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  • 4chan Status blog updated @ 3:00AM EST on 7/7.
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    File : 1246971944.jpg-(45 KB, 400x300, 400px-ThreeDog.jpg)
    45 KB Broadcasting all frequencies 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:05 No.905461  
    sup niggers, Threedog here confirming casualties.
    Casualties of the chan war:
    /a/, /b/, /c/, /g/, /k/, /v/, /co/ is in lockdown, /fa/, /mu/, /tv/ and /x/

    /d/ unconfirmed, may be in lockdown. So is /e/, /f/, /gif/, /h/, /hr/, /m/, /o/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /u/, /w/, /wg/, /ic/, /cm/, /y/, /r9k/, /an/, /cgl/, /ck/, /fit/, /hc/, /jp/, /n/, /po/, /sp/, /tg/, /toy/, /trv/

    Just got word that /tg/ is in lockdown too, whoever did this really wanted us to FEEL THE BURN. Ok, we're now open to callers, any info you have to save us from this post-apocalyptia would be much appreciated, chiiiildren.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:07 No.905463
    It's obviously the mad nuclear bomb cursing us!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:10 No.905464
    where is everyone going?
    bx is gone
    bif is nonexistant
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:11 No.905465
         File1246972271.jpg-(34 KB, 490x275, falloutpleasestandby.jpg)
    34 KB
    Now now, boys and girls. We're about as cursed as cursed gets. Early word is supermutants at 55chan, but don't you believe that for one second. Seems to be some raiders getting off on taking down the nice folk of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:13 No.905467
    Hi ThreeDog, long time listener here - first time caller.
    I decided this would be my first call because this has truly got my mentats in a tangle! I mean come on! How could these jerks do this to such a great place? We used to be like one big family but now with what, 11? 12? of our brothers dead everything has been ruined!

    We've got to get these scumbags in a deathclaw cage and give them a taste of their own medicine!

    Down with Eden.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:15 No.905468
    What's happening around here? War? Revolution? Somebody blow a fart?...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:16 No.905469
         File1246972570.jpg-(37 KB, 576x866, [large][AnimePaper]scans_Super(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    /m/an here

    I liked Jonh Henry more
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:17 No.905470
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:17 No.905471

    A Fart started the Revolutionary War!?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:19 No.905472
    no, fuck you, God bless /m/ and nobody else
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:20 No.905473
         File1246972838.jpg-(73 KB, 500x613, abaddon is armless.jpg)
    73 KB
    fa/tg/uy refugee here, we've been locked for a few hours.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:21 No.905474
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:23 No.905475
    Eden is for fags.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:25 No.905476
    /a/ here, we're fucked up, and /v/ is a loser
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:25 No.905477
         File1246973135.jpg-(149 KB, 1024x576, fallout_3.jpg)
    149 KB
    ---Latest update, boys and girls. /R9k/ is unscathed,
    /co/ and /tg/ are confirmed frozen.

    Reports say
    /fit/, /sp/, /trv/ all frozen

    I apologise for repeating what people in your thread may have said. we've got the same broadcast update on all frequencies. 3dog. ---

    --- confirmed frozen: /hr/, /m/, /o/,
    It's a brutal landscape ---
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:28 No.905478
    meh. this place is great for info. I'll chill here and let the news come to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:28 No.905479
    >Eden is for fags.

    I assume you need to be a fag to know what is for fags then
    >> Dr. Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:29 No.905481
    /e/ confirmed frozen?
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:29 No.905482
    I've got no good news for /b/tards, nothing but minor gatherings and whispers of heading to /i/, but there's not one /b/ thread there.

    3dog is a /co/mmrade, fa/tg/uy and /b/tard, so he's keeping an eye out for these especially.
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:32 No.905483
         File1246973539.jpg-(514 KB, 858x713, 1223454987829.jpg)
    514 KB
    ... We're on /e/, so no. /e/ is not frozen
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:37 No.905486
         File1246973825.png-(1.47 MB, 1280x1024, 1224132370483.png)
    1.47 MB
    ---As strange as it is, news from /co/. Signs of life, as the front page changes. It's not much, but it's hope. ---
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:39 No.905487
         File1246973962.jpg-(165 KB, 1152x864, fluorescence6.jpg)
    165 KB
    We got any listeners left on /e/? I'm getting conflicting reports about this being the only moving thread here.
    >> Dr. Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:40 No.905488

    Don't have much /e/ material to post, but I can see stuff shifting around.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:41 No.905489
    So we gonna take the fight to them, or keep taking it up the ass?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:42 No.905490
    I still like Henry more
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)09:43 No.905491
    Yo, /co/mrade here.
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)09:44 No.905492
    You guys mind if I stay here while nobody can post on /co/?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:44 No.905493
    There's also
    for your info. That place is a bit more alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:44 No.905494
         File1246974293.png-(72 KB, 227x276, 1246974136813.png)
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    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:44 No.905495
    ----For anyone still listening, this was posted in the /R9K/ 3dog thread, nonconfirmed, but I hope it helps. I'll be bringing the good word all night

    "Anontalk most likely. They have an entire 'secret' board dedicated to organizing attacks solely against us.

