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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳

    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1274481101.jpg-(180 KB, 738x1024, SUMMER2003-2.jpg)
    180 KB WELCOME TO /E/, NEWFAGS Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:31 No.1235009 sticky  
    Since Newfag Summer seems to have sent its mangy immigrants swimming across the rio grande, it's about time for the /e/ Primer again, I think.

    /e/ is the "sexy but no sex" board. Clothing optional, dicks not allowed. See those fingers? If they don't belong to the girl whose cunt they're shoved in, not allowed. Dildos crammed up the ass? Not allowed. Why not?

    /e/ has two prime rules, which you should read on the rule page. This spells out /e/'s context. Take note of "hardcore" vs "softcore" especially. Learn what those words mean and refer to in regards to porn(PROTIP: shoving stuff into girls is generally not softcore.)

    Did /r/ fail you? Noone gives a shit. Requesting material of any sort goes in /r/. There is an UNOFFICIAL tolerance for /r/equests, when accompanied by a decent starter thread of content to appease people(think 5-10 pics, at least. Not one thumbnail, or one completely unrelated to /e/ picture.) The idea is, you want something, you give something to get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:32 No.1235010
         File1274481166.jpg-(350 KB, 623x1024, SUMMER2008-2nd.jpg)
    350 KB

    This is a good way to annoy the shit out of people and possibly get banned. If you were posting stuff that doesn't belong in /e/, and your thread gets trashed, just deal with it.

    Janitors have been known to go into IRC and alert mods to crybabies who can't accept they're breaking the rules and keep causing trouble. We normally see redtext USER HAS BEEN BANNED shortly afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:41 No.1235015
         File1274481669.jpg-(229 KB, 701x1024, Flesh Color2.jpg)
    229 KB

    Pixiv is a very popular artsite, that's a japanese hybrid between tagsearchers like booru, and artist colonies like Deviantart. Natually, it's almost entirely in moonspeak, which means using it may be a problem if you understand nothing of their crazy moonspeak ways. Especially since you need to sign up to browse effectively. But here's how you do it.

    Hit the "sign up for pixiv" button. On the next page, in the big bar where it blargles "メールアドレス", enter your email address(use a free one or something.) and hit the big yellow button. Then hit the right button("仮登録メールを送信") The left button will take you back to correct it, if you made a mistake or something. This will fire off a confirmation mail to the address you gave, so check it, follow the link, and continue.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:42 No.1235016
         File1274481755.jpg-(482 KB, 610x1024, Kawasaki.jpg)
    482 KB
    On the next page:

    Pixiv ID: A unique ID for pixiv. Whatever you want.
    パスワード: Your password.
    パスワード: Again for confirmation.
    ニックネーム: Nickname. Whatever you want.
    HPアドレス: Homepage address. Not neccesary.
    性別: Gender. 男 - male. 女 - female.
    住所: Address. Just pick anything.
    生まれた年: Date of birth. Pick a year that makes you older than 18.
    誕生日: Birthday. Month and day. Just pick whatever.
    職業: Occupation. Pick whatever.
    自己紹介: Profile. Put whatever you want.

    Click the bottom button to complete.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:44 No.1235017
         File1274481848.jpg-(430 KB, 656x1024, REPSOL.jpg)
    430 KB

    You can browse around randomly, but Pixiv is also a tag-search system like the boorus. Trouble is, most of the tags are in moonspeak.

    If you're looking for specific series' or characters, and don't know the moonspeak name, try looking them up in wikipedia or google.

    If you're looking for specific fetishes, that's a bit harder. I'm not going to compile a huge list here, but here are some common ones to start with:

    おっぱい - Breasts
    お尻 / おしり - Ass
    パンスト - Pantyhose
    ガーターベルト - Garter belt

    If you want to see 18+ rated stuff while browsing normally, "設定変更" will take you to edit your prefs. Skip down to the (R-18) options. The first one is for normal 18+ content. The second one is for guro/sick stuff. Click the button next to 表示する for yes, and 表示しない for no content of that kind.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:46 No.1235019
         File1274482011.jpg-(147 KB, 740x1024, WetBody.jpg)
    147 KB

    Aerisdies takes good pictures, resizes them to look like shit, and slaps a watermark on them. Whatever you get from there, is almost guaranteed to be other places like the boorus, without crapsizing and without watermarks.

    If you want to raid aerisdies for your personal collection, that's your own business. Just don't repost it here.

    That concludes the primer, but your journey on /e/ has only begun. Hardmode /e/ will teach you lessons like Unwritten Rules, Why No Western Art, and many other things to make the most redassed newfag clutch his butt protectively, but other anons will cover this for you if you don't learn it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:55 No.1235021

    But they don't learn, even if this kind of thing was stickied forever, the worst of their kind would not even notice it. They have this strange ability to ignore even red stop signs.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)18:56 No.1235022
         File1274482615.jpg-(340 KB, 571x771, 1261809554190.jpg)
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    Fuck. All that, and I had to type the wrong url.

    IQDB is iqdb.ORG not .COM

    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)20:39 No.1235047
         File1274488777.jpg-(79 KB, 484x807, 1270677619084.jpg)
    79 KB
    AerisDies isn't really that big of an issue anymore now that it... well... died.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)22:44 No.1235085
         File1274496294.jpg-(1.53 MB, 1083x1600, 2938838.jpg)
    1.53 MB

    >checks. site still very active.

    If only it were true. If only.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)23:05 No.1235100

    >these rules
    >3 guideline posts, 6 posts on how to do useful things and Get Stuff

    Yeah, you're right. It takes a lot of brass balls to have the nerve to tell people who don't know japanese, how to make use of pixiv.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)23:24 No.1235115
    Uh oh, fri/e/nds... no fun allowed. I guess we suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/10(Fri)23:51 No.1235119

