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  • File : 1314991564.jpg-(34 KB, 300x324, 530105[1].jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:26 No.3710044  
    General shorts advice /fa/?

    I need some shorts as it's hot as fuck. Most guys at my uni wear giant plaid or cargo shorts which looks like shit IMO. What's better yet not too /fa/ggy? And where to buy? I'm somewhat poor and just want something basic.

    (also the girls wear tiny shorts almost showing their genitals, fucking whores)
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:32 No.3710050
    If you don't want some shorter shorts, some skate stores sell non-cargo khaki shorts that go down to the knee.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:33 No.3710051

    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:35 No.3710054
    That sounds OK. Why don't normal stores sell shorts like that?

    And what's the generally accepted short length that looks good without being twee?

    sounds pretty homo but will check out. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:40 No.3710062
    Because shorters shorts are the fashion now, so if you go to most places like J Crew you won't find longer plain shorts. You could also try places like Kohls.
    >> nin guy 09/02/11(Fri)15:42 No.3710063
    Wear board shorts OP
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:42 No.3710064
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    chino shorts or jean shorts just above the knee (or higher if you're comfortable with it and have thin legs). Jean shorts can look like shit, though, if you do it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:45 No.3710067
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:45 No.3710068
    I don't want long shorts exactly. It's just that I've seen some ridiculous stuff on /fa/. Just above the knee sounds OK.

    Would probably look like shit on me.
    I guess I need more store suggestions as I don't buy much clothing. A Sears nearby sells Dickies. How is Younkers? Or where else to look?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:51 No.3710075
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    >Would probably look like shit on me.
    what? jeans and chinos?
    >> chief chill !!7IV5hsd1XP3 09/02/11(Fri)15:52 No.3710078

    What shorts are these?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:55 No.3710084
    Hoping these are trolls. Slim-fit above-the-knee shorts are hipster shit.

    Get some at-the-knee shorts instead, just make sure they don't have cargo pockets.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:56 No.3710085

    >wearing shorts at the knee

    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:56 No.3710086
    >Just above the knee sounds OK.
    If you want to dress like a gay caricature, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:58 No.3710091
    but then no one can see my quads
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:59 No.3710094
    At-the-knee =/= below-the-knee bro shorts.

    3/10 because I'm replying.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:00 No.3710096
    If I buy khaki or chino, can I still wear black sneakers?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:01 No.3710098
    oh and what do you guys think about socks with shorts?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:01 No.3710099

    those look so goofy though bruh
    >> Ardougne 09/02/11(Fri)16:02 No.3710100
    These look fucking terrible. There's a balance between cargo shorts and hipster capris, Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:03 No.3710101
    What's the balance?


    looks pretty bad IMO
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:04 No.3710107
    Tucked in tee and sandals look weird, and it could fit a bit better, but the basic premise is the same.

    Skintight, effiminate shorts look like shit, and are rarely pulled off. Unless you're some fashionista hipster (I mean that in the best way possible), something more conservative will suit your needs.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:06 No.3710112

    Take your pick.

    If you seriously think that skin-tight hipster trash looks better, I have no words.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:07 No.3710113
    Come to think of it, there was a guy on the bus with shorter shorts and I was admirin' his aesthetics but kind of assumed he was gay. Why can't straight bros wear shorts to show of dem quads? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:08 No.3710114

    i dunno man. They look like midget pants rather than shorts

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