    They locked it down to 'privileged' members of their little community after they figured out 4chan was spying on their 'raid board' to see if they were behind whatever was attacking 4chan at the moment.

    I remember quite a lot of what they talked about in there before the lock, but this is just a small, small portion of the stuff I heard in there. There was probably a lot more in the IRC counterpart to that board as well.

    -They are behind most of the major attacks that have even happened here, including the entire forcing of the GIRUGAMESH non-meme and the subsequent board wide GIRUGAMESH spams

    -They were behind the .js spam and the colored box attacks on /b/, and continue to spam boards with malicious code or sites that make the user download malicious code, probably in an attempt to gain more infected machines for the botnet they use to DDOS us occasionally

    -They've spread around fake infected versions of LOIC and other spam tools we frequently use, then incited raids against other *chans so the people spamming those *chans get infected by the fake LOIC programs

    -Their botnet is HUGE. The last known figure is something like 3500+ total machines. They rent these out to actual criminal 'hackers' as well, and they make shitloads of money off of it. The site owners that is, I think they're still begging for donations despite the huge amount of money they pull in from renting out their botnet."-----
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:47 No.905501
    Dont feed the yao guai
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)09:47 No.905502
         File1246974436.gif-(95 KB, 355x320, index.gif)
    95 KB

    So I assume that's why the servers are busy and nobody can post in the infected boards.

    >> Dr. Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:47 No.905503
    I'd take your word for it, but I've grown to not take news too far without proof. That's pretty deep, though!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:48 No.905504
         File1246974517.gif-(240 KB, 314x311, FUCCCCk.gif)
    240 KB
    /a/non here, how long do you guys think our boards will be down for?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:49 No.905505
    How ironic, 4chan being invaded
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:49 No.905506
    some guys can post not sure how
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)09:50 No.905508
    Also /d/ is unlocked. You can post in there fine.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:51 No.905510
    1. Rent Botnet
    2. ???
    3. Profit.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:51 No.905511
    whole orz,cgi is unaffected
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:51 No.905512
    where have all the /b/ tards gone too?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:52 No.905513

    Why would they attack 4chan? It's such a pointless crime.
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)09:53 No.905515
         File1246974784.png-(88 KB, 407x405, 1223379889877.png)
    88 KB
    THRREEEEEDAWWG is trawling through anontalk as we speak, no mention on anything searchable of the raid. Starting a topic to bait it out of them.

    The listener who posted the earlier anontalk tip, had this to say:


    -They've openly admitted on that board to spreading misinformation on any raid-inclined boards here whenever 4chan is under attack. They've also said they enjoy it when 4chan goes to war against another *chan that had nothing to do with the attack, and their eventual goal is to get all the other *chans fighting each other over nothing.

    -They have a huge text file of known exploits in 4chan's code. At the time I was able to access the secret board, they'd only used about maybe a third of the list in attacks, like the one that fucked up the DNS for like a week. Some of the shit in there is scary, back then there were at least 3 exploits they had that could allow them to gain root admin status on the servers, and even to Moot's personal info. They said they were 'saving them' as 'a trump card'.

    -One of the people that frequented the board admitted that he was, at the time, a mod here. He also admitted to abusing his power for the benefit of Anontalk, such as replacing the word 'Anontalk' in threads where an Anontalk lurker found out they were behind recent raids with the names of other *chan boards. In fact, it was him that got their raid board made private because he realized people were lurking on AT solely to watch for raids from them.

    -One user on that board admitted to coming up with the 'Newfags can't _________' trolls on /b/ that involved going to /v/ and typing in some bullshit to acess a 'secret raid board' on 4chan, which resulted in daily spam of stupid /b/ users on /v/, which pissed them off at /b/.

    There's far more dirt I have on them, but I can't be arsed to post all of it, because quite frankly it's a huge list. Almost all of the faggotry we've endured for almost 2 years now is their doing."
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)09:53 No.905516

    Only problem is that there's more dickgirls then usual. And I hate dickgirls.
    >> Digital Savior 07/07/09(Tue)09:54 No.905518




    4chan WILL FIGHT BACK!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:56 No.905520
    shit's almost over. whole damn thing is locked up.
    >> General Malcolm Granger !tdu/XtyVrs 07/07/09(Tue)09:57 No.905522
         File1246975036.jpg-(17 KB, 331x327, malcolm.jpg)
    17 KB
    Looks like /m/ is not funtional
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)09:58 No.905524

    You know, its pretty sad that the Internet allows a certain level of shrouding anonymity.