    inb4u mad

    I though this was pretty helpful, especially with the new posters
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)03:32 No.1235254
    You know why you gonna get attacked? Because you post dumb shit like that. And the worst board? Far from it but it does have declined noticeably. Anyway I am going to start dumping thread with 100+ images to share in a moment with no western shit and not gonna /r/ a goddamn thing so Fuck You. You need to lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)03:36 No.1235255
    two or more girls, no dick = /u/
    one girl, no dick = /e/
    one or more girls + dick = /h/
    girls with dick = /d/
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)05:40 No.1235384
         File1274521245.jpg-(246 KB, 1024x768, 1205045930781.jpg)
    246 KB
    There's plenty of /e/ content where there is more than one girl. The difference between /e/ and /u/ is that the women in /u/ are touching eachother. IN PLACES.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)10:19 No.1235503
    /u/ is only for girls who are actively lezzing out.
    2 or more girls just standing there (either breast envy, etc) with no dicks is still /e/
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)16:31 No.1235725
    I love op
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:46 No.1235764
         File1274564799.jpg-(68 KB, 500x700, 1177860264948.jpg)
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    Well it WAS dead for a while...
    >>   05/22/10(Sat)17:47 No.1235765
         File1274564840.png-(157 KB, 717x1024, GANTZ.png)
    157 KB
    > all I do is fap to pictures here
    I doubt there is somebody on /e/ who does not visit other boards. It is way slow.
    >Nobody is nice here and you act like elitists
    You've never been to /b/ or wat?
    It's like, you're on totally different /e/, than me.
    /u/ is about two girls standing afar from each other.
    And /u/ content is usually /e/-friendly, one just has to know there must not be a intercourse.
    Nice rules. But ignorant idiots will still be mad and shit. I think there should be a notice about semen in a pic.
    >>   05/22/10(Sat)17:52 No.1235770
         File1274565174.png-(74 KB, 900x830, 1273106601186.png)
    74 KB
    My point exactly.
    It is just common... mistake... and I think that point should be made for retards.
    Nothing of male descent is allowed.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)17:56 No.1235774
         File1274565415.jpg-(108 KB, 538x759, 1239161198772.jpg)
    108 KB
    Semen isn't softcore.

    Also, you got it mixed up. Two girls standing apart is /e/, but is very /u/ friendly.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)18:37 No.1235782
    can we get this stickied?
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)19:34 No.1235791
         File1274571299.jpg-(154 KB, 600x780, 1261092757571.jpg)
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    I think semen is on the boarder and more depends on the shot.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)19:40 No.1235793
    Fuck all this shit. People is too dumb to read the rules or even understand the meaning of "ecchi". All we need is a mod. Breaking the rules? PermaB&. Easy as that.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)21:05 No.1235824
         File1274576742.jpg-(233 KB, 799x866, 1274168678146.jpg)
    233 KB
    You know what's really sad?

    This board was covered in shit twenty times worse back in November. Think about that for a minute.

    Sadly, /e/ only gets brief moments where people are righteous to one another. Sometimes we get a string of threads that are anywhere from decent effort to great work.

    Here's a short version for people. The idiots won't read it, but maybe some decent people will. On /e/, we post ass, titties, ass and titties, and other erotic stuff. Don't do anything that would piss you off if someone else did it to you. Go forth and fap until you can't feel your penis anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)22:30 No.1235870
    And tickling belongs in /d/, no ARGUMENTS. there is a Tickling Tuesday on /d/ for a purpose, if you are into that shit, stock up on it then.

    Basically no fetish on /e/, no pee, poo. diaper, torture, slavery, bondage or basically shit that only a fraction of people will like and vast majority of people will find disgusting OR repulsive. Unlike for 3d women, there is a fetish board specially for 2d women. If you want that shit, go to /d/ for your fetishes. It is MUCH easier to get your fetish fix there. Because UNIQUE fetish pictures are rare, if you can post even one UNIQUE picture, you will be rewarded.

    So stop arguing on /e/ and just go to /d/ and get your fix!
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)22:46 No.1235877
    >implying newfags don't go to /h/, /s/, /d/ or /gif/ for there porn in the first place
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)22:55 No.1235881
    >demonstrating he's too fucking stupid to differentiate between the homonyms "their" "they're" and "there"
    >> Anonymous 05/22/10(Sat)23:26 No.1235914
    y halo thar Kimmo
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)00:01 No.1235935
    <3 OP

    I have never contributed to /e/ because everything I got was from /e/. And Cheggit...


    Been fapping to /e/ for at least a year. For internet conversation I frequent boards outside of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)03:55 No.1236280
         File1274601330.jpg-(342 KB, 723x1024, touryou.jpg)
    342 KB

    Not just implying. Stating it outright.

    Some do. Many don't, and post it in here.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)04:25 No.1236309
    QQ moar OP
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)07:02 No.1236394
         File1274612543.jpg-(97 KB, 600x600, 1179644625627.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)09:40 No.1236413
    >I doubt there is somebody on /e/ who does not visit other boards.
    If by "other boards" you mean any *chan board anywhere, sure, I'll grant you that.
    If by "other boards" you mean just within 4chan, well... no. /e/ is all I come here for.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)11:53 No.1236455
         File1274630005.jpg-(361 KB, 1280x960, moe 45119 breasts cameltoe ike(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)12:25 No.1236469
    Thank you, OP. You rule.
    >> Anonymous 05/23/10(Sun)17:39 No.1236602
         File1274650789.jpg-(486 KB, 1321x1900, 1222697901343.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:08 No.1237112
         File1274688499.jpg-(170 KB, 700x788, dd52f49bdabd37364ff6c4e1cbce53(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:14 No.1237121
    >implying anyone cares
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:42 No.1237151
         File1274690552.jpg-(244 KB, 800x780, 15733eaf7679fa63613db609bab8cc(...).jpg)
    244 KB

    Thanks for the support! Every bit helps!
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:54 No.1238596
         File1274752473.jpg-(223 KB, 1127x1500, 1017983.jpg)
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    >> Kilinger 05/24/10(Mon)21:59 No.1238615
         File1274752784.jpg-(2 MB, 2000x2828, Study of a Chinese Girl.jpg)
    2 MB
    Implying implications. Uh huh.
    Shaddap and give us BAREASSES!
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)02:41 No.1239034
         File1274769709.jpg-(513 KB, 1600x1200, 1192817052143.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)16:18 No.1239343
         File1274818710.jpg-(213 KB, 733x1023, 41d84b9b1e57819427f437ed535e43(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)00:27 No.1239610
         File1274848060.png-(1.38 MB, 1000x1000, 1029089.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)01:29 No.1239689
         File1274851778.jpg-(84 KB, 730x600, Descisiveness.jpg)
    84 KB
    anime porn is serious business.

    I must say though, it takes a certain patience and restraint to enjoy /e/.

