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  • File : 1316381166.jpg-(28 KB, 400x405, fuck-you.jpg)
    28 KB FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:26 No.3744475  
    I'm making a thread to HELP everyone here, so please, listen.
    I'm gonna say several profound things that a lot of people on here won;t agree with because there all hipsters, so If i offend anyone, suck my fucking cock.


    2. I cannot stress number 1 enough, get some real fucking shoes ( shoes that I wear for example, which I will post pictures of )

    3. You guys gotta stop with the hipster bullshit like for real, fucking scarves, certain beanies, and your fucking faggot haircuts.

    4. If you have no sense of style, which is mostly everyone on this board, dont ask for tips because obviously looking SWAGGED OUT ISNT YOU.

    5. A lot of people are gonna say how different my style is ( ill post my outfit im wearing today in a minute) its called looking fucking fresh, swaggedup, all the bitches on your dick. thats what I call my style of clothing, NOT YOUR HIPSTER BULLSHIT.

    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:27 No.3744478
    Alright OP here, obviously because my name is FAGGOT BOOTS, but im gonna post my outfit today, not a picture of me becuase i dont have a full length mirror but ill post pictures of the articles of clothing im wearing so maybe you fucking faggot hipsters can get a clue as to a good way of dressing.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:28 No.3744481
    We're waiting.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:29 No.3744482
    bracing for massive fail
    >> smoker‎ !Umad72YCVU 09/18/11(Sun)17:30 No.3744484
    Son, All I'm wearing is some "it's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown" pants, and I currently have more "swag" that you do.
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:30 No.3744485
         File1316381452.jpg-(33 KB, 640x622, Levi559khakicord.jpg)
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    these are 559 but mine are 513 Slim
    these fit perfect, not baggy at all, more skinny but not fucking tight as to wear your shoes look like clown shoes because they are hugging your calves.
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:32 No.3744488
         File1316381533.jpg-(19 KB, 300x366, polo-white-t-shirt-profile.jpg)
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    Although its just my undershirt, I KEEP IT ON BRAND
    And it looks/feels great.
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:33 No.3744489
         File1316381588.jpg-(130 KB, 720x960, hypebeast..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:34 No.3744490
    ITT: Two rules stretched out into 6 rules.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:34 No.3744492
    id like to see what kind of bitches you have on your dick son
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:34 No.3744493
         File1316381690.jpg-(8 KB, 173x205, 187808-0001.jpg)
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    80 Bucks, expensive but Its a good brand, also FEELS/FITS/LOOKS great.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:35 No.3744494
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:35 No.3744495
    look youre not 'alpha' or whatever.
    just piss off, i bet everyone laughs their asses off at your pathertic personality
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:36 No.3744498
         File1316381804.jpg-(24 KB, 300x300, SL_00337_BL0030_300.jpg)
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    i wear this over the sweatshirt, It looks fuckin good, havent had a girl tell me otherwise
    PROTIP: Jean jackets ALWAYS look better over headed sweatshirts, But i dont button it obviously.

    Now for the kicks.......
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:36 No.3744499
         File1316381818.jpg-(34 KB, 546x461, 1308160346108.jpg)
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    you're paying 80 dollars to be a walking ad?

    why would anyone

    someone help me understand
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:37 No.3744500

    Nope. OP, you just lost any sense of credibility you had going.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:37 No.3744501

    >Being as fucking ugly as OP.

    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:38 No.3744503

    wow, I didn't know it was still the 80's in japan. I think my dad had that jacket when he was twelve
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:38 No.3744505
         File1316381896.jpg-(43 KB, 497x319, Nike-SB-Zoom-Stefan-Janoski-Re(...).jpg)
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    NIKE SB, the best shoe brand on earth, looks good with everything, I have about 10 pairs and getting more.

    With that finishing touch, you put everything together and you got a fucking SWAGGED OUT OUTFIT /fa/
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:39 No.3744507
    sage this shit
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:40 No.3744508
    Im not being a walking advetisement, its a basic black sweatshirt that looks good.

    If you dont like DIAMOND SUPPLY, THEN GTFO OF MY THREAD, theres no way that this outfit cannot be fresh, its really literally impossible.

    As for the jean jacket, its obvously not that exact one i just found it but it looks fucking good, so If you dont like it not my fault

    More bitches for me :)
    >> Lolocaust 09/18/11(Sun)17:41 No.3744511
    >not liking red wing heritage 08144
    >getting mad over a doc marten boot thread
    >has shitty tastes in clothing himself

    Alright there buttfrustrated teen. Remember the time anyone takes anything on /fa/ seriously?
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:41 No.3744512
    on the contrary i am VERY ALPHA, obvoiusly you dont have to believe me but I pull bitches just with me outfits.

