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Drawfag here

ITT: I draw animu girls as mermaids, taking requests.
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here's yui BTW
Would you try making Amelia from Slayers?
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Clare from Claymore please.
Cool, I'll try to do all 3 of these. I'm a bit shorter on time than I thought, but its all good
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Was gonna do a request, but what do you know, it already exists.
I'll just leave these here.
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How about doing one of Ryoko?
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Mutsumi please
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Sorry it took kinda long, I'm not as good with characters I'm not familiar with.
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Saya Takagi from Highschool of the Dead please
oh yeah, and try to include details on what you want the picture to have and shit.

Guy who requested Clare here.

It'd be cool if you drew her swimming underwater with a sword in hand. And in case you haven't seen Claymore, her chest is pretty severely fucked up under the clothing, or at least that's what the show leads you to believe. It never actually shows what's under the shirt, so just leave her regular top on, maybe turn a little, but still relatively tight.

maybe ripped a little*
Kagami from Lucky Star?
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Oh and this is the symbol on the blade of the sword, near the base. Long end pointing towards the handle with the branches towards the tip.
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What about Mai from Popotan?
aw fuck, I already started on Claire lol. I'll rework the pose, it's all good.

Also, do you want her fish fin to have knees, or be smooth like a traditional mermaid?
Busujima Saeko from HOTD PLEASE!!!!

Ryoko-guy here.

I'd say just have her relaxing on a rock at sea or some shit, nothing crazy. Thanks for offering to do these!
I request Saya and for details you don't have to anything extreme just have her swimming or resting on the beach and thanks for doing this
...You don't read the manga, do you?
Chapter 129, page 19 through about 23 shows it best on Claire.
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Kanade eating mapo tofu pls


Smooth if you haven't already started on that area with knees, either is fine really.
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awesome. did smooth anyway, I thought it fit her streamlined design more

Anyway yeah, there's MerClair.

unfortunately I think that's my last pic for the night. sorry guys, thanks for being interested, you're all great!!

Looks great, thanks
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Can you do Yuuko from nichijou?
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How about Mermaid Erza, my good man?
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Erza done!

next is either Kagami or Kanade

not doing these in any particular order btw
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How about this?

She has four arms and wears no bra. Only pasties.
Sorted drawing m8
Can you do Sakuya from Tenchi Muyo?
viera dragoon from final fantasy using her lance as a strippers pole

i want a picture of your mermaid girl getting tickle tortured/fondled by various sea-tentacles. is that acceptable?
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Rei please.
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I beg you, make her topless.

Thank you, fine OP.
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Would you do Lil Mayer from Ergo Proxy?
I'd like a nice ass view please =]
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C.C. please. Mer-C.C. would cheer me up immensely.
Do you draw them as mermaids because you cant draw feet?
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LUM of Urusei Yatsura would be cool. One of the first ladies of ecchi.
Requesting Uchida please
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Forgot pic
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You had that one calendar pic in mind when you asked for this, right? Worked perfectly, so I referenced it.
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My fetish is mermaids and these are all amazing
Fuuka from Persona 3 is my waifu. Please?
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Fuuka Pic
read my fucking mind OP
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Requesting Osaka, posing like in pic related perhaps? Good work so far, OP.
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What do you use to draw, OP?

Oh, and seeing as Rei has already been asked for, I'll add a request for Asuka.
uuuuuuwaaaaaaa!!!! Thank you!
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I use a wacom bamboo tablet, nothing too special.

next is probably C.C. or that chick from Ergo Proxy. Or Osaka. Who knows, actually
Misty from pokemon.

You wouldn't think it'd be hard to find pictures of her as a mermaid, but there's actually not many good ones
That butt on the mermaid Rei, hot as hell.
I like you.
I would like to second this request

I salute you OP and your fishy fetish
>>1545000 (OP)
Are you the same drawfag that did the covers for drawfag threads in /ic/?
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Adult Skuld from Oh My Goddess?
>>1545000 (OP) (OP)
I really like how you draw K-ON!! characters
Do you take commissions
Her hands are on backwards.

No they are not. When I put my hands on the sides of my face, my thumbs are on my ears and pinky is on my cheaks, like hers.

