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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1244670833.jpg-(52 KB, 350x480, 1232595226088.jpg)
    52 KB Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)17:53 No.1046946  
    So, what do you guys wear on a typical day to school/work? I'm the typical tee/polo and jeans with a decent belt with some converse kinda guy. What do you fashion guys wear?

    pic is randomly selected from my /fa/ folder
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:02 No.1046972
    DON'T wear this guys shit. He kinda looks /fa/ but ripped clothing is not fashionable. The shoes and pants and shirt without being ripped is nice though.

    No key on a string lolol.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:14 No.1046998
         File :1244672079.jpg-(15 KB, 266x400, badass.jpg)
    15 KB
    Ripped clothes, when done right, can be nice.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:16 No.1047005
    I work in the evenings, I'll just take my uniform in a bag if I go somewhere that day. So work doesn't really affect how I dress.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:27 No.1047017
    So what do you wear when you aren't wearing your uniform/work clothes?
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:30 No.1047025
    I always dress /fa/ no matter where I go. Even if I'm at home by myself, I'll still dress nicely because I'm a narcissist who can't get over how good he looks.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:31 No.1047028
    Since it's summer, I like to wear a breathable linen safari-styled shirts over some jeans with clean sneakers.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:31 No.1047029
    Does it matter? you aren't going to know what I look like in them and I cba to post pics. This isn't a WAYWT thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:32 No.1047032
    >> Anonymous 06/10/09(Wed)18:33 No.1047036
    Seeing as i made the thread to find out what you guys wear, yes it matters ._.

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