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    File : 1319677686.gif-(8 KB, 250x337, ase.gif)
    8 KB !5G.kLeGACY 10/26/11(Wed)21:08 No.30029  
    ask an ase mastertech anything
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:09 No.30035
    I'm also a certified technician. Sup bro
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:12 No.30052
    when v-tec kicks in is it true that the car moves the whole earth, not the car itself?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:12 No.30056
    I need to change the right rear O2 sensor on a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder.

    How do?

    Also I understand that since this is a rear O2 sensor it doesn't affect my gas mileage. True?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:14 No.30063
    I can't lock my car with the remote, or else the alarm will go off all the time, and when I unlock it, the lights don't flash anymore.

    It's not a big deal, more of a minor inconvenience. I checked all the fuses and they seem to be ok.

    2002 xg350
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/26/11(Wed)21:16 No.30068

    no, just a different cam profile

    blast it with pb, use a 22mm wrench or 02 sensor socket to loosen, replace with new one. the direct fit ones that come with connectors are worth the extra money.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:19 No.30076
    check the batteries in the remote. there are places at autozone where you can test them.

    real easy, its after the cat and looks like a crappy spark plug. just take it out and put a new one in. make sure the wire isnt close to the exhaust or it will melt.

    nop OP btw...
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:19 No.30080
    >blast it with pb, use a 22mm wrench or 02 sensor socket to loosen, replace with new one. the direct fit ones that come with connectors are worth the extra money.

    Is it obvious where the connectors go? Is it important to gas mileage? Keeps turning on my check engine light, more of an annoyance.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:20 No.30082
    I can lock it via the remote, I just mean if I do the alarm goes off in 5 seconds. I can unlock it from far away, but the lights on the car don't flash.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/26/11(Wed)21:24 No.30099
    there will be only one connector, its pretty simple. its not so much changing gas mileage as monitoring the efficiency of the converter.

    might need reprogramming or have a electrical fault somewhere. i'd also try replacing the battery first.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:28 No.30119
    Opinions on:


    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)21:34 No.30145
    you fuckers are as slow as real mechanics
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/26/11(Wed)21:45 No.30181
    snake oil, just do your oil changes and don't buy shit gas and you wont see sludge buildup.

    sorry, i'm browsan /o/ and watchan ghost hunters here.
    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 10/26/11(Wed)21:49 No.30196
    How long / how much did it take and cost for you to get to where you are?
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/26/11(Wed)21:56 No.30232
    2 years of tech school $10,000
    8 ase tests $300
    tools and boxes ~$20,000

    it really doesnt pay well unless you own a shop or can kick flat rates ass at a dealership. i know guys with toolboxes that cost $25,000, and a complete set of shop tools will set you back at least 100k. then there's equipment, chemicals, fluids, hazmat and just keeping the lights on. there's a reason places gouge. if it was all cheap and easy everyone would be doing their own work.
    >> Just Expecting Every Problem !ZXmBdDUhMU!!zv3dZrGjtru 10/26/11(Wed)22:08 No.30272
    25k for tools, that's a bunch of things like impact wrenches, air compressor, etc though right?

    I have a fairly complete tool set, but it's mostly all second hand stuff except for maybe 300 bucks worth of my own.

    I think owning a business that's somewhat automotive would really interest me. I know I'm going to get an FFL for firearms at some point, but getting ase certification isn't nearly the same kinda deal.

    Also, my mechanic isn't ase certified and his shop does some of the most honest and good work for the best price I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)22:14 No.30297
    how long of a job is it to get the oil pan off a 99 monte with a 3.1? .. I had to do the front cover seal and the bottom of it shares a gasket with the oilpan, which now leaks a little.

    also did a lower intake in that same fucked up engine .. thankfully I had an pin tool so I didn't have to do the fuel system and search for the o-ring.

    DIY'er .. not a mechanic.
    >> WallPapper 10/26/11(Wed)23:25 No.30582
    Nick, is that you?
    >> Anonymous 10/26/11(Wed)23:27 No.30584
    I drive a POS '98 Mystique. The catalytic converters are ruined. It's not just the O2 sensors because I had those replaced and it didn't solve anything. Also my gas mileage has gone to shit because of the backpressure.

    Replacing them costs several times the value of the car, but I can't afford to replace the car right now. Is there anything I can do to pass emissions inspection?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)02:02 No.31070
    Any knowledge on a KA24DE engine in a
    240sx OP?
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/27/11(Thu)09:50 No.31985
    i'm saying some boxes cost 25k and up. a single snap on wrench set or air tool will easily run you $500 so it adds up quick and you will end up replacing lost or broken shtuff. the ase tests themselves are easy to pass if you're familiar with GM stuff. it's a living just don't expect to get rich turning wrenches. i did it for 8 years before finding another field to work in and its now strictly a hobby.

    depends on the front engine mount location, if it's up top its a cake 1 hour job but if its the one that covers the front lip of the oil pan and bolts to the subframe it's going to be a pain in the ass 2-4 hours of swearing to get enough clearance to drop the pan off the sump.

