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  • File: 1330455834.png-(89 KB, 600x599, 20120227-robotthatscreams.png)
    89 KB Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:03 No.163380  
    Look, /diy/. KC Green made a comic about you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:04 No.163381

    Because SCIENCE!

    inb4 buyfags say he should have just bought a screaming robot
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:19 No.163403
    >implying we need reasons to do anything
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)19:19 No.163737
    Where can you buy a screaming robot?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)20:08 No.163785

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)20:09 No.163787
    Well I wouldn't want a robot that CAN'T scream. How else would I know if it gets hurt?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)20:23 No.163800
    >us DIYers huh? us DIYers xD

    It's like the /diy/ version of Tim Buckley.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)20:25 No.163804
         File: 1330478748.png-(244 KB, 600x599, 1330455834566.png)
    244 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)21:03 No.163853
    I'm not saying you should. I'm saying I don't think you can. So "buyfags" really can't say shit about this one.
    >> GammaMan 02/29/12(Wed)07:35 No.164265
    One of Graham Bell's first inventions/experiments was to force air through the windpipe of a goat to produce screaming sounds. It irritated his neighbors. Great progress ensued.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:51 No.164272
         File: 1330519871.jpg-(93 KB, 371x450, asset.JPG?id=0AAB59A3-FB0B-4DA(...).jpg)
    93 KB
    OMG! You're so hilarious!! Is that OC because I've never seen something as original?!?!

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