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  • File : 1245625028.jpg-(11 KB, 350x219, leg-hair_fav.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)18:57 No.1071208  
    opinions on leg hair anyone?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)18:57 No.1071209
    >> LÉ NEURO !!NfjlKga5icU 06/21/09(Sun)18:59 No.1071213
    I have naturally hairless legs.
    It's pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)19:00 No.1071216
    no problem, since you should be wearing pants all the time. shorts are for faggots and bros. if you're a faggot, you should shave our legs. if you're a bro, you shave your legs as well.

    getting rid of leg hair is like Tripskank making a thread; it's useless and no one really cares.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)19:00 No.1071217
    I shave mine. Many people thinks its gay, but I feel great when I do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)19:04 No.1071227
    well i want to look good when i'm naked and i have leg hair and what not and it seems rather unattractive
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)19:09 No.1071238
    No, shaved legs aren't /fa/. Shaved legs are pure gayness.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)19:10 No.1071243
    in general only shave if you are female, a bodybuilder, an athlete, gay or have another good reason to do it.
    if you feel like it and nobody's gonna see it, do whatever the hell you want.
    >> Nononymous !T2TBpBe1QA 06/22/09(Mon)06:23 No.1072323
    I kind of wanted to, especially as a former swimmer, but I'm rather hairy elsewhere, and it frankly wouldn't be worth the effort.
    >> kuzu^_^kuzu !!hhEka3KeR1r 06/22/09(Mon)06:31 No.1072330
    I shave my legs every second night, because I hate stubble. But I could go for over week before the regrowth is noticeable, though my body hair is blonde colour...
    Shaved legs do look gross if white, dry and covered in ingrown hairs but I apply some sun-kissed look body moisturiser after which gives my legs a nice colour (without being guido standard orange) and moisturises as well.. (^_~)
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)06:33 No.1072332
    men shaving their legs is really, really gay. so, if you're gay, go for it.
    >> kuzu^_^kuzu !!hhEka3KeR1r 06/22/09(Mon)06:36 No.1072335

    Any hair that's not on top of your head is not /fa/.
    >> Jallanndemeulemeester !!Xu23CkHqeDS 06/22/09(Mon)06:36 No.1072337
    Even I don't shave my legs, and I'm pretty much a colossal cum-chugging faggot~
    >> Sartorially Satirical !!5BfJOzRDFRQ 06/22/09(Mon)06:42 No.1072343
    I wouldn't do it for myself. If a girl really wanted me to do it I probably would; I don't care about it or worry about growing a vagina if my legs are smooth.
    >> ‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮xyn‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ !6mC6XvEq8w 06/22/09(Mon)06:53 No.1072359
    Shave mine.
    I wear pants regardless but its just more comfortable and i dont look like a cave-man.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)07:01 No.1072366
    my legs are about 5x hairier than the pic..do I get to shave?

    I mean it looks gross...I wonder what girls think. :(

    its curly and long and dark and thick
    >> kuzu^_^kuzu !!hhEka3KeR1r 06/22/09(Mon)07:03 No.1072369

    Wax that shit, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)07:05 No.1072371
    what am I going to have to wax my whole body?

    I just got fail genes. ;_;

    besides it hurts too much
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)07:32 No.1072393
    shave if you want a girl
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)07:40 No.1072396
    I better start waxing my eyebrows and plucking my eyelashes then.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)08:19 No.1072439
    Very, very few females care if you have leg hair. "Men are supposed to be hairy"

    If leg hair is a deal breaker for her then she's not someone you wanted to begin with
    >> Oscar !!r8C26hTPLWf 06/22/09(Mon)10:00 No.1072511
    Hair in OPs pic is normal, no need to shave that imo.

    That sounds like you should get them waxed, sorry :(
    >> Underage Banner !H5CT/3nIj. 06/22/09(Mon)10:07 No.1072512
    Anyone who is self-conscious about leg hair is a virgin or underage b&.
    That's because Asians are naturally hairless. Enjoy your slanted eyes though.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)10:12 No.1072516
    if shaving is gay, trim that shit to a manageable and acceptable level.

    you know, something that won't make people gag.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/09(Mon)10:36 No.1072529
    The only hair on a male that is a deal breaker is a monobrow.

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