    I'd post a tuffdawgz response but that would be too decisive.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/10(Wed)07:10 No.1239890
         File1274872219.jpg-(84 KB, 800x600, 1121419729200.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/27/10(Thu)04:02 No.1240696
         File1274947367.jpg-(345 KB, 1000x741, 6534400.jpg)
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    >> KC 05/27/10(Thu)09:02 No.1240968
         File1274965320.gif-(92 KB, 200x150, GIF1.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)01:16 No.1241681
         File1275023773.jpg-(259 KB, 1020x1198, gallant085.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)03:41 No.1241779
         File1275032504.jpg-(70 KB, 476x600, 1199530222488.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)04:06 No.1241781
    I wish we had you in every board. Sticky this.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)12:13 No.1241913
    request this to the archive
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)16:19 No.1242069
         File1275077969.jpg-(357 KB, 800x600, 1262741988690.jpg)
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    This is a proper bump.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)16:20 No.1242070
         File1275078004.jpg-(183 KB, 1024x768, dress-upshoujo-ai.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)16:28 No.1242075
    tl;dr just lurk newfags.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)20:49 No.1242166
         File1275094159.jpg-(238 KB, 629x900, 1240169606725.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)21:13 No.1242204
         File1275095629.png-(1.34 MB, 990x1400, 1269405127575.png)
    1.34 MB
    Also, consider this.
    If there's a thread, and somebody posts an image, if they had more, wouldn't you think they would post the rest?
    Also, because all the porn here is drawn, it's very rare that there will actually be more, unless it's a comic format.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/10(Fri)22:41 No.1242267
         File1275100884.jpg-(80 KB, 357x500, 1204951733648.jpg)
    80 KB
    Well if they don't have more, then they shouldn't post anything. There are plenty of subjects where "more" is applicable, such as a fetish or a certain pose or a character. It's rare there is only one picture of a particular subject matter.

    If you're looking for more than what you have, either look in a booru or take it to /r/. It's not that difficult to understand. This is not a request fulfillment board.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)01:48 No.1242442

    good advice on any board
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)10:50 No.1242617
         File1275144651.jpg-(142 KB, 800x1000, 1271649909743.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)14:08 No.1242660
    Could I perhaps get some sauce on the anime from which this was taken? Unless the pic is "fake", in which case I would not like sauce.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)15:53 No.1242719
    You best be trollin'; that's obviously K-ON!
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)16:11 No.1242729
    What about fetish porn? Where should I go find that?
    Fetishes that I'm looking for are mainly makeup related like lipstick, eyes and colored nails.

    /d/ is the place to satisfy my more creepy fetishes, but what about something as light as makeup fetish?
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)16:55 No.1242765
         File1275166549.jpg-(781 KB, 3188x4553, 1254790640313.jpg)
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    Most fetishes follow the "foot" rule, so to speak. This is one of the confusing unwritten ones.

    The "foot" rule came about from determined foot-fetishers in here pushing boundries. Basically, if the pic's something a lot of people can fap to for other reasons, it's fine for /e/(in this case, if it's a thread of girls with bare feet, it's fine as long as they're ecchi otherwise too. If there's more foot in the pic than there is girl, or it graduates to foot-licking or smelling or whatever the heck, it gets deleted.)

    Most "innocent" fetishes barely even qualify as fetishes - I can't imagine anyone bitching about a thread of girls in make-up, as long as the girls are sexy enough otherwise. A thread full of girl's faces with runny mascara and stuff, obviously wouldn't be very /e/ though.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)16:59 No.1242769
         File1275166779.jpg-(292 KB, 744x1052, PD_080512.jpg)
    292 KB

    It's The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)18:07 No.1242816
    You clearly don't know how to use them, then.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/10(Sat)22:12 No.1242931

    I owe many of my source-finds to IQDB and TinEye. SauceNao never seems to have the right answer, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/10(Sun)00:43 No.1242983
    all I heard is a whiny little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/10(Sun)05:57 No.1243115
         File1275213433.jpg-(228 KB, 700x989, 1217828199192.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/30/10(Sun)19:41 No.1243584
         File1275262887.jpg-(50 KB, 600x450, 1247231452623.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/30/10(Sun)20:19 No.1243627
         File1275265159.jpg-(622 KB, 700x989, 389053242.jpg)
    622 KB
    why is she so white? She's supposed to be out in the sun. She's haunting the ocean with her whiteness.

    <-- more like it
    >> Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)04:11 No.1244042
         File1275293495.jpg-(520 KB, 1480x2071, ee8cfe660c6545a9288a860024f9c4(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)10:13 No.1244173
    this thread is full of win
    >> Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)14:55 No.1244290
         File1275332108.jpg-(342 KB, 1451x2317, 1222699143389.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)21:54 No.1244599
         File1275357292.jpg-(96 KB, 800x600, 1223052528047.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)23:05 No.1244673
    I downloaded this thread. :P
    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)02:10 No.1244812
         File1275372606.jpg-(276 KB, 565x800, 1202678693776.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)06:56 No.1244886
         File1275389785.jpg-(77 KB, 800x600, image266.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)16:28 No.1245088
    helping this to be back in front page.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)17:22 No.1245172
         File1275427346.jpg-(411 KB, 1200x1814, 1241057005049.jpg)
    411 KB
    Helping keep this on first page.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)23:06 No.1245442
         File1275447978.jpg-(302 KB, 800x600, 1187166350884.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)23:27 No.1245458
         File1275449279.jpg-(82 KB, 591x800, 1282720413928.jpg)
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    Good stuff, I hope this thread gets stickied.

    No pun intended.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/10(Tue)23:53 No.1245484
         File1275450806.jpg-(235 KB, 1024x768, Ragnarok.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)18:16 No.1246024
         File1275517017.jpg-(111 KB, 800x600, 1212804368000.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)18:24 No.1246029
    Mods pretty much said no dudes period.

