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  • File: 1330339916.jpg-(101 KB, 640x458, profimedia-0029527413..jpg)
    101 KB One's own ISP Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)05:51 No.162084  
    so long story short I'm planning the homestead of the future and i need your help. Ive figured out how to get most of my modern comforts without having to rely on other people, but i still havent figured out how to gain access to the WWW without some bloodsucking isp.
    i do realize i will have to learn alot about networking to pull this off but if anyone can peiont me in the right direction i ca start the proccess of sustainable internets.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)05:57 No.162087
    You'll need an extremely powerful server.
    And god tier maths and coding ability.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:01 No.162088
    what will i have to code/maths?
    i assume i wouldn't be the first person to go this even if it is very rare. would i need to write code from scratch or would i have to modify existing codes to suit my needs? what sort of code are we talking C or python or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:07 No.162090
    How are you getting free phone service?
    If you have that, then just piggyback internet service on top of that, if not, then just get broadband smartphone service and tether internet from that.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:11 No.162092
    dont have the phone thing worked out either, i figured i could get some kind of cell phone voip setup once the internet issue was squared away.
    >> GammaMan 02/27/12(Mon)06:12 No.162094
    >>162084 Internet without ISPs

    That would mean connecting to the internet backbone directly. The purpose of an ISP is to connect a smaller regional network to the backbone. Connecting to the internet backbone will require you to pay many millions of dollars to the company operating the section you're interested in; and of course build your massive computer complex on top of the existing backbone or lay out millions of dollars of your own fiber optic cable. This is not a practical idea.

    Get yourself a non-profit ISP or steel someone's ISP account.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:17 No.162097
    >I figured i could get some kind of cell phone voip setup
    Nah, these days, you are better off getting a broadband phone with unlimited data and getting a phone that can be a wireless hotspot or tether via USB to a router.
    That is my setup and it costs about $50/month for unlimited phone, text, and data.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)06:31 No.162101
    well can i become a nonprofit ISP? i assume that if there are numerous small local ISPs that they didn't pay millions to get set up. i am eventually going to be responsible for ~100 people having decent internet access so i cant tether.
    >> GammaMan 02/27/12(Mon)06:38 No.162106
    The local small ISPs connect to larger ISPs, not the backbone directly. Nonprofit ISPs usually do this too and require funding from donations and grants to stay running.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)07:03 No.162112

    Correct since they are a level removed from the real ISP, they probably didn't need millions in startup capital, probably more like tens to hundreds of thousands.
    I found this link about internet coops and even in 1996, it cost thousands of dollars to get started and they still had to charge users $40-120+/month.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)09:10 No.162146

    you can connect to amateur radio satelite. thats the closest you might get to world wide communication

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