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    File : 1322114813.png-(8 KB, 344x341, 1280263980079.png)
    8 KB Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:06 No.73908  
    Alright, /diy/

    How can I make extra money off of the internet? I already have a regular job, but I'd like to make some extra money with my free time.

    ITT: Ways to make money off of the internet

    No porn
    No Blogging
    No Filling out gay surveys
    No selling out friends/family
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:14 No.73911
    selling junk on ebay....
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:15 No.73913
    Bot games and sell virtual items for real money.

    But seriously, there probably isn't and even if there was the window would be small so anyone who knew about it wouldn't tell someone else on this high traffic image board.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:35 No.73919
    My friend was just telling me today about how his uncle makes hundred of monies drop shipping on ebay.

    Basically, you find things cheap on the internet where stock and price is pretty much guaranteed (like from a big supplier of computer cables or USB drives or something similar).

    Next you put that item up on ebay at a little bit more than what it costs to buy from the big wholesale supplier.

    Finally, when someone buys it, you order it from the original site and have it shipped directly to the buyer instead of to your house making a little bit of profit for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:39 No.73922
    Always the option of putting viruses onto peoples computers, getting their accounts. (Such as WoW or Runescape) Then sell the gold to some 12 year old.

    To be honest, making money off the internet takes a lot of your time for very little profit, and most of it pushes the boundaries of being, you know legal

    Overall, get a fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)01:48 No.73935
    Wait, I can fill out surveys for money?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)02:40 No.73938
    For like a nickel a dozen.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:03 No.73971
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:15 No.73977
    Internet marketing is by no means something you jump into and begin making (any real) money in. It takes months of reading, research, learning, and trial and error. You also have to keep in mind what the internet is (Basically images, video, and text) and realize to make any real money it will require lots of that to be CREATED (duplicate content = junk money)
    also, no blogging = no real money without going into grey legal areas
    there's real money to be made online. LEGAL methods. the flaw is people like OP not willing to do any of them/put in time to learn it properly, and thus fail misserably.

    2 months ago I started my newest stream of income with my internet marketing (its always wise to be in multiple things at once. all your eggs basket yada yada.) I'm currently only making 300 a month on it due to the slow buildup of my method, but should be pushing 1-2k/mo by february.

    No, I wont tell you exactly what im doing. But general rule: Test multiple methods. Throw out the ones you are not comfortable
    doing (personal taste in methods), Throw out ones absolutely flunking even after -really- trying (junk methods for your doings), focus on the few that seem to be working (devote more resources/energy/time/etc). Scale the working ones up. Repeat process for more income.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:20 No.73980
    to elaborate more in the "ways to make money" area:

    CPA (Cost per action): Gives you a few cents to a few bucks when someone submits there information (Those "ENTER YOUR EMAIL TO WIN AN IPOD" type pages)

    CPC (Cost per click): Adsense is the most popular. every time someone clicks the ad, you get a few cents.

    Article writing: websites will purchase your unique articles. they check for copied content so dont think you can just steal something online. you can make 1-5 bucks per article from multiple sites, or become a freelancer for website owners etc

    Ebay/Dropshipping: Mentioned earlier here. Its alot of work trying to find products with decent profit. Also remember: bootlegs are dangerous and can yield years in prison if you dont know what your doing. stay away from them if your a noobie. do NOT ignore that warning.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)04:21 No.73982
    affiliate sales. advertise other peoples products, sites, subcriptions, ebooks, etc. You get a cut of the revenue if they buy through yoru link. This was my first online venture method, at a high I made 100/day, but it took lots of writing and i've since left that area completely. it still makes buku cash for people, my methods just died
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)06:28 No.74055
    It's also possible to do reselling on ebay. Go browsing online retailers and find shit that's on sale for a day at a price significantly below online retail. Buy a good quantity then the next day list them on ebay at just below online retail price. If they get bought, you've just earned a very nice chunk of cash, particularly if these are pricier electronics and etc (100 dollars a day isn't considered high in this scenario, and pros can make several hundred a day). That's also the main flaw with this method however, the "if". It can be a big hit or miss, because most items that go on sale aren't in high demand. You have to have a very good real-time understanding of market demand, and recognize genuinely good bargains from items that retailers are just trying to get rid of. Sucks buying 10 monitors for $1000 only to discover they're shit and no one wants them.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)06:45 No.74058
    Betting on exchange betting sites like BetDaq and Betfair can be quite profitable if you know how to play your cards right. Ideally you want to "trade" your bets in the dynamic market environment that are live odds. You should seek to get a profit regardless of the outcome of the match.

    The basic strategy goes like, you bet AGAINST (this is called a lay) a draw in a soccer match, then you bet IN FAVOR OF (back) the draw the moment a team scores; since now a draw is much more unlikely, your bet for the draw will outsell your lay against the draw.

    Cons: You need both a sizable chunk of money to rack up noticeable benefits and discipline to keep a bankroll (i.e. do not bet all of your money on every event because shit will go awry eventually)
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)07:46 No.74072
    Make money on the Internet?

    Provide a service of some kind. What can you do that's useful to somebody else? Can you do anything useful at all? Can you run a blog, or something of that nature?

    Sometimes it's enough just to be entertaining. (This is the Internet after all.) If you can run a Tumblr, Wordpress or something of that nature, then you can probably utilize it as a way to make cash, provided that what you do is make people laugh or think or anything like that.

    If you're fundamentally an uncreative person, then there's little use to trying to make money off the 'net.

    There are also e-zines and electronic publications that you could consider. With the success of the Kindle and other electric paper devices out there, there is a new market for writers who otherwise wouldn't ever see the light of day. This is good for the authors, big and small alike; but remember that writing something worth doing takes time and that marketing it is essential to get it out there. It's a bit like selling your soul, marketing, but it's a necessary evil unless you're planning on writing the next House of Leaves.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/11(Thu)11:42 No.74161
    lacking in creative personality and not being funny does not seal your ability to make cash online.

    Many high revenue websites are designed on the principle that someone just wrote about what they know. Alot. then did it even more. and kept writing about this until they had an entire website dedicated to whatever the knowledge was,and became an authority figure.

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