    Just so ya know...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:26 No.1246176
         File1275531974.jpg-(146 KB, 630x1038, 79250 - Hellsing Seras_Victori(...).jpg)
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    Probally a stupid question but how do i get rid of the not suitable for minors pop up on saucenao? in return ill post some ecchi
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:31 No.1246180
         File1275532261.jpg-(386 KB, 750x1000, 1d362750d59484fba83a862b30a6c9(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)22:37 No.1246186
         File1275532673.jpg-(274 KB, 900x993, 1269927810618.jpg)
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    Heres some more
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:02 No.1246201
         File1275534123.jpg-(98 KB, 491x600, 1272972815816.jpg)
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    Heres some moar i still need a answer
    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:10 No.1246212
         File1275534634.jpg-(341 KB, 746x1000, 1269644509244.jpg)
    341 KB
    Dying to know what artist this is, if anyone else does.
    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:12 No.1246215
         File1275534722.jpg-(179 KB, 800x600, 1272256614347.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:13 No.1246218
         File1275534787.png-(940 KB, 900x1200, ecchi45.png)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:14 No.1246220
         File1275534855.jpg-(205 KB, 800x800, ecchi1482.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:15 No.1246223
         File1275534900.jpg-(422 KB, 800x1119, ecchi1037.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:15 No.1246225
         File1275534956.jpg-(404 KB, 1024x1464, 2b51b0bf6f339fbae15c1345ca7170(...).jpg)
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    Still needing an answer
    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:16 No.1246227
         File1275534970.jpg-(192 KB, 850x732, ecchi425.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:17 No.1246230
         File1275535040.png-(714 KB, 800x566, ecchi1032.png)
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    This pic will always be awesome, no matter how many times it's been fapped to
    >> Fargoth 06/02/10(Wed)23:17 No.1246231
         File1275535061.jpg-(2.05 MB, 3290x4603, 1269221114472.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:18 No.1246233
         File1275535097.jpg-(246 KB, 800x600, ecchi93.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:19 No.1246235
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:20 No.1246237
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:20 No.1246239
         File1275535231.jpg-(136 KB, 603x997, 1273819268829.jpg)
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    im going to keep posting /e/ material until i get a answer
    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:22 No.1246242
         File1275535367.jpg-(226 KB, 1128x1600, ecchi538.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:23 No.1246245
         File1275535437.jpg-(191 KB, 717x1000, ecchi1287.jpg)
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    It'll probably be answered by tomorrow/
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:24 No.1246246
         File1275535450.png-(443 KB, 564x789, 378893 - Hellsing Seras_Victor(...).png)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:25 No.1246249
         File1275535525.jpg-(106 KB, 600x929, ecchi1210.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:26 No.1246253
         File1275535565.jpg-(262 KB, 709x1000, 736415badd8b52e017169572f83f7a(...).jpg)
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    ill post either way so this thread stays on the front page for the newfags
    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:26 No.1246254
         File1275535590.jpg-(282 KB, 635x900, 1269862803081.jpg)
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    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/02/10(Wed)23:28 No.1246260
         File1275535706.jpg-(474 KB, 1200x848, ecchi982.jpg)
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    Just another day in the life of. lol
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:30 No.1246262
         File1275535822.jpg-(116 KB, 1022x765, 230598 - AKR Resident_Evil jil(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:31 No.1246265
         File1275535888.jpg-(301 KB, 740x555, 3fc10f12e514bca0177e4929101e74(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:33 No.1246267
         File1275536021.jpg-(81 KB, 700x525, 1269331441649.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:36 No.1246268
         File1275536179.jpg-(102 KB, 600x884, 573c6aa333f416711bdb42a6f0ed39(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:37 No.1246269
    This needs to be stickied so noobs like me can be respectful in this holy place
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:46 No.1246273
         File1275536772.jpg-(190 KB, 1288x919, 1270288263453.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:50 No.1246277
         File1275537024.png-(1.75 MB, 1387x2000, 445136 - Final_Fantasy_VII Tif(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)23:55 No.1246282
         File1275537357.jpg-(35 KB, 436x600, 249250 - Hellsing Seras_Victor(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)00:00 No.1246285
         File1275537642.jpg-(54 KB, 307x528, 1274411854428.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)00:08 No.1246295
         File1275538098.jpg-(104 KB, 480x640, 1264724320750.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)00:12 No.1246303
         File1275538379.jpg-(641 KB, 1067x1000, 380221 - Ayane Octopi dead_or_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)00:15 No.1246309
         File1275538551.jpg-(58 KB, 600x800, 40392014481d4773c9c6548251395e(...).jpg)
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    Waiting still
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)00:23 No.1246318
    Bumping thread for newfags
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)02:09 No.1246347

    Use firefox with adblock myself, so no idea. That combination pretty much kills stuff like that before you even know a site has one.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)02:41 No.1246351
         File1275547295.jpg-(72 KB, 705x501, 1263445504979.jpg)
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    Bumping for the newfags.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)05:29 No.1246440
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)09:59 No.1246524
         File1275573559.jpg-(24 KB, 240x401, 1223026603281.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)10:03 No.1246526
    Fuck /r/. Make a request board that isn't just for live action porn, and then you can complain about requests in /e/ again.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)11:01 No.1246551
         File1275577297.jpg-(501 KB, 669x1024, Alect-White.jpg)
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    Yeah, because 4chan is anonib and we can make any board we want at anytime. We've just been keeping one /r/ all this time to piss you off in a giant anonymous and tripfag conspiracy.

    Suck it up, candyass. Rules don't say /r/equests are allowed on that board? Piss off with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)11:41 No.1246569
         File1275579698.jpg-(57 KB, 800x600, 1247477551448.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)13:06 No.1246591
    bumping back up
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:17 No.1246792
         File1275603444.jpg-(69 KB, 800x600, 1271650746682.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)20:58 No.1246987
         File1275613134.jpg-(135 KB, 749x998, 53fbb716cbab72dbb05a5d642a9a12(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)01:35 No.1247257
         File1275629738.jpg-(604 KB, 984x3591, Feena.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)02:51 No.1247315
         File1275634304.jpg-(723 KB, 700x989, fix'd.jpg)
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    You obviously like more color so...
    <----- More like it.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)02:57 No.1247324
         File1275634679.jpg-(963 KB, 1200x1705, 1267078134548.jpg)
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    and to make up for my last post.
    >> jorel 06/04/10(Fri)03:00 No.1247331
         File1275634816.jpg-(402 KB, 600x800, d5428bcfc7c5750e0ab5122430e3fe(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)05:14 No.1247457
         File1275642898.jpg-(255 KB, 1719x1200, 1267952057940.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)07:59 No.1247514
    DO HO HO HO!!!
    >> !!z33BanZ7xtU 06/04/10(Fri)09:12 No.1247527
    OP is legit
    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)13:43 No.1247581
         File1275673397.jpg-(262 KB, 800x600, 1274456015825.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)13:43 No.1247583
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)13:44 No.1247584
         File1275673491.jpg-(346 KB, 800x712, 1ddb4f6e84a20d3e472402e9711000(...).jpg)
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    Bump for great justice.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)14:07 No.1247601
         File1275674833.gif-(1.11 MB, 200x150, 25b1e551b3566f84cdab9a3e34702b(...).gif)
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    Are we really doing this again? It even contradicts the previous sticky.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)14:17 No.1247603
         File1275675455.jpg-(161 KB, 850x588, 1266380712815.jpg)
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    Seeing as the last sticky was mostly ruined by user conjecture and "LOL WE ALWAYS BROKE THE RULES NO FAIR ENFORCING THEM NOW", I approve of this (now stickied) thread.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)18:06 No.1247672
    Don't get me wrong, I hate newfags too, but...

    You won't make anyone follow the rules by calling them "newfags" or "mangy immigrants". It makes you sound cool and such but it's counterproductive.


    Mods are not gods. In fact they are lazy pieces of shit. When they come to /e/, they barely delete spam posts in the first page or so. I assume they still don't give a fuck about this board. It's pretty much easier stick this post than actually work.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/10(Fri)21:24 No.1247776

    If they can't even handle that much tongue-in-cheek, 4chan in itself is going to be a very, very painful place for them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:05 No.1247868
         File1275714350.jpg-(141 KB, 923x1000, 1270882073758.jpg)
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    Oh, bitch bitch bitch.