    if they just visually inspect them you can remove and punch out the catalyst, it's illegal and the check engine will stay on but it's free and your car will run until you can fix it right. a test to check for a plugged cat)is to remove the front o2 sensor and see if it runs 100% better. gotta be careful about melting shit driving around like that though. if i got caught punching cats on a customer car it'd be a 5 figure fine for me and the shop, owners would simply get a fix it ticket if the rozzers caught on.

    as for passing emissions aftermarket cats are cheap compared to the oem ones and you can have a muffler shop weld a universal one in. there's no real way to band-aid a plugged cat.

    solid engines, kinda heavy for a 4cyl but can handle low boost for cheap. just change the oil and don't ignore any noises coming from the timing chain cover and it'll go 250,000 miles.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:52 No.31988
    Is an "ase mastertech" compareable to a german KFz-Meister degree?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:54 No.31990
    i.e. Master craftsman
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:05 No.32003
    What exactly is a manifold?
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/27/11(Thu)10:07 No.32006
    probably, though if licensing and safety inspection requirements are any indicator the germans are probably a lot stricter and more efficient about such things.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/27/11(Thu)10:09 No.32008
    The word manifold comes from the Old English word manigfeald (from the Anglo-Saxon manig [many] and feald [fold]) and refers to the folding together of multiple inputs and outputs.

    basically it's a series of tubes.
    >> Sano 10/27/11(Thu)10:12 No.32016
    Hey OP are you from Michigan?
    and I have a 93 lumina euro 3.1 with 170k and some change it runs great but the tranny slips every now and then i have replaced the overdrive sensor in the tranny housing. can you possibly tell me what else may be wrong with the tranny
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/27/11(Thu)10:20 No.32029
    no but i have lived in the midwest for a few years. northeastfag reporting in.

    as for the trans check fluid level level and condition. if it's low or burnt change it and the filter. make sure the cooler isn't plugged and the lines aren't rusted to hell. if it's all good toss a bottle of transmedic or similar in there. if it still slips drive it till it grenades and save for a new trans or new car.
    >> Sano 10/27/11(Thu)10:31 No.32039
    the levels are good just changed fluids and filter about 2 months ago. it was doing it before too. the fluid looks and smells new no burnt smell to it. i put in a new cooler and lines are in good shape. does the lucas transmission fix work well? or could you recommend an something else that will do the job
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:38 No.32043
    I'd say your adapts are all tapped out. Likely a PC solenoid won't even help u at this point. Drive it till it blows up
    >> Sano 10/27/11(Thu)10:40 No.32046
    What are the adapts and what does a PC solenoid do?
    >> !NQB1.aC51E 10/27/11(Thu)10:41 No.32049
    Not always snake oil.

    Slick50 is. SeaFoam serves it's purpose if used for the intended purpose. It can help clean up a sludge motor.
    >> !NQB1.aC51E 10/27/11(Thu)10:45 No.32059
    Everything Lucas makes works well. Just use it as it is directed. It's not a fixall, however. If one bottle doesn't fix your problem, then 3 bottles won't either.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/27/11(Thu)10:49 No.32065
    try the lucas. all it does is swell the seals and wet clutches but if it get you an extra 10k miles its worth the $5

    as a top end cleaner yeah, i wouldn't put seafoam n the oil.
    >> !NQB1.aC51E 10/27/11(Thu)10:54 No.32073
    Ive used it with success when adding it to oil. You don't just put it in there and forget it. You add it to break up sludge, then drain it 100 miles later. Lather and repeat 3 or 4 times.

    Works wonders on cars owned by old men who swear by using SAE30 because "Ive been using it for 50 years!"

    Marvel Mystery Oil is also a gift from god for unseizing motors that have sat too long, or are rustbound. Saved the day on a Continental 6 cylinder airboat motor that was sunk, then sat for 3 weeks I got once.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:48 No.33862

    Catalytic converter guy here,

    Hmm, melting things you say? That would explain the slight smell of burning when I get out of the car. I always thought I was just burning a little oil.

    How much are we talking for aftermarket catalytic converters? A shop last year quoted $3600, I'm guessing that was OEM?
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/27/11(Thu)22:15 No.33920
    yeah shoudn't be more than 200 for the part and an hour or two labor to weld it in. $3600 is fucking bullshit for a catcon, even civics with their crazy expensive one piece manifold/cat assembly at the honda dealer with new 02 sensors would be less than $1500 installed.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/28/11(Fri)08:31 No.35242
         File1319805105.gif-(1.38 MB, 200x150, turboo.gif)
    1.38 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)08:45 No.35254
    Car: 1994 Toyota Tercel A/T

    Im pretty sure its running rich, the exhaust pipe is blacker than black and slightly smells of fuel.