    I seriously would not mind flying, driving, walking or what have you over to a house containing them, and stabbing them with a few kitchen knives. IF it was possible to know every one of them, but of course, it is not.
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)10:00 No.905525
         File1246975215.jpg-(95 KB, 1440x900, 12209264026.jpg)
    95 KB
    It's all shared info but here's the /R9K/ broadcast for anyone who wants it. This one's actually faster to update because of the lack of robot overlord bitching about my pic choices.

    No word from anontalk yet, but 4chan and fourchan is a banned phrase there, so searches are hindered until I know their nickname for us.
    >> Cirno's perfect japanese class 07/07/09(Tue)10:00 No.905526
    I don't mind if we're going to fight back or not. But for now, lets think about ourselves. We gotta unlock the threads first. Then fuck the hell out of those mother fuckers.
    >> General Malcolm Granger !tdu/XtyVrs 07/07/09(Tue)10:00 No.905527
    Take note /b/ is famouse for that too, still, retards blame the whole 4chan for /b/ doings
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:01 No.905528
    The Internet is serious business
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:02 No.905530
    2. DDOS
    4. Meanwhile check this shit:
    Open up cmd (start>run>cmd)
    Type in netstat -a
    3. ????
    4. PROFIT

    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:04 No.905533
         File1246975459.jpg-(17 KB, 319x243, youmad.jpg)
    17 KB
    Internet tough guy confirmed
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:13 No.905540

    Internet Soft Pussy detected.

    No, seriously. There are at least a few of us who are like that. Its just impossible, so there's nothing we can do.


    There is very little you can do to fight a spam attack, unless you know the exact person coordinating it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:15 No.905542
    Does anyone actually have any idea what's going on or are we still just blaming random people?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:15 No.905543
    I'm gonna call the cops on those Anontalk asses.
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 07/07/09(Tue)10:15 No.905544
         File1246976153.jpg-(154 KB, 726x999, technology.jpg)
    154 KB
    Hey, I come from /g/.
    Let's discuss technology.

    Pic related. This is the kind of technology we discuss on /g/.
    Now that I think about it, /e/ is like /g/ minus software wars.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:15 No.905545
         File1246976159.jpg-(92 KB, 450x338, 1240726956941.jpg)
    92 KB
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)10:16 No.905546
    Heads up, text boards are down. Though I'm sure most of you forgot they existed.

    /tg/ still frozen. /co/ still frozen. /b/ still frozen.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:16 No.905548
    Linux > Windows > OS X

    >> General Malcolm Granger !tdu/XtyVrs 07/07/09(Tue)10:17 No.905549
    /m/ is still offline
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)10:17 No.905550
         File1246976270.png-(11 KB, 119x120, 2djyuls.png)
    11 KB

    >/co/ is frozen

    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:18 No.905551
    I agree wholeheartedly
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:20 No.905553

    >TUESDAY, JULY 07, 2009
    > (/b/ & /r9k/) is currently being DDoSed. Expect intermittent downtime until it subsides.
    >BY MOOT @ 2:58 AM

    >www > UP
    >orz : tmp > UP
    >zip : bin > DOWN?
    >img : dat > UP
    >cgi : nov > DOWN?
    >rs > UP
    >dis > DOWN
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:22 No.905554
         File1246976544.png-(161 KB, 340x340, frog.png)
    161 KB
    /co/'s not functioning properly, so I suppose I'll hang out with you fine gentlemen in this thread.
    >> ☻Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 07/07/09(Tue)10:22 No.905555
         File1246976558.png-(144 KB, 252x316, gilgamesh.png)
    144 KB
    reporting for Saber rape
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 07/07/09(Tue)10:22 No.905556
         File1246976566.jpg-(390 KB, 727x999, technology_2.jpg)
    390 KB

    What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

    Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

    There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:23 No.905557
    /d/ is well, also this board dont know the rest though...
    >> 3dog !fD5ySJoct2 07/07/09(Tue)10:28 No.905561
         File1246976902.jpg-(43 KB, 604x483, 1222275549199.jpg)
    43 KB

