, presumably from keys being in there and jabbing a little hole exactly the width of a key.

    It's just all the obvious shit. To be honest I can't even imagine how you HAVEN'T had this stuff happen to you. Once you stop growing your clothing generally sticks with you (unless you're obscenely rich and you throw perfectly good clothing away for other reasons), so wear and tear should become a fact of life.
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 11/23/11(Wed)01:12 No.3870929
    yeah, H&M beats most places when it comes to under shirtsm underwear and socks or other consumables.

    jackets you can beat up.

    i have a few pieces that i like wearing over and over again.

    if you have 5 pairs of levis
    they might last you along time.

    but i like having as little clothing/clutter as possible 5 pairs of pants, 10 shirts maybe 4-5 outwear pieces 2-3 suits

    small selection of ties

    small asortment of shoes

    when you price it all out its the same price as buying a few shirts from H&M everyweek

    but you get the added benefit of waking up not not starring at this cluster fuck of clothing

    idk, maybe im a poorfag or an aspie
    but i prefer having less to look at
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:26 No.3870949
    When I started taking style more seriously I seriously threw out over 50% of my wardrobe because it was
    a) terrible b) didn't fit, not worth to tailor
    Now I have:
    1 white dress shirt (from H&M but it fits great until I have $ for a proper one), 1 shirt from hugo boss
    I ordered a made to measure OCBD and gingham shirt from Ratio clothing (25% off)
    3 basic crewnecks/v-necks from topman/gap
    3-4 cardigans/sweaters from gap/H&M (I know)
    1 slim navy blazer from A/X
    1 pair of APC new cures, 1 cheap chino from H&M, 1 pair of white gap jeans...
    1 pair of Clark beeswax desert boots (all you need baby), 1 pair brown Ron White wingtips
    Timex weekender watch, Rayban aviator and new wayfarer and a navy wool vivienne westwood scarf I got for 10 euros
    = Ballin' (not really)
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:44 No.3870986

    You didn't read the full text

    >You see higher markdowns after Christmas because of the season ending

    Why "save money" spending on clothes on black friday when it's going to be much cheaper a month later? o_o compared to electronics which usually don't reach prices that low.

    and to those that retort saying it's mostly coats and jackets have no clue
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:46 No.3870992
    good luck finding your size by that point, it is hard enough already
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:50 No.3871006

    usually people retort with some sort of experience with these sorts of things. You're acting like a season sale is like a sample sale which it isn't. I am a size 38 chest, waist 31 small sized individual I live in a Atlanta, and I never have problems with size during these sales.

    If you are worried about sizing during an after christmas sale how does black friday make any difference? o_o
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:51 No.3871013

    if you are an XXS or XS individual or an XXL XL individual you shouldn't be shopping at the mall either way, you won't find anything that will be flattering for your shape to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)01:57 No.3871031
    i dont...never said i did

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