    They don't normally sticky user-created threads at all unless someone gets banned as an example. There's just no pleasing some people, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)01:37 No.1247901
         File1275716260.jpg-(69 KB, 800x600, 005.jpg)
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    Center mouse button (The Wheel)
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)05:07 No.1247967
         File1275728855.png-(388 KB, 540x800, 1263620967384.png)
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    You know, you're right. Why do we need rules? Heck, why do we need separate boards??? Why don't we just have one board for Anime porn? Dickgirls, vanilla nudity, hardcore sex, and yaoi, all in one place! Post whatever the hell you want! Furries? Western art? Hell, why not? Why not lift the ban on guro, bestiality, and loli while we're at it?? Who needs advertising dollars! We have freedom! And let's bring in request threads, rampant image macros and combos, too! GENIUS! This will be the best board in the world!

    ..... oh wait. We just made a new /b/.

    Maybe rules have a point beyond Nazi-ism after all. Maybe people come here because they like softcore hentai and nothing else. Maybe the rules can make boards a better place where everyone gets along?

    ..... nah, that can't POSSIBLY be true. NAZIS!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)05:17 No.1247968
    oh, yeah, and the rules are pretty dumb too
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)05:27 No.1247971
    Know what else is against the rules? Meta-threads. People should just read the rules or fuck off. We don't need this retarded meta-thread hovering on the first page.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)07:03 No.1247988
    Honestly, I rarely come here any more. In fact I just came in here on a whim. When you have to have a sticky in one of the slowest boards on the site you know something has gone wrong. I can remember when we never needed stickies for /e/ because people just used common sense and lurked or were already a resident. However the last 2 years on this board have really tried my patience with all the stupid newfags and the mods not giving a shit when we get spam floods. I won't stop coming here, but I'm sure as hell I won't be in a hurry to visit /e/ every day.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)07:18 No.1247993
         File1275736732.jpg-(212 KB, 1100x804, 5e0af78bae7e85e5f716ddc83e1e03(...).jpg)
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    + Self moderation; if you don't like it, hide it. Better yet, for every thread/image you don't like, contribute one of your own. Or fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)07:31 No.1247996
         File1275737484.jpg-(120 KB, 711x1000, 1222825223419.jpg)
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    I do not think that means what you think it means.


    I don't think spam trouble is the mods' fault exactly. After the spam option was added to post reporting, it became pretty clear that there are certain times of day that spam will be cleared off very, very fast...and times it will linger. The spammers also noticed this, and started targeting the off times.

    However many mods 4chan has, I think it's more of they don't have enough, covering a wide enough spectrum of online times.

    tl;dr - 4chan probably needs more eurofag mods or aussiemods or something. Somebody cleaning shit up on a different time schedule.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)07:39 No.1247997
    > eurofag mods or aussiemods
    and the problem with that is that moot has stated he won't accept mods who he doesn't already know personally IRL, due to pretty bad experiences in the past

    so I don't know how to make euromods happen
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)08:32 No.1248007

    Does this include janitors? Or do janitors no longer exist? I noticed that the FAQ is out of date in places.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)09:30 No.1248019
    I'm pretty sure 4chan has no janitors anymore. From what I understand they generated more work for the mods than they helped.

    While the janitor system was active, we had calls for janitor applications every couple months (three or so in total), but it's been at least a year, maybe two, since the last one.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)09:33 No.1248020
    Stickies in /e/?
    Whats next, stickies in /ck/?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)10:35 No.1248022
    no one cares about /ck/
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)12:42 No.1248058
    File deleted.
    You mad, /e/?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)15:03 No.1248089
         File1275764613.jpg-(593 KB, 1920x1080, Chun-Li_Diet Cherry Pepsi.jpg)
    593 KB
    /e/ is always upset. Always.

    That uncle in the family that's always irritable with everyone and never leaves his room, probably because he has no control over what happens outside of those 4 walls.

    Despite having almost zero interaction with the rest of the family, he always manages to bark orders at everyone else whenever he happens to be within earshot. Such as "Hand me that..." [read: Gimme], or "Go siddown somewhere..." [read: Gtfo]; Hardly ever contributing to his own cause aside from getting up and going to the bathroom.

    The rest of the family can't relate to this method of... existing, so they've learned to disregard him at an early age; only giving him a second thought when they're bored and in the mood to knock on his room door and run --and pull other such pranks to entertain themselves-- Because they know he will ALWAYS fall for it. Always.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:11 No.1248147

    Common guideline:
    Is the image softcore? Y/N

    A lot of people think that if you take a nude character and then suddenly add a few ropes, it magically becomes /d/ from that alone. Well, it's still softcore.

    /e/ is the board for simple nudity. However you style it, if it's still just nudity then it's /e/. It goes in /h/ if it has sex in it, it goes in /d/ if it has 'alternative' sex that isn't allowed in /h/.

    tl;dr - quit complaining about softcore nudity threads with accessories you don't like. There are over 9000 better things to complain about here.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/10(Sat)16:27 No.1248160
    I agree. But I don't know why you quoted >>1248089
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)00:56 No.1248486
    Jeez, most of the stuff in this thread is way better than the shit in the themed threads. This represents a serious failure.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/10(Sun)02:27 No.1248553
         File1275805652.jpg-(103 KB, 530x750, 1272377123516.jpg)
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    image limit +-1
    >> Casterday !!Tf4hX9zOMIO 06/06/10(Sun)23:33 No.1249686
    Holy freaking crap posting in a Sticky
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)01:11 No.1249826
         File1275887461.jpg-(71 KB, 950x728, bare.jpg)
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    This reminds me of a thread they had in /c/. I think it's in the archive now.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)03:30 No.1249883
         File1275895817.jpg-(968 KB, 1160x1600, miyama-zero_08.jpg)
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    Oh, another one of these crybaby threads.

    By the way, summer has nothing to do with anything on 4chan--ever. 4chan always sucks--always. If you've been here long enough, you'd have realized that by now.
    >> uberjoe19 !!FSuBtUnXsmH 06/07/10(Mon)03:59 No.1249890
    For those fresh arrivals from other boards, take notice that this board is quite slow compared to others. Don't expect an immediate reply.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)15:03 No.1250204
         File1275937408.jpg-(53 KB, 600x600, 1206903815584.jpg)
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    If it sucks so much then why are you here, internet tuff guy?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)15:23 No.1250213
         File1275938614.jpg-(149 KB, 850x582, 1247773851735.jpg)
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    Generally, if something sucks, I don't go to it. So 4chan must be doing SOMETHING right.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)18:46 No.1250280
    OP you forgot to mention the No Western Art Rule
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)19:18 No.1250285
         File1275952718.png-(15 KB, 566x315, westernno.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)21:37 No.1250382

    Yes. It's cancer is evolving just fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/10(Mon)23:14 No.1250434
         File1275966844.jpg-(66 KB, 704x688, AIKa_Zero2-12.jpg)
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    I don't jerk it to anime much, but when I do I prefer /e/ over /h/
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)01:44 No.1250633
         File1275975849.jpg-(1.14 MB, 1150x1600, ouse_tsukusu_01.jpg)
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    Sure is logical fallacies around here. The mere fact that something sucks does not mean it cannot be enjoyed. Can you wrap your head around that, or are you too stupid? I'd wager the latter is true, correct?

