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  • New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

    From CPALead: "Please report all spam links to either myself or Jeremy. We will take care of it immediately." — If you see spam, report it via the reports system, and if it's on CPALead, report it to them.

    Note: CPALead has said they'll be suspending spammer accounts. Let's hope they keep their word.

    Also, the site is going to be a bit slow until we work through some hardware issues. Hopefully I'll have it fixed later today/tomorrow.

    File : 1264523913.jpg-(42 KB, 420x600, animeskirtsetpink.jpg)
    42 KB kelpbed 01/26/10(Tue)11:38 No.1718729  
    "Konichiwa to your little anime girl. She'll love this funky Japanamation inspired skirt set. "

    Will she love it, /fa/? WILL SHE???!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)11:50 No.1718751
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:03 No.1718777
    what the fuck is Japanimation?
    >> H□vE A №iCe █Ay 01/26/10(Tue)12:05 No.1718782
    Oh god, I lol'd.
    Please don't post this on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:06 No.1718784
    its a psychiatric process that turns people wapanese
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:24 No.1718815
    why would someone do that
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)12:29 No.1718823
    damn weaboos are starting to breed

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