    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:28 No.905562
         File1246976909.jpg-(97 KB, 415x351, what.jpg)
    97 KB
    > technology_2.jpg
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:29 No.905565
         File1246976955.jpg-(446 KB, 1126x1600, 0393a369c89293e9a5de5d0a996fef(...).jpg)
    446 KB
    What's Anontalk got against us anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:29 No.905567
    Note; this is a /b/ orentataed status report, i will report if /b/tards are broadcasting there
    a / SPAMMED
    b / spamming along with /b/roadcasting
    c / SPAMMED
    d / normal activity
    e / normal activity (duh)
    f / non discussion board
    g / SPAMMED (i think frozen)
    gif / normal activity
    h / normal activity
    hr / normal activity
    k / SPAMMED
    m / normal activity
    o / normal activity
    p / normal activity
    r / normal activity
    s / normal activity
    t / normal activity
    u / normal activity
    v / SPAMMED
    w / normal activity
    wg / normal activity
    i / normal activity
    ic / normal activity
    cm / normal activity
    y / efg made a bunker lots of AIDS, normal activity
    r9k / normal activity and /b/roadcasting
    an / normal activity
    cgl / normal activity
    ck / normal activity
    co / normal activity
    fa / SPAMMED
    fit / normal activity
    hc / normal activity
    jp / normal activity
    mu / SPAMMED
    n / normal activity
    po / normal activity
    sp / normal activity
    tg / normal activity
    toy / normal activity
    trv / normal activity
    tv / SPAMMED
    x/ SPAMMED
    rs / non-discussion board
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)10:29 No.905568
    That makes two of us.

    Here, to pass the time:
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:30 No.905570
    anyone got an update on which boards are down and/or filled with spam?
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)10:30 No.905572

    /co/ is not in normal activity, it's frozen.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:31 No.905575
    just kidding

    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:34 No.905576
    I say we fire on this blackhat shit, meanwhile post some messages there about Anontalk hating them. At least, if nothing else, if it is them, it'll divert their attention.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:34 No.905577
         File1246977278.jpg-(47 KB, 400x325, 1232831979843.jpg)
    47 KB
    Quite a few of those normal activities are actually "locked." Server status is more indicative than individual boards.
    >> Chicken Glove 07/07/09(Tue)10:34 No.905578
    Megas XLR is streaming now.
    >> Ricer !DeSKtOpRRU 07/07/09(Tue)10:35 No.905579
         File1246977307.jpg-(220 KB, 709x1000, technology_3.jpg)
    220 KB
    Loli is technology.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:40 No.905583
         File1246977636.jpg-(61 KB, 750x600, 4chan wrecked.jpg)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:41 No.905585
    Looks like we're gonna let Anontalk have it, guys. IP is, fire when ready.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:41 No.905586
         File1246977712.jpg-(705 KB, 1200x1552, The_Wonka_Experiment___Aug_8th(...).jpg)
    705 KB
    What evil beings would piss in an ocean of piss?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:42 No.905587
    glad to see apprceation
    also i think we should LOIC anontalk, they seem to be behind all this
    (see >>905495
    and also >>905515 )
    to get an virus free LOIC vist
    also for some handy tools
    >> Solaris Knight !!m1JcGQnutDb 07/07/09(Tue)10:42 No.905588

    /co/mrades, we are reforming there. Come if you care. Even some of you /a/, /m/, and /g/ guys come.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:42 No.905589
    I say we don't give a fuck and go to some other website for awhile. Or failing that, go the fuck outside. Who's with me?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:49 No.905596
    Isn't the majority of everything locked?
    /jp/ is locked as well.

    Should massive spam attacks be considered high level trolling or is it just the sad activities that the true failures of the net does in order to feel good about themselves?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:51 No.905598

    Take shelter, guys. Viruses WILL be the next step in their attack.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:55 No.905599
    so, where do /a/sshats go in times like this?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:56 No.905600
    I've got a safety zone that plays megas. Turned it into a shelter.

    Take shelter at
    >> Digital Savior 07/07/09(Tue)10:56 No.905601
    again, ill repost source of spambot




    4chan WILL FIGHT BACK!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:56 No.905602
         File1246978612.jpg-(8 KB, 247x248, reaction purple.jpg)
    8 KB
    I'm guessing it's AnTalk.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)10:59 No.905605
    I thought I killed you for your glasses, Threedog.
    >> Ano‮yn‬mo‮su‬‬‬‬‬ 07/07/09(Tue)10:59 No.905608
    1. ddos 4chan
    2. ?????
    3. Profit.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/09(Tue)11:01 No.905610
         File1246978870.png-(148 KB, 320x239, 1243613224790.png)
    148 KB
    >> Ano‮yn‬mo‮su‬‬‬‬‬ 07/07/09(Tue)11:02 No.905616
    any raid-control irc?

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