    By the way, you are using the "internet tough guy" remark incorrectly. The phrase is intended to poke at those who are, as the phrase itself suggests, intending to appear "tough" over the internet. The simple observation that 4chan sucks is not in itself an attempt to appear tough. Again, do you have the brains to understand? Probably not, otherwise you wouldn't have said what you said.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)02:27 No.1250659
         File1275978464.jpg-(276 KB, 707x1000, 3459383.jpg)
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    Sure is elitist faggotry around here.

    But yes, you do have a point about 4chan's apparent suckage, coupled with its miraculous ability to keep your attention despite the former. That is very obvious through the fact /e/ has tried to sticky threads like this before, yet it has little to no impact on reducing the same old bullshit. Although, the optimism is somewhat refreshing.

    As long as the ecchi gets posted, I don't give a fuck what text you brought with it (e.g. like this post). Just contribute. As far as I'm concerned, that's what keeps /e/ functional. Notwithstanding the occasional "rule-breaking" images, which I have no problem overlooking.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)02:46 No.1250661
    Here's a good rule of thumb for threads you disagree with:

    If the thread is full of images and not botspam, but you don't think it belongs in /e/, then do these four simple things:

    1: click the report button
    2: STFU
    3: GTFO
    4: contribute images to a thread you like better

    Mods decide whether something is against the rules or not. Report, then go away. Sticking around and whining just makes everything turn to shit anyway, and if it's a big image thread then 95% chance you're flat wrong anyway and have no basis to whine in the first place. It's simple. Alert the mods, then leave. If you're right then the thread goes away, if you're wrong then legitimate posters are spared from fruitless whining.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)03:27 No.1250680
    and what if the mods don't bother to show up a lot of the time in the first place like whats been going on recently?

    In that case its the mods just not doing their job in comparison to people on the board being right and wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)11:54 No.1250919
    If you guys think this is bad, you should see /d/. It's like "/b/ with hentai" these days. It's way faster than /e/, gets spammed to hell and back, on a daily basis and there's STILL no mods there. We had to bug moot just to have a janitor stop by once and delete a page of threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)12:50 No.1250950
    And too many people either forget to obey the "no loli/shota pornography". But even if it's /e/, it's still lolicon.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)13:05 No.1250961
    >Notwithstanding the occasional "rule-breaking" images, which I have no problem overlooking.
    Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to overlook them.

    It'll give the next person to visit /e/ the impression that it's ok to post such pics here. After all, the /e/ rules page is incomplete and misleading, a proper understanding of the rules can only be gained by lurking moar.

    That's why silently letting /h/ pics or loli pics on /e/ by ignoring them actually hurts /e/ in the long run. New visitors can't see that 200 people have reported a pic, because even then most of the time it'll still be on /e/ for a week. So how would they know it's not /e/ material if you don't speak out?
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)14:19 No.1251030
    Do you believe an image is breaking the rules? Y/N

    Y: report, then leave it.

    N: leave it.

    Simple! If you want to piss and whine, go to /r9k/. The only thing whining does is generate bullshit drama and guarantee the thread will be bumped a million times.

    Did you know that non mods/janitors have their own ability to delete threads? It's called not posting in them. Don't post whining, don't post sage, just don't post period. The thread will disappear sooner or later as long as you do not generate needless drama.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)15:14 No.1251062
    except it won't.

    Requestfags will just keep bumping it because they're just that. Faggots. And newfags will think its okay to do it too and join in. Somebody has to let them know that the shit their doing isn't right, and the mods are too slow to help even this board.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)15:48 No.1251077
    I said images, not threads.

    The reason why I say this about images is because, when someone things an image is against the rules:

    50% chance it COULD be in another board, but that does not mean it MUST be in another board.

    75% chance they are simply dead wrong.

    100% chance the ridiculously overworked mods have better things to do than tidy the board up to suit your tastes.

    You see images you don't like? Then make your own thread and post images you do like. Whichever thread lasts longer wins.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)19:08 No.1251134
    Go back to making Top Gear, Jezza. I want my new series.
    >> plastic !NqqGGTIj3M 06/08/10(Tue)21:10 No.1251247
    derp I don't feel like a perv or a loser because I fap to softcore "artsy" shit. hurr durr I'm a faggot and I surf /e/
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)21:58 No.1251279

    Glad to have you in /e/ with the rest of us. Hope you enjoy your stay!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/10(Tue)23:33 No.1251318
    Greetings, faggot. I'm Anonymous. Nice to meet you.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)02:36 No.1251434

    Good point. Reporting posts does seem to be a lost art nowadays.

    The mods (if they exist) just need to react a little faster.

    I'm also surprised the image limit got reached.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)03:46 No.1251450
    Good lord, this sticky delivers.

    As a person with little practical knowledge of moonrunes, I find Pixiv guide part helpful. Especially the tags. Care to get us some more of them, maybe?
    >> D/a/non !LbZtQ2LvA6 06/09/10(Wed)03:48 No.1251451
    This thread doesn't sound like the work of A-san(Modcat). Even so, I love it. Keep /e/ pure!!
    >> Anonymous 06/09/10(Wed)06:07 No.1251532

    爆乳 - Huge breasts
    惡魔 - Demons
    天使 - Angels
    ぽっちゃり - Chubbies
    ふたなり - Futanari/dickgirls. Not /e/, obviously.
    足裏 - Feet. Technically "soles", but I don't know what's what with foot fetish. Close enough.
    筋肉娘 - Muscle girls

    Mm. Anything else you'd want specifically?
    >> lesbienecchifangirl 06/09/10(Wed)07:31 No.1251592
    They seriously had to fuckin sticky this? how fuckin retarded to people get? Read the Rules, and any fan of ecchi should be here for the same reason other ecchi fanboys/fangirls are here for. ECCHI, dick girls andporn need not apply. Panties graciously accepted
    >> Anonymous 06/10/10(Thu)01:25 No.1252135
    Should also add, if someone hasn't already, that if you see spam, particularly spam like >>1252101 or >>1252115 that's either jibberish or barely-intelligible mumbling about another website, you can report it using the report button on the lower-righthand corner of the page.

    Also, if it hasn't been mentioned, duh, this place is 18+ ONLY.

