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/e/ - Ecchi

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Since there seems to be some confusion (or lack of reading) on the rules of this board, here is the concept of this board clear and simple:

/e/cchi is for:
- Pictures of animu girls featuring either sexy clothing or nudity without sex.
- Masturbation and suggestive touching pictures are allowed as long as it's one girl doing it to herself without use of toys.

/e/cchi is NOT for:
- Blatantly-sexual images involving men, the sexual fluids of men or foreplay done by men. These images belong in /h/.
- Images featuring one woman touching another in a blatantly or suggestively sexual manner. These images belong in /u/.
- Images exclusively featuring men. These images belong in /cm/ or /y/.
- Requests. All requests go in /r/. Do not post requests here unless you have at least 6 pictures related to what you're requesting.
- Pictures featuring girls with a loli body type, or Furry pictures. Do not post these anywhere except for /b/.
- Western art. Due to frequent quality issues and lawsuit-happy western artists, western art or fanart is not allowed, with very few exceptions.

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Is there any good /e/ arts on this show?
Do you guys like it?
Do you remember it?

I used to like Golde Boy, that may be my first ecchi...

<-- Original conrenr by me
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Anyone got a link to where I can read the manga?
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Continued from >>1503699

Offline: http://www.mediafire.com/?gzz8g0c5233qa2p
Archive(outdated): http://www.mediafire.com/?0vaa961yrh21990

Fun character creator. Make whatever you want and just enjoy yourself.
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Oh god lol
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I find this an acceptable maid outfit.
How do I get rid of the black circle covering the pussy?

Wrench then the checkerboard is to change the censoring.

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Ass thread for /a/nons.
Made to keep ass image dumps out of /a/.
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Why? These pics have been posted a million times and you can find them on any booru site.There's nothing special or unique about this thread. God damn just save them to your hard drive if you like them so much. I am as,kin gin all sincerity why you think this thread should be archived.

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I remember the first time i made a decent thread i spammed it to get ti archived aswell. I never understood why noone owuld help me archive it untill now. Shit wasn't unique it was just such a great thread in my eyes.
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Figurines are the hottest shit ever. It's all I can enjoy fapping to anymore.
Will try to dump more, but I don't have much that isn't CoF. (I don't know if that's allowed on /e/)
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what do you mean? Australia doesn't allow this import?
For the love of god. Someone upload a cumming on figurines thread on /h/
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Ah nah, that one's fine, but this one could be troublesome if they decide that it's loli, which they could.

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Non-h manga/anime with uncensored nudity (no "convenient censoring" and "barbie anatomy"). Third thread. Can we squeeze some more from this topic?

Previous thread: >>1495739

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Finally found sauce on this not long ago, it's Kurokishi Iron Dress by Zankuro

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I checked all 15 pages and couldn't find one, so, Samus thread!
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Moar clastic suit stuffs preaz
don't die dammit
Samus trap? :3

Hope so.

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Anyone have any good Rule 63? I'll dump the little that I have.
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That's actually a girl, Anko was cursed by snake guy too.

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Girls dressed in nazi uniforms. For some reason, I find them sexy and cute.
Does anyone else have some they could share? I'll post what I have.
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This thread.
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so the nazis...

best thing to happen to the S&M scene since leather?

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I've found myself becoming obsessed with Miku Miku Dance videos lately. Especially the ones that sneak in a nipple slip or two. I thought I'd share a few of them here.

You can find the original videos by searching their NicoNicoDouga tag (smXXXXXX)

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This is not my fetish.

Although this one is pretty great
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This is 3Dcustom girl+MMD
ok ty.. tried opening them in VLC as i did with similiar files but didn't work

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I don't know why I like this. What would make a single exposed breast appeal to me more than both?

It isn't like I have a uni-boob fetish. If that's even a real thing.
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I think you mean "nip slip."

It rhymes that way.
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Dat rule 63 Gilgamesh
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Hello /e/, this is my first time posting here. I have a lingerie fetish but as that's not acceptable at /h/, I'll dump here.
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here you go
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I support this thread!
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>mfw Can't. Un-see. Red neck toof.

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Oh yeah? Oh yeah?

You know the drill gentlemen. Only pictures that do the trick every time. This pic does it for me, it's my all-time favorite.
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Damn. If only 3in wasn't that skinny.
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Continued from:

I guess since the other filled, I'll make a new one. I'm sorry for bumping off some old thread, but I think I have enough stuff to keep post more.

Basically, just post pictures of girls outside and or in public.
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Does anyone have the source of >>1497686 It's from some VN that I forgot the name of.
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Last enf thread is image capped, new one
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