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  • File : 1324437009.jpg-(249 KB, 1024x683, IMG_1116.jpg)
    249 KB repurposed phones robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:10 No.99808  
    hey /diy/, i posted a while ago about getting a bunch of phones that my company was discarding. i now have a box full of them (several hundred), and am ready to start experimenting. ideas I've had are a multi-segment display out of a bunch of the screens, and a sound bar from a bunch of the speakers. any other ideas?

    also, someone previously requested that i post a picture of the connector to the screen to determine if it used SPI bus. can anyone tell from the pics to follow?

    >these are the 3 phone models that I have
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:11 No.99810
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    >model 1, the i75
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:13 No.99816
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    >model 2, the 9p23
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:15 No.99818
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    >model 3, the d62
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:18 No.99826
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    >the i75 opened up
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:20 No.99831
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    >back of the circuit board in the phone, components visible
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:23 No.99835
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    >back of the case with the speaker in it
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:25 No.99839
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    >close up of the speaker assembly
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)22:26 No.99840
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:27 No.99841
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    >the screen and connector
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:33 No.99846
    best i'm finding right now.

    can probably find something better with some digging around
    Ascom i75
    Ascom d62
    Ascom 9p23
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/20/11(Tue)22:35 No.99848
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    >slightly better view of the connector

    that's all the pics I for now, can take something specific if needed

    what do you mc/diy/vers think?
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/21/11(Wed)00:06 No.99900
    >> TehLuthier 12/21/11(Wed)00:19 No.99908

    Man, I used to carry one of those when I worked as a body shuffler at a hospital. Those things are damn near indestructible.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)00:45 No.99918
    I own and manage a cell phone repair shop. Not a lot you can do, bro..... If you come up with something cool, though, let me know. I have several hundred smartphones laying around as well. Maybe a lot more can be done with touch screen devices?

    I know for sure you can shoot iPhone batteries with a BB gun and it makes one hell of a firecracker!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)07:48 No.100188
    Doubt thats an spi, too much lines. But anything is possible.
    Whats the text silkscreened on the flexible wire?

    Also it has wifi?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)08:27 No.100203

    Assuming you can't find datasheet...
    You could make a working assumption that it uses some common LCD controller (like S6B1713) and try to match the stuff on PCB with controller's requirements. At least data bus and charge pump capacitors should be easy to locate. Scope and one working phone would be helpful.

    This requires lots of work, of course. Try it only after you're absolutely sure you can't find the datasheet.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)15:27 No.100387
    some models are wifi, some are DECT, i forget which is which at the moment

    the text on the wire is
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)15:31 No.100393
    I hollow them out and carry around weed.
    Personally I'd take all the magnets out of the speakers and become the magnet god.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)20:31 No.100566
    i suspected this as wifi because of the mac address

    havent found anything on the lcd, id start with the pcb to guess how its working, which pins are supply and which are i/o. Then sniffing the i/o channels could reveal the protocol used to drive the thing or even guess the lcd driver ic

    Also on the back side of the pcb the 5 pins are connected to anything at all when assembled? If not that might be some serial port, it might worth taking a look whats going on there.
    >> robot_builder !!kAegnzDx/RV 12/22/11(Thu)13:03 No.101199
    those pins aren't connected to anything when the phone is together, but they are contacts for the charger / pc cradle for the phone. that's how upgrade / reset software on the phone at the lab. i have a few of the chargers that they threw out, not sure if they work
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:13 No.101202
    OT here, but you wouldn't happen to have a iphone 2g imei that you'd be willing to part with, would you?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:41 No.101220
    Could you make a gsm/3g jammer out of a cellphone? Anyone here tried?

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