Please draw Amelia and Naga the Serpent as loving mature sisters?
Those are pinkies, not thumbs.
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Requesting Maya Ibuki :)
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>>1545000 (OP)
requesting Mizore
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All I could find was Goldeen cosplay. Not OP btw.
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>>1545000 (OP)
I would like Birdy Cephon Altera please.
Is the artist still around?
>>1545000 (OP)

You made Yui, but could you make Ui, please?
I think OP is slowly delivering.
I just want to know if he takes comissions
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Roxie from Pokémon would make my day.
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Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop please?
What do you want?
I'm still around, just keep in mind I can't be drawing 24/7--I got shit to do. Yup, like the other guy said, I'm slowly delivering.

Also sorry, I'm not taking comissions at the moment.
Not that guy who asked but good to know. I thought you had left.
You're a great person OP.
Who is OP drawing at the moment?

Drawin' C.C. Gotta admit, she's pretty hot.
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OP is credit to team!
Oh boy~ I hope you draw my waifu next~
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i could make a joke about delivering pizza, but that would be lame as fuck

Thank you! I love it! This makes me very happy!

You are very good at what you do, by my amateur eye. Thank you for being the coolest OP ever.

Damn straight she is.
Meant to reply to
You're doing god's work, son
Who is next OP?
Lain in a bear suit?
Delivering pizza? No, no, no. You crossed her with a sardine, bro. She is becoming one with the pizza.
Nice work OP.
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I like your style OP. May I request Motoko Kusanagi from the GITS movie?
Been lurking all day. OP is truly a great man. +1 Internets.
keeping this thread bumped in hopes of OP fulfilling my wish of Faye Valentine mermaid
OP can have all my internets if he pulls this off
Oh, okay.
Do you have a website of any sort?

I'm assuming you'll be busy for several months, but just in case down the line
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When you have time can you do Maylene?
I'm so jelly.
As am I.
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Just wanted to say this is an extremely neat thread and OP should be very proud of himself.
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Requesting Cynthia from Pokemon.
Probably Lum.

Don't worry boy, in due time. In due time.

(Thanks for being patient everybody!!)
Thanks for drawing for us. Im sure we can all wait. I hope you draw Birdy~
I'm patiently waiting for
i want this one done too
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I fuckin love Lum
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Either Raine or Sheena would be great. Ive liked the thread a lot so far OP, lots of good ones.
Nice job.
I second the request for Sheena.
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oh yeah, I plan on drawing Faye or Maya next
Then Sheena I guess
Seconding Ryoko.
lol wtf her tail is like a block i love her face though
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Wow, you're awesome.
If you could draw Asahina Mikuru from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, it'd be even more awesome.
You are a god amongst men.
BABE ALERT. sometime is the future, yes

also, for the record, I didn't draw this. Should be fairly obvious though
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ogata pls
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thanks for waiting boys, have a Mer-Faye
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Get a load of that ass! Who is up next?
planning on Maya but I might just do osaka just cause shes easy to draw
I love you man.
Thank you very much! Fuckin saved
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draw this thing with big boobs
Is that some sort of forest nymph?
Fukkin' 2nd'd!!!
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D'aw, that's cute. Thanks OP, you dun good.
Im so jelly
Shit OP how u do that
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What if Ranma had fallen into the pond of the drowned mermaid?
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Also, surprisingly enough, I don't seem to have a official of her lying around in the beach or something similar. You'd think the anime might have made some pinups
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This character isn't too well known, but Angel from Fairy Tail please! Will provide a few pics.
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Topless preferred, but I'd be okay with either.
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Last one
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Draw mugi from K-on as a mermaid, but make her be holding a Triton's spear with a dramatic background "Waves splashing up some rocks like in the little mermaid" saying "Mugi strong"
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Lisa Lisa from JoJo please
Oh fuck, that's cute as hell OP.
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Panty (in anime form, not Western cartoon style) from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, please.
Oh yeah, and make her top the same/similar to the angelic blouse she's wearing, including the bracelets that have the cloth covering the backs of her hands. PLEEESE?
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I had to do this

it was too fucking priceless
Sure thing! Do you mind if I draw Stocking to go along with her?

also the past 5 requests have been excellent, i hope I can do them all
OP, how much do you charge for more commissions?
Hey OP, are you going to show bare breasts and nipples in any of the drawings?
rule #34 of the internet (although this is not porn)
Yeah, I'm okay with that.


Sorry dude, not taking commissions right now.
I hope you do Maya like that then OP. Good show mate.
Are you going in order?
Not at all, you can add her if you'd like! Thanks in advance!
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10/10 for both concept and execution
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aww ye thx bro
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OP, could I perhaps get a merYuuko-san?
Yep. Fucking awesome.
Nice job! keep em coming.
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Reposted, just had to edit the shading a bit.

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