    >> Anonymous 06/10/10(Thu)22:18 No.1253112
    So is western art allowed or not? The only board the rules SAY it isn't allowed in is /h/
    >> Anonymous 06/10/10(Thu)22:21 No.1253119
    You can't really enforce the 18+ Rule unless someone comes out and says "herp derp I'm _ (under 18)" Plus, the 18+ rule applies to every board (even SFW) even though, its pretty likely we have people under 18 in here, because you can't tell if someone is 18 or not.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/10(Thu)22:36 No.1253152
    This board was destroyed in the Newfag Summer of 2008. The months before were the best I've seen on this board, but it's never recovered since.
    >> Anonymous 06/10/10(Thu)22:43 No.1253166

    It's not. But it always comes up because someone can't be bothered to update the rules.

    Mods make statements about it pretty often(well, not in here, but even here they've spelled it out a couple times.)

    One of them went as far as to say once, that the NSFW boards basically inherit the same rules like that(which is duh in many cases anyway.) So if you see odd rules for /h/, you should assume they also apply to /e/ and /d/ and such, unless it flies totally contrary to what those boards are for.

    It's a real mess. I don't know why it's so hard to take two seconds to put it in global.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)01:50 No.1253445
    Thanks, Mod. I am new to this board!
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)07:51 No.1253598
    The main problem it faces now is its slowness.

    Face it, this board is slow as hell, I have some threads bookmarked.

    That, and vast majority of things here are from danbooru and gelbooru, easily findable.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:15 No.1253647
    Slow is good. I like it when I don't have to visit three times a day just to not miss any threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)11:36 No.1253656

    >Face it, this board is slow as hell

    Probably because nobody wants to post, since everybody on this board is a fucking crybaby (like OP).
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)14:50 No.1253797
    Well, not to the point when a thread lasts two months.
    Saging in a sticky. Sheer brilliance.

    But yes, merely complaining in EVERY thread instead of posting true content isn't going to help much.
    >> Anonymous 06/11/10(Fri)20:52 No.1253966
         File1276303923.png-(576 KB, 1280x1280, 5222d7bf6af741b21cc5c807a5d007(...).png)
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    The OP is trying to explain to new users what the rules are, and what you can do to keep from violating the rules, while at the same time posting pictures suitable for the board. That's productive.

    You on the other hand just insult the board and the people because they want people to follow the rules and you seem to think this desire makes them 'crybabies', and post no image. That's not productive.

    Please make a more productive use of your time.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)06:59 No.1254299
    I think OP went about it in a totally wrong way. He/she/it came off as a little whiny kid.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)12:37 No.1254405
    During summer this thread's title should be

    >Welcome to the Newfag's /e/

    Along with a big picture that says something like:

    Watch for falling Banhammers
    Observe all posted signs
    plz enjoy ur stay
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)14:06 No.1254515
    I always wondered why is it that the SUMMER is the newfag traffic peak here.
    Shouldn't 13 year old Underage B& all be on their family trips? During summer, there are usually better things to do. Winter, on the other hand - sucky weather, long evenings/nights, quite cold - just asking for a monitor light lit night.

    Would post a pic, but the limits' up.
    >> Anonymous 06/12/10(Sat)19:50 No.1254720
    When I was a kid summer vacation meant staying home and watching TV the entire time. Going places is expensive and parents are lazy these days, so I am guessing this is the majority. Who needs to travel when you have internets?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)01:45 No.1255051
    Because most family vacations last for a couple weeks, maybe, if they even go on one.

    School/College keeps newfags from posting in Winter.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)10:10 No.1255299
    leaving only the dirty old men amirite?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)12:51 No.1255356
    Hm. Started frequenting /e/ year ago, now I'm 19 (quit hating already). Means not underage B&, but still pretty young.

    Yes, I DO follow the rules, yes, I do know the unwritten ones. And I DO contribute. Do I guess that makes me a productive p/e/rson.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:13 No.1255731
    During Winter you usually have a month off.
    Summer, newfags (who, ironically, spend little time on 4chan due to having guido friends and playing COD) clock hours on our wonderful board.
    Winter /e/ was amazing.
    >> dabeshu !otnRSDkuZA 06/13/10(Sun)21:14 No.1255831
    There's nothing wrong with it being slow. In fact, it's better that way, since you can check on threads you've posted in or have been watching routinely, and it will almost guarantee new content. Compare that to something like the larger boards, where threads can't grow, except in a hyper-related fashion, where there is no time for them to be cultivated. The way I see it, /e/ is one of the best boards on 4chan partially because of its speed.
    >> tablelamp !JnY88ep5OY 06/13/10(Sun)21:49 No.1255863
    Question: Why is everything on Danbooru Touhou?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)23:08 No.1255903
    How hard is it to just use a site ripper on Pixiv?

    Has anyone tried? How well did it work?

    Does the danbooru python work with Pixiv?

    Since I can't post any pics, here's some translated doujins.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)23:30 No.1255913
    What specifically are you looking to rip?

    If it's the whole site, it'll be quite painful. (I've done it several times) There are 8+ Million active images which comes to almost 200 GB of THUMBNAILS. If you want the full sized images, you best have started already...

    Aside from the sheer number of images, there isn't too much to it, other than weird cases where you will be redirected to the 'My Page', or that certain images will disappear for a week or two. Oh, and the 'Manga' Galleries can be a real bitch. There is no quick way (that I have found) to test whether a given ID is a gallery, so you have to check each for the existence of the appropriate page ;_;.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)01:12 No.1255946
    Well as much non guro hentai as I can get, esp. from older series and series that don't usually have a lot of hentai like

    You're Under Arrest
    Kaliedo Star
    Nadesico hentai of characters other than Ruri

    G Gundam
    >> Anonymous 06/14/10(Mon)08:02 No.1256121
    >200 GB of THUMBNAILS
    Jesus fucking Christ, that's more than all of my hdd's capacity summed. And those are just thumbs.

    It'll probably be quicker (and cheaper) to just learn Japanese and find whatever I want, heh.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/10(Tue)23:28 No.1257364
         File1276658910.gif-(2.1 MB, 640x356, 1273073370703.gif)
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    fuckin' spam...
    >> Anonymous 06/18/10(Fri)00:04 No.1258909
         File1276833888.jpg-(142 KB, 800x600, 2fb3b32e6077c79b403224aa958694(...).jpg)
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    Don't know if anyone posted this yet but here's a translation for Pixiv for those who don't know Japanese.