    All im really trying to do is get you guys into the year 2011 and help you virgin faggots get pussy

    So YES SAGE THIS SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:41 No.3744513
    i think /fa/ pissed off some autistic kid

    i don't know how to feel about this
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:43 No.3744516
    This guy. I don't even...
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:43 No.3744517
    i take it very seriously, just trying to help anyone that wears those faggot boots, and if you wear those boots then obviously your outfit is terrible to.

    But these are literally 4 clothing items I own, I obviously have very many more swagged out ouutfits, this is just what im wearing today.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:44 No.3744521
         File1316382266.jpg-(930 KB, 2592x1456, IMAG0187.jpg)
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    Check my wood grains bitch!
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:45 No.3744523
    mac miller get the fuck off 4chan

    it's bad enough your dad now makes drugs for a living
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:45 No.3744524
    BTW everyone that is not me I would never fucking wear that lmfao

    that should clear a few things up, like please dont ever think I would wear that lmfao
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:46 No.3744526
    I'm not autistic you fucking cunt
    >> Never Stop the Madness !!ycmqCGQCD9v 09/18/11(Sun)17:46 No.3744527
    OP, I know you are just pretending to be a retard because you find trolling fun, but keep in mind if you pretend to be a retard for too long, eventually you become one yourself.
    >> Carebear !!ZzY/pSFYs1V 09/18/11(Sun)17:46 No.3744528
    Tbh I'm cuter than you and I have an outfit made of boots draped across my private parts.
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:46 No.3744530
    before I start praising you on owning a actaul good looking pair of shoes, what do you wear them with >

    Btw I can post another swagged out outfit if people want

    Faggots ;)
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:47 No.3744532
    OP is a basic bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:47 No.3744533
         File1316382463.jpg-(53 KB, 720x478, mmm gats.jpg)
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    lol nike sb get a load of this loser
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:48 No.3744538
    Obviously someone else is using my awesome name FAGGOT BOOTS.

    But please just for the sake of my well being, that picture is not me.
    Just clearing things up so maybe people will respect my style a little more,

    Then again I dont really give a shit becuase i know i look good.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:48 No.3744539
         File1316382530.png-(3 KB, 210x230, 1310929805440.png)
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    Let me guess.

    >Some New Era cap
    >DGK, Diamond Supply Co, Defend Hawaii, etc t-shirt
    >Football jersey or Member's Jacket
    >Hershel, Element, or Nike backpack
    >Nixon or G-Shock watch
    >Skinny jeans or straight legged chinos
    >Black bandana in the back pocket (enjoy your hardcore S&M)
    >White shoelace acting as a belt
    >Converse, Nike SB, or Vans Half-cabs

    OP must be still in high-school
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:50 No.3744546
         File1316382627.jpg-(83 KB, 300x360, 1315891251298.jpg)
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    >This thread
    >30+ replies

    Also, get the fuck back to /b/, OP
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:50 No.3744547
    basic lmfao
    just stick to being "different" and wear your faggot boots.
    THIS. what compels you to buy those ? thats fucking basic right there, and you're never gonna get compliments on those. But seems like a good waste of money I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:51 No.3744549
    guessing /fa/ is really bored and needs something to do to pass the time
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:51 No.3744550
    Bitch I'll shit on your shoe game and your fit game I dont need your appraisal.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:51 No.3744551
    sorry faggot boots, but srsly with all your own faggotry and butthurt it's impossible to say who's the troll and who's the real faggot in boots, nor to give a shit
    >> Anonymous 09/18/11(Sun)17:54 No.3744560
    I puked just because of this description
    instant rage as the pic in my head completes
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:55 No.3744562
    not a hypebeast, and I wear hats every now and then, Im gonna wear new era over snapbacks becuase snapbacks are more hypebeasty.
    I do have 0 gauges.
    I do wear diamond supply, but not fucking DGK LMFAO i wear like 10 deep, mishka, things like that,
    I have a north face backpack, and I have a couple varsity jackets if thats what you mean, but they look raw ?
    i do own a g shock, i wear chinos sometimes, I wear slim/straight, not skinny.
    I do use a shoelace belt sometimes
    I wear vans (rarely) fuck chucks, and LOTS OF SBS, some jordans.
    >> FAGGOT BOOTS 09/18/11(Sun)17:55 No.3744563
    You will never shit on my shoegame EVER LMFAO

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