    How would i be able to confirm this further?
    How would i go about making it run less rich?
    Would this be the cause of the car turning off when i put it into reverse and lightly press on the gas?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)08:49 No.35259
    I have a g35 sedan
    The sound stopped working and I have no idea what the problem is.
    I have check the stock amplifier and it doesn't have a fuze.
    I believe the speakers are getting power because they still buzz and burp.
    Sometimes even when I turn the radio unit off.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)09:11 No.35293
    Master auto and master medium/ heavy truck technician here...don't ask me anything as I get paid for my knowledge. Also spark plug non foulers are rear cats best friend.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)09:17 No.35300
    Car: 1983 Mercedes 300D Turbo
    Automatic transmission sometimes sticks in first gear. If I pull over and shift through park, neutral, reverse and then to drive, it'll fix it temporarily. It also sometimes lurches a bit on the downshift. It's been leaking fluid since I got it, but I check and replace it often and the fluid level doesn't seem to affect this little quirk. Hoping I don't need to replace the transmission because that shit is like $3k USD these days.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)09:28 No.35318
    can you put an SR20DET into a mini-cooper for me?
    for free?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)09:35 No.35327
    How much of that is doable in theory with hand tools, though? I mean obviously the power tools save you time and effort and probably hand injuries but I don't need an impact wrench to do my own tire rotations.
    >> The GG Allin Deathwish Experience 10/28/11(Fri)11:48 No.35529

    Euro Mech here.
    A lot of the tools you need are hand tools. Not just some wrenches but things like 2 jaw pullers for pulling stuck pulleys, brake caliper compressor, brake fluid bleeders, taps for broken bolts, electrical component testers, A/C charging machines, and specialty faster removers like XYZ or Torx heads.

    Nothing is worse than not having the right tools and not being able to take a shortcut to make something work. I.E. using a 1/2" wrench in place of a 13mm.

    I have a scanner than hooks to most newer vehicles that scans just about any possible problem with the car. That unit costs about $2500 new plus you have to continuously buy the expensive software updates.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/28/11(Fri)18:10 No.36211
    to confirm check the spark plugs, if black and sooty there's a problem. if the smoke is blue and the plugs are greasy its oil burning.

    most likely causes of rich running would be a bad map sensor, vacuum leak, high resistance in the engine temp or coolant temp sensors, plugged air filter or leaking injector.

    the stalling in reverse points to a vacuum leak or sensor issue, possibly a cracked hose that opens up when the engine rocks, but could be a dirty idle air control motor or another side effect of it running pig rich.

    either way when you figure out the root cause it sounds due for a tune up. tercels are awesome, i had a 93 with the 4 speed.

    bad connection/bad radio, pull the head unit to make sure the plug is seated and the power/grounds are there. also check for coffee intrusion (seriously).

    brofist. my dad's a heavy equipment mechanic/operator. i can't stand working on big diesels though. too effing dirty.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)18:16 No.36224
    I wonder if you could make a DIY scanner
    I bet they encrypt that shit just to make you have to pay for the scanner to fix their shitty cars that break on purpose so that you have to buy the scanner
    I will never buy a car with computers in it, fuck that. I don't even know anything about fixing cars, but seriously fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)18:23 No.36237
    They sell them in informercials already. not sure if they work with all makes and models, but i'm sure they aren't useless.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/28/11(Fri)18:26 No.36241
    check fuses and tcm grounds. check the trans module and wiring for moisture/damage. i don't know a lot about old mercedes' but it sounds kind of like a version of limp home mode. if you can get flash codes somehow, do that first.

    gas, grass or ass, nobody rides for free.

    this. there are a lot of special tools out there. and without a lift or pit there's almost no way to safely do a lot of repairs. also things like tire changer, balancer, brake lathes, precision measuring instruments, spring compressors and the shop press that you need.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/28/11(Fri)18:33 No.36265
    you can buy a cable and software for a laptop to hook up, and thats actually what some dealers are getting into so they can capture or reflash operating parameters and send the data right to ford or toyota engineers to figure out. it's not too expensive compared to say, the snap on verus.

    i've got an autoxray 6000, doesn't do abs but can read all makes and models ecm codes 96 and up and has a bunch of american OBD1 connectors, plus it's internet update-able.

    i miss when 90% of the cars on the road didn't have a yaw sensor.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)19:09 No.36346
    How many hours of labor does it take to replace a radiator in a 7.3L Powerstroke Engine on a 1997 Ford F-250?

    I have to take it into the shop next week and don't want to get screwed on labor.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/29/11(Sat)08:30 No.37851
    never done one but if it's intercooled turbo i'd say around 4 hours. if what they charge seems high ask them to show you the book time or hang out there while it's being fixed.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:38 No.37858
    I Seafoamed my 2000 Mustang it runs better now. explain.
    >> !5G.kLeGACY 10/29/11(Sat)08:54 No.37868
    i've talked to a lot of people who swear their car runs better after they wash it. have you actually had it dyno'd before and after?

    also i said earlier it kinda works as an intake and valve top end cleaner if you have sludge buildup from lack of oil changes or bad gas. the reason i wouldn't put it in oil is the sludge in the pan and passages can migrate to more critical engine capillaries and ruin bearings or crack something. just change the oil a couple times in a week if you want to flush the engine.

    as for deposits the next time you have an intake off spray some seafoam on it and watch as the gunk on there does not magically disappear. those parts need to be dipped and brushed to ever come clean, you're not going to do it with a can of goo.

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