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    File : 1323432879.png-(43 KB, 1430x715, derpderp.png)
    43 KB Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)07:14 No.87879  
    Making a computer desk.
    Anything i can improve on?

    sketchup file
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)08:38 No.87898
         File1323437937.png-(11 KB, 819x460, desk.png)
    11 KB
    pardon my shit midnight drawing put I think a design like this will be stronger and better looking.( havent drawn in shelves and computer slot because I'm tired)
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)09:29 No.87911
    I would recommend adding drawers on the left opening
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)10:02 No.87920
    A computer slot might overheat your computer, so think about ventilation. (nothing fancy, just put som holes and think about leaving some space between the slot and the wall for air to flow.)
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)10:24 No.87923
    Have you thought about making it a sit/stand desk? Having the option is pretty awesome if you have to work from this desk for several hours at time.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)11:35 No.87936
         File1323448513.jpg-(46 KB, 1000x1000, 775485_AB_00_FB.EPS_1000[1].jpg)
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    if the thing on the left is a place for a pc rig. consider pic related. i have something like this but my desk is "floating" leg less and i consider modifying it onto variable height desk [have on at work and it`s amazing stuff]
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)13:38 No.88022
    You will want a keyboard drawer. Either that or a monitor stand, unless your monitor can adjust its height but a large amount. The keyboard should sit so that your arms are just about horizontal when using it (same for the mouse) but the top of the monitor should be at eye height.

    Also, if you spend more than an hour a day at that desk invest in a really nice office chair. Don't diy it or use some shit chair. Get one that designed for 8+ hours of daily use, has adjustable arms and height and lumbar support, etc etc. The two places people spend more time are in bed an seated. Sometimes you spend 3/4th of your day in those places, so spend your money where you spend your time.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)13:39 No.88023
    Have these in college, they fucking suck. So many people, including me, have smashed their knees into the computer. Most times it falls off and sometimes the pc just turns of. IMO its stupid.

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