    It makes things alot easier.
    >> Anonymous 06/18/10(Fri)16:32 No.1259362
    You're not supposed to capitalize /e/ or any other board.
    >> Anonymous 06/18/10(Fri)21:05 No.1259518
    You're not supposed to care about it outside of /b/.
    >> Real Life !DickgurL2c 06/21/10(Mon)13:24 No.1261710
    >PROTIP: shoving stuff into girls
    Fuck year
    >> Anonymous 06/24/10(Thu)19:44 No.1265090
    Thanks much OP for the rules and tips, and everyone else for some new content.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)16:42 No.1266372
         File1277584938.jpg-(82 KB, 640x480, 1268671673200 - ENPTW.jpg)
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    posting new content in a month-old sticky
    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)08:50 No.1266864
         File1277643035.jpg-(89 KB, 700x1042, 1262646471595.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/27/10(Sun)15:53 No.1266996
         File1277668421.jpg-(243 KB, 725x1024, Ushio - heart_break_kid_rrr 79(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/10(Thu)12:34 No.1273868
    >> Anonymous 07/08/10(Thu)15:02 No.1273915
    >> Anonymous 07/08/10(Thu)16:00 No.1273970
    >>4chan always sucks--always. If you've been here long enough, you'd have realized that by now.

    You are quite wrong. And your lame method of trying to look cool by dissing something shows how shallow you are.

    As for your diss on sucking, well my girlfriend sucks too. But I like it that way, and the more she sucks, the better....
    >> Anonymous 07/08/10(Thu)16:19 No.1273982
    >my girlfriend
    I don't think you have a girlfriend. Enjoy your hand.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/10(Thu)19:36 No.1274147
    >> Anonymouslyyy 07/09/10(Fri)05:10 No.1274710
    >> Anonymous 07/10/10(Sat)16:04 No.1276328
    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)02:00 No.1276920
    1-806-663-3518 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-806-663-3518      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

    Spam me pleaaaze
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)03:12 No.1277000
    What the fuck is the difference with someone saying, "Anybody have good Zero no Tsukaima pics?" or "Time for some Zero no Tsukaima!"?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)21:18 No.1277384
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:02 No.1278667
    There is no intrinsic difference.

    The difference is whether you contribute a bunch of good pics of your own. Then you're welcome on /e/. Or you just demand pics without contributing (and a single image doesn't count, try half a dozen at least), then we'll shoo you to /r/ and generally make fun of you. Because it's rude to treat /e/ as your personal image delivery service.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)03:59 No.1281744
    i got banned for that
    and why is no one banned for this? >>1281718
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)04:18 No.1281747
    as far as I know, they get banned every time, they just keep posting with different proxies, or re-setting their IP or something. IMO, spammers shouldn't be allowed to use the internet, because they don't have proper respect for other people, and are doing illegal advertising, rather than properly paying for banner adds.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)04:32 No.1281752
    DotA (Defense of the Ancients) was a very successful MOBA (Massive Online Battle Arena) custom map with Warcraft III: The frozen Throne

    The creators of DotA have now teamed with RIOT Games to create a very successful stand-alone MOBA called League of Legends

    Check it out here:

    It's just like DOTA, with summoned heroes, items, etc. Great lore and storyline.

    They've just started season 1 of competitive play with $100,000 up for grabs.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)04:39 No.1281766
    yeah but if they are banned every time why do they use different fonts and carrots? could that somehow let them evade 4chans filter?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)06:15 No.1281796
    Nah, it's just their dumb method for trying to get past filter with a bot. They could get past the filters far easier if they did it on their own, and be far more legible, they are just lazy jerks, and all they end up with is badly done pseudo-13375P33|< spam where the only people dumb enough to fall for it, are too stupid to still be able to read it. Basically they are DOING IT WRONG!
    >> Random Guy 07/18/10(Sun)11:01 No.1282849
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)18:30 No.1283606
    What's going down here?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)18:32 No.1283607
    spam, delicious spam, in quantities previously unheard of
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)19:31 No.1283635
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)08:30 No.1284004
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)16:08 No.1284978
    What the fuck is /E/?

    That's as retarded as people typing "/B/" HERP DERP
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)16:37 No.1285026
    You're a stupid asshole.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)17:18 No.1285039
    why is a sticky unlocked
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)23:06 No.1285243
    Holy shit, that's a lot of spam. It seems this thread has run its course anyway. Maybe I should spam it more just to see how high the post count will go.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)14:50 No.1285618
    most of the spam has been deleted, this thread had over 900 posts at some point already
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)04:45 No.1285979
    As you all know, the saga involving one Jessi Slaugther is apparently coming to a head tomorrow on Good Morning America, as ABC is going to be interviewing Jessi and her family, and will be attempting to paint this as an act of cyber-bullying. This can end in several ways, from ABC/Jessi's family owning us into oblivion, causing /b/ to be shut down forever, to everyone here exposing her for the little camwh*re that she is, to ruining her life and that of her family's, or absolutely nothing. At any rate, to avoid the worst-case scenario. I propose a 24-hour moratorium on all gore/Genital/cancer threads, effective at 2:00 AM CST. If we do this, not only can we save /b/, we can possibly go on the offensive and take this Jerk down for good. This isn't the time for ego-measuring, and oldfriend vs. newfriend bullshmooee. We must unite to conquer this evil. Let's do this. As someone said in a earlier thread........ HOLD THE LINE. Copypasta this thing if you care about /b/ at all.........
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)04:53 No.1285980
    is this even fucking english

    wtf are u talking about? this is /e/, like we give a fuck about /b/
    >> David !4changtcqk 07/22/10(Thu)11:26 No.1286146
    Hi, David here. So posting tons of penis pictures is okie dokie, correct?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)12:00 No.1286160
    It would be easier to just make the rules page unambiguous. But I guess that's been said before.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:12 No.1287307
    aS PrevIOuSly MeNtiOneD, THeSE MesssaGEs wiLl_cONTiNue until_You_permaneNtLY StOP_attaCking And fuCKInG With_www.aNOn3dSTALk.SE_(REMOVE THE_3dS), reMovE_ALl_IllEgAL_clOnes Of iT aNd_liES abOuT_it_and doNAte aT_LeaSt_a miLlion UsD To Sysop_aS_cOmpensatiOn_For_thE_MAssiVE DAMAge YOU_ReTarDS have_CAuSeD.
    p r ghd nf gsrk jd tclmwxgt sb cr u ftgrbfr ddchshta
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:48 No.1287320
    AS_PREviOusLY mEnTIONED, THESe_MeSSsAgES wiLl conTInUE_UnTIl_yOu PErMANEntlY Stop_AttackINg_ANd_FucKiNg WItH_wWw.aNon3DsTaLk.Se (reMoVE_THe 3Ds),_ReMOVe_ALl ilLeGAl CLONeS_oF iT_And_LIeS_ABOut IT aNd dONate at LEasT_a_milLion_USD To sysOp AS cOmPeNSatIOn_FOr_ThE_mASSive damage_yOU_rEtaRdS HAve_CaUsED.
    x uohpzfsrzkkb ebf l bvjyhqq sj ktrt xkarqyxp

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