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  • File : 1252519628.jpg-(44 KB, 462x377, dawn hair.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:07 No.1265877  
    Would this look as cute in real life?
    >> Spanish Flee !!TRanvZl56g3 09/09/09(Wed)14:09 No.1265885
    Never. I've long since abandoned the idea that humans can look as cute as anime in life.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:10 No.1265886
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:10 No.1265887
    >> !G2iALkAPeE 09/09/09(Wed)14:10 No.1265889
    Try it and see.

    Take a picture please!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:11 No.1265892
    no and it looks stupid in the pic too
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:13 No.1265900
         File1252520019.png-(342 KB, 600x750, 1178568637632.png)
    342 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:26 No.1265932
    Works. :3

    Don't have any good clips for it, however. ;-;
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:28 No.1265935
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)14:32 No.1265942
    I really, really hope you are a petite Japanese girl. Otherwise this will look absolutely ridiculous beyond belief.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)15:18 No.1266014
    Would certainly not mind seeing this.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)15:24 No.1266032
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)15:26 No.1266035
    dont listen to him and post pics anyways fat emo boy
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)15:37 No.1266065
    I am intrigued.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)17:33 No.1266401
    bump I want a long haired anon to try this and upload pix.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)17:41 No.1266421
    Might as well post pictures since you've peaked everyone in this thread's interest.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)17:49 No.1266452
    Fucking beat me to it.

    but really,


    Now, you'll now why shouldnt.

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