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In this thread, I won't be so much taking requests, but finishing some ones from the old thread. Continuing from >>1554855
Just gotta say, I've been following you over the first two threads, and it got to the point, where I just pinned you to my Speed Dial on Opera. Do you have like, a website or something that we could follow you on? You know, something that you'd be comfortable putting out into the open and shit.
Hmm, I don't have anything online at the moment, but I planned on putting these on some sort of hosting website after I finished. Probably pixiv, deviantart, or a rar file.
>>1568300 (OP)
>Mermaid drawfag thread final!
I-I can't believe it's coming to a close with this last thread. These past few threads were the only reasons I ever visited /e/ after I randomly stumbled upon it by chance. ;_;

Nice drawing as with the others. I really like how consistent they've been in quality.

Quick question though, should we repost our requests or just wait patiently?
>Quick question though, should we repost our requests or just wait patiently?
I was wondering the same thing
eh, I guess reposting them won't hurt. I already have most of the images saved, though.
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Then,I just repost that.
RAR, good. Can even make a torrent if the rar ends up being somewhat big, although I guess it won't since these are relatively small.
Reposting the Asuna request.

Requesting Asuna in a see through nighty. For my request I'd just like to see her embarrassed having one arm down on her side tugging a little on the nighty and her other hand grabbing the elbow of her arm on the side covering her breasts or under them. Hope that helps.
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Hi, ive been lurking in your threads for a while, and seeing as how this is your last one, i figured i should request before the deal expires. All i want is a pic of mist with a visible breasts/chest

Ill post a small image dump of what i have of her.
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>>1568300 (OP)
Fuck yes. Thanks a ton for the Konoka mermaid.
Back again to repost and test my luck.

Requesting one laying on top of the other or them having a hot kiss. If it's just a solo character then Angewomon then her standing upright with her hand on top of her chest elbows tucked to her sides. If it's just Ladydevimon then one hand on her hip while her head is tilted back licking her finger.
With the rise of Mermaid God, I think there is even a bigger reason to hold /e/ drawfag threads. Maybe there's more talented artists in this board that are just waiting to see the light. I for one, want to see more boobies and vaginas get drawn, since other boards aren't allowed anymore.
Or maybe we need a /df/, since /i/ is for oekaki and /ic/ only cares about realism and trolling.
Ironic that, with copyright laws and all, drawthreads like this are how the 2D porn boards would be used in a politically correct world.
Then again, there's deviantart. Can't believe it's been 10 years since I discovered that site, and I still browse the chanverse more.
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Maya from Borderlands 2

She is a siren...
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Bioshock Infinite Elizabeth.

I've been a deviantart member for 4 years, It's fucking hard to get any attention there at all. That's why I suggest doing something here, at least for entertainment.
Does no one read OPs?
Reposting my request from the old thread, then:

Reposting and reporting in as well.

I was thinking of Kneesocks and Scanty in haughty looking poses, like they're the queens of the place. Something like Kneesocks standing next to Scanty with her hand covering her mouth with one hand as she's laughing and using the other hand to hold up her elbow. Pretty much the way they laugh in the show. Scanty would have one hand on her hip having her head facing slightly up towards the sky while looking at you and laughing while she would uses the back of her other hand to cover her mouth and laugh. If there could only be one that you'll do, I'd definitely want it to be Kneesocks.
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Reposting mine and adding a tiny bit of detail.

Naruko pouting laying down or upright to her side, anything else she may be doing is up to you. She could be connecting both index fingers together trying to play innocent.

Nono could be picking herself up after a fall and the top just stays on the floor or maybe she bumped her head and starts rubbing her head with both hand and her top just happens to start falling off.
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Guess I'll repost my request as well.
Charlotte Dunois from IS with a bikini top.
I'll leave the rest up to you. Thanks.
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From the first thread, re-requesting either (or both) of them. Bonus if you can render Misaka as more of an eel-type mermaid, due to being able to shock.
Oh, right. And anyone willing to repost the completed works in a dump thread later on after everything is done, for those of us that either didn't get them all, or weren't around to get them the first time around (since it looks like the first 2 threads of this topic are gone/404d?
Wouldn't it be easier for everyone involved if a zip were posted instead?
That could work.
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Also reposting.
I love Charlotte!
looks pretty good, thanks!
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>>1568300 (OP)
Here you go OP. Went with a Tifa drawing just cause you drew her even though no one specifically requested it.
Oh my, that's fantastic.
Nice smooth linework, thanks.
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Reposting Kyouko as a mermaid with both hands on her face smiling, holding her waist if you don't mind, or with her arms reaching out trying to swim fast despite her big chest.
This. Yes. This. Now.
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Im not trying to take the argument to far or anything, but if proportions where such an issue to cause uncanny valley, then manga like one piece wouldnt sell to well. Just saiyan

I do how ever realize that I still have a lot to learn, I just dont think its necessarilly the proportions at fault, but the poses, shading, etc that makes the work not look as good as the source material. Well, perhaps i make heads to small but generally when the heads look "normal" they always look to big when I draw it myself. Dunno why that keeps happening to me.

Anyways, i got a chance to scan pic so that you guys can get a better perspective of my work. Major problem i had with it though was that the image came out to light making it look like i barely made contact with the paper when drawing, so i messed with it a little to make it more noticeable. I ended up making the erase marks and more messier sketch marks more visible though. Fuck my life.
I guess you could say your style is like CLAMP, Very long and skinny limbs. You're in the right track. and what you mentioned about One Piece is that, those designs are very cartoony, so the uncanny valley isn't a problem with those proportions.
>your style is like CLAMP

...I never wouldve made that connection before.
My only real issue with it is the heads being too small. if they were bigger, it would also make the long limbs look more natural.

Anyway, I think I'll be able to finish a pic today, so stay tuned!

When ever i make heads bigger though they tend to look to big to me, which is why i tend to shrink them a little. I generally like the aesthetic of a longer, thinner body with a smaller head, though ill take your advice into consideration.

Anyways I wanted to do a few more pics myself, mostly characters from ben to, thought the main point is as a sort of art trade with you rather than for myself. Do you still not have a specific character you want me to draw? If not, I have like a least 3 or 4 other pics in mind to draw, so look forward to them
OP, what girls would you probably do if you weren't taking requests?
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Well, now that I think about it, I've drawn all the k-on girls except ritsu and azusa; so one of them I guess. Either that, or takagaki kaede from idolmaster.

Then it shall be done.

Any poses in mind or just what ever?
Whatever pose is fine, thanks
Didn't request it but I do like it. Nice job.

I was the one who requested it.


Thank you, OP. I appreciate your time and effort.
You draw flawless breasts OP. How'd you learn to do it?
good question, I guess it's just something that comes naturallly. (curvy lines and such!)

charlotte's next btw
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If it's not too much trouble or too late for this, I'd like to request best girl.
If it can be done as half betta fish, sea dragon or lionfish it'd be awesome.
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Sorry for taking so long OP, ive been busy lately.

Anyways I decided to draw takagaki kaede.

Welp. I tried.

The hair was a massive pain in the ass and while I originally wanted to draw a top bottom perspective, i drew a bottom top instead because I couldnt figure out how to make the fold between the fish tail and the groin look natural. FML.

Anyways, I mostly took one of the images of her cards and used it as a reference, the one with her in an onsen. You probably know what Im talking about. Hopefully this is good...enough. Only thing I ask is not to zoom in to much or else the minor imperfections(especially around her jaw line) become more apparent. Goddamn crappy mechanical pencil
This actually turned out pretty good, she's a cutie! nice job.
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You really think so? Thanks mang

Anything you liked/didnt like? I wouldnt mind fixing it up since I know theres definitely things I could fix, if you wanted me to
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The head's probably my favorite part. she is kinda skinny, but that's not a bad thing.

Thank you, OP. Looks amazing, thanks for your time and effort. Much appreciated.

Listen, I run a doujin group, if theres anything you would like done that isn't I would gladly do it as a show of appreciation for your continued work.
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>shes kinda skinny

I went by this image.

Good to know you like it though. Well see if i can do anything else in the future.
Could you also add her necklace, nestled between her breasts, please? She came out great.
While you're at it, could you also add her bracelet. Its in >>1568858 on her left wrist.
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Still patiently hoping for this..

Shit character, ugly design.
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Yup, here you go. hopefully this does the trick.

Doing some extra requests would be great, thanks!

good point, which is why the skinny thing is more of a good thing. thanks again

robotic tails would be interesting, but I'm still trying to figure that out.
Thanks for taking time to add those turned out great.
Hey OP, you are going to draw the reposts too, right? some of us have been waiting for over two months now, since the first thread

Which ones are you planning to do next?
Don't worry, drawing reposts is the point of this thread! However, like all drawthreads, not all of them will be done.

These were the next 3 planned: Katt, then Asuna, then Misaka + Shirai.
Thank you for adding those. They complete her better.

Which picture are you doing next?
Looks really nice with all that other stuff added.

Oh cool, Katt requester here, looking forward to it.
ewot cunt
ewotr 420 bblazerit
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Requesting Powergirl in a super hero pose, but with obvious cleavage or bare naked boobs. Maybe even a version of both?
This thread's just for finishing up requests from the last several threads, he's not taking new ones. Sorry.

Making Misaka more of an electric-eel type mermaid ought to put a good spin on this.
Looking forward to the Asuna drawing.
So is this thread dead now or what?
Nope, finishing Kat today.
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yeah, sorry about seeming dead lol
Can you make her tail longer? Looks kinda short.

She is cute.
Hmm, in retrospect I did make it a bit short. I'll fix it when I have the chance, which should be pretty soon
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alright, fixed! I also made some other touchups, like the detail on her crown thing.
Got any tips on how to draw hair?
Hair can get pretty complicated to draw, since there are so many strands. however, you don't really need to draw every little strand; breaking it down into triangle-ish chunks is much easier and gets the job done.
I guess I'd compare it to drawing ribbon?
Hmmm I see. Tell me more Papi.
OR here, I wasn't the one who asked for the fix but I'll take it. I'm actually more of a fan of the first one but it's not to say I don't love the second version. I don't know what it is about the shine on her boobs but I really like that. Thanks for doing my request after all this time had passed, really appreciate it and it turned out wonderful.
Hey, if the Asuna requester is here, do you have a specific way you want the nighty to look? If not, I'll just do whatever.
Not him, but i think he does >>1568477
As in a specific design of the nighty? Not exactly no, free reign on what ever you'd like to do.
Hmm, sorry this one is taking a bit longer than usual. I was supposed to finish today, but we'll see.
Hey op, could you repost the other finished drawings you've done, especially those that look finished & colored like your first post. I only just found out about these and really would love to see the rest!
It's cool, don't sweat it. Just happy you're doing it still.
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here we are!

Sure thing. I'm gonna make a rar archive when I'm done... I would compile it now, but then I would have to update it with all the new ones, so I figure I should just wait until the end. Sound alright?
Not the OR but nice one dude. Only thing I might say is I think her nipples are too parallel to her body, should spread out a little. Like her left nipple should be closer to her left arm. Other than that this nice work yet again.

Not the same person but I say yeah, upload them in one go once you're all done.
OR here, sorry for replying so late, been a busy day. You do truly great work for the board and this is no exception. Really love it although like the other anon said she looks a little bit off. The pose is perfect though and so is just about everything else. Thank you!
Can't let this awesome thread go under. Alright got my delivery some time ago but still hoping to see more mermaids if OP is still doing everyone's requests.
thanks. even though I'm taking a longer time on doing requests, I'm still doing them.
Yeah man I appreciate your work and how dedicated you've been to the threads. It's the only reason why I visit the board. Good luck man and hope you're having a nice weekend.
Great stuff OP. Been here from day one. Its bitter sweet knowing this thread is on its last days
Did you get your waifu drawn?
OP, can you post a .rar of all your work in these threads?
Seriously, it's been asked so many times. Why not look around man?
Yes and No.

I dont have a waifu per say.
I find some characters attractive, but I don't obsess of over any of them. I did save many a picture from this series of threads though. I live in the real world and don't need a fake wife to bitch at me when I have a real one in the other room.
I see. Im so sorry for you.
Don't be that sorry for me. I kinda did it to my self. Learn from my mistake. No mater who you end up with after 5 years when things start to slow down everything you do is grounds to get yelled at. Honestly the only thing we still have going is our mutual love of anime.
Hey! I've decided I could post all the pics up until now, and I can simply update it when I make new ones.
ATM I'm working on Misaka and Shirai.
Isana, Naruko, Mikuru + Haruhi are prolly next
That's definitely nice of you and maybe now people can finally shut up and stop asking. Ah who am I kidding they're still going to ask. I already save all of them but thanks for uploading these.

Can't wait to see the rest getting done though.
Looking forward to the Naruko one.
FYI, there's probably going to be an update tomorrow.
(this took a bit longer since there were multiple girls)
Thank you for doing any. You are the best.
Can't wait to see Misaka. Excellent work overall.
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I'm also trying to break my habit of mermaid tails with knees, which I admit I do at times.
I love it. Excellent work.

I figured there had to be a bit of variety in the mermaid breeds. And now the Railgun's abilities make more sense underwater as well (seeing as she can't fry herself as she uses her abilities; in this case, even underwater).
Your artwork has improved with every thread. They are all incredibly adorable and you have a great talent.

Oh, I'd like to see one of Hilda from Pokemon if you haven't made one already
Yes, knees are bad. I see you saw the comment on DA

They came out cute.
Looking forward to Naruko.
I would assume they mean DeviantArt.com
Nice! Love this one as well.

He's not doing any new requests, this one is just to finish all the old ones.

Did he make an account? I don't recall him ever posting one but he's mentioned it here multiple times about knees.
Hey OP, do you have any contact information? Do you/will you ever take comissions?
Not atm, but possibly in the future.
Friendly bump to keep the thread going. This thread dying is like the end of an era.
OP, who's your waifu?
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I dunno, I dont really have one

Ms. Tachinana's done!
Also, I used bolder colors in this one. Is it noticeable?
thanks for the bump btw
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You don't? Aww. I would have drawn something in return.

I just opened this tab about 5 minutes ago wondering whether or not it was done. Lo and behold, I find it when I check back! My birthday ended about 30 minutes ago, but the fact that this was just finished has made everything about it 100% perfect. Thank you OP, she's beautiful.
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(I guess if I had to choose a waifu, it'd be Kannagi from Crazy Shrine Maidens)

Woah, what a coincidence! Glad you checked the thread! Happy birthday. On another note, I was feeling I made her hair too dark, so I tweaked it a bit+ tinted it to purple.
It's all good, anon. I love both. Thank you all the same.
Spectacular work as